
How To Use Reave In A Sentence

  • New members are always welcome, irrespective of what stage of bereavement they are at.
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • She has recently suffered a bereavement.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • His strong able-bodied cockswain did good service in cheerfully carrying his much-loved Commander, and they managed to return to the boat, and brought the two bereaved and sorrow-stricken ladies back to the “Pioneer.” A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
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  • Grief is a powerful feeling, bereavement is as natural a life process as the passing of the seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Reavers sat near the fire pit they had gathered; one lit the kindling, sparking a roaring fire in the middle of the morning.
  • Debut novelists will make up nearly half of the Orange prize for fiction longlist, which this year tackles strikingly difficult subjects: incest, sadistic cruelty, polygamy, child bereavement, hermaphroditism and mental illness. Orange prize longlist tackles difficult subjects – and alligators
  • Share your feelings with a bereavement counsellor. The Sun
  • Nay, the majesty of kings, is rather exalted than diminished, when they are in the chair of counsel; neither was there ever prince, bereaved of his dependences, by his counsel, except where there hath been, either an over – greatness in one counsellor, or an over – strict combination in divers; which are things soon found, and holpen. The Essays
  • This experience is shared by other relatives of the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pushing forth, he jabbed the head of the weapon into the greaves of the incoming phalanx.
  • Greaves achieves considerable intensity on this tiny scale through his mastery of infinitely subtle tonal gradations, often in black and brown or gray hues that evoke the palette of old photographs.
  • Hargreaves says there are new ways of delivering water and sewerage services to increase efficiencies.
  • To do so would, but unchristianize the deep grief which bereavement awakens, and which true piety sanctifies; it would unhumanize the very constitution of home itself. The Christian Home
  • I am no bereavement counsellor, but in the last few months, I have learned a lot about ‘coping’ after my mother passed away.
  • Crying is now seen as a normal male reaction to anything from bereavement to loneliness to a moving scene on television.
  • An amphitheater with crescentic tumuli as seatings, by Hargreaves Associates. Archive 2008-03-01
  • 'Now am I well lighted here,' he said, 'for this is the very goblet which thy robber knight Sir Lancelot reaved from my brother, Sir King Arthur's Knights The Tales Re-told for Boys & Girls
  • Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family.
  • A strong defensive partnership between Ellie Hargreaves and Annabel Graham at the back prevented any goals being conceded during the morning.
  • Most will have relatively mild symptoms linked to underlying problems such as work and relationship difficulties, financial troubles, physical illness or bereavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death was placed alongside the other kinds of bereavement that we were likely to experience in the normal life cycle. Why am I Afraid to Grieve
  • The committee expressed sympathy with all the families who suffered bereavements during the year.
  • To see the shop razed to the ground was like suffering a bereavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • Votes of sympathy were passed with the following on their recent bereavements.
  • In the world of pet bereavement, this is often referred to as "Rainbow Bridge", based on a prose poem written by an anonymous author in the 1980s.
  • It featured individuals and families who, because of divorce, bereavement, illness or some other trauma, had allowed their homes to become mausoleums of loss and longing.
  • My gimmick will be a foot fetish and a toe collection reaved from dead hookers. JERRY BRUCKHEIMER’S LAWS OF SCIENCE
  • There were tours of the chapel and crematory, of the grounds and the offices and bereavement suite.
  • But not before I remembered my bereavement and brushed an ersatz tear from my eye. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • She also urged reforms to ensure that bereaved relatives have legal representation at inquests. Times, Sunday Times
  • And now they both broke down and sobbed aloud without a pause, like birds bereaved, like the sea eagle or taloned vulture, when villages have robbed the nests of their unfledged young.
  • George S. Hillard, a most faithful and serviceable friend, -- not only to Hawthorne during his life, but afterwards as a trustee for his family, and equally kind and helpful to them in their bereavement, which is more than could be said of all his friends, -- especially of The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Bereavement counselling might help him move on. The Sun
  • He said the public grief and that of the bereaved families has been enormous.
  • The Ministers conveyed their sympathies with the bereaved families and prayed for early recovery of injured.
  • Lane however had their own batting aces and the Park bowlers struggled as S Hargreaves made 69 and Oliver Halliday 53.
  • Abroad the sword bereaves, at home there is as death. The World English Bible (WEB): Lamentations
  • This sense of failure in turn leads to the expression of impatience and anger toward the bereaved person.
