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How To Use Receipts In A Sentence

  • For except it be treacle and mithridatum, and of late diascordium, and a few more, they tie themselves to no receipts severely and religiously. The Advancement of Learning
  • The receipts from his shows have long since moved from the realms of the fantastic into those of the ludicrous.
  • So no matter how boneheaded an incompetent manager I am, my department is 100% guaranteed to be profitable as long as I'm good at keeping my receipts?
  • The issue could be eased if retailers used systems which blocked out at least some numbers on credit card receipts, or systems to destroy spare counterfoils after use.
  • That surplus is being unexpectedly whittled away as the income tax cut and the economic slowdown lower federal tax receipts.
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  • Income tax receipts are 1.8% ahead of the same period last year, compared with a Budget target of 8.4%.
  • Evidence of a recent softening of the British economy also could weaken tax receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ohio and New York pension plans are seeking class- action, or group, status for the suit, covering investors in American depositary receipts from Jan. 16, 2007, to May 28, 2010. -- Top News
  • Vintner receipts show he bought dozens of bottles of cognac and a similar amount of whisky.
  • At present, all tax receipts go to the UK Treasury and money is handed back to Scotland in the form of a block grant.
  • Passengers with receipts for food and drink should be reimbursed. Times, Sunday Times
  • An annuity in perpetuity does not have a fixed time span but continues indefinitely and receipts can therefore only come from interest earned. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Keep receipts in a safe place and review them against your bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank will not lend money, and interest payments and receipts are forbidden.
  • He then claimed refunds using forged receipts. The Sun
  • His season on the pitch has not been too eye-catching but his selfless act in donating the receipts of his testimonial game to children's charities is one of the greatest things a Premiership footballer had done this season.
  • Consisting of near 800 Original Receipts, most of which never appeared in Print.
  • But stagnant wages mean income tax receipts are flat at best. The Sun
  • The shares will be sold in the form of global depositary receipts.
  • And because of a Byzantine system for handling receipts, it's difficult to track specific expenses.
  • You can use ticket stubs or ribbons or receipts or photos or envelopes or napkins to mark your place in books.
  • As box-office receipts have proven that he is no longer infallible, it should be a breeze to walk up to him and become his friend in a jiffy!
  • To be responsible for the taxation publicity; to administer tax receipts and certificates.
  • A close investigation of the bags throws up till receipts which make very interesting reading.
  • At this time king Richard sent the abbat of Caen (who was also the elect of Durham) into England, to take an accompts of those that had the receipts of the kings monie: for this abbat had informed the king, that his receiuers and officers here in the realme dealt not iustlie in making their accompts, [Sidenote: Fraudulent dealing in officers.] but both deceiued the king, and oppressed his people, in exacting more than was due, and concealing that which they ought to stand accomptable for. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • For, while the pressure _per capita_ of the octroi is much greater than it was in 1870, the actual receipts from the _octroi_ were less with a population of France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • Job losses and banking cutbacks have the potential to depress consumer spending, reduce tax receipts and undermine business confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only were expenses loosely accounted for, but there were a lot of inexplicable receipts.
  • All collectors will carry appropriate identification and official receipts will be provided.
  • Returns policies are usually displayed on receipts, in-store and online. The Sun
  • Box office receipts for the film have hit $50 million.
  • Bills of lading, receipts for fuel, payroll accounts all sat waiting for his attention. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Income tax receipts also include money netted by the Revenue Commissioners from its special investigations into tax evasion.
  • Dig out invoices for money received and receipts and bills for expenses. Times, Sunday Times
  • In practice, the eventual receipts of any party will be reduced by the incidence of income tax.
  • Most are looking for tablet and mobile sales to drive till receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make certain that you keep hold of the receipts.
  • Shredding your statements and receipts is also a good way to protect yourself from ‘bin raiders’, who piece together personal financial information from your rubbish.
  • According to Professor Spencer, a drop-off in income tax receipts has been the result of the collapse in the technology sector, and the fading fortunes of wealthy financial workers.
