How To Use Recasting In A Sentence

  • When we moved from pilot to series, the notion of recasting Mitchell, Annie and Herrick was met with wails of despair. SFX
  • Forecasting is a basic ingredient of business planning.
  • All of this is apart from the problems inherent in recasting such an important part. Twilight Lexicon » Movie News
  • In the one-step ahead forecasting situation, we assumed that the industrial practitioners updated their data quarterly.
  • People should be able to see a noticeable improvement in the accuracy of forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Weather forecasting is an inexact science.
  • Inevitably, there is suspicion that the latest internal recasting of the MoD, though triggered by 10 months' work by Lord Levene and the defence reform unit, has also been shaped at the 11th hour by Downing Street's extreme anger at recent unauthorised public complaints by the service chiefs about the sustainability of the Libya mission. Ministry of Defence: Too many chiefs | Editorial
  • Forecasting methods now commonly employed for this purpose rely on time-series approaches that generally ignore economic content.
  • But the catering, hotel and retail sector is still forecasting a 20% increase in graduate intake.
  • Was that reporting, or doom-laden forecasting? Times, Sunday Times
  • At last, using the chosen eigenvector and kernel function build dam deformation forecasting model.
  • Earlier in the day, light siftings of snow had drifted down and melted in the open sunny spaces, but some had accumulated in the shady nooks, forecasting the possibility of a cold night, and heavier snows to come. The Plains of Passage
  • After spending what he described as a stressful weekend with his sick 3-year-old daughter, Santorum resumed his campaign at a suburban St. Louis community college -- assuring people that his daughter was improving and forecasting a political revival in swing states such as Missouri. The Full Feed from
  • Forecasting floods is not an exact science.
  • Fitting the TV or IR off-target for the code position of electro-optical theodolite and forecasting the velocity of being tracked target can compose co...
  • Earthquakes and tsunamis are not the only natural disasters in need of better forecasting.
  • Meanwhile, grey wave forecasting of grey system theory is explained, and the method is applied to economic cycle index forecasting.
  • His work certainly was not confined to the mathematics of weather forecasting for he continued to study the hydrodynamical work started by his father.
  • The halving of the oil price since the outline deal highlights the perils of forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is quite worthwhile to consider how forecasting can be done. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Direct cash management including short term forecasting and coordinate cash needs with the long term investment function. News -
  • A brief description of our forecasting model follows.
  • This commitment to social control introduces the need for planning and forecasting into society. Television - policy and culture
  • Millers were well known for forecasting local weather, crucial for keeping windmills working well and safe in high winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • And to get a slant on how to bring the big picture into focus, we turned to business futurists who have a knack for forecasting economic and technological trends.
  • But when it comes to one-time events—changes that never occurred before, so-called discontinuities, such as technological innovations, price increases, shifts in consumer attitudes, government legislation—Makridakis argued that forecasting becomes “practically impossible.” The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • I state this so that you will recognise that when we sat down with one of those Euro 2000 wallcharts we approached our customary major tournament forecasting exercise with nothing but detached interest and honest endeavour.
  • However, the records of temperature and humidity could not be examined until the meteorograph had been recovered, and they were not therefore an immediate aid for forecasting.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • By precasting the stones into uniform concrete blocks these drawbacks are eliminated. Chapter 9
  • More elaborate forecasting systems might recognize peculiar problems associated with work on particular items and modify these simple proportional cost estimates.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • PREDICT Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.
  • There are two main ways of forecasting earnings: the bottom-up approach and the top-down approach.
  • Balenciaga, for example, shows in Paris but had a precasting during New York Fashion Week. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The forecasting results based traditional forecast model with seasonal adjustment are not satisfied.
  • His recasting of subjectivity, albeit in nonessentialized terms, still looks back to the voluntarism of Existentialism.
  • These satellites are in geostationary orbit and the images that they provide are used primarily in weather forecasting applications.
