
How To Use Receptacle In A Sentence

  • Petal length was measured as the length of the petal from its apex to its adaxial junction with the receptacle.
  • These are capable of refuelling Navy and NATO aircraft, which use a probe and drogue system instead of a boom and receptacle.
  • Is not the same precaution more essential with the receptacles for digestion and egestion? Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • The angels said, "Who does not know that the delights of conjugial love exceed those of all other loves? and who cannot see, that into some love are collected all the blessednesses, satisfactions, and delights, which can possibly be conferred by the Lord, and that the receptacle thereof is love truly conjugial, which is capable of receiving and perceiving them fully and sensibly? The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Be sure ground fault circuit interrupters are specified for all electrical receptacles.
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  • In Women in Love, animals become the receptacles of man's deepest and darkest desires, ones that are often repressed in human interactions but filter to the surface when animals enter the equation.
  • The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. Pablo Picasso 
  • Stowing away his "dunnage," therefore, in the after deck - house, and flinging his bedding into the berth which he selected for his own occupation, he quickly rejoined the mate, who furnished him with book and pencil, and stationed him at the after hatchway to take account of everything which passed down that receptacle. The Missing Merchantman
  • This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle. Science in Arcady
  • Also, look for frayed cords, and don't forget to test outdoor electrical receptacles.
  • Hook up the pigtail ground wire to the ground screw on the receptacle, and the pigtail neutral wire to the silver side.
  • In Cayenne, development of a solid, lignified disk of sclerenchyma across the receptacle was positively associated with ease of separation in a comparison of an easy pick and a hard pick genotypes.
  • This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle. Science in Arcady
  • We know how much misery pain is able to bring upon the body in this life; (in which our pains and pleasures, as well as other things, are but imperfect;) there being never a limb or part, never a vein or artery of the body, but it is the scene and receptacle of pain, whensoever it shall please God to unfence it, and let in some sharp disease or distemper upon it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • But he heard the gauze, which had now been stripped from his face completely, dropped with a wet plop into a receptacle. COLDHEART CANYON
  • As a matter of fact, it could well be just like those presents...unless the Government wisely invests in arboriferous potation receptacles. Stimulating Your Interest
  • An ossuary is a small stone receptacle built to hold the bones of family members. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Corvorum, ferarum, aprorum et bestiarum lustra, like so many wildernesses, a receptacle of wild beasts. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The strawberry is a hip turned inside-out, the frutescent receptacle changed into a scarlet ball, or cone, of crystalline and delicious coral, in the outside of which the separate seeds, husk and all, are imbedded. Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • This is a pail-shaped receptacle of yewen wood, bound with brass bands, both inner and outer parts being kept exquisitely clean. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • But something else, something quite profound, also arises out of this musical-chair play-acting: the sense that bodies are receptacles for all manner of life forces to pass through.
  • The fitting also includes a male end portion configured to engage female threads on the hub of the receptacle.
  • As nectar is already secreted for her in its receptacle, she thrusts her tongue through the channel provided to guide it aright, and by the slight contact with the furrowed rostellum, it splits, and releases a boat-shaped disk standing vertically on its stern in the passage. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • The receptacle of the chyle is a membranous bag, about two thirds of an inch long, and one third of an inch wide, at its superior part it is contracted into a slender membranous pipe, called the thoracic duct, because its course is principally through the thorax; it passes between the aorta and the vena azygos, then obliquely over the oesophagus, and great curvature of the aorta, and continuing its course towards the internal jugular vein, it enters the left subclavian vein on its superior part. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Purdue University's effort to limit where people can smoke has sparked dozens of complaints and even a few fires in an overfilled receptacle, but university officials say they are still working out kinks in the system. Smoking Rules Irk Purdue Students
  • But something else, something quite profound, also arises out of this musical-chair play-acting: the sense that bodies are receptacles for all manner of life forces to pass through.
