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How To Use Rebuttal In A Sentence

  • The ladies took the stand for the second time during the surrebuttal and again dumped on Lana shamelessly. Guilty Feelings
  • Many of Rogers' assertions and specific rebuttals (which form, in effect, a counter-reading of Kornbluh's book) are best answered by Kornbluh himself.
  • There were pointed fingers and raised voices, harsh accusations and angry rebuttals.
  • In general, an effective rebuttal will require evidence that Marjorie's actions were voluntary.
  • Adding new homes to an existing neighbourhood is the best rebuttal to any scheme to clear out houses and build a high-rise.
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  • But Citronella's hide is made of Teflon and the constant rebuttals just don't stick. RESCUING ROSE
  • Responding to this personal attack, Paul's comments are a sarcastic rebuttal of the denunciations of his victims.
  • It was his rebuttal to the city dignitaries who had exiled his father.
  • No book can offer a rebuttal to all criticisms of Cuba, and it's reasonable to say that no book should.
  • To the extent that the motion for leave to submit surrebuttal is a motion to compel, as discussed above, it is denied.
  • The rebuttal is that the parking charge is for parking, not receiving care. 2009 August | Zeeshan Hamid
  • Most important, it has forced scientists to re-evaluate their methodologies, as even Wager's rebuttal concedes that the nonindependence error Vul discusses can in fact inflate correlations (much of the argument is over how much). SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • In the days after our meeting he publishes a point-by-point rebuttal of the criticisms online. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he did demonstrate real political acumen in marshalling the argument that had no rebuttal and that carried the day. My Canada - Today and Tomorrow
  • Keillor’s jeremiad is wrong on so many levels, and proceeds from a place of such monumental self-regard and fundamental misinformation, that a proper rebuttal would require an entire afternoon and a minimum of ten double-spaced pages. Publishing vs. that guy with the voice I can’t stand
  • Anyone notice the Democrats rebuttal is always to point fingers at someone else? White House fights back against 'czar' claims
  • First, let me point out that the Detroit Free Press and other mainstream corporate media outlets did not bother to investigate this potential problem; they "mooched" off this particular online news outlet (which you refer to as a blog) and merely counter-reported the same story, leading with the rebuttal by the Republican Party. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • The defense did not call Dr. Teich in surrebuttal.
  • The Long et al. (2003) paper was introduced in rebuttal to Behe and Minnich's arguments, and Pandas 'arguments, about information, which suggested that all functional sequence information in the DNA has an intelligent source, not just the origin of life. Casey Luskin on Kitzmiller & Information
  • In the absence of such evidence we see no need for the Attorney General to lead evidence in rebuttal.
  • It's the jokers who cover over the ashes with hot pokers stemmed from their own rebuttal, sitting around the cold coal fire in my living room, bunting one another with harsh words.
  • Economists generally take for granted, if only tacitly, a teleological view of money's historical development, according to which it first takes the "primitive" form of mundane commodities such as cowrie shells and cacao seeds, and then advances through various stages, culminating in the national fiat monies most economies rely upon today. offers a spirited rebuttal to this naively "whiggish" perspective. EconLog
  • This is a rebuttal of someone's writing that it was "sensible" for NASA to back-pedal from metric (again!) because of the potential problems with the Space Shuttle documentation. NASA Finds The Metric System Too Hard To Implement for Constellation - NASA Watch
  • If your dad shoots off his mouth at your party, you can make a calm rebuttal.
  • There's a bit about how the Tories 'web team (now numbering several members strong) listen to speeches given up their opponents to buy up, in real-time, phrases that they can link to their "prebuttal" of their adversaries' arguments, like Google ads on the term "boiler scrappage scheme. TechPresident
  • I'm not trying to do a "prebuttal" here -- that's an ugly Washington move where you present a counter-argument to a speech or idea that hasn't been delivered yet. Jared Bernstein: Obama Jobs Speech Preliminary: Understanding How Stimulus Works
  • Prosecutors will begin a rebuttal this afternoon, and Jackson's attorneys will then be given an opportunity to respond.