  • Prechter republished Elliott's books and in 1979 went into the forecasting business for himself at what he dubbed the Elliott Wave Institute. Top Stories
  • The newscasters are forecasting rolling blackouts much like California endured.
  • In some cases, both precasting and cast-in-place may be used. Chapter 10
  • Retooling, or recasting new toy moulds, is a slow and expensive process.
  • Her expertise covers both traditional horary astrology as well as modern techniques ranging from forecasting, synastry (for relationships), to business advice including financial planning and personnel recruitment.
  • I'm a postgrad student from Cape Town investigating AI techniques for seasonal forecasting of the SA climate. Ballroom is hotting up
  • Two elderly ladies were squawking like crows at his shoulders, complaining about the lack of organization and the horrible weather forecasting.
  • We're in a really healthy place for profitability and for future growth," said Dan Montague of Autofacts, the forecasting unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers, who predicted 12.5 million units of sales in the next year, a modest increase he calls "another stair-step up. Strong December Auto Sales Boost Hopes For 2011
  • The weatherman is forecasting top temperatures of 25°C this weekend.
  • Caution in forecasting is indeed a sensible policy. This can't go on: house prices must drop or wages must rise. Which seems more likely?
  • Frankly, forecasting for a company that is growing so rapidly is an imprecise science. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are also forecasting future fibre reductions in both quality and quantity.
  • The snow is not as white, the road salt is collecting in classrooms, everybody walks head down to avoid winter, midterms loom on the horizon, co-op interviews are in full swing and groundhogs are forecasting spring.
  • That a statement in the form of a Hypothetical Proposition may really be an Enthymeme (as observed in chap.v. § 4) can easily be shown by recasting one of the above Enthymemes thus: _If all free nations are enterprising, the Dutch are enterprising_. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • The trick of forecasting and televising the weather has changed a bit since I was first planted in front of a television.
  • To avoid simultaneous borrowing and depositing you should monitor how accurate your forecasting is, without turning this into an art form.
  • Over at NYT finance correspondent Floyd Norris 'excellent blog, a snip from a terrifying report out today from The Levy Forecasting Center at Bard College. Boing Boing
  • An Empirical Research on the Health Index Forecasting of Zhe Jang Province with Semiparametric Regression Model.
  • Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
  • A newly developed mathematical approach, i. e. , the rough set theory, is used to research the mid- and long-term load forecasting considering the influence of data uncertainty.
  • A host of mistakes and surprises undermined the schemes: the restrictions on alleged "overfunding" introduced by Lord Nigel Lawson; tighter regulation, in response to injustices and scandals; errors by actuaries in forecasting life expectancy and prospective returns at the peak of the stock market bubble; and declining interest rates. Gordon Brown Admits He Was Wrong...Sort Of
  • None of the standard private economic forecasting services were suggesting that inflation would accelerate either.
  • It is of significant importance to lengthen the forecasting years.
  • Secondly, by choosing different aspects of original number and analyzing the data rules, the model decreases effects of uncertain factors on forecasting.
  • Based on the analysis of the monsoon stream tube of 1983, an attempted is made to develop a short-range forecasting model concerning the rain belt over the Changjiang-Huaihe Valley.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • Birds have such a good reputation for weather forecasting that some have earned weather nicknames. Times, Sunday Times
  • With its headily urban recasting of the myth, it was given even more splendour by leading you out onto Waterloo Bridge: one of my favourite views in London, especially very early in the morning. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • This year, analysts are forecasting eps of about 61p, putting the shares on about six times' earnings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Holland also has developed a means of measuring each sales rep's forecasting prowess.
  • Despite all the computer models, forecasting the future is uncertain. Times, Sunday Times
  • More elaborate forecasting systems might recognize peculiar problems associated with work on particular items and modify these simple proportional cost estimates.
  • But Mr Considine argued that tax forecasting was not an exact science and was subject to shifts in economic growth, which were difficult to predict.