  • In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Job losses and banking cutbacks have the potential to depress consumer spending, reduce tax receipts and undermine business confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I am resolved to _obey_ your orders, and directions of the Council, without any delay, as long as I live, I have, agreeably to those _orders_, delivered up _all my private papers_ to him [the Resident], that, when he shall have examined my receipts and expenses, _he may take whatever remains_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • Also, the loss of perishable foods may skew data on restaurant sales and grocery store receipts.
  • Inventory Financing Inventory financing is commonly arranged through blanket liens, trust receipts, or field-warehousing arrangement5.
  • The Singapore Exchange also started trading in American depositary receipts of 19 major Asian companies in October. Singapore Exchange Ratchets Up Competition
  • Do we issue annual receipts for giving? Christianity Today
  • Farm cash receipts for cotton and cottonseed continue to decline, down $300 million from last year.
  • He would also look at shopping receipts and say he could shop better and more cheaply than me. Times, Sunday Times
  • They pulled out all his clothes and bundled them into plastic bin-liners, pushing perfunctory receipts into her unwilling hand. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • From shopping receipts to hankies, napkins to the tiniest scraps of paper became handy as they literally mobbed the Hyderabadi beauty for her signature.
  • The success of films about adolescent males coming of age has boosted box office receipts at the country's biggest cinema chain over the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slowdown in growth in VAT receipts is perhaps the biggest letdown, particularly given the apparent strength of the consumer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keeping the receipts will mean you can return the items. The Sun
  • Their customary practice was to deposit receipts in the night deposit box at that branch.
  • Most of the deals on the free segment of the market were for depositary receipts.
  • Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments. 7.
  • The huge receipts from capital gains tax in the late 1990s are gone.
  • But a huge gap remains between the gross receipts of black-owned businesses and those of white-owned businesses. And other racial disparities persist.
  • Your insurer should reimburse the cost, but seek advice first where possible and keep receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Passengers with receipts for food and drink should be reimbursed. Times, Sunday Times
  • BPA, as you're likely aware, is a chemical commonly found in plastics, food cans, water bottles, and paper receipts. Canada: BPA Officially Listed As Toxic, First Nation To Do So With Bisphenol A
  • Inventory is typically financed through blanket liens, trust receipts, or field-warehousing arrangements.
  • Clearly, lower taxes reinforced the spending splurge that generated the explosion in indirect tax receipts allowing taxes to be cut further.
  • January is also a month that always sees unusually strong receipts as taxpayers hit the self-assessment returns deadline. Times, Sunday Times
  • About 481 overseas companies have issued depositary receipts and are listed on the US bourses.
  • To recoup the money he submitted fake receipts for research and translation claimed to be carried out by his own firm. The Sun
  • Likewise, most large businesses steer clear of the grass-roots organizations, because those entities are not allowed to provide official receipts for tax deductions.
  • Levels of activity in the economy will rise, employment will be boosted and tax receipts will boom.
  • It does not affect policy benefits that are otherwise chargeable to tax, for example, as receipts of a trade or profession.
  • Overseas, ‘we were relying on Excel spreadsheets with macros for currency conversion, and a lot of people stapling receipts to reports.’
  • VAT receipts have hardly grown at all this year, reflecting the slowdown on the high street. Times, Sunday Times
  • Details are usually printed on till receipts, in-store signs and online. The Sun
  • The success of films about adolescent males coming of age has boosted box office receipts at the country's biggest cinema chain over the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • By my calcs, it will take 8 years of real-terms freezes (i.e. inflation matching increases) for receipts to catch up to TME and get to a surplus. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • The previous European record for gross receipts at a yearling auction was 36,545,600 guineas reached at the 1984 Tattersalls Houghton auction.
  • Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments. 7.
  • The Swedish government is worried that credit card receipts and restaurant bills may increase your cancer risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based on trends to end August, tax receipts could undershoot the target by up to £2bn, putting an enormous hole in the £2.5 bn surplus target.