  • Greaves should be reinstalled as Minister for Culture.
  • I am afraid I do not have the power to make that forthcoming law retroactive to benefit other families, bereaved through other wars. NIMITZ CLASS
  • What can I say, h-dog: I'm just not as impressed as you are by the guy who took his pique out on the poor innocent fig tree, and told me he came bringing not peace, but the sword, to reave apart families. Muslims praying in the cathedral.
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • The younger man expressed his condolences to the bereaved mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's the fact that by voicing those suspicions you were, to all intents and purposes, calling the bereaved liars before Gately's body was even in the ground. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Duke University, 1956, p. 274; and Carter Papers: An Inventory .... ") [7] The word" reave "meant to rob or strip at Carter's time. Letter from Robert Carter to [Robert Jones, October 18, 1728]
  • She made the man blest who had taken away her children, and enriched her bereaver with a present: and took away nothing to make up the slaughter of her sons save the reproach of ignorance and the loss of goods. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • Her sleepy eyes wore a sad look like that of a bereaved mother. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • The loneliness that bereaved people feel can be intense.
  • He sounds like a medium stroking a bereaved relative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Luke's family are now being supported by our bereavement care team.
  • He was bereaved of his wife last year.
  • The Lykians furnished fifty ships; and they were wearers of corslets and greaves, and had bows of cornel-wood and arrows of reeds without feathers and javelins and a goat-skin hanging over their shoulders, and about their heads felt caps wreathed round with feathers; also they had daggers and falchions. 1074 The Lykians were formerly called Termilai, being originally of Crete, and they got their later name from Lycos the son of Pandion, an Athenian. The History of Herodotus
  • Or that the two sons struggle to express sympathy with the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'To bereave a man of life, or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism as must at once convey the alarm of tyranny throughout the whole nation; but confinement of the person, by secretly hurrying him to jail, where his sufferings are unknown or forgotten, is a less public, a less striking, and therefore a more dangerous engine of arbitrary government. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Froomkin: A Blow Against Tyranny
  • Officials in contact with bereaved relatives may have been in as much need of counseling as the families themselves.
  • We had them rocking at one point, with Tom Greaves scoring a goal that lifted us.
  • According to one bereavement counsellor, humour is often used by clients as a way of dealing with grief.
  • It is one of a number of measures discussed at a conference held in the city bringing together experts in bereavement from across the country.
  • We must treat those bereaved by crime or disaster with decency and courtesy.
  • But here also he was afflicted in this his sorrow: of stich con - solation this his day of suffering bereaved him too. Sermons, for parochial and domestic use, designed to illustrate and enforce ...
  • A new coronial advisory council will include members with recent experience of bereavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • To see the shop razed to the ground was like suffering a bereavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who have been bereaved will say that they do not know how to behave as newly-bereaved people.
  • As a qualified pet bereavement counsellor I would like to help pet owners compassionately and in confidence.
  • Many women her age are facing bereavement and divorce. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first memorably charts his wife's descent into Alzheimer's, but all progress into meditations on bereavement with its consolations of memory and excursions into the fantasies which have relieved his grief.
  • Hargreaves is the MP who got into trouble with his party's chief whip for opposing the tax reform.
  • The same Achilles, the ruin of Troy, and the bereaver of myself, the same has destroyed thus many of thy brothers, The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • The accident bereaved Jack of his wife.
  • Up to one year of bereavement counseling is provided for family members after a death occurs. Christianity Today
  • They face grief and bereavement about loss of income, lifestyle, friends and status without sympathy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having no recourse to an inquest also forces bereaved parents down the road of litigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he hath reaved me of my land and the Valleys of Camelot without reasonable occasion. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • It gives some solace to the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may not work, he cautioned himself I can but try to reave the power from the humans. Inconstant Star
  • Such is his infinite penitence and regret that he looks out on the world and the bereaved family through a window of tears.
  • My leaflet about bereavement explains where you can all find help for your loss. The Sun
  • Often called the "People's Tree," this year's tree is an 85-foot blue spruce from the two million-acre Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Capitol Christmas tree arrives on the Hill
  • Women have a particularly bad deal in the cancer stakes, according to Greaves.
  • They've found three pieces so far, a breastplate, a greave, and a belt.
