How To Use Reassert In A Sentence

  • Perhaps spurred by the era of Republican dominance and a reassertive ruling class, historians have given new attention to the plantocracy.
  • The word has reasserted the romantic, courageous quality that the poet Keats, in “Endymion,” gave it: “Adventuresome, I send/My herald thought into a wilderness.” No Uncertain Terms
  • It was an enjoyable evening but the danger of where we seem to be going kept reasserting itself like a descant to the pleasant sound of casual conversation.
  • This ruinous legacy continues to reassert itself at each crucial turn of the country's history.
  • In tandem with a reform of the modern Mass, already tentatively under way, the foundations could be laid for a return to dignified worship and reassertion of doctrine.
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  • Like the Islamic and Ottoman works that follow, they show how quickly this region surmounts destruction and reasserts its cultural traditions.
  • He thought about giving up his job, but then common sense reasserted itself.
  • It is a quick, single move which breaks the flow and reasserts one's control over the situation.
  • What we are seeing from some reasserters is outward forms which are Anglican accompanied by an inward ecclessiology which is congregationalist. Who are the real Anglicans? « Anglican Samizdat
  • Moreover, inflows of food have correlated with Pyongyang's crackdown on the fledgling markets and reinstitution of the government-run public distribution system as the regime uses food rations to reassert political control. Food For North Korea's Poor, but Not for Its Government
  • However, the European Council was also an attempt by governments to reassert national control over the development of the EC.
  • However, Celtic quickly reasserted themselves and were back on level terms following an Alan Hosey header from a great John Reid cross.
  • Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's Christianity" upon Asians is no longer advisable.
  • James sought to reassert the divine right of kings, and Parliament combined against him.
  • Moyes is the referee, which is just as well as the fixture generally has a bit of needle to it: the veterans needing to continually reassert their prowess over the younger generation.
  • My sane sensible side reasserted itself quickly, but just for one second after seeing a room for let in Brighton, I was about to just up and leave.
  • The moment the internet gives access to knowledge and opinion to billions previously denied it, governments seek to reassert control. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it also allows the traditional power biology has within psychology to reassert itself within them.
  • In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states.
  • The point of talking about the commons is to reassert a basic truth: Power does not reside in government and markets alone.
  • This slim soft-bound volume of verses, volume two following "Robert Frost's Answering Machine," continues to reassert poet Daniel Waters's ability to put poetry in everyone's back pocket. News
  • Addressing an audience that was torn between the demythologizing heritage of the enlightenment on the one hand, and attempts to reassert traditional moral and religious principles on the other, Scott combines the economic amoralism of progressive historical discourse with the romance of disinterested personal virtue. Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
  • A counterinsurgency requires an insurgency against a legitimate government, whose authority can be reasserted. Times, Sunday Times
  • At last, common sense had reasserted itself.
  • This fine body of Indian cavalry and camelry reported that affairs seemed serious up the Tiban valley; then inertia reasserted itself and they were recalled. Pan-Islam
  • Washington: President Barack Obama's "reassertion" of US leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get Israel and the Palestinians, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak - Articles related to A Shark's Tale
  • As morning came it became clear that after Tuesday's chaotic scenes the regime was determined to reassert control. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is possible that the Senoussi tribe will emerge from Benghazi's chaos and reassert its historic overlordship of eastern Libya. Eric Margolis: After Bombing Libya, What Now?
  • Either the senior pastor or the worship leader needs to be prepared to calmly reassert control before things get out of hand. Christianity Today
  • reassertion" of U.S. leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get - Articles related to A Shark's Tale
  • As morning came it became clear that after Tuesday's chaotic scenes the regime was determined to reassert control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iraqan insurgency against the Government of Iraq and Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas north, northeast, and west of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency consists principally of Sunni Arabs with a shared desire to oust the Coalition, end US influence in Iraq, and reassert Sunni Arab dominance; a number of predominantly Shia militias, some associated with political parties, challenge governmental authority in Baghdad and southern Iraq Political pressure groups and leaders
  • Rebel fighters had earlier rejected a deal allowing the regime to reassert control over the area in return for lifting a punishing siege. Times, Sunday Times
  • A statement issued on behalf of the publisher said that it reasserted its support for the original order and repeated that it would never knowingly contravene a court order.