  • The Viceroy is high Treasurer, notwithstanding that vnder him be three subtreasurers called Teftadars, which bee accomptable to him of the receipts out of Europe, Asia and Africa, saue their yeerely annuitie of lands. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The box-office receipts from this production ensured that the company balanced its books. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • The racket had been going on for at least three years before that but employees didn't have to keep the receipts that long. The Sun
  • They were premitted to hire extra labor at rush periods and to spend money from the ferriage receipts without specific authorization. Ferry Hill Plantation journal : January 4, 1838-January 15, 1839,
  • In the last two weeks, the commission approved several issues of Bulgarian depositary receipts, and bonds.
  • State guarantees to cover decommissioning costs are expected to wipe out dwindling tax receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your insurer should reimburse the cost, but seek advice first where possible and keep receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the financing of payments from export and income receipts, reliance on borrowed funds may not be sustainable.
  • Note 35: The countersigned receipts associated with the monopoly drew the fruit carrying kuchis to the attention of the Durrani state official responsible for the transmission of state property, especially that purchased with subsidy money, from Peshawar to Kabul, the qafilabashi (see Chapter 5). Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • European Houses were only expected to get about one third of their receipts from the box office. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • These benefits accrue because hedging reduces the volatility of receipts and payments. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
  • Mr Swinson formulated what he described as the accounting conventions as to the recording of receipts.
  • The sale of council houses has produced substantial capital receipts, and smaller amounts have come from the sale of other assets.
  • For example, I never realised you should keep duplicate copies of receipts.
  • If your total annual charity donation exceeds HK$100, your contributions to Jesus Lifehouse Hong Kong Limited are tax-deductible with official receipts as per the Inland Revenue Ordinance.
  • But stagnant wages mean income tax receipts are flat at best. The Sun
  • The employees who maintain accounts receivable or handle cash receipts should not have authority to issue credit memoranda or to authorize the write-off of receivables as uncollectible.
  • In the United Kingdom the customer's only sources for verification are, usually, the counterfoils in his cheque-book, receipts produced by point-of-sale terminals after use of his debit card, and giro forms.
  • Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.
  • They also produced receipts which they said identified where all of the items seized by the police had been purchased.
  • He sends her bills and receipts and she approves or rejects payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no till receipts, no betting slips. The Sun
  • The nine-day sale reached gross receipts of $89,622,495, up 13.5% from last year, and the second-highest aggregate in the history of the vendue.
  • Some market analysts argue that income tax receipts - where the greatest fall has occurred - have been distorted due to the change in the fiscal year.
  • Councils can spend a quarter of their capital receipts from council house sales however they want.
  • With the collapse in world equity markets and the fall in house prices, capital gains and inheritance tax receipts will continue to fall for the foreseeable future.
  • She rifled through her lover's credit-card receipts and found charges for bouquets of flowers and dinners at romantic restaurants.
  • Some till receipts also give a description of the goods.
  • Shred or rip up all financial documents (including all receipts, statements, bills and junk mail) before disposal.
  • All collectors will carry appropriate identification and official receipts will be provided.
  • Luckily, her maid had written receipts and kept the carbons.
  • Income tax receipts have soared by 19 per cent in the last year and the economy is all but back to full employment.
  • Likewise, most large businesses steer clear of the grass-roots organizations, because those entities are not allowed to provide official receipts for tax deductions.
  • This compound is the base chemical (monomer) used to make polycarbonate plastic food and beverage containers, the resin lining of cans, and dental sealants; it also is found in "carbonless" paper used for receipts as well as a wide range of other common household products. .PARALLEL UNIVERSES.
  • An agency's online reservation software automates the tedious process of creating receipts, invoices, confirmations, vouchers and more.
  • Mr. Seabrook has pleaded not guilty to charges that he dummied receipts to raid the nonprofits—funded in part with taxpayer money—and used his position to funnel thousands of dollars to family and friends. Seabrook, 'Cash' Are Focus
  • If it's a bank or credit card statement, reconcile it against your receipts, payments and deposits to ensure that it is spot-on.
  • The protests come on the heals of a strike by interstate bus drivers last Wednesday over a government decree ordering them to give receipts.