  • Forecasting is not accurate enough to support laws that set quantitative targets for budget totals.
  • Millers were well known for forecasting local weather, crucial for keeping windmills working well and safe in high winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was communication by telegraph that brought one of the biggest revolutions in weather forecasting techniques.
  • That is the nature of presidential-election forecasting, where a new test case emerges only quadrennially, and where a comprehensive archive of polling data is hard to find. Oy, a Potential Electoral Mess
  • Furthermore, a new simplified elastic method called as inherent shear strain method is developed for forecasting fillet weld's angular distortion.
  • If the Treasury thinks it is worth putting up on its website a paper forecasting global cooling, why is the British government adopting policies, including green taxes and intrusive lifestyle prescriptiveness, to deal with precisely the opposite eventuality? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Forecasting is a basic ingredient of business planning.
  • To allow these freedoms and pursue detailed academic planning requires sophisticated and reliable forecasting.
  • This seems like a really longwinded way to say 'bring back precasting.' The Drop Kick
  • Lautenberg remembers the decision to outsource the rendering payroll service, including the intricate financing required in recasting the direction of the company in 1952. Oral history interview with Frank Lautenberg
  • And with the National Weather Service forecasting more severe weather from Texas to the Great Lakes through today, the calls aren't likely to abate. Tornadoes prompt run of phone calls to storm shelter companies
  • This issue has two book reviews, both concerned with econometrics and forecasting.
  • Of particular interest for rural applications are casting in place, and precasting. Chapter 10
  • Market forecasting and profit estimation: Now the exist programming using land can introducing in 6-8 markets, when the market garden set up, the market turnover can exceed ten billion Yuan.
  • While this is small when compared with Taranaki's Pohokura gasfield, which is estimated at up to 1200 petajoules, and the Kupe field at up to 300 petajoules, experts are forecasting coal seam gas has the potential to add up to 15 per cent to New Zealand's gas supply. - Stuff
  • He created the term anticyclone and pointed out its importance in weather forecasting.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • To improve the accuracy of load forecasting, by use of residual error amendment forecasting model based on real number output and fitting residual error by trigonometric function, a fuzzy.
  • Now that the World Cup has ended, Paul the prognosticator will also retire from football forecasting.
  • Frankly, forecasting for a company that is growing so rapidly is an imprecise science. Times, Sunday Times
  • One area on which seasonal forecasting has made an enormous impact for the good is in the tropics, although it little recognition in this country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The voice-over could represent the subject's thoughts, alternately addressing the viewer or forecasting a future characterized by the things it will lack.
  • They extend their speculations, even forecasting that, by genetic manipulation, they will be able to cure hereditary diseases and defects and, possibly, make a race having superior bodies and intellects.
  • Some have made a career of talking down the Irish economy, but have a risible forecasting record.
  • The good news is that Americans remain optimistic, with 58 percent forecasting that the economy will be in good shape a year from now," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. CNN Poll: Weak economic numbers dovetail with public perception
  • Apocalyptic cultists are not the only ones in the business of forecasting the end, scientists are too.
  • I know weather forecasting is a crap shoot, but still, I'd love to have a job where, based on the best information available, I was wrong 50% of the time and not get fired. Stormy Weather
  • The ARMA model was used to describe the prior distribution of observed discharge and the AR model was adopted to simulate the likelihood function of forecasting error.
  • Department of State Information Center deputy director of economic forecasting analysis Zhu Bao - liang.
  • He had achieved his object by sawing the bars into irregular pieces, collecting the sawdust in tough, plastic bags and melting and recasting some of the pieces as cubes in obviously home-made moulds.
  • Eleven Central Indiana community theaters belonging to the Indianapolis-based Encore Association have rules against precasting any roles. Top Stories
  • If I may be allowed to appropriate the term speculation for the activity of forecasting the psychology of the market, and the term enterprise for the activity of forecasting the prospective yield of assets over their whole life, it is by no means always the case that speculation predominates over enterprise. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
  • As the accessorial function of load forecasting, evaluation management system helps to regulate forecasting process and improves forecasting precision.
