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How To Use Reassuring In A Sentence

  • A series of enervating campus visits is marked by interchangeably chirpy undergraduate tour guides united by their ability to walk backward while extolling the school's a capella groups and reassuring parents about the high priority placed on security. A Craving for Acceptance
  • An affectionate arm around the shoulders, a warm and reassuring hug, a gentle touch upon the arm, even just an understanding glance, are enough to drive away the blues and kindle hope in a heart beset with workaday cares.
  • He said: 'It is reassuring but also quite unnerving. The Sun
  • But it's a reassuring presence and it grows on you like the frown of a grizzled but kindly uncle. The Sun
  • A large, new study may be reassuring to women considering mastectomies because of a history of breast cancer in their families. Study Weakens Case for Preventive Mastectomy
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  • The company was playing with fire yesterday by spending time reassuring investors worried about the dividend. Times, Sunday Times
  • How much easier, and how reassuring, if they could all simply be understood as primitive, unevolved manikins. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can picture Kim, her snug stretch jeans tucked into high-heeled cowboy boots, a long plaid work shirt open at the neck, reassuring Aunt Harriet, whom she knew worried about her, that she was going to start school again in the fall and that she was doing fine. History of a Suicide
  • Food shops line the outer edges (selling, for a Brit, remarkably reassuring grub like sausage rolls, meat pies and fish and chips).
  • Her reassuring smile did little to reassure her dismal friends.
  • The company was playing with fire yesterday by spending time reassuring investors worried about the dividend. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that the baby is still doing the lambada on all internal organs it can find is far more reassuring to me.
  • He seems to have a great comfort level with these popes, which is, of course, very reassuring to American Catholics. CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2008
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • And it is reassuring to know that my ears are taking a well-earned rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kerry became the safe choice, uninspiring but solidly reassuring.
  • The reassuringly solid build and sleek finish make it feel that it really should cost more. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results were not reassuring, and by the time we took Fergus to the vet's the following day, we were convinced his nine lives were up.
  • In Borken's messily vital urban context of supermarkets, small houses and traffic roundabouts, the bank's simple Euclidean form is a reassuringly calm, rooted presence.
  • It is reassuring to know that he is keen to bat on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The resultant sheitels might be hard, shiny and unpersuasive, but they were reassuringly free from the whiff of idolatry. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was reassuring to hear John's familiar voice.
  • She leaned back into the taxi's lumpy seat and gave him a reassuring smile.
  • The guy just has a sense of inner confidence and centeredness that is very reassuring.
  • It is reassuring when you come to a thinker with no desire to be an appalling old waxwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gavin Lawrence as the Interlocutor in The Last Minstrel Show is sleek, sly, and not at all reassuring in his oversized cutaway coat, pin-striped pants, white spats, and Cheshire grin.
  • Because the idea of convening a crisis summit contradicts the reassuring messages offered by the federal government, our proposal was immediately rejected by the Department of Health and Human Services. MAIL CALL
  • Philippe's refrains create a sort of hyper-personal, us-against-the-world dyad, reassuring Charles of his loyalty ‘no matter what people say.’
  • His life is as reassuringly bland as his daily turkey - wrap lunch.
  • Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder.Sentence dictionary
  • Even the headlights scream safety at you: the dipped beam has height, depth and breadth to give a reassuring night view without blinding oncoming traffic.
  • He is a reassuringly solid point in the social whirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • American soldiers committed, their demeanor has been warlike, which is not perceived by the occupied populace as reassuring or secure, but as frightening and dangerous. Jane Smiley: The End is Nigh
  • someone demanded, and Victor answered reassuringly, `We brought a busload of supplies. THE WHITE DOVE
  • He is a reassuringly solid point in the social whirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's reassuring to know our numbers are in agreement with previous estimates of the mass of the stars based on the stars' motion.
  • It is reassuring to know that the two conditions are not incompatible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The face that stared back at her from the small mirror was reassuringly familiar, her expression faintly aloof and withdrawn, the cleverly tailored cut of her thick glossy hair making it fall in a smooth, controlled curve. Passionate Relationship
  • The good and the bad parts of our lives do not interlock with reassuring neatness across the course of a lifetime; instead they sit together in heterogeneous disarray, elbowing one another like distant ancestors told to bunch up tight for a family photograph. On Reading Zen « Tales from the Reading Room
  • It's very reassuring that some companies can be relied upon to give good customer service and satisfaction.