  • Deer remove the whole flower or the full complement of follicles plus the receptacle, leaving only the cut pedicel.
  • In ripening the parts separate, and hang divergent from a hair-like prolongation of the receptacle known as the gynophore. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Even the names by which they were known (capsa, capsella, theca, pyxis, arca etc.) are quite general in character, and it seems certain that the same names also designated receptacles for the Blessed Eucharist, the holy oils, and other pious objects. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • No collections were taken, but just next to the exit a small receptacle awaited contributions to help pay the rent.
  • Should you be the proud possessor of a ‘work bag’ or some other receptacle you could not do without feel free to join in.
  • All their Carriages are here on ye Backs of horses, wth sort of hookes Like yoakes stands upon Each side of a good height, wch are the Receptacles of their goods Either wood, ffurse or Lime or Coale or Corn or hay or straw or what Else they Convey from place to place, and I Cannot see how two such horses Can pass Each other or Indeed in some places how any horse Can pass by Each other, and yet these are the roads yt are all here abouts. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • We are merely receptacles for what Hollywood, the music industry and even our local daily newspaper decide we should view, hear or read.
  • All bottles and receptacles are made of plastic.
  • Ovary inferior, held in the concavity of the receptacle, one-celled, with 1 seed, crowned by an epigynous disc, above which rises a simple style with dilated stigma. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • It's a good idea to require the owner to hire an electrician to provide the right power and receptacles.
  • The more ordinary receptacle for this purpose, up to the seventeenth century, was the armarium near, or an octagon-shaped tower placed on the Gospel side of, the altar. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • When our receptacles are in this condition, why do we add more material for the generation of poisons of the ptomain and leucomain classes, and morbid gaseous elements? Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • The actor is the only one of that illustrious quartet who openly uses a spittoon, clears his throat and expectorates into the receptacle below his desk.
  • Displacement of the parts of the flower from elongation of the receptacle is a not infrequent teratological occurrence, resulting sometimes in the conversion of the verticillate into the spiral arrangement. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The receptacles are reproductive branches and contain many cavities with external pores which contain antheridia and oogonia, then through meiosis, sperm and egg are produced.
  • Old milk left in the receptacle of the teat soon changes into a curdy state, and the caseous matter not being at once removed by the next milking, is apt to irritate the lining membrane of the teat during the operation, especially when the teat is forcibly rubbed down between the finger and thumb in stripping. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • The aumbry in the north wall was the receptacle in which S. Richard's head was preserved in a case of silver. Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The Diocese And See
  • For it is only by being convinced of the truth and importance of our thoughts that there arises in us the inspiration necessary for the inexhaustible patience to discover the clearest, finest, and most powerful expression for them; just as one puts holy relics or priceless works of art in silvern or golden receptacles. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • Where smoking is permitted, provide proper receptacles for smoking materials.
  • In new home construction, plan to locate an electrical receptacle and coaxial cable and speaker cable outlets behind the TV.
  • It scraped only a few inches against the slipway, then plugged into the bomber's receptacle with a satisfied ch-clunk! CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • Now go back and fill receptacle I with blocks (up to 4), pick up 2 blocks, walk out 1 segment, and drop both blocks off in receptacle III. Archive 2008-05-01
  • In this paper, strawberry ‘fruit’ is referred to as the receptacle (pseudocarp) including the seeds (achenes).
  • The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. Pablo Picasso 
  • If there are not adequate receptacles, a fused and grounded power strip should be used instead of an ordinary extension cord.
  • The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
  • The pad of the trigger finger should be able to feel the holster material pass beneath it - one more tactile index of safety, as the gun, slides into its receptacle.
  • She took a tissue from a dispenser, carefully shifted her goggles and dabbed her eyes dry, then tossed the tissue in the medical waste receptacle.
  • He is no Richard Dawkins, gleefully machine-gunning religion while crying that we are merely receptacles for our genes.