  • Net investments in American depositary receipts of Chilean companies almost tripled in December to $72.5 million from $25.5 million in November, according to Banchile Inversiones estimates. --
  • More than half the total receipts from this tax are raised in southeast England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minor Letters;" and such as inclose receipts, photographs, etc., Harper's Young People, January 13, 1880 An Illustrated Weekly
  • To recoup the money he submitted fake receipts for research and translation claimed to be carried out by his own firm. The Sun
  • Your other half finds a stash of shopping receipts and accuses you of overspending. The Sun
  • VAT receipts have hardly grown at all this year, reflecting the slowdown on the high street. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep a spreadsheet of all costs and sales, and keep all your receipts logged as you go along. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gym thing then gets wrapped up in a big, pulsating ball of guilt and shame, and I end up hiding my membership card behind a wodge of Tesco receipts.
  • SJC and SJS are separate non-profit organization, any donation of HK$100 or above to SJC or SJS, receipts will be issued for tax deduction.
  • Investigators said they also found unusual share trades in the weeks before June 10, when the chipmaker sought to sell its global depositary receipts and raise US $117 million to pay its debts.
  • More than half the total receipts from this tax are raised in southeast England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence of a recent softening of the British economy also could weaken tax receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The figures provided positive signals on the state of the economy, with tax receipts from wages, consumer spending and stamp duty all ahead.
  • Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.
  • The bank account should be reconciled with the barrister's receipts book.
  • Questions were raised as to why barcodes were missing from stock and receipts were not used when money passed through the shop tills.
  • Criminals could soon be caught by the fingerprints they leave on till and cash machine receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars.
  • The economic backdrop is favourable and this should support not only income tax inflows but the broader receipts base too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Box office receipts for the film have hit $50 million.
  • Box office receipts for the film have hit $50 million.
  • He guided the company's attempt to tap overseas capital markets with an international public offer of global depository receipts, convertibles and bonds.
  • Stick a few receipts on the inside, and then shred from the folded end first. From The Tips Box: Coffee Spending Permanent Ink | Lifehacker Australia
  • Industry newspaper Variety estimates that around 65 per cent of total box office receipts for Hollywood films come from overseas.
  • Expenses in connection with the flag day should not exceed ten percent of gross receipts.
  • Foreign currency receipts must be converted into the domestic currency in use in the exporter's country.
  • Your other half finds a stash of shopping receipts and accuses you of overspending. The Sun
  • First, the court found the tax is a gross receipts tax which is expressly prohibited by that section.
  • Considering these near-term prepayment receipts and our plan to sign at least one more supply agreement, we feel the (equity distribution agreement) is no longer the appropriate financing tool for Hoku," Chief Executive Dustin Shindo said in a statement. Starbulletin Headlines
  • Her purse is bulging with keys, cigarettes, envelopes of rent receipts.
  • Criminals could soon be caught by the fingerprints they leave on till and cash machine receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Official receipts will be issued by The Community Chest to sponsors who have donated HK$100 or above. Each sponsor can apply for more than one receipt.
  • The city-state took in S$22.2 billion in tourism receipts in 2011, up 17% from 2010 while total international visitor arrivals climbed 13% to 13.2 million. Singapore Fines Casinos for Admission Breaches
  • Luck is hidden in a folder full of receipts. The Sun
  • But, I've seen people I know put utility bills, or worse, bank or credit card statements, or receipts, in the bin without even ripping them up, so many times.
  • New York, of course, befuddled me until I couldn't keep track of my wallet; which contained the greastest collection of gum wrappers, taco bell receipts, ticket stubs, lint bolles, and the et ceteras I had. Joegood Diary Entry
  • Even so, advisers recommend taking photographs of valuable possessions and keeping receipts for as many things as possible.
  • In the balance of payments the money flowing in comes from export receipts and from capital imports (like receiving foreign loans and foreign direct investment).
  • When all other engines fail, that they can proceed no farther of themselves, their last refuge is to fly to bawds, panders, magical philters, and receipts; rather than fail, to the devil himself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • While Asian firms make up 30 percent of all minority companies, they account for 52 percent of all receipts from minority businesses.