  • In practice, it has permitted the realities of power to reassert themselves. THE AGE OF CONSENT
  • And I did actually think last night he kind of reasserted that slightly sterner, but more kind of firm Obama that we like. CNN Transcript Feb 10, 2009
  • Yet the appeal to tripartition as the reassertion in triangular format of dialectical possibilities otherwise self-defeating achieves little.
  • The problem for the ruling class is how to reassert such hegemony.
  • There may be some recovery when they go to school, but the dip will reassert itself during the teenage years.
  • He knew that he needed to reassert his control of her. A Time of War
  • Rebel fighters had earlier rejected a deal allowing the regime to reassert control over the area in return for lifting a punishing siege. Times, Sunday Times
  • A wielding of language that speaks as a means to recapture and reanimate male power, it suggests a masculinity reasserting itself at the expense of women.
  • One certain consequence was that Britain and Russia agreed on a future policy of non-intervention, thus making it possible for China to reassert its authority.
  • Leigh's skilful orchestration of character and narrative was confidently reasserted in his drama 'Grown-Ups'.
  • As his songwriting has reasserted itself on a series of pithy and cryptic recent albums the latest, save for a curious Christmas album, being 2009's "Together Through Life", Mr. Dylan has cast himself as an adventurous guitar-slinger and showman, with a voice that keeps getting grainier and ghostlier. Having a Sonic Summer
  • They descended, passing the man with the pail, who again asseverated that he had let no intruder pass, down to the commissionaire and the hovering chestnut man, who rigidly reasserted their own watchfulness. The Complete Father Brown
  • Everything comes together smashingly, in an extended dénouement that… reasserts the power of stories and songs to represent, sustain and complete us.
  • Reason reasserting itself, he has given up the idea of disembodied spirits, convinced that the two figures coming forward are real flesh and blood; the same whose blood he assisted in spilling, and whose flesh he lately believed to be decaying in the obscurity of a cave. The Lone Ranche
  • In this way the victim's worth can be reasserted.
  • Such criticism, though a bit sanctimonious, is reasonably well grounded: in the years since an ailing Yeltsin appointed him Russia's president, on December 31, 1999, Putin has in numerous ways tried to reassert Kremlin control over the country. The Accidental Autocrat
  • The Obama FCC could "reclassify" broadband under the law and reassert its authority to protect Internet users. Josh Silver: Government Takeover? Comcast CEO Changes His Tune Outside D.C.
  • Either the senior pastor or the worship leader needs to be prepared to calmly reassert control before things get out of hand. Christianity Today
  • The Second Republic was progressively emasculated as the old monarchist élites reasserted control at central and local level.
  • Openness to other cultures and the future gave way to inward-looking rivalry and mediocrity, as a closed tribal mentality reasserted itself.
  • At last, common sense had reasserted itself.
  • It is a symbolic reassertion of the efficacy of diplomacy and dialogue over the use of force in international disputes.
  • Washington: President Barack Obama's "reassertion" of US leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get Israel and the Palestinians, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak ministers vowed on Wednesday to support US President Barack Obama's Middle East Israel depends on a halt to its settlement ... - Articles related to A Shark's Tale
  • Centuries later during the Counter-Reformation, the feast became still more important as an occasion to reassert the Tridentine dogma of transubstantiation against the various alternatives proposed by the Reformers, from "consubstantiation" to outright denial of the Real Presence in favor of seeing the Eucharist as a memorial alone. The ambiguity of Corpus Christi
  • Yet as banks reassert control, the pendulum is swinging hard in a conservative direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • He thought about giving up his job, but then common sense reasserted itself.
  • What this amounts to is an arty reassertion of the fact that it's a funny old world. Times, Sunday Times
  • France, however, hoped to reassert control over Indo-China and reoccupied the main cities.
  • I see it as a triumphant reassertion of his essence: serious joy.
  • The military insists that it has gone a long way to reassert control over the area at considerable cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditional values have been reasserted.
  • He's just given quite a long statement but is basically reasserting his innocence.
  • France, however, hoped to reassert control over Indo-China and reoccupied the main cities.
  • Political alignments would shift, the military would reassert itself, and the country face international isolation.