  • In anticipation of higher sales, and due to poor forecasting, a gallery may overstock a particular item or resource.
  • Indeed, the relatively brief history of information technology has already demonstrated the dangers of even short-term forecasting.
  • Using color forecasting services and other research, each year colors are updated to reflect the latest fashion trends.
  • The tradition of weather watching or amateur forecasting in Ireland has been passed on from generation to generation and has brought with it a wealth of lore and anecdotal observations.
  • Rolston wishes to break with a dogmatized Darwinism, recasting culture as indeed rooted in biology but, more important, transcending it.
  • Despite all the computer models, forecasting the future is uncertain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite all the computer models, forecasting the future is uncertain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iraqi and Iranian interests all converge, and recognizing that might be a useful place to begin recasting the U.S. Think Again | ATTACKERMAN
  • Economists are forecasting a nonfarm employment number of about 196,000, a slight decline on the previous month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Money is also needed to maintain existing defences and pay for better flood forecasting.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Francesco Berni's rifacimento, or recasting of "L'Orlando" appeared in 1542, and from that date till 1830, when Panizzi revived it, Boiardo's name was well-nigh forgotten. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Without a forecasting framework its monetary policy committee would be whistling in the dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • More elaborate forecasting systems might recognize peculiar problems associated with work on particular items and modify these simple proportional cost estimates.
  • Inaccurate forecasting and ill-judged investments by some electricity monopolies have been a salient stimulus towards liberalization.
  • China's National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center said it could produce waves of six to nine meters as it churns northwestward through the East China Sea at about 15 kilometers per hour. China, Japan Brace for Super Typhoon
  • Consumer trends expert Jeremy Baker of London Metropolitan University is forecasting a 20% drop-off rate in gym memberships over the coming months.
  • Moreover, the topics modeling of times series, possibilities of forecasting and statistical control of such models are included.
  • Everyone will be worried about Test cricket and forecasting its imminent demise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quantitative approaches to forecasting involve the use of statistical or mathematical technique; they are the approaches used by theoreticians and professional planners.
  • The earnings shortfall is mostly owed to starry-eyed forecasting, but buyers should wait, writes Jack Hough. Apple 'Disappoints'? Blame Wall Street
  • Of course, anyone forecasting such a scenario just five short years ago would have been certified completely insane.
  • In summary there is a need for a unified approach to school roll forecasting based on demographic data augmented by local information.
  • It recommends the immediate appointment of a finance director followed by a thorough review of the business - particularly the "overstaffed" central support functions - and calls for greater cash discipline and more rigorous forecasting. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • This has enabled them to construct models aimed at forecasting the fate of the icecap. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intricate work involved recasting the bronze crocodiles decorating the backs of the chairs, and a redesigned cornice.
  • We are not forecasting a property crash, but house-price falls seem likely.
  • Wisdom, Impression, Sentiment c.1900, Murakami consciously reclaims it in a new iteration by applying traditional nihonga techniques, as well as recasting the realistically rendered nude figures in contemporary manga style. The Full Feed from
  • In an earlier article, we highlighted how to optimize stock to deal with the uncertainty in forecasting demand.
  • And the weather is playing havoc with the much vaunted weather forecasting system here.
  • It is shown that this method for forecasting active constraint has improved the computation efficiency considerably.
  • One day, forecasting sun in the south, he said ‘you could maybe visit your Granny in Brighton’.
  • With weathermen forecasting a mix of sun and showers this weekend, he says it will be difficult to predict where the black spots will be.
  • PREDICT Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.
  • The last time pay was at issue for the cast, back in 1998, Fox actually was considering recasting the show and had hired people to find new actors.