  • You press a button to pump the water over the heater and into your favoured receptacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took a pencil from the little receptacle I carried and tore a sheet from a small notebook. THE BLACK OPAL
  • Standard on this lectern is a table top cable trap with two power receptacles, and an articulating keyboard platform with an 8’ range of vertical adjustment.
  • Is it safe to assume that the receptacle is indeed grounded? How can I find? Where can I get?
  • What he must have said was binnacle, the receptacle for the compass, and your landlubberly reporter misheard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The female part of the system is specialized into the gonopore (vagina), copulatory bursa and seminal receptacle for short and long-term sperm storage, respectively. Platyhelminthes
  • Even the grungiest station platform includes a bin separated into compartments for paper, glass and Restmüll leftover rubbish, and woe betide you if someone spots you chucking your apple core into the wrong receptacle. German stereotypes: if there's a sign, they obey it
  • Such imposing classical receptacles are associated with pagan temples, worship and libations, and they thus introduce a sense of solemn ritual and ceremony.
  • Another kind of receptacle for records was a small turned box, called a "skippet," and another was the "hanaper," or hamper, a basket made of twigs or wicker-work. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • At the village hall a new cigarette stub receptacle was smashed and rubbish bins destroyed.
  • And thank you for putting your trash in the proper receptacles.
  • All electrical instruments should be grounded using a three-prong plug that attaches to a proper grounded receptacle with the correct polarity.
  • Pressure and gravity refueling receptacles are installed in the aft port fuel cell.
  • A single piece of equipment consisting of a multiple receptacle comprised of four or more receptacles shall be calculated at not less than 90 volt-amperes per receptacle.
  • If you must use an extension cord, be sure it has a three-hole receptacle and three-prong plug for grounding.
  • Such imposing classical receptacles are associated with pagan temples, worship and libations, and they thus introduce a sense of solemn ritual and ceremony.
  • In the same manner, the corolla and androecium may be concrete at the base, so that the stamens are for convenience 'sake described as inserted into the tube of the corolla, though it is generally admitted that both stamens and petals are really hypogynous, and it is not usual to consider the corolla-tube up to the divergence of the stamens as part of the receptacle. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Figs (or, more properly, syconia) are hollow multiple receptacles lined with numerous male and female florets.
  • The fleshy ‘berry’ to which they are attached is an enlarged, softened receptacle, corresponding to the small, white cone which remains on the stem of a raspberry when the fruit is picked.
  • Indusium cup-shaped, fixed beneath the sorus, supported by the tooth of a leaf; sporangia borne in an elevated, globular receptacle open at the top. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • Giant jerry cans turn into receptacles for rainwater harvesting.
  • I also put fire retardant "gaskets" around my switches and electrical receptacles. About the House: Cold Call
  • Be sure ground fault circuit interrupters are specified for all electrical receptacles.
  • The strawberry you eat isn't really a fruit at all, but the enlarged receptacle of the flower - a member of the rose family.
  • The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. Pablo Picasso 
  • A liquid filters through a strainer, into the receptacle beneath.
  • Above the nectaries is a 5-angled crown, the extremity of the receptacle; in each angle a black anther. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Dump out the fuzzballs collected in the clear plastic receptacle.
  • 8. Anatomy, Zoology. a baglike or pocketlike part; a sac or cyst, as the sac beneath the bill of pelicans, the saclike dilation of the cheeks of gophers, or the receptacle for the young of marsupials. They Got the Idea From the Lesbian Seagull « Whatever
  • In synagogues of this period, the corner with the receptacle for the Torah scrolls indicated the direction of prayer -- "qibla" -- toward Jerusalem. Archive 2007-10-01
  • The cars were little "bobtailed" receptacles, usually badly painted and more often than not in a desperate state of disrepair. The Age of Big Business; a chronicle of the captains of industry
  • Insert the solar sensor into the receptacle on the bottom of the cowl top trim panel and twist the sensor to lock it into place.
