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How To Use Reata In A Sentence

  • The loss of the plant led to thousands of children dying from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable diseases.
  • The patient's condition was untreatable and he sought hospice support.
  • Young F has been reading about it in Brendan O'Brien's The Story of Ireland, and although now reassured that the danger from fleas and rats has been much reduced, and that in any case bubonic plague is treatable with modern antibiotics, he is keen to learn more. This is a long shot, but...
  • The first concern is to rule out treatable forms of dementia such as encephalitis or chronic meningitis.
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy is important to recognise because it is treatable.
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  • The clinician must look for tuberculosis, and confirm or exclude this treatable malady in any patient who presents with gastrointestinal disease.
  • Doctors say his condition is treatable. The Sun
  • Even cancer, so often an intractable ailment, may be made more treatable with chronobiological principles. THE RIGHT TIME FOR A CURE
  • Meaning it can go undiagnosed while still being highly treatable. The Sun
  • The reata in those days was nearly always made of plaited raw hide, and often made by the boys themselves, though a good reata required a long time to complete and peculiar skill in the making of it. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • The good news is that the condition is usually temporary and treatable. The Sun
  • Drug-resistant superbugs will make cancer untreatable, says health chief Times, Sunday Times
  • He transformed vascular surgery, inventing procedures that made some of the gravest conditions of the main vessels eminently treatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dry skin is one of the most common and treatable skin conditions.
  • Mr Murray told magistrates that Porter was suffering from an untreatable paranoid personality disorder.
  • Other common and treatable problems include verrucas and ingrown toenails.
  • Early diagnosis of bladder or kidney cancer makes these diseases more treatable. The Sun
  • The pancreatic cancer study got particularly close attention from oncologists because the disease is virtually untreatable and can kill within months.
  • The chapter on palliative therapy is of utmost importance as large number of patients are suitable only for palliation due to their advanced untreatable disease in our country.
  • Now, having a new cold virus running amuck that can superinfect people with an untreatable pneumonia is definitely bad news. Globe and Mail
  • A treatable disease such as cholera should not be endangering thousands of lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food allergies are untreatable, and people with these allergies must avoid offending foods, which can be impossible.
  • Let's get to another e-mail from Mike in New York, who wants to know, "Is there any hope for those who are afflicted with a condition known as alopecia areata? CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2004
  • Many other agents have been used to treat alopecia areata, including minoxidil, psoralen plus ultraviolet A, and anthralin (Anthra-Derm), but success rates vary.
  • Cardiac disease, including left ventricular structural and functional disorders, is an important and potentially treatable comorbidity of early kidney disease.
  • When different germs trade resistances, you could end up with an untreatable disease.
  • Although several vets wanted to euthanize her on the spot, I wanted time to right the wrong -- she had been banished to the backyard for months because she was bleeding and "smelled" -- when in fact, treatable cancer was allowed to become terminal. Chronicle
  • DIOR balloon new option for "untreatable" and high-risk PCI patients - Articles related to H1N1 drugs made available: DMO
  • This means many unnecessary deaths for British patients from treatable conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a worrying application because we are looking at a condition that is treatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Potentially treatable causes of agitation include pain, anxiety, and positive-pressure ventilation.
  • Red was downstream casting at a rock across the torrent but the wind toyed with the heavy, water-soaked _reata_ as though it were a string. The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories
  • How treatable is this disease?
  • Just a few of these diseases are treatable. The Sun
  • Some of these conditions are treatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spinal muscular atrophy is a degenerative condition which is untreatable.
  • Certain forms of cancer are treatable with drugs.
  • Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
  • A chemical in the vitamin makes the disease more treatable and may stop it spreading. The Sun
  • It is most commonly used for the correction of more severe deformities and syndromes that were untreatable in the past.
  • Objective To investigate the related factors for alopecia areata in children.
  • The particular hair-loss case of my friend's younger son is medically termed alopecia areata. Alopecia: Hair Loss in Men and Women Explained
  • Epidural spinal cord compression from metastatic cancer is common and serious but potentially treatable.
  • Predictive genetic testing is currently used mainly for untreatable conditions, such as Huntington's disease, or prenatal detection of serious genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
  • Yet many people attending A&E have conditions easily treatable by basic first aid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Role of Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Type I in Alopecia Areata.
  • In the past few years several therapeutic advances underpinned by multiprofessional, site specialised team working have finally changed the view that advanced colorectal cancer is an untreatable disease.
  • Morgan knew by the feel of it against his neck that it was a platted rawhide, such as the Mexicans term _reata_. Trail's End
  • In the absence of any treatable cause, the best that can be offered is control of the symptoms.
  • Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition manifesting sensory ataxia.
  • Many of the patients had rare and untreatable illnesses.
  • The disease occurs in men mostly over the age of 50 and is very treatable if caught early.