  • Giving my little one a reassuring squeeze, I muss her hair with my right hand.
  • Apparently the act of binding the baby tightly to itself in strips of fabric is reassuring for babies, although the evidence for this seems to lie more in presumption than science.
  • He is a reassuringly solid point in the social whirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quite reassuring is the fact that all political pundits are unanimous over one point.
  • The rebels' failure to win sympathy from fellow officers is reassuring, but their grievances are real.
  • For the time, as they endured the miles, Kashpaw's openhearted ease was reassuring. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • None of this is reassuring for British or American hostages. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something reassuring about a good bar of soap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the shade of Marx was gone, and the walls of the official residence had reassumed their reassuring solidity.
  • This was a reassuringly lucid explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The therapist says reassuringly that it is a natural to have such curiosity and such wishes.
  • In short, Wong and Perdue's findings are reassuring because the "price data generally confirm the outlines of the export trade based on qualitative information.
  • I hefted it by the barrel, finding the weight somewhat reassuring: at least it'd make a satisfactory club.
  • The helpers were moving about the plane, chatting and reassuring everyone, and suddenly ashen-faced people who had been gripping their arm-rests were smiling, talking and relaxing.
  • There was a reassuring air about him, a comforting quality that he seemed to radiate from within.
  • the prime minister pointed reassuringly to the silence of the British press
  • He gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
  • To me there is something reassuring about that theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is reassuringly simple both to drive and to fix but looks and feels like a proper racing car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although Gilbert and George are promoting a reassuringly pedestrian and unartistic view of art, Higgs and Noble nonetheless do them something of a disservice here.
  • There is something reassuring about the creeping medicalisation of extremes of human normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was expert at reassuring the apprehensive young bride. Times, Sunday Times
  • As it was easy to spot, photogenic and reassuring, I enjoyed ending my dives by gently surfacing between the bodacious pontoons.
  • There is something beautifully reassuring about the presence of an antique grandfather clock in a home; it makes a statement about permanence and comfort that's hard to beat.
  • So it was reassuring when she clucked sympathetically at the bone-weariness I described, and suggested that I take a nap before the boys got back. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grandmothers
  • He was constantly reassuring himself that he had acted for the best.
  • Water bosses are reassuring householders that the region's reservoirs are in tip-top shape.
  • That the photograph appears iconic not only contributes an aura of authenticity, it also seems reassuringly familiar.
  • The reassuring factor in all this is Ottway, who was the company's hired killer: Before the crash, he had spent his days shooting predators around the perimeter of the refinery, and morosely obsessing about the woman he lost. 'Man on a Ledge' Does a Balancing Act
  • It is as if they resent her forcing brutal reality down their throat, as if she has reneged on a deal that she'd always be reassuringly shallow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talking to an experienced counsellor is crucial in reassuring us that it is not strange or unusual to feel the way that we do. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the good nights, or at least, the reassuring nights, everybody knows her, and they gather in unnervingly intent arcs in front of her instruments, forming her words with their own mouths as she sings them, shouting requests in the breaks for songs she hasn't even finished writing yet. Boing Boing: August 26, 2001 - September 1, 2001 Archives
  • There is something reassuring about secret writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its reassuring to find oneself almost agreeing with Melanie again. .but: laughable as it is for this dreadful new labour hack to pretend that paying to be tied up and flogged is only depraved if you wear the wrong costume; isnt the public exposure of depravity its own kind of lechery (to paraphrase Dr Johnson)? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Plus the company is reassuring about future dividends. Times, Sunday Times
  • This long preamble is just a way of reassuring you that I too feel the lash. Times, Sunday Times
  • John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together.
  • Infinitely reassuring was the unresting, unhurried suspiration of the air-pumps, driving the man-made trade winds of this tiny planet. The Sands of Mars
  • Even lower level Ubermensch know that only IDiots believe in dualism and that it is anything but emotionally reassuring. 2009 November - Telic Thoughts
  • Carson's topical jokes showed a barometric sensitivity to shifts in the national mood -- when his monologues made Richard Nixon their butt, that was the ball game -- but equally important was the host's carefully crafted casualness and the show's changelessness: The New York Times's Frank Rich called it "as formulaic and reassuring as Kabuki. JOHNNY CARSON, 1925-2005
  • Yet despite reassuring figures, respondents said in interviews that big concerns remained.