  • For the past 46 years, Reaves has shrimped the waters off the southeastern coast. WISTV - Local News RSS
  • A family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference.
  • It was wrong to use private letters from bereaved relations of soldiers killed in Iraq in order to excite sympathy for his own doubts and anguish, knowing that their suffering must be incomparably greater.
  • Parents have joined with health experts to produce a video for bereaved families.
  • God help us! by Gallaher on Friday, Nov 21, 2008 at 12: 32: 12 AM change we can bereave in by io on Friday, Nov 21, 2008 at 4: 23: 44 AM Obama and the Great Depression
  • One submitter was refused both bereavement and unpaid leave from work to attend the tangi of his partner's mother.
  • Two sets of bereaved parents recently declared that they feel betrayed by police and lawyers and want an inquest. Times, Sunday Times
  • bereave" in Eze 36: 13; but "cause to fall" or "stumble," in the Hebrew text or Chetib, being the more difficult reading, is the one least likely to come from a corrector; also, it forms a good transition to the next subject, namely, the moral cause of the people's calamities, namely, their falls, or stumblings through sin. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Molly wished she could have at least been surprised by Judith VanAck, the bereaved widow. BAD MEDICINE
  • A bereaved mother claims she was driven to the brink of suicide after an out-of-hours doctor fired questions at her about her daughter's tragic death when she telephoned for help.
  • But the slasher himself, the splatterer, the reaver of life, swinging out of the darkness with his death claw cocked, is as old as the hills (which have eyes, as we know). Don’t Fear the Reaper
  • Having no recourse to an inquest also forces bereaved parents down the road of litigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plane crash bereaved her of her busband.
  • Yes, I thought; it was as Achilles 'heir that he must have seen himself; inheritor of the ancient laws, which say a man lives by his pride and shall defend it to the death: Harmodios son of Proxenos son of Harmodios, and so on back to some well-greaved Achaian at Troy. The Praise Singer
  • To not know is bewildering and only contributes to and compounds the feelings of helplessness and powerlessness that the bereaved parents will feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bereavement counselling will help you to cope with your loss and her rejection. The Sun
  • In the streets the sword bereaves, at home death stalks. Latest Articles
  • We wish to express our sincere condolences to all in our community who were bereaved during the year.
  • Or that the two sons struggle to express sympathy with the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to one bereavement counsellor, humour is often used by clients as a way of dealing with grief.
  • My leaflet about bereavement explains where you can all find help for your loss. The Sun
  • Mixing up his jabs to the face and hooks to the body, Arthur poured on the pressure, and in the fifth it was just a question of how many more rounds O'Connell would let the undoubtedly game Greaves continue.
  • Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.
  • It called for more help for mental health services and better care for those bereaved by the deaths in its interim report. The Sun
  • It gives some solace to the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • We the bereaved relatives sat in the gallery hoping to hear that urgent action was being taken. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dort erwartet euch u.a. eine Versteigerung, ein “Punch the Reaver” - Spiel, lustige Raffelei etc. What’s On: September 2009 | Can't Stop the Serenity
  • She looked at Cheepy-cheepy lying next to the bereaved mother and hollowed her cheeks; a hungry look widened her eyes slightly although they were practically buried in crinkles. Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
  • An, then, thou say that I have committed myself with a man of mean condition, thou sayst not sooth; but shouldst thou say with a poor man, it might peradventure be conceded thee, to thy shame who hast so ill known to put a servant of thine and a man of worth in good case; yet poverty bereaveth not any of gentilesse; nay, rather, wealth it is that doth this. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • He had bronze greaves on his legs in case someone tried to take him out from underneath. Christianity Today
  • Willie offered sincere condolences to any members who suffered bereavements in the past year.
  • This is particularly fitting when the person has suffered a bereavement. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • Not in our lands; these are claimed for one and one only, not reavers such as thee!
  • Amid her grief she found the strength to organise a support group for the bereaved partners.
  • No family, he knew, had not suffered the bereavement or tragic maiming of some one near and dear.
  • Donations were accepted on behalf of the bereaved.
  • And now they both broke down and sobbed aloud without a pause, like birds bereaved, like the sea eagle or taloned vulture, when villages have robbed the nests of their unfledged young.