  • Chignola R, Schenetti A, Chiesa E, Foroni R, Sartoris S, et al. (2000) Forecasting the growth of multicell tumour spheroids: implication for the dynamic growth of solid tumours. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A fundamental shift in the emerging essence of the fishnet organization is the recasting of problems as dilemmas.
  • To allow these freedoms and pursue detailed academic planning requires sophisticated and reliable forecasting.
  • Handel was resolute in his recasting of an opera to suit the current performers, even moving heroines between sopranos and contraltos depending on the available cast and constantly adding new novelties to please the crowd.
  • Robert – yes, the UKMO builds weather forecasting and climate models from the same unified code base, so that the two types of model share a large amount of code; for example they use the same dynamical code, and much of the same physics, but differ when the big difference in spatial or temporal resolution demands a different way of computing stuff. Documenting climate models | Serendipity
  • ‘If the Treasury thinks it is worth putting up on its website a paper forecasting global cooling, why is the British government adopting policies, including green taxes and intrusive lifestyle prescriptiveness, to deal with precisely the opposite eventuality?’ On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • This, however, seems to take excessive liberties with the word forecasting. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • PSRC's forecasting assumes quite large increases in the region's population, and since GHG emissions are a global problem, every person who moves in from an area that does worse (like the sprawly cities that many Seattle transplants come from) will represent a net improvement in overall GHG emissions. PSRC Plan Avoids Climate Reality « PubliCola
  • The government is forecasting an economic recovery.
  • The fuzzy time series forecasting differ from classic time series forecasting is lead in the conception, named membership function which contribute much to figure the method.
  • But as in all aspects of forecasting the greenhouse world, the task of prediction is clouded by uncertainty.
  • Partial/Total: Conventionally, fantastique employs partial warp morphing, placing credibility and determinacy warps in equipoise, while mystery fiction employs total warp morphing, recasting all alethic quirks as cryptica. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Although Brazil is expected to produce less coffee this year as part of its biannual low-output season, when trees naturally produce fewer beans, the government's forecasting agency still expects a record off-crop of 43.5 million 60-kilogram bags in the 2011-12 crop year. Coffee Searches for A New Caffeine Fix
  • They have to refilm all of the Morocco stuffy because of the recasting of Daenerys; they have to reshoot almost all of the Winterfell scenes due to the recasting of Catelyn; and we know they're refilming the pilot with new actors for Royce and Will. Along Came a Spider
  • By recalibrating the satellites with the new data, the whole system improved, which has enhanced weather forecasting substantially.
  • The forecasting of highway OD flow is the basis to process the regional highway network planning.
  • About Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. Founded in 1999, Weather Decision Technologies has become a global leader in providing state-of-the-science weather detection, nowcasting, and forecasting systems and services to our partners and customers. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The DNS Pro models also have a barometer, altimeter and weather-forecasting capability.
  • Undergraduate: Marketing Principles, Marketing Channels, Marketing Logistics, Forecasting, Logistics Models and Strategic Marketing Planning.
  • But will the market fall fast and hard as so many bears are forecasting?
  • She is forecasting serious protests at both stretches of water, making a comparison with the resistance against a ban on hunting.
  • Divination is an even more straightforward transaction; like paying a plumber for unstopping a sink, we pay a reader for forecasting events.
  • But as in all aspects of forecasting the greenhouse world, the task of prediction is clouded by uncertainty.
  • Retooling, or recasting new toy moulds, is a slow and expensive process.
  • The method for recasting all space-time derivatives so that they are all tensors under general coordinate transformations is described in Chapter 6.
  • Yet, at the same time, hydrogeologists are forecasting a continuation of steady rises in watertables in this region.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, there's an important kind of creativity based on reorganizing, recasting and repositioning existing ideas and materials in new and unexpected ways that let us see new connections and see with ‘new eyes.’
  • Our corrections are based on recasting the integral equations into a hierarchy of simpler integral equations that can be solved analytically.
  • An effective and systematic attempt at forecasting may reduce some of this uncertainty, and render the future more manageable.