  • I try listening to NPR but I'm just not a good enough person to be the receptacle for all that homogenized reasonableness lightly sugared with whimsey and vitamin-enriched with valuable life lessons. The I-Man Cometh: James Wolcott
  • This dance would last no more than 10 to 15 seconds, and from what I have read the male at this point inserts his sperm packet into the receptacle below the female's mouth, using his specially modified tentacle.
  • The need of some convenient tray or receptacle for the snuffers, not always over-clean when they had been used a few times, was met at first by what are known as snuffer stands made of wrought metal, and often very ornamental. Chats on Household Curios
  • One complete package supplies desks, chairs, cubicle partitions, power and communications receptacles, lighting, and more.
  • In remodeling or designing a kitchen, there are certain aspects of design that must be followed, such as installing ground fault circuit interrupters on all receptacles within the kitchen.
  • The receptacles will be suitable for weapons to be deposited safely without opportunity of them being removed.
  • The use of these vessels is to absorb the fluid part of the digested aliment, called chyle, and convey it into the receptacle of the chyle, that it may be thence carried through the thoracic duct into the blood. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • Next, he was supposed to go to the fuselage electric-power receptacles and remove the plugs, then exit the area in reverse order.
  • In remodeling or designing a kitchen, there are certain aspects of design that must be followed, such as installing ground fault circuit interrupters on all receptacles within the kitchen.
  • As I write I work opt the idea -- gasoline, balls of oakum, caps and gunpowder from a few cartridges, Roman candles, and flares blue, red, and green, shallow metal receptacles to carry the explosive and inflammable stuff; and a trigger-like arrangement by which, pulling on a string, the caps are exploded in the gunpowder and fire set to the gasoline-soaked oakum and to the flares and candles. CHAPTER XLIV
  • Always unplug the cord from the receptacle before disengaging it from the compressor.
  • The seas have been used as a receptacle for a range of industrial toxins.
  • The two unused screws will be your starting point for wiring to the new receptacle.
  • It is the spawn case or the receptacle of the ova (if that term be allowable), and the cradle of what is commonly known as the bailer shell (CYMBIUM AETHIOPICUM) the Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • These apartments, under the best superintendence, cannot be made to afford proper accommodations for the inmates … and a portion of the rooms seemed more like those receptacles of crime, “to whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in,” than tenements prepared for the recipients of an awful visitation of Divine Providence, justly considered the worst “of all the ills that flesh is heir to.” The Mad Among Us
  • This improves the intermodulation level, for example IMP3 better than - 125dBm for 7/16 receptacles, and is said to result in better stability than previous connector technology. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • The carburets of hydrogen which separate in a liquid state through the effect of the compression of the gas are retained in a cylindrical receptacle, V, which is located between the pump and the accumulators, Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • The seas have been used as a receptacle for a range of industrial toxins.
  • On our own, we are insufficient receptacles to contain the divine blessing.
  • These rocks cause the steam to condense and the water trickles into a clay channel and receptacle, where it collects and cools.
  • A careful examination reveals the presence of very fine filaments within those of the mildew, which may be traced up to the base of the conidial branch, where the receptacle of the parasite is forming. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • Though called a foundling hospital, it is in reality a general receptacle for all children, who are received up to a certain age, without exception, it being left entirely to the option of the parent to state their names and condition, and to contribute or not, to the future support of the child. A Journey in Russia in 1858
  • Salmonberries are close relatives of the blackberry and raspberry and are often mistaken for cloudberries. The structure is more like the raspberry as it pulls away from its receptacle like the raspberry.
  • Watering cans, buckets and other receptacles containing stagnant water are not supposed to be left standing in tropical Singapore to prevent the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue fever.
  • In the developing siliques of stressed plants, high levels of expression were observed in the receptacles and funiculus.