  • It's reassuring to know that problems are rare.
  • While some might be disturbed by the icy stare of their future meal, I found it reassuring to see the fresh selections.
  • So pick up your light-guns, and your reassuringly non-ergonomic two-button controllers, and let's take yet another walk down a brightly lit and softly "bloop"ing memory lane. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Ariane looked over at her thinly built friend, and tried to give a reassuring smile.
  • The two organisations have key allies and it s reassuring for economic development.
  • It would be reassuring if a sample of these diocesan reports could actually be audited by outsiders, and a closer look taken in cases that seem to be statistically unlikely.
  • He was constantly reassuring himself that he had acted for the best.
  • Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony.
  • These are also designed with an eye to reassuring those who did well out of the switch from rates to poll tax.
  • It is reassuring knowing you are going to meet people in a similar situation to yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recent economic reports had shown hints of a pickup in consumer spending and a rebound in durable goods orders. But the data on Tuesday was less reassuring.
  • Her head buried in her lap, one distressed victim is given a reassuring hug from a concerned friend.
  • The female ambo straps her in and gives her a reassuring smile.
  • This is the echo of the reassuring solidity of that ‘Big Other’ of received wisdom in which we live and breathe.
  • Both men are renowned for their friendly demeanour and reassuring manner.
  • The sight of a nurse was reassuring to nervous flyers, especially in the unsteady confines of unpressurised cabins.
  • First of all, his lank, angular appearance combined with his monotone voice and gloomy disposition aren't very soothing and reassuring.
  • It was reassuring to hear John's familiar voice.
  • Though an'offshore'market, it was reassuringly familiar to Chinese fund managers and their clients alike.
  • I settled on the thin padding of the window seat and leaned against the reassuring solidity of the window frame.
  • They all seemed safe, unexcitable and reassuringly full of themselves.
  • ‘That's reassuring,’ she responded, hobbling the mare with leather straps and removing her bridle so that she could graze.
  • Plus the company is reassuring about future dividends. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could go on, dispensing reassuring numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It secretes a kind of gum to patch weak points in the walls of the arteries and larger capillaries, which is reassuring to a man of my age, A Gift From Earth
  • He seemed on edge and nervous, returning her looks with reassuring gazes that were none too convincing.
  • She was grateful for his comforting words and reassuring gestures.
  • This is antidoted by the second half of the ad, in which a reassuring feeling, like safety or pride, is elicited, and linked to the commodity or politician being promoted. Stephen Ducat: Propaganda 101: How to Decode Political Ads
  • These attitudes should be of great concern; for to be effective, deterrence must not only be credible to our potential adversary but reassuring to our own people. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • Laudable too are the recent measures by republicans aimed at reassuring unionists that the war really is over.
  • Nora wanted to fish about and hook some small and reassuring truth that would exonerate Kennerly and release her from her guilt. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • His reassuring smile relaxed me as I hurried to my first class seat and settled in for the flight.
  • On the other hand, it is reassuring to find undisputed giants of human progress like Shakespeare, Newton, Darwin and Brunel up there, too.
  • Not an hour later the windows of our boardroom shook as an explosion a block away tore a bus to pieces and everyone was called to the breakout room for a reassuring damage control conversation.
  • It must be very reassuring for women with dress sizes over six to have a celebrity they can identify with.
  • Don't let jealousy make you deaf or he may get fed up with reassuring you. The Sun
  • It's reassuring that we've got the money if necessary.
  • What was that about reassuring noises from the Fed? Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the fame and the globetrotting, the couple's domestic existence is reassuringly familiar.
  • But how reassuring to learn that the readers are such a literate and well informed group.
  • a very reassuring remark
  • He patted her knee reassuringly.
  • One by one they moved, shuffling closer to the reassuring glow and pulling their thick cloaks tightly about their heads. The Gods of Asgard
  • It's a reassuring recourse for women like me who might even be accused of approaching life too conservatively, too responsibly.
  • An avuncular African doctor had the time to be reassuring and overflowing with human kindness.