  • These benefits accrue because hedging reduces the volatility of receipts and payments. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Watch out for errors on your accounts by keeping good records: hang on to all your receipts and ATM slips and check every statement carefully.
  • our shriveled receipts during the storm
  • A single mother from Stratton is warning people to check their receipts and bank statements after she was charged twice for the same items.
  • Next, gather together all your latest statements, bills, receipts and payslips and then create a Statement of Affairs.
  • You can browse among the hundreds of foreign companies that list their shares on U.S. exchanges using American depositary receipts.
  • Her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts.
  • A solicitor does not have to disclose a client's entire file to the accountant - only correspondence covering payments and receipts.
  • They will report back the general sentiment on sales tax, gross receipts tax, business transaction tax.
  • Dispose of all receipts securely by tearing them into pieces before throwing them away.
  • underreported" receipts by $826,000 and expenditures by more than $1 million. Blood Sugar
  • Your traveling and entertainment expenses will be reimbursed as per actual, to be supported by official receipts.
  • American depositary receipts can simplify the access of U.S. investors to foreign markets.
  • China's biggest online gamer, Nasdaq-listed Shanda Interactive Entertainment, plans to sell up to $800 million in American depositary receipts in an initial public offering of its online games unit.
  • The company is today marketing 700 million shares in the form of global depositary receipts to investors in Hong Kong and Singapore before heading to Europe and the US, said the banker who declined to be identified.
  • Depository receipts are typically used to allow a stock to trade on a more lucrative, more exposed, more liquid market.
  • The receipts and payments method is commonly employed for shorter time periods, say up to one month.
  • Shred unwanted paperwork such as bank statements, credit card receipts, council tax and utility bills before throwing them away.
  • More than half the total receipts from this tax are raised in southeast England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of those defrauded had failed to notice any problem, so it is recommended that consumers keep regular tabs on transactions (and destroy receipts after they've been checked against bills).
  • Many of those receipts are covered in BPA, aka bisphenol-A, an endocrine disruptor linked to cancer, reproductive problems and lots of other ills. BPA Concern At Wal-Mart, Whole Foods And Others
  • Income tax receipts also include money netted by the Revenue Commissioners from its special investigations into tax evasion.
  • Foreign companies can list on the exchange either through depositary receipts or shares.
  • Here are all my till receipts. The Sun
  • Keep receipts as proof of purchase, this may speed up your claim. The Sun
  • There is talk of a personal income tax, a sales tax and a gross-receipts tax on reservation businesses.
  • However, Mr Brown has continued to trouser the receipts despite the bridge having been built and paid for by private enterprise.
  • Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.
  • Vintner receipts show he bought dozens of bottles of cognac and a similar amount of whisky.
  • Accordingly, the auditor notes in the working papers that controls over receipts are adequate.
  • You may reduce your total receipts by compensation that you pay to the dissatisfied customer but only up to the amount that the customer had paid you.
  • Check your statements against your receipts and contact your bank or credit card company immediately if you spot anything unfamiliar.
  • In some parts of the country, criminal gangs will pay homeless people to rummage though dustbins for receipts and bank statements.
  • Under the current system foreigners can only buy Gazprom's stock by proxy, through American depositary receipts that trade at a premium and are equal to 10 domestic shares.
  • When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
  • The artist or craftsperson will receive from the state information about how much sales tax to collect (generally, between three and eight percent) and how to pay it -- often, a coupon book is enclosed (the coupons are to be mailed back with sales tax receipts). Daniel Grant: A Word About Taxes
  • Bookkeeping accompanied by signed receipts would memorialise and facilitate credit transfers that remained unsettled for many years.
  • The racket had been going on for at least three years before that but employees didn't have to keep the receipts that long. The Sun
  • Keeping the receipts will mean you can return the items. The Sun
  • There were receipts, hospital bills and written statements attesting to court decisions in cases both filed by the protesters and brought against them.
  • Keep receipts as proof of purchase - this can speed up claims. The Sun
  • Government through concessional terms to land in land premium for land acquisition compensation implied complement to the performance of land development in the long run bring receipts or jobs.
  • Match official receipts from supplier with issued check before passing to Finance manager.

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