  • Hypogynous flowers become perigynous by adhesion, or by lack of separation; perigynous ones become hypogynous by an early detachment from the receptacle that bears them, or by the arrested development of an ordinarily cup-like receptacle. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In all FiberBench Coupling Systems using OFR PM FiberCables, both the fast axis and the FC receptacle keyway are vertical.
  • A liquid filters through a strainer, into the receptacle beneath.
  • Whether you are adding a room or rewiring an old one, don't skimp on the receptacles.
  • Nests are built by animals from a variety of taxa, and serve as receptacles for eggs and developing offspring.
  • Requirements: tin buckets, plastic bags containing sufficient sand to half-fill each receptacle
  • Strawberries are pseudocarps or false fruit as the seeds are on the outside and the fleshy red fruit part is the receptacle which is not usually a large part of the fruit. Apples and pears are also pseudocarps.
  • For increased range the aircraft is equipped with an in-flight refuelling probe and receptacle.
  • A blue sponge of Holy Water in its receptacle just inside the door was frozen solid.
  • Also, if there are no trash receptacles, where do you put the used napkins and plates?
  • If you use one of these, be sure to attach the adapter's grounding metal flange to the wall receptacle's center screw, which must be grounded.
  • The screw and locknut can be fitted to either the plug or the receptacle. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • Be sure to take plenty of receptacles for housing the bait.
  • The upper part, "E," is a small reservoir in which water is put; this water is released in small quantities through the tube at the right, and, flowing into the lower part of the lamp, comes in contact with the calcium carbide, which is in the receptacle "P"; the gas thus generated is held in the reservoir "G," and when sufficient pressure has been created is forced out through the burner "B. The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 2, No. 5, February 3, 1898 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
  • Another kind of receptacle for records was a small turned box, called a "skippet," and another was the "hanaper," or hamper, a basket made of twigs or wicker-work. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • As receptacles for the collected cultural artifacts and products of human endeavor, libraries, archives, museums, and heritage attractions form an important part of cultural life and activity.
  • In this place a group of rocky hills almost surround a large bason, which is the general receptacle of the water, draining from every part of the vast savanna, by lateral conduits, winding about, and one after another joining the main creek or general conductor, which at length delivers them into this sink; where they descend by slow degrees, through rocky caverns, into the bowels of the earth, whence they are carried by secret subterraneous channels into other receptacles and basons. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • Only a few months ago, while doing an innocent search for cuddly fluffy woodland animals, they came upon this particular receptacle of online filth.
  • A luminaire may be provided with a maximum of one duplex or two single convenience receptacles .
  • Let us worthily melodize in hymns the intelligent power of the divine and holy faith, the rivers golden-streamed, the all-bright lamps, the champions of the Trinity, the receptacles of the grace of the Holy Spirit, the immoveable pillars and supports of the church. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • The aircraft has a flying boom receptacle and a fixed probe providing dual in-flight refuelling capability
  • Then you can simply screw the duplex receptacle onto the electrical box with the screws provided.
  • Weaving is used for house walls, fences, roofs, baskets, mats, traps, table mats, cushions, and receptacles for drink and food.
  • I found a trash receptacle under the red eucalyptus, rolled it to the toyon, upended it, held onto the tree, and climbed on top. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • Placing food scraps in sealed trash receptacles also will help discourage scavenging activities.
  • Day after 'day alike rose in exertion, alike closed in disap - pointment; and the sad remains of the murdered abbot St. Theodore were con - veyed to the last silent receptacle of mortality, pitied, deplored, but una - venged. The confessional of Valombre
  • During copulation, he deposits sperm into her sperm receptacle and places a plug in it, perhaps to retain his sperm or prevent other males from mating with her.
  • Be sure to plug the pump into a receptacle protected with a ground fault circuit interrupter.
  • The stage is dominated by a series of receptacles, from drinking glasses and delicate bowls to three large bins big enough to wade in.
  • A first and a second interlock are operably engageable with the carriage assembly to prevent coupling of the receptacle with the aerosolization mechanism.