  • Boutros-Ghali's 1995 Supplement to an Agenda for Peace reasserts the crucial importance of consent, impartiality, and non-use of force to operational success.
  • A Reader's Manifesto: Whatever happens, the old American scorn for pretension is bound to reassert itself someday, and dear God, let it be soon. SF Tidbits for 8/29/09
  • He scored eight of Brazil's 18 goals to reassert his global pre-eminence on the most celebrated stage of all.
  • Thereupon the pride of the suffering mastersinger reasserted itself; for while his wife painfully assisted him to mount the stairs, he harshly denied her right to sit in judgment upon his vocal gifts, and sternly ordered her to be silent. My Life — Volume 1
  • The illusion of easy communication disintegrates, the curse of Babel reasserts itself, English collapses into translationese.
  • Some landlords attempted to reassert forced labor dues, which the peasants heroically resisted.
  • This has been called the reassertion theory of truth (Price 1987, 207). Him
  • At this juncture, I reassert that population change in a given area is conditioned by its intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
  • Everything comes together smashingly, in an extended dénouement that… reasserts the power of stories and songs to represent, sustain and complete us.
  • As the protest movement waned, the military deliberately fomented communal conflict as a means of reasserting its authority.
  • In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states.
  • Together, the miniatures address the presence of a modern Elymas, Luther, and reassert Paul's apostolic authority; legitimately mandated to the papacy.
  • It was a reassertion of clear civilian control over the military. Times, Sunday Times
  • Labour must reassert the ideological strength and popular appeal of the values and ideals of democratic socialism.
  • However, many of the certificates are merely reasserting permission of those already certificated. Times, Sunday Times
  • In forwarding this despatch Lord Milner made the apposite comment that the propriety of employing the term suzerainty to express the rights possessed by Great Britain is an "etymological question," and Mr. Chamberlain, replying on December 15th, accepts President Krüger's declaration that he is willing to abide by the articles of the Convention, reasserts the claim of suzerainty, declines to allow foreign arbitration, and demands the immediate fulfilment of Article IV. Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • A stalemate had been reached in which the opposition could not unseat the government by force and the government could not reassert full control.
  • There the pioneering impulse has passed out of life into stupid history books, and the inevitable classicalism, the fear of adventure, the superstition before social invention, have reasserted themselves. A Preface to Politics
  • The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.
  • Conversation in his immediate vicinity lagged, and then reasserted itself as the demands of politeness were acceded to. A DEATH IN TIME
  • He moved quickly to reassert UN centrality in emergencies across the globe.
  • His sense of humour was beginning to reassert itself.
  • I suspect they probably bided their time until the furor over the May conference died down, before waiting to reassert their power and control.
  • With some anxieties removed, her natural courage is reasserting itself, and as a result her memory is improving day by day. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Diebold asked, referring to the reassertion of central church authority that defined Roman Catholic life between the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s and the Second Vatican Council. News
  • His sense of humour was beginning to reassert itself.
  • You beg the question by merely reasserting that God's existence is indemonstrable.
  • A stalemate had been reached in which the opposition could not unseat the government by force and the government could not reassert full control.
  • Yet as banks reassert control, the pendulum is swinging hard in a conservative direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • “With the balls of his father,” Fergie said ultimately, reasserting himself with a kinglike nod. The Town
  • It might be time for a little hard power to reassert itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her longing to reassert control over her body deepened after a series of stillbirths and miscarriages left her with only one healthy child, Elma.
  • And that is why today is all about the reassertion of dominance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The upshot of the controversy is that the pure geometers reasserted their role in mathematics.
  • Wetlands will reassert themselves, Muscatine vines, spiderwort and pickerel weed will overrun the golf courses, and panthers will dance again in the forests. Catching On To Florida's Economic 'Ponzi Scheme'
  • But in the years since, the Taliban has reasserted itself and al-Qaeda has managed to operate from havens in neighboring affiliates have emerged in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and elsewhere. Panetta: U.S. within reach of defeating al-Qaeda
  • The next election must constitute a reassertion of the implied social contract between politicians and the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new art rock, however, is resolutely white, resolutely middle-class: a reassertion of old cultural hierarchies, not a celebration of their disentangling.
