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[ US /ɹiəˈsaɪnmənt/ ]
[ UK /ɹˌiːɐsˈa‍ɪnmənt/ ]
  1. assignment to a different duty

How To Use reassignment In A Sentence

  • The process of gender reassignment is not something undertaken lightly. Pre-Existing Marriage Campaign Survey
  • Although the National Health Service in Great Britain has paid for gender reassignment surgery for transsexuals since 1999, at a cost of approximately £10,000 per procedure, precisely how much masculinization or feminization should be funded by the taxpayers remains a matter of ongoing controversy. Jacob M. Appel: Are Breasts a Right or a Privilege?
  • Handle salary adjustment, promotion, job reassignment in line with Company policy.
  • School Education: Goods, facilities and services protection against discrimination because of gender reassignment is extended to include school education. Looking back, pushing forward
  • ANDERSON: After her so called reassignment, Paris issued a statement reading, quote, "I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope others have learned from my mistakes. CNN Transcript Jun 7, 2007
  • Chastity Bono, the daughter of Sonny and Cher, is changing her sex with the help of gender reassignment surgery, The NY Daily News has learned. Cher On Daughter Chastity Bono Sex Change: “I Will Strive To Be Understanding…”
  • A more difficult question is whether employers can rely upon collective agreements to circumvent the need to make job reassignment.
  • Unfortunately, while they helpfully list intersex conditions that are allowed in "female" events, they don't define those that are disallowed, except in the case of sex reassignment, which is what the policy seems intended to address. Philip N. Cohen: After Semenya: Tracking Male and Female, Injury and Insult
  • He was referring to the reassignment of Boston Public Schools' longtime director of food and nutrition services. Top Stories
  • Under the agreement, teachers the city is trying to fire will no longer be sent to the rubber rooms, known as reassignment centers, where the teachers show up every school day, sometimes for years, doing no work and drawing full salaries. NYT > Home Page
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