  • In the backyard there was a large receptacle for catching rainwater.
  • Monkeys, who carry dangerous diseases, are attracted to the overflowing trash receptacles.
  • Then Odo stood forth by that mysterious receptacle covered with the cloth of gold, and said briefly, "Thou wilt swear, as far as is in thy power, to fulfil thy agreement with William, Duke of the Normans, if thou live, and God aid thee; and in witness of that oath thou wilt lay thy hand upon the reliquaire," pointing to a small box that lay on the cloth of gold. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 09
  • In these the involucre is little altered, and the receptacle is attacked by larva. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The drip loop is that part of the cord which hangs below the level of the receptacle.
  • Now go back, unload 2 blocks from receptacle I, and place those 2 in receptacle II. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Fitting a payment card reader to a vending machine now costs about USD 400 per device, and is similar to the insertion of a coin receptacle or dollar bill reader at a machine. Half Of Vending Machines To Accept Credit Cards By 2009 | Impact Lab
  • Abortion of axile organs, 455 -- Of receptacle, 457 -- Of leaves, Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Carrying 1 block, walk out two segments and drop off the block in receptacle IV. Archive 2008-05-01
  • If there are not adequate receptacles, a fused and grounded power strip should be used instead of an ordinary extension cord.
  • Hypogynous flowers become perigynous by adhesion, or by lack of separation; perigynous ones become hypogynous by an early detachment from the receptacle that bears them, or by the arrested development of an ordinarily cup-like receptacle. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Whatever receptacle you took up to his barrow, short of a bucket, he would fill to the brim, for one old penny.
  • Her brain was becoming a mere receptacle for dates and definitions, vocabularies and rules syntactic, for thrice-boiled essence of history, ragged scraps of science, quotations at fifth hand, and all the heterogeneous rubbish of a 'crammer's' shop. In the Year of Jubilee
  • This stylish trash receptacle is imported from Japan and is an incredibly detailed replica of R2-D2. Five Items Every Star Wars Fan Should Own | myFiveBest
  • For increased range the aircraft is equipped with an in-flight refuelling probe and receptacle.
  • Householders are given four separate receptacles for their rubbish.
  • In the same manner, the corolla and androecium may be concrete at the base, so that the stamens are for convenience 'sake described as inserted into the tube of the corolla, though it is generally admitted that both stamens and petals are really hypogynous, and it is not usual to consider the corolla-tube up to the divergence of the stamens as part of the receptacle. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Remember, just because you have a three prong receptacle for the plug into doesn't mean that the wiring to the receptacle is correctly connected. AC Voltage Regulators
  • I have heard and read time and again the advice that parents should not let their children simply be passive receptacles for what streams out of the television set, but discuss with them what they are seeing and have seen.
  • Activity was also detected in the stigma, receptacle, and petal and sepal veins, and in siliques and developing seeds.
  • Of this latter nature are the "cataphyllary" leaves which invest the root stocks of so many perennial plants, the perulæ of leaf-buds, or the paleæ on the common receptacle of composite flowers. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • + On continuous display on the terminal l Reproduced durably on a gummed or other label securely affixed to the copies or to a container used as a permanent receptacle for the copies Supplementary Copyright Statutes, US Copy. Office
  • The vast receptacle of an "atelier," where all seems small, even man, has something of the air of an Opera "coulisse"; here lie ancient garments, gilded armor, fragments of stuffs, machinery. Vendetta
  • The world is cruel and rancid, the body is a receptacle of foul gasses and inconstant emotions, and the soul is a paltry fiction.
  • If a dog defecates in the parks, the person in charge of the dog shall remove the faeces and deposit it in a litter bin or other receptacle which may be designated for the purpose.
  • In the 17th century the colonies were seen in Britain as receptacles for a surplus population.
  • Also measure and locate windows and doors, as well as outside faucets, lights, and electrical receptacles.