  • Dreyfusism had brought to Swann an extraordinary simplicity of mind and had imparted to his way of looking at things an impulsiveness, an inconsistency more noticeable even than had been the similar effects of his marriage to Odette; this new loss of caste would have been better described as a recasting, and was entirely to his credit, since it made him return to the ways in which his forebears had trodden and from which he had turned aside to mix with the aristocracy. The Guermantes Way
  • Blyth and Bob are extremely experienced mountaineers and mountain guides, and Blyth also runs the avalanche forecasting service in Scotland.
  • With increased marine access to arctic coastal seas, national and regional governments are likely to be called upon for increased services such as icebreaking assistance, improved sea-ice charts and forecasting, enhanced emergency response capabilities for sea-ice conditions, and greatly improved oil – ice cleanup capabilities. Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic
  • The second complicating factor in forecasting gubernatorial elections is, as referred to here last month, a actuality which a electoral climate for governors right right away is zero short of brutal. 2010: An Early Snapshot of the Electoral Landscape
  • Everyone will be worried about Test cricket and forecasting its imminent demise. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, weather forecasting is an “initial value” problem. Initial value vs. boundary value problems | Serendipity
  • Guy Ritchie updated the film by recasting the 1960s blaggers as escapees from a GQ photo-shoot and remoulding the caper to involve a shotgun and an ex-Wimbledon stopper.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results showed that the neural network forecasting model based on L-M algorithm has higher prediction accuracy and a high value in the rural power system short-term load forecasting.
  • Pleine Vie's readership reflects a market that is forecasting solid and sustained demographic growth well into the next decade.
  • English vineyard owners are forecasting a bumper grape crop under this summer's Mediterranean type sunshine.
  • For the six months to June 30, analysts are forecasting pre-tax profits before exceptionals of £13.6m against £12.1m last time, with earnings per share of 20.8p, and dividend per share of 11.9p.
  • Description The position will involve work on a wide range of hydrological studies including demand forecasting, flow forecasting, climate change impacts, hydrometry, water quality modelling and flow and rainfall estimation. - Latest News
  • China's National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center warned Muifa could churn up 36 foot (11 meter) high waves in the East China Sea and 16 foot (five meter) waves off the coast.
  • Further, the Drug Use Forecasting surveys consistently report that female arrestees have higher rates of cocaine use than male arrestees.
  • The time-worn argument that conservatives have authoritarian personalities is, more or less, a nasty way of recasting my thesis.
  • To allow these freedoms and pursue detailed academic planning requires sophisticated and reliable forecasting.
  • But even though he said the Tories had their best chance for 24 years to regain control, he stopped short of forecasting outright victory for his party.
  • This commitment to social control introduces the need for planning and forecasting into society. Television - policy and culture
  • I suppose the truth is that there's not a lot of profit, if you're in the prophecy business, in forecasting happiness.
  • This commitment to social control introduces the need for planning and forecasting into society. Television - policy and culture
  • Yes, political prognostication and economic forecasting share the same occupational hazard of over-extrapolating from a few months of data.
  • The idea of weather forecasting developed incredibly quickly.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • WDT is a global leader in providing state-of-the-science weather detection, nowcasting, and forecasting systems. MMD Newswire: Press Release News Wire
  • Systematic evaluation and forecasting can minimize risks but never eliminate them.
  • Maria Bello is alright, but recasting is NEVER a good thing (Maggie Gyllenhaal is the lone exception). Sound Off: The Mummy 3 - What Did You Think? «
  • GAW, an initiative of the World Meteorological Organisation, serves as an early warning and forecasting system for changes in the background chemical composition and related physical characteristics of the atmosphere. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For all three classes of problems, forecasting will benefit by using a combination of statistical and judgemental forecasting procedures.
  • Necropolis Awakened needed a rewrite and a recasting to work as something special.
  • The idea of weather forecasting developed incredibly quickly.

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