  • Romney at a stop in Tampa yesterday blasted Obama for failing to restart the struggling U.S. economy as he delivered what his campaign called a "prebuttal" to the president's State of the Union speech to Congress last night. -- Top News
  • The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
  • We are being asked to choose between the cardboard binaries of India Shining and India Whining, the feel-good factor and the all-what-jazz rebuttal.
  • I have submited documentation to several Army agencies, such as the Department of the Army Inspector General as well as 3 Congrssional inquiries and the Army continues not to provide the rebuttals and exhibits to the Congressional inquires, therefore to conclude with a fair assessment of the situation. Tragedy at Fort Hood
  • In another unusual move, although not unprecedented, the prosecution offered no rebuttal to the defense testimony.
  • You know, in fact, the Democrats have been so eager to steal the president's thunder -- thunder -- that they started a weeklong series of rebuttals -- pre-buttals, rather -- even before the speech was delivered, over the last week. CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2006
  • And I would predict that the rebuttal will be in direct response to the forensic entomologist.
  • The answer is not arrest but argument: powerful, point-by-point public rebuttal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Salehi said Iran would soon send a detailed and analytical rebuttal of the concerns raised in the report, which he called "unstudied and unjust. Reuters: Press Release
  • The prosecution rebuttal began on Wednesday after the defence rested its case without putting Jackson on the stand.
  • DOBBS: Well, I'm still kind of chaffing at the idea that they can't ask one another questions, and offer rebuttal to one another's statement. CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2004
  • That nitpick is the extent of your substantive rebuttal? The Volokh Conspiracy » Merrick Garland is no friend of the rights of gun owners
  • My post below, about Architecture was never designed as evidence for the rebuttal.
  • We expected that the defense would then put on a surrebuttal, basically a rebuttal to this tape and the prosecution ` s rebuttal case. CNN Transcript May 27, 2005
  • Each of these objections, rebuttals, rejoinders, and surrejoinders is in itself admirable, and does infinite credit to the acuteness and candour of the author.
  • Contrary to hysterical rebuttals by the likes of Inayat Bunglawala and his cabal of supporters within Labour she speaks with one defiantly single and definitely unsplit tongue. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Erasmus rushed to provide an immediate response to Luther's slanderous accusations, deciding that his new work, Hyperaspistes diatribae adversus Servum arbitrium Martini Lutheri (A Defensive Shield Against the “Unfree Will” of Martin Luther), would have to be written in two parts so that at least some of his rebuttal would circulate on the European book market simultaneously with Luther's book. Desiderius Erasmus
  • But plaintiff Attorney Fang also carries on the rebuttal to this view.
  • Both Armstrong and Grice are now understood to be issuing rebuttals to Fraser, furious at the way their actions have been judged.
  • Firstly, a flat rebuttal of another's opinion is not in itself a statement of fact, simply a disagreement in terms.
  • Dux, in rebuttal, states that The Los Angeles Times used a receipt with an incorrect spelling of his name to back up their claim. FRANK W DUX
  • Every decision made thus far by the new national coach has been a rebuttal of every complaint made by his predecessor.
  • Both sides in the American election have got their ‘war rooms’ - the rapid response and prebuttal media hubs - up and running.
  • I say Bravo to President Obama not just because he did a fantastic job and deserves it but because the Q & A was the kind of honest, open, substantative political discussion this country needs; an airing of opinion, a discussion of the differences and rebuttal of false information. First Read
  • The trial is underway right now, and on the stand is a rebuttal witness for the prosecution.
  • BASH: Now, what you just saw there were the Democratic leaders in the House and the Senate give what they called their prebuttal to the president's State of the Union Address. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2007
  • The jury was expected to get the case sometime later the day, after the end of the plaintiff's argument and a rebuttal by the senior deputy district attorney.
  • You don't attempt something like this unless you have all your prebuttals ready, all your figures and all your answers.
  • Her client's false testimony forces the Deputy Attorney General, the rabid Canterbury-hating Zach Williams (Terry Kinney), to call the hothead father to the stand as a rebuttal witness. PopMatters
  • But what kind of Pandora ` s box will that open on surrebuttal? CNN Transcript May 26, 2005
  • Stand provides a detailed rebuttal of the various claims (same url as before), but there are a couple of gotchas that particularly interest us.