  • It is unconscionable to think that people are dropping like flies on Syrian streets, the injured are hiding in private homes to avoid capture or cold-blooded murder, the funeral procession are being shot at with many killed at a time they bereave the dead, the detained are tortured and many die and are buried in mass graves, yet the international community seems only willing to extend words of comfort. . . Notable & Quotable
  • A family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference.
  • My leaflet about bereavement explains where you can all find help for your loss. The Sun
  • I've had quite a few letters from bereaved people fed up with having to jump through hoops to complete basic admin at a difficult time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waiter announced with the stunned air of a man imparting news of a bereavement that due to a problem with supplies, the girolle mushrooms on the menu were in fact morels.
  • Divorce and separation or bereavement and the ensuing loneliness. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • She's a needy woman who would benefit from bereavement counselling to come to terms with her loss. The Sun
  • Anyway, indefinite detention without any review is worse than just killing: To bereave a man of life, or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism, as must once convey the alarm of tyranny thoroughout the whole kingdom. The Volokh Conspiracy » Defamation by Government Still Political Question
  • We wish to express our sincere condolences to all in our community who were bereaved during the year.
  • He had missed the November appointment because of a family bereavement and had asked his mother to contact the probation service.
  • Many families have been bereaved following the deaths of men doing an honest day's work.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Allow bereaved parents to express the depths of their pain. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • This retelling of that day by a few of the bereaved mothers is suffused with dignity and a crushing sadness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out of consideration for the bereaved family's feelings the papers did not print the story.
  • A woman is suddenly widowed and agrees to a supposedly temporary marriage of convenience to help a recently bereaved father. The Sun
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bereaved person may weep tearlessly and experience a sense of emptiness.
  • The younger man expressed his condolences to the bereaved mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually, sheer physical exhaustion forces you to stop, to settle, to becalm yourself amidst all the mad turbulence of bereavement. The Pursuit of Happiness
  • At the opposite end of the scale of cinematic classicism is the offbeat Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One, William Greaves's meta-film from 1968, now released on DVD by Criterion along with its modern companion, Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take 2½. GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 12/17.
  • As their gods were, so their laws were; Thor the strong could reave and steal.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • The immediate response to such human tragedy must be empathy with the pain of those injured and the grief of those bereaved.
  • Allow bereaved parents to express the depths of their pain. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • In comfortable lives a bereavement is a contrast; in the lives of the wretched it is but one more in the assailing army of woes. Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise, Volume I
  • Bishop John McAreavey imparted blessings at a special prayer ceremony in which pupils, special guests, governors, parents and staff took part.
  • She expressed her sympathy to the bereaved family.
  • Or that the two sons struggle to express sympathy with the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The extent to which bereavement is worked through depends on self-awareness, external support, professional help and general attitudes.
  • The discovery also includes silver cups, greaves (armour worn on the shins), bronze objects, ceramic dishes and weapons.
  • Rejoined Afridun, “May the Messiah not bereave us of thy venerable parent nor deprive her of her wile and guile!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Relationships come to an end through bereavement or because one or both partners want to leave.
  • Keith Gault, whose father Samuel was killed, laid the wreath on behalf of the eight bereaved families.
  • You know what we know in bereavement that you're excreting endogenous opioids, and we know that opioids cause constipation, so we can reasonably understand that bereaved people can get constipated.
  • Some churches have established structured programmes for offering support in bereavement. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • This exercise in imagination only hints at the emotional whirlpool that swirls around those bereaved by suicide. Christianity Today
  • It is important to have some clear basic understanding of the nature of bereavement and the grief that follows it.
  • As additional retribution, until 1870, their property was confiscated, condemning their bereaved family into pauperdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a recently bereaved spouse, finding this out is upsetting at a difficult time. Times, Sunday Times
  • As example of what I should consider symbols that are too subtle (I daren't say "too subtle for words"), are a trademark for batteries, "Pb" (the chemical symbol for lead), and a darkened window on a jacket for a book on the subject of bereavement. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
  • DOBBS: Wolf, if I may say this gently; any American who bereaves any candidate promising anything after the experience of the last decade, 25 years, you could perhaps go back even farther, you know, the suggestion that you should believe them on any of it is ridiculous. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2008
  • By chapter 20, when he meets the bereaved man on the platform at Euston, he is ‘a-doin pretty well’ working as a stoker on the railway service running between London and Birmingham.