  • Moreover, since many illnesses have incapacitating fatigue as a symptom, care must be taken to exclude other known and often treatable conditions before a diagnosis of CFS is made.
  • None the less, it is a step forward and will stimulate debate about the emergence of neurology from the closet of esoteric and untreatable syndromes.
  • We are happy to provide needle exchange schemes for drug addicts, and their addictions are treatable.
  • It is usually treatable with antibiotics but can invade deeper tissue and cause blood poisoning. The Sun
  • The organisms are treatable with tetracycline, erythromycin, rifampin, and by the sulfonamides.
  • The WHO also reiterated the danger of a strain of TB that isn't treatable by the usual drugs, known as multidrug-resistant TB.
  • Wisdom tooth removal is recommended if there is an otherwise untreatable disease, condition affecting the mouth, or extreme pain.
  • Complete recovery now possible for patients with 'untreatable' mental illness WASHINGTON - An innovative therapy has offered new hope to patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Untold human misery and suffering could be stemmed if Parkinson's disease became treatable.
  • Then quick as a flash Bet thought of the reata on Joy's saddle. The Merriweather Girls in Quest of Treasure
  • One study in Scotland tested the use of essential oils on people with alopecia areata, a condition where the hair comes out in patches. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Castaliusque mihi noua pocula fontis alumnus5 ingerit et late campos metatus apertos imponitque iugum uati retinetque corymbis implicitum ducitque per auia, qua sola numquam trita rotis. iuuat aurato procedere curru et parere deo: uiridis en ire per herbas10 imperat: intacto premimus uestigia musco; et, quamuis cursus ostendat tramite noto obuia Calliope facilis, insistere prato complacitum, rudibus qua luceat orbita sulcis. nam quis non Nioben numeroso funere maestam15 iam cecinit? quis non Semelen ignemque iugalem letalemque simul nouit de paelicis astu? quis magno recreata tacet cunabula Baccho, ut pater omnipotens maternos reddere mensis dignatus iusti complerit tempora partus? Exordium to a Poem on Hunting
  • We will never know how many people die each year from treatable problems because they go to a profit driven ER or cannot afford a private doctorand just rely on the kindness of strangers to save their lives. Luck and Opportunity
  • Nowhere is this more relevant than in the case of very rare and very serious but treatable disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • This allows for the detention of potentially dangerous untreatable patients within the scope of the Human Rights Act.
  • Villanueva suffers from an autoimmune skin condition called alopecia areata which affects over five million North Americans. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inside Basketball
  • With expanding medical expectations, and ever expanding possibilities for cures for hitherto untreatable conditions, if money were no object, the sky might be the limit.
  • She's really lucky her cancer has been treatable.
  • RSCI's Chairman expressed his concern that since few people can afford to travel outside the country for medical treatments, America needs to put more focus on approving ultra safe adult stem cell treatments to alleviate the suffering of millions diagnosed with so-called untreatable diseases. PRWeb
  • There are theories that Marie may have had a medical condition termed diffuse alopecia areata, which can result in sudden hair loss. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Treatable causes of pseudoainhum include hairs, clothing, or even sutures.
  • At present people can be forcibly detained and medicated only if it would benefit their condition - known as 'treatability'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Andrea Yates was apparently suffering from a specific, diagnosable -- and treatable -- condition called postpartum psychosis. Motherhood And Murder
  • The hypercalcemia is easily treatable by hydration and withdrawal of the calcium containing antacids.
  • And most importantly they developed pharmacological and psychological interventions which have moved many of the mental disorders from "untreatable" to "highly treatable" and in a couple of cases, "curable. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It's a relief to be able to put a name to my illness, and a relief to know that it's something that's recognisable and diagnosable and treatable.
  • If my mother had just had Huntington's disease diagnosed my request for a prognostic test would be unlikely to be turned down on the basis that the disease is untreatable.
  • Her lawyers say she had a treatable condition called acute compartment syndrome, where blood flow is cut off. The Sun
  • In the Los Angeles Times today, Libertarian Republican columnist PJ O'Rourke has announced is reporting that he has been diagnosed with Cancer - a malignant hemorrhoid, that is treatable. Libertarian Republican
  • Gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers may be infectious diseases treatable by antibiotics and by the 100-year-old medicine bismuth.
  • Nowadays the condition is treatable with tetracycline eye ointment and tetracycline taken orally.
  • All the medical experts agreed that he had a neurodegenerative disorder that was 'catastrophic and untreatable'. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is important to rule oat underlying and treatable problems, such as stress fracture, Baker's cyst, soft tissue mass, pes planus, muscle herniation, or diffuse periostitis, before considering a surgical solution.
  • The psychiatric evidence was that her medical condition was untreatable and that she would probably never have insight into/take responsibility for her murderous actions.