  • The military insists that it has gone a long way to reassert control over the area at considerable cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small reception building with offices, reception and a room for tasting adjoins the bottling plant, reasserting a sense of human scale after the magnitude of the industrial spaces.
  • Washington: President Barack Obama's "reassertion" of US leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get Israel and the Palestinians, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said. - Articles related to A Shark's Tale
  • The PM will try to reassert his power today when he asks MPs to curb their expenses. The Sun
  • The diseased body stages a revolt against those functions that biographers record, reasserting the animal in pain, so similar in the end to other animals in pain.
  • The death of spurious consultancy and the reassertion of civil service morale should be another gain of the recession. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swellfoot's desire for Iona to be taken into custody and brought to him, dismembered, underscores his anxious need to reassert his phallic authority over her, to take comfort in the sight of his own phallic power as it is manifested at the site of her "castrated" body. Shelley
  • Washington: President Barack Obama's "reassertion" of US leadership in the Middle East offers a rare opportunity to get Israel and the Palestinians, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Wednesday and reiterated that a Palestinian state is the only viable answer to the Middle East conflict. - Articles related to Superstar Ragheb Alama handed the 'Virgin Megastore Platinum Award'
  • The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.
  • And what's going on is a reassertion of a terrible truth of our politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used the opportunity to reassert his position on energy policy.
  • Live more purposefully: reassert your values and become more aware of your actions and motivations.
  • One certain consequence was that Britain and Russia agreed on a future policy of non-intervention, thus making it possible for China to reassert its authority.
  • Clearly, the Catholic Church is changing even while it reasserts its changelessness.
  • After defeating Dr. Octopus, the unmasked Peter is able to appeal to the good person still inside him, acting as a catalyst that allows Dr. Octavius to reassert mental control over the A.I. tentacles.
  • He blinked up for forgiveness and in reassertion of innocence. CHAPTER IX
  • The availability of the means of production has seemed to go alongside a compensatory reassertion of spectacular power.
  • These writers interpret bits of disconnected data to reassert the old dichotomies of men versus women, of biology versus culture.
  • He has received heavy support from powerful generals, who may want to reassert their traditional authority in policymaking.
  • Despite being demoted down to fourth at the mid-way point, he soon reasserted his authority and leapfrogged back up to pole position.
  • He had previously helped his father and brothers reassert government control during a period of lawlessness and had served as a Minister.
  • He reasserted the doctrines of predestination, the uncreatedness of the Qur'ān, the omnipotence of God and the existence of divine attributes, but tempered them some and utilized the Mutazilite language drawn from Greek philosophy to explain them. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • What they saw was a reassertion of the old order. Times, Sunday Times
  • The political wrangling over how to respond to the ICB has re-opened a faultline in the coalition government, with the Liberal Democrats publicly reasserting their hard line on bank reform. Osborne's Ring-Fence Proves a Real Obstacle
  • The PM will try to reassert his power today when he asks MPs to curb their expenses. The Sun
  • He knew that he needed to reassert his control of her. A Time of War
  • In the wake of this devastation - which the show documented with artworks in various styles, from academic heroics to the symbolist fabulations of Moreau and Puvis de Chavannes - Impressionism emerged as an art of the quotidian, a painting that did not reassert eternal verities but documented the changes and variations that comprise ordinary life. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: First Impressions
  • She marveled at how quickly the ice reasserted itself, at how delicately cobweblike were some of the structures around the sleeping old men. Soldiers Live
  • The criminal sanction operates then as a form of social control both punishing the offender and reasserting the mores of that society.
  • As his songwriting has reasserted itself on a series of pithy and cryptic recent albums the latest, save for a curious Christmas album, being 2009's "Together Through Life", Mr. Dylan has cast himself as an adventurous guitar-slinger and showman, with a voice that keeps getting grainier and ghostlier. Having a Sonic Summer
  • As the appeals court weighs the case, some members of Congress are moving to reassert their authority.
  • THE GOOD NEWS: Wisconsin reasserted its remarkable Kohl Center home-court advantage. Wisconsin - Team Notes
  • The immediate reaction was a crisis of confidence, followed by a reassertion of Scottish distinctiveness in culture and politics.