  • OPRI: Well, the surrebuttal is going to be witnesses to challenge the rebuttal witnesses. CNN Transcript May 26, 2005
  • At the end of the defence case, the Prosecutor may present evidence in rebuttal, then the defence may present evidence in rejoinder, and the Court may have evidence ordered by it to be presented (court evidence).
  • Showing how the parts of the flagellum have other functions is a strong rebuttal. David Heddle Reviews Ken Miller's Talk
  • The topic, as good as a smart diagnosis of language, replete with lots of word play, quick rebuttal in stichomythia, as good as both comic as good as critical diagnosis of love, remind us of alternative early plays of a Bard identical to Love's Labor's Lost as good as Romeo as good as Midsummer Night's Dream. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • He is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.
  • Churchill's response was a two-day debate on the conduct of the war, wound up with a point-by-point rebuttal of his critics.
  • Then, instead of dealing forthrightly with the charges leveled, you cite the rebuttal as evidence that there is a ‘controversy’ to teach.
  • So, while Hollingworth's rebuttal is mentioned on his website and remains in the vestiges of cyberspace for those willing to peruse it, there is something nugatory about it.
  • GRACE: Jane Velez-Mitchell, you think there ` s going to be a surrebuttal? CNN Transcript May 24, 2005
  • CBI has also contested a letter written by a so-called criminologist on the issue as malafide and gave a para-wise rebuttal of charges levelled against the forensic doctors who had conducted the post-mortem as well as DNA examination. - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
  • So my rebuttal is offered in a respectful, friendly manner, and I hope it is taken that way. Assessing Applegate's Attack
  • Opening for the plaintiff, Paul Gallagher SC not only outlined the evidence he proposes to bring forward but also attempted an advance rebuttal of the defence case.
  • This week we publish a rebuttal that, at the very least, will delight connoisseurs of academic duelling to the death. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I am worried though that his rebuttal after the fact contains some massaging, for fear of the ensuing explosion.
  • The row is set to intensify later this week when the producers will hit back with a rebuttal of the criticisms in the letter.
  • After the defence rests, prosecutors will begin a rebuttal and Jackson's attorneys will then be given an opportunity to respond.
  • I like the rebuttal that analogized divorce in fight over child custody. The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia “Confederate History Month” Proclamation
  • We have been trying to talk to Mr Bentley and the national park authority for a long time and all we have had is rebuttals and refusals to talk.
  • In another unusual move, although not unprecedented, the prosecution offered no rebuttal to the defense testimony.
  • Dietrich's De ente et essentia which bears the same title as Thomas Aquinas 'opuscule is indeed a work that gives much evidence of having been prepared as a kind of rebuttal to certain doctrines of Aquinas. Dietrich of Freiberg
  • Responding to this personal attack, Paul's comments are a sarcastic rebuttal of the denunciations of his victims.
  • He and his people learned from that and perfected the array of spin techniques - rebuttal, prebuttal, the grid - we associate with the party.
  • He had certainly not taken offence at her sharp rebuttal, as she had intended he should.
  • In some instances, Baker provided rebuttals to her critics.
  • Disappointed and hurt over something trivial, I had engaged God in a mini tug-of-war, refining my rebuttals and surrebuttals in the process.
  • After that folks, it's the rebuttal case and then some surrebuttal by the defense which is sure to be brief given their limited funds. Allison Hope Weiner: Pellicano Trial: Computer Expert Kevin Kachikian Cross-Examined
  • He later tweeted this surrebuttal, Still waiting to have my 'Jerry Maguire mission statement moment of deep regret. Adam Levine Has Two Words for MTV
  • Dietrich's De Ente Et Essentia which bears the same title as Thomas Aquinas' opuscule is indeed a work that gives much evidence of having been prepared as a kind of rebuttal to certain doctrines of Aquinas.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: bobby swindle is soooooooo last year’s news …. after the shining start of the repugnantscum party crashed, burned and fell to the earth after that atrocious rebuttal to obama’s speech. Think Progress » Did Jindal Bribe Louisiana’s Attorney General To Force Him To Join Frivolous Health Care Lawsuit? (UPDATED)
  • House Minority Leader John Boehner is planning to make a "prebuttal" speech ahead of Obama's address, speaking to about 10,000 people Tuesday afternoon at the 92nd American Legion National Convention in Milwaukee. Obama's Iraq speech: No 'Mission Accomplished' from Oval Office
  • Next hour, the prosecution will begin its rebuttal, meaning the sensational five month trial is winding down.