  • ‘When he knew his cancer was untreatable, he told us he had no regrets except that he was leaving my mother to grieve,’ Richard said.
  • Diagnosing an untreatable illness is a bad moment, and explaining it to a patient is even worse.
  • Bacteria from the cut-price meat that we eat can remain in the gut for years and, warn scientists, breed superbugs untreatable in humans.
  • What were serious, life-threatening diseases are now completely treatable.
  • Early diagnosis of bladder or kidney cancer makes these diseases more treatable. The Sun
  • It is, fortunately, treatable with the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza (oseltamivir and zanamivir), but it is resistant to the other major class of anti-flu drugs, amantadines. The Path of a Pandemic
  • Stress is another cause for changes in the hair alopecia areata, or temporary, nonhereditary hair loss, is caused by stress or trauma. The Truth About Beauty
  • Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition manifesting sensory ataxia.
  • Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
  • People die of treatable diseases because they cannot make it to a well-stocked clinic. Times, Sunday Times
  • When she was born a treatable disease was misdiagnosed, and she was paralyzed.
  • However, it has not been determined whether pulsed light excitation is superior to cw light excitation in terms of treatable tissue depth.
  • About 18% of autopsies reveal potentially treatable contributing factors to death.
  • As well as checking that vision and hearing are normal for the age of the child, they look for any treatable conditions that make it difficult to hear or see, such as glue ear or a squint.
  • Our pronouncements to medical students are reinforced by a second dictum: always diagnose the treatable and important, even if it is not the most common or likely explanation for the patient's symptoms.
  • Gender identity disorder (GID)/gender dysphoria is a little known but much misunderstood congenital intersex condition, which is clinically diagnosable and treatable. Sugar and spice and all things neurobiological
  • Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
  • I suspect it's a sign of political and moral bankruptcy that probably isn't treatable.
  • In the Spanish country it was called reata and even today is sometimes seen in the Southwest made of rawhide. The Passing of the Frontier; a chronicle of the old West
  • It is usually an untreatable disease, and affected patients are rapidly forwarded to cardiac transplantation as soon the diagnosis is established through endomyocardial biopsy.
  • At the age of ten, I began to suffer from an autoimmune skin condition called alopecia areata. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inside Basketball
  • Interviews with outside medical experts suggest Mr. Kirk experienced a major stroke that could result in long-term limitations, though those may be treatable with rehabilitation. Stricken Senator Makes Progress
  • In heat treatable alloys, annealing also may be accompanied by precipitation and changes in solute concentration.
  • A treatable disease such as cholera should not be endangering thousands of lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • This task is called floreo de reata or ‘making flowers.’ Charreada in Guadalajara
  • More than a quarter of people diagnosed with TB in one region of northwestern Russia in 2008 had a form of the disease not treatable with rifampin and another generic antibiotic called isoniazid, the WHO said in March. -- Top News
  • In South America a ring fixed to the surcingle is used; while in Guatemala and Costa Rica the reata is tied to the end of the horse's tail! Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • There are four major strains of malaria and the Kabul area is known for harbouring the worst of them, plasmodium falciparum, a rapid, potentially fatal strain that is mercifully more easily treatable than the others.
  • The northern catalpa can get leaf spot or powdery mildew, but these conditions are treatable.
  • The World Health Organisation has warned of a rise in "untreatable" gonorrhoea, after a spate of multi-resistant cases were detected including in Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • Until now, clinics have been allowed only to screen embryos for untreatable conditions or conditions that affect children, such as Huntington's disease and cystic fibrosis.
  • In many cases, male infertility has become a treatable condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • You see, she was jaundiced, which is VERY common in newborns, and although highly treatable when it is caught early on, if it goes UNtreated it causes serious lasting effects. Republicans Take Healthcare Away From Newborns
  • The American Medical Association believes adult Ncytophobia is very rare and usually treatable with hypnosis and believe it or not, yes prescription drugs.
  • TB is a slowly progressing but entirely treatable condition which can lay dormant for months.
  • If you are feeling "down," you are suffering from depression that is usually short-lived and readily treatable (called dysthymia). Depression -- There is a Way Out
  • The health department has denied planning to discharge "untreatable ANC Daily News Briefing
  • And more people die here from treatable diseases than the EU average. The Sun
  • Or acute episodic stress, treatable with antistress therapies including medications. The English Is Coming!
  • One in ten cot deaths could be caused by a treatable heart condition, researchers claim. Times, Sunday Times
  • While there is no cure for such dependencies, it is a treatable disease. Houston Chronicle
  • Anthrax exposure is highly treatable when detected early.
  • We live like the ancient Irish hermits, in separate hermitages, welcome retreatants, and go on the road periodically to give parish missions and retreats.