  • Witisak pointed out that many of the trash receptacles along the beach were no longer serviceable and needed to be replaced.
  • In the 17th century the colonies were seen in Britain as receptacles for a surplus population.
  • The kidneys through the emulgent veins draw that aquosity from thence which you call urine, and there send it away through the ureters to be slipped downwards; where, in a lower receptacle, and proper for it, to wit, the bladder, it is kept, and stayeth there until an opportunity to void it out in his due time. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Create permanent receptacles for ongoing paperwork and for supplies.
  • The SN45G thermal solution screws into matching receptacles on the motherboard, using thumbscrews that are permanently attached to the heatsink.
  • Females mate with multiple males and store the collection of sperm in the seminal receptacle and the paired spermathecae for later use in fertilizing eggs.
  • There, one thousand miles from Moscow, in a Russia still cut off from the West, he had invented the elements of the electoral campaign from scratch, long before the ballot box became anything more than a wastepaper receptacle. The Return
  • Whether his Charlesbourg (then called Bourg Royal) castle was used as the receptacle of some of his most valuable booty, or whether it was merely a kind of Lilliputian _Parc au Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
  • Abolish no-mark players plucking balls from that funny shaped receptacle. The Sun
  • The item was created to serve as a brush cleaning receptacle for royal calligraphists of the day in ancient China.
  • Efficient work will be carried out, especially in potential breeding grounds, through the application of the larvacide (Abate) in all receptacles containing water, whether stagnant or potable; The (Abate) will be applied every 2 months. LAS TUNAS MASS RALLY-28TH ANNIV. OF ASSAULT ON
  • Chaozhou Xingguang Porcelain Art Factory is professional in producing craft flowerpot and receptacle.
  • Insert the solar sensor into the receptacle on the bottom of the cowl top trim panel and twist the sensor to lock it into place.
  • The vase life of the flowers with part of the ovary tissue remaining on the receptacle was similar to that of the control flowers.
  • In fact, there was every appearance that the tent had been for a long time used as a kind of store-room, the receptacle of a bandit's omnium-gatherum, and had been hastily prepared for unexpected inmates. Nick of the Woods
  • I pause for a bewildered five minutes, wondering if a celandine is a poppy, and how many petals _it_ has: going on again -- because I must, without making up my mind, on either question -- I am told to "observe the floral receptacle of the Californian genus Eschscholtzia. Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • So the "handy bio-receptacle" is similar to however the Master has been getting new bodies, and perhaps serving a similar function to the looms (but with humans involved). Doctor Who Spoiler Photo Circulating...A Pony Discussion, of course!
  • Building codes require that every electrical receptacle be grounded and protected with ground-fault circuit interrupters, which shut off the room's electric current is there is a power surge or it moisture is present.
  • The word pyx (Lat., pyxis, which transliterates the Greek, pyxis, box-wood receptacle, from pyxos, box-tree) was formerly applied in a wide and general sense to all vessels used to contain the Blessed The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The gcrmina (a) fituated on the center of the receptacle, after the flamina have been removed; the lobated ftigma (3). A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
  • There was a long queue of people carrying various receptacles: plastic bottles, watering cans, jugs, pots, crates.
  • If all goes well, the male lobster soon embraces his mate firmly, assumes a posture suggestive of the missionary position, and deposits his sperm inside an egg receptacle near her tail.
  • In scenes dating from the New Kingdom, must flows from the trough along a small conduit into a receptacle.
  • It was a small, square, very flat tin receptacle of some kind, rusted and moldy, and about six inches long and wide. The Slipper Point Mystery
  • Can't Post | Private Reply in returning from the plaza del toros I stopped in there and noticed there WERE receptacles in each stall. Do we flush the paper in SMA?
  • The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. Pablo Picasso 
  • If you eat a lot of ice cream the containers with lids make a great receptacle for packing the caramel corn.

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