  • Saying someone is religious is heard in most of America as a compliment, a reassuring affirmation that someone will be moral, ethical, and after a few glasses of wine, a freak in the bedroom. Bill Maher 
  • Her appointment is about reassuring the teachers or it has no rationale. Times, Sunday Times
  • One by one they moved, shuffling closer to the reassuring glow and pulling their thick cloaks tightly about their heads. The Gods of Asgard
  • Don't let jealousy make you deaf or he may get fed up with reassuring you. The Sun
  • One by one they moved, shuffling closer to the reassuring glow and pulling their thick cloaks tightly about their heads. The Gods of Asgard
  • As we spent time dithering on what to have it was reassuring to feel as though the staff weren't hurrying us along.
  • It is part of reassuring people that they live in a safe neighbourhood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Golden light makes the landscape seem otherworldly, yet it has the reassuring impress of humanity about it.
  • Its reassuring vegetableness, its green leafiness, the way it looked natural on a farm, spoke to our deep cabbagey values.
  • And Mazursky was reassuring in noting that hot toy items typically enjoy popularity for three to five years, then fade.
  • This confidence is reassuring for investors. The Sun
  • But the exceptionalism argument offers some voters a reassuring counternarrative to persistent joblessness, a long-term hollowing out of the middle class and a sense that the nation's best days are past. NYT > Home Page
  • The copier's footprint is reassuringly small, and it's no effort to move around with an unboxed weight of 9.95kg.
  • He replied, with a reassuring smile, "Oh, you don't need to worry about them.".
  • And Mazursky was reassuring in noting that hot toy items typically enjoy popularity for three to five years, then fade.
  • Birds are not like this: blackbirds or goldfinches vary reassuringly little wherever you go.
  • They are just so darn reassuring and they were traveling in a pretty darn good direction, about 160 degrees, at about 15 mph.
  • I pushed my head into her side, an armless hug, a reassuring nudge.
  • The old Sunday-school hymn — "Jesus loves me, yes I know/for the Bible tells me so" — is reassuring as far as it goes, but a lot of believers are more perplexed than enlightened the more they heed Saint Paul's injunction to "think on these things. More a Matter of Mystery than Magic
  • An avuncular African doctor had the time to be reassuring and overflowing with human kindness.
  • In this increasingly garish context, there can be no denying the reassuring twinkle of a traditional fairy light.
  • The first two groups are undervalued, underowned and unloved, which is reassuring. The Contra Contrarian
  • Contrary to the reassuring propaganda about the difficulties of preparing spores and preventing them clumping, he reckoned that anyone who had had some basic training in bacteriology could do it.
  • There is something reassuring about secret writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dualist can rest content in the reassuring thought that they are a subject, a substance, a hypokeimenon, that exists in excess of any thoughts or encounters they might undergo. Larval Subjects .
  • I thought it was "hic", but the reference I consulted gave me "huc", so I went with it; if it's wrong, that's reassuring. Making Light: Open thread 135
  • You sure she wasn't just humouring you, reassuring you, guilting you into staying?
  • The veejay gave Emerson the reassuring smile a coach would give a Little Leaguer who had just screwed up an easy play and reached over and squeezed his hand. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • The sight was oddly reassuring.
  • Try reassuring a nervous flier by reciting the tiny probability of an airplane crash.
  • The twin long swords, one sword-belt around his waist, the other at a slant to his side, hung comfortably around him, their weight reassuring.
  • Playing old-school NES games is reassuringly awesome, but playing them in emulation at your computer is inauthentic and sometimes kludgey. Build A Nintendo Arcade To Get Your Old-School Game On | Lifehacker Australia
  • The system's recent flexibility is too much like that of a tent in a hurricane, and about as reassuring.
  • His photographs of haze-covered hills and dark cryptomeria forests conspire with the texts to draw the viewer into a reassuring fantasy.
  • Sexton's reluctance to conclude her writing on a resounding, authoritative, and thus normative and reassuring note is a sign of refusal to concede to totalization and of a wish to keep multiple interpretive possibilities open.
  • The reassuring physical presence of a property is enough to catch many people off guard.
  • The roles of the kindly professor and Santa Claus were tailor-made for Liam Murphy, whose avuncular presence must have been very reassuring for the children at the outset.
  • And wired to zero in on any apparent bad news in a larger stream of information (e.g., fixing on a casual aside from a family member or co-worker), to tune out or de-emphasize reassuring good news, and to keep thinking about the one thing that was negative in a day in which a hundred small things happened, ninety-nine of which were neutral or positive. Rick Hanson, Ph.D.: Confronting the Negativity Bias
  • The towers look like beacons in the stormy night, still strangely reassuring in their solidity and familiarity.