  • The man had picked poisonous amanita ocreata mushrooms, which are common in the Santa Barbara area, at the Douglas Family Preserve above Arroyo Burro Beach. 2009 March 10 « Scavenging
  • Her lawyers say she had a treatable condition called acute compartment syndrome, where blood flow is cut off. The Sun
  • That has to be an ad for a hocus pocus thing, because if autism is reversible and treatable, well, then it would be on Oprah. The Panic Virus
  • He says he was appalled by errors that resulted in her succumbing to a common, treatable condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charity said many people do not know some conditions are treatable - such as glaucoma. The Sun
  • Only one death - from a fatal and untreatable disease - had an acceptable explanation.
  • Objective : To investigate the clinical characteristic of severe alopecia areata.
  • But the majority of the mad, untreatable and unvalued, remained incarcerated in the great asylums, which were little more than prisons designed as hospitals. Bedlam
  • The good news is that both infections are easily treatable.
  • What on most ranches in the Southwest is called a ketch (catch) rope is a reata in Mexican Spanish. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 4
  • In time, idiocy, defined once again as permanent and untreatable, became identified with degeneracy, willful noncompliance and moral corruption.
  • A treatable disease such as cholera should not be endangering thousands of lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depression is a treatable illness.
  • When people talk about it being treatable, they are distinguishing it from being curable, which is something we can't do. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2007
  • It showed the client, today’s trainee, along with his fellow executive retreatantsdoubtless exhausted after a hard day of budget cutting and crunching numbersdrinking rum punch dispensed from the breasts of anatomically correct female ice sculptures, to the accompaniment of a steel drum band, a limbo bar, and scantily clad waitresses dressed asoh dearmermaids. Excerpt: Boomsday by Christopher Buckley
  • This principle knows itself and wills itself, thinking thought in this way as its principiate, the ground of the soul in its uncreatedness and uncreatability. Meister Eckhart
  • Participants may become dependent on researchers because they are impoverished, lack insurance, or have an otherwise untreatable disease and join a trial because it is their last hope.
  • Once the sufferer has progressed beyond its early stages, it is no longer treatable.
  • Children and adolescents compose a characteristic subpopulation in patients with alopecia areata AA.
  • Moreover, since many illnesses have incapacitating fatigue as a symptom, care must be taken to exclude other known and often treatable conditions before a diagnosis of CFS is made.
  • With her own _reata_ he fastened her hands behind her and tied the girl securely to the twisted trunk of a Joshua tree. Crooked Trails and Straight
  • The main symptom of this disease, which is treatable by the complete removal of lactose and galactose from the diet, is early onset cataracts.
  • This report describes a new therapeutic approach with a plausible mechanism of action in a severe and otherwise untreatable condition.
  • Jennings CURED of "untreatable" Neurological Disorder - Articles related to H1N1 drugs made available: DMO
  • Yes, an elderly person with a treatable chest infection is such a suck on resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the most common types of damage to paper are treatable.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder is a label commonly applied to women who have endured extreme, usually ongoing, physical or emotional abuse or neglect.11 It is rarely used as a diagnosis for men.12 This diagnosis is often used to describe women who have intense needs for help and support, whom many mental health workers consider to be bothersome and untreatable. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal disease like tinea that is totally preventable and treatable with persistent home care.
  • A reata was coiled at his saddle, and two big Colts swung from a beaded Kid Wolf of Texas
  • Tuberculosis remains a treatable disease, thanks to a combination of up to four different drugs.
  • The Post reports that the wealth of information on the Internet has helped erode some of the stigma of the disease, which is easily treatable where the anti-leprosy drugs dapsone and rifampin are available. Old myths about leprosy still around
  • It's heartbreaking to see people dying of such curable and treatable diseases.
  • For a small group of local women her age, however, Juliana is "Xiyuta" or "Xiphukuphuku" names that may have expressed "bitterness" for her mother, but that seemed to bring greatand mildly subversivepleasure to her and the women who use them, consciously evoking their friend's maternal heritage in the same way the other names denote her marital status or patrilineal descent. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Unlike cancer, CAD is readily preventable, diagnosable, treatable and even reversible.
  • It's not a great time to be a biomedical startup, even though it's a rare week that there isn't news of an amazing new biotech drug aimed at previously untreatable cancers, brain diseases, or immune disorders.
  • The organisms are treatable with tetracycline, erythromycin, rifampin, and by the sulfonamides.
  • He transformed vascular surgery, inventing procedures that made some of the gravest conditions of the main vessels eminently treatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Millions of poor people die of treatable illnesses every year.
  • So long as the underlying disease is treatable, death may be but a temporary affliction, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • This means many unnecessary deaths for British patients from treatable conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • How do we attack the complex problem of deprivation when poverty is scattered throughout a region rather than concentrated in one, relatively treatable area?
  • This is why insurance is so expensive because what was once thought of as normal childhood daydreaming and rammy is now considered a treatable medical condition. Saving Carlos: Budget cuts leave 2nd-grader behind

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