  • While many would argue, in rebuttal, that saving grizzlies from extinction in the Lower 48 States has, in fact, been a major conservation success story and a sign of hope for dwindling wild carnivore populations around the world, Fischer suggests that because the bruins have had dangerous mortal run-ins with people and prey upon domestic livestock, that the rare creatures should be eliminated. Todd Wilkinson: Idaho Pastor Calls For 'Open Season' on Yellowstone Grizzlies
  • Read the postings without benefit of rebuttals and one is astonished at the level of casual cruelty and abusiveness visited on innocent youth.
  • Before you guys lay a bet, let ` s see how the state ` s rebuttal case goes, because after the rebuttal, there ` s a pretty good possibility there ` s going to be a surrebuttal. CNN Transcript May 26, 2005
  • It was the first book I had ever published, the ruthless rebuttal of the Arian heresy which had made my academic reputation in the 1930s. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • That day and much of the next, he went through the charges point by point and wrote out a detailed rebuttal. Christianity Today
  • So much for that theory that Ploffle's PowerPoint presentation was "prebuttal" for an expected bad result in this poll. New Obama Iowa Radio Ad Hits Hillary, Edwards Health Care Plans
  • Robertson issued a vehement rebuttal last night, claiming his comments had been taken out of context and threatening legal action.
  • By "means nothing" I meant that it pointing out your lack of a refutation is no rebuttal. Transition Team Update - NASA Watch
  • Now I might be opening myself up for tons of rebuttal by ** AA shrills by saying this, but can someone PLEASE tell me how the rebroadcasting a sports events in areas that the sport was not originally broadcasted, takes money away from the broadcasters? BayTSP bid to cash in on sports streamers
  • Objective To deal with medical actions in tort, rebuttal burden of proof has been applied widely.
  • Wiggins issued a prebuttal against his opponent's speech, even before the text was delivered to reporters.
  • Its fifth volume, on Washington's presidency, was so contentiously Federalist that Jefferson considered writing a rebuttal.
  • The rebuttal to this argument is equally simple: People create resources.
  • But the al - Qaeda leader still felt the need to compose a detailed , 200 - page rebuttal of antagonist.
  • It was the first book I had ever published, the ruthless rebuttal of the Arian heresy which had made my academic reputation in the 1930s. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Do you think the defense is going to put up a surrebuttal? CNN Transcript May 26, 2005
  • The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
  • Ok Mister moderator, can we have a rebuttal from the Aliens? Glottal Opera » E-Mail
  • I am proposing to arrange, therefore, that your letter of purported rebuttal and my letter "compellingly" refuting your rebuttal will be read into the record of proceedings of the US Senate, which - for the avoidance of doubt - are covered by absolute privilige. Archive 2008-07-01
  • It was never offered as a legal rebuttal to the NJ decision; it was an en passant summary (and a pretty accurate one at that) and nothing more. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Strange Consequences of Public Accommodations Laws
  • After the defense finishes its closing argument, the plaintiffs will have the opportunity for a brief rebuttal.
  • A typical rebuttal is to suggest that information entropy and thermodynamic entropy are unconnected, citing the apocryphal story that Shannon picked the term entropy because “nobody understands what it means”. Vacuity of Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • Professor McVie last night gave a vigorous rebuttal to allegations made against him and his charity by the leader of the Scottish Executive's cancer task force.
  • Preservative perseverance in the reeducation of his intestines was the rebuttal by whilk he sort of git the big bulge on the whole bunch of spasoakers, dieting against glues and gra-vies, in that sometime prestreet protown. Finnegans Wake
  • The drubbing is so complete that any filmmaker with even a shred of dignity would never pick up a camera without mounting a serious counter rebuttal.
  • She'd expected evasions, excuses, but not the calm rebuttal that she had just heard.