  • He's a self-styled mystic, widely regarded as a charlatan, exploiting the bereaved for money.
  • The plane crash bereaved her of her busband.
  • Mrs Cooper took no pleasure in the rightness of her prediction, the accuracy of the bereaved cockroaches in her kitchen.
  • He says he would recommend counselling not only to anyone trying to deal with bereavement but also to pupils suffering from academic stress. Times, Sunday Times
  • It states that, in a case of murder, the bereaved may relent, and accept compensation instead of revenge. KARA KUSH
  • Weeping, the well-greaved Achaeans turned-off with headlong speed to the shore of the much-resounding sea, since they were being massacred at the hands of the relentless man Telephus. CLASSICAL GOLDMINE.
  • It states that, in a case of murder, the bereaved may relent, and accept compensation instead of revenge. KARA KUSH
  • Those who work with bereaved people see mourning divided into four distinct stages.
  • It is also triggered by trauma such as a bereavement or a divorce. The Sun
  • And they may be experiencing something that we call complicated bereavement, which is a wish to undo the loss and to undo the grief. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2005
  • Providence may, indeed, sunder forever those dearest to each other, and the stricken soul accepts the blow as the righteous discipline of a Higher Power; but when the bereavement is the arbitrary dictate of human will, there are no such consolations to sanctify grief and assuage agony. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861
  • He was a promising looking fellow, and I fully believed the answer that he made to the again bereaved mother, when, with quivering lips, she said: "Be good to my girl. The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893, With Portraits, Biographies and Addresses
  • It's not unlike the Irish wake or the Jewish shiva - designed not merely to comfort the bereaved but to celebrate the triumph of life.
  • In part two, Cassandra, doomed by Apollo to prophesy truth to disbelievers and brought as a slave by Agamemnon from Troy, foresees that she will be murdered along with her oppressor, and yet (still recalling Aeschylus): in she went to the knife, to the killer wife to the net over her slaver, the Troy reaver, saying, 'A wipe of the sponge, that's it. Insight: Poetic Visions of the Past
  • For many of the bereaved parents, including her own, it was the first time they had spoken about the tragedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • A requiem written by Brahms on the death of his mother distils yearning, bereavement, knowledge that this world is transient - yet so, also, will be his grief.
  • Cruse provides free support to anyone affected by bereavement, They're my parents. I miss them
  • Some of the parents bereaved in the crash also think well of him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abroad the sword bereaves and slays all that comes in its way, and at home all provisions are cut off by the besiegers, so that there is as death, that is, famine, which is as bad as the pestilence, or worse -- the sword without and terror within, Deut. xxxii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The complexity of the issue is reflected in the many ways employers offer bereavement leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adults who work in schools can do much to help children deal with loss and bereavement.
  • There were the floating, pale - grey clouds; and the immitigable tree; the implacable tree with its greaved silver bark. The Waves
  • About half the tombstone is covered with a long panegyric on his dead wife by a bereaved husband: at the bottom of the stone is a later inscription which reads, ‘Now he’s gone, too’. As I Please
  • Bereavement is an overall process of readjustment.
  • Tony Hargreaves, presiding, congratulated Simms on a glowing report by the probation service.
  • Still less can I will the death of some one I love on the calculation that the bereavement will be a rewarding experience.
  • The Killing got so close to us, losing it is like a family bereavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • His loss leaves a void in the community which will be difficult to replace and we tender our deepest sympathies to the bereaved.
  • The new booklet is dedicated to individuals and families who have been bereaved by suicide.
  • Talk to a bereavement counsellor rather than relying on your ex. The Sun
  • Belatedly recalling her bereaved state, she let out a sharp, unconvincing yelp of woe and stooped to scrape up a handful of dust, which she poured haphazardly over her head. The Mummy Case
  • The ceremony was an ordeal for those who had been recently bereaved.
  • She looked at Cheepy-cheepy lying next to the bereaved mother and hollowed her cheeks; a hungry look widened her eyes slightly although they were practically buried in crinkles. Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
  • Nobody can tell a recently bereaved spouse the answer to this dilemma; there is no right or wrong answer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or that the two sons struggle to express sympathy with the bereaved. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these examples we see death and bereavement, together with other losses as an important aspect of work in counselling elderly people.
  • Seeing a bereavement counsellor would give her an unbiased and confidential outlet. The Sun

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