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How To Use Rebutter In A Sentence

  • Very rarely the plaintiff replied for a second time with a surrejoinder which in turn could be countered by a rebutter from the defendant.
  • Then came the defendant's rejoinder, the plaintiff's surrejoinder, the defendant's rebutter, and the plaintiff's surrebutter.
  • But my understanding is that the rebutter that is then presented against you is under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 1997, section 35.
  • The barbarous system of "pleadings" was then in full vogue, though soon to be weeded out even in its parent England, and the law to be made a trial of facts instead of traverses, demurrers, avoidances, rebutters and surrebutters, churned out of the skim milk of words. The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
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