  • Flatten yourself against the window, and let the world tilt forward until you're gazing down through the fine transparent barrier, scattered with reassuring dust motes and the glimmer of reflection.
  • He is a reassuringly solid point in the social whirl. Times, Sunday Times
  • There're a couple of cartoons and trite quotations on a noticeboard left over from the previous tenant but nothing reassuringly mine (except for the not inconsiderable mess).
  • The Trust has been rightly praised for its efforts over the last year, conducting itself in a dignified manner, and its continued presence must be reassuring to fans during these troubled times.
  • At a time of economic uncertainty and anaemic growth, it is reassuring to know that there is no shortage of ambition or confidence in British business. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's okay now," he said reassuringly.
  • Somehow, in the emotional cauldron of Parkhead, that quality is hugely reassuring.
  • It was a guise he adopted to great effect, since it was both reassuring to clients and off-putting to opponents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wines also notes that female plumbers or electricians have an interesting market advantage: hiring a woman for work in the home can be reassuring for older people, or women living alone, which, he says, "creates a niche for a female tradesperson". Surge in the number of women apprentices
  • This confidence is reassuring for investors. The Sun
  • She also imparts potentially useful, if not exactly reassuring, tips on what to do when your plane depressurizes: you have slightly less than thirty seconds to put on that dangling oxygen mask before you lose consciousness.
  • A 26-year-old, gravida 2, para 1, white woman delivered a full-term infant by cesarean section for nonreassuring heart tracings.
  • It is reassuring to know that the Scottish Executive husbands the expenditure it makes on our behalf so wisely.
  • Some departments hastily and explicitly school impressionable reporters in shrugging off scoops by other news organizations, with the reassuring but dangerously outmoded Times maxim "It's not news until we say it's news. My Times
  • trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
  • It is reassuringly simple both to drive and to fix but looks and feels like a proper racing car. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was reassuring to be among people who came in for some quiet minutes, their heads bowed toward the consecrated bread hidden beyond the altar that in some mysterious way had been made one with Christ during the Mass.
  • Despite the reassuring findings, "data from this study alone are not enough to conclude that varenicline is equally safe and effective in psychiatric and nonpsychiatric samples," the researchers said. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • The resulting ambiguities have arguably frustrated readers for whom the contrasts and juxtapositions of the preceding epigrams offer a reassuring set of interpretive coordinates.
  • It was reassuring to hear John's familiar voice.
  • This was a reassuringly lucid explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • As for Colleville, he was killing the time by composing an anagram on the six words of "le journal 'l'Echo de la Bievre,'" for which he had found the following version, little reassuring (as far as it went) for the prospects of that newspaper: "O d'Echo, jarni! la bevue reell" -- but as the final "e" was lacking to complete the last word, the work was not altogether as satisfactory as it should have been. The Lesser Bourgeoisie
  • A chilled bottle of beer sits reassuringly on the table.
  • I could go on, dispensing reassuring numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reassuringly simple in design but given a contemporary twist by modern detailing, the boxes can be wall-mounted, placed on wheels or used freestanding.
  • It had quite a pleasant aroma, which was reassuring. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bug-eyed waiter approached silently to offer me a multi-coloured drink in an asymmetrical glass, reassuring me that it was just a dream.
  • So the place feels unpretentious, but in a reassuringly plush way. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tried and failed to sound reassuring, giving his most trustworthy smile.
  • But, as I imagine it was meant to do, it was also reassuring to see what fail-safes and other options exist in even the direst circumstances.
  • Your baby may have trouble breastfeeding and is three times more likely to die in the first year of life than a full-term baby.2 Elective inductions increase the use of medication, including epidurals, and also the incidence of non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns, shoulder dystocia, instrument delivery, and cesareans.3 The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • He spoke intelligently but across a wide gulf, without the reassuring flatteries, tensions, and warmth of normal conversation. Let’s Die Together
  • Nora wanted to fish about and hook some small and reassuring truth that would exonerate Kennerly and release her from her guilt. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Her letters were full of reassuring gossip and pleasantries and for that Louisa had been thankful. SANDS OF TIME

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