  • It seems youare just angry because your commentsare imprecise andyour posts haveinaccurate statements and you simplydo not like it when I provide additional precise facts and invalidate your glittering genralizations with valid rebuttals. Rangel Will Back Hillary
  • It's the jokers who cover over the ashes with hot pokers stemmed from their own rebuttal, sitting around the cold coal fire in my living room, bunting one another with harsh words.
  • Note that this doesn’t dodge the dumb-ass rebuttal that some knucklehead is sure to post, to the effect ‘no, d-uh, MattY just meant we need to pass better laws ….’ Matthew Yglesias » Climate Migration
  • From that point on, through the rebuttal and cross-examination, the debate became mainly an argument over the notion of personhood.
  • Hurt's incoherence is not readily apparent in his television ads or stump speech, where he can control the message and where, in front of friendly audiences, his positions are not subject to critique and rebuttal, or he can otherwise simply refuse to acknowledge or answer questions. The sublime incoherence of Robert Hurt
  • 14-Jan 3:54p: you again ignore rebuttals to your absolute claims, moving your accusation to how you perceive this “site spreads misformation.” Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
  • Earlier in her prepared testimony, Ms Rice neither criticised Mr Clarke nor offered a point-by-point rebuttal of what he had said.
  • We are now in the political era of the prebuttal.
  • The Drudgereport article regarding Obama's words have NOT been removed AND the government rebuttal is there as well ... White House launches counteroffensive over Drudge Report link
  • It is also a hefty rebuttal to anyone who believes America is a classless society.
  • Unless keenly interested in what you and Ross have to say, I fear that most visitors will have a squiz, find a complex interlayering of argument, rebuttal etc and leave. Hits « Climate Audit
  • My review was also a focus of the discussion on the Poli-Sci-Fi Radio podcast this week, to which my rage-filled rebuttal is currently being shouted impotently into the void. SEK Watches ‘Watchmen’ « Gerry Canavan
  • Judge Soedarto adjourned the next hearing to next Monday, when Antashari will reply to the rebuttals by the defendant's team of lawyers.
  • The Ministry of Defence issued a rebuttal of the report two hours before it was published.
  • But their decision to rest their case without presenting a defence rebuttal allows closing arguments to begin as early as Wednesday next week.
  • (BTW, Svalgaard delivers a very powerful rebuttal of the PU website so many EU proponents like to cite (it's 22nd June, 17:43:13, or search "besmirch": "The website is basically fraudulent in its claims and reflects the pseudo-science of its promoter. Do "Skeleton" Filaments Give Structure to the Universe? | Universe Today
  • I hope to see a comprehensive attempt at a rebuttal of realist theory by the libertarian minimalist school.
  • And Lloyd Best in rebuttal admonished us never to be ‘cautious’ about criticising leadership.
  • The other thing that you can apply that five-word prebuttal to, "it's not going to happen," the draft. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2006
  • I say Bravo to President Obama not just because he did a fantastic job and deserves it but because the Q & A was the kind of honest, open, substantative political discussion this country needs; an airing of opinion, a discussion of the differences and rebuttal of false information. First Read
  • Rebuttal statements were filed May 6, and surrebuttals on May 21.
  • The ability to bring a knife or a fist to a gunfight is a rebuttal to nothing at all. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does CHL ban in churches violate the First Amendment?
  • He handled some predictably hostile and downright rude remarks with very solid rebuttals and a refusal to take insults.
  • Romney gets "surrebuttal" time — the WSJ transcript has "Sir, rebuttal" — and reels out competing statistics. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Compare what New York Magazine did for the Kochs: Uber-investigative journalist Charles Lewis profile on David Koch they published was essentially "planted" as a kind of prebuttal to soften the blows of Mayer's profile. Main RSS Feed
  • I seriously doubt it … it’s not to your benefit to do so in this case. bobby swindle is soooooooo last year’s news …. after the shining start of the repugnantscum party crashed, burned and fell to the earth after that atrocious rebuttal to obama’s speech. Think Progress » Florida Doctor Warning Away Obama Voters Admits He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About On Health Care
  • The notion that wide variation in practice proves that medicine is not based on science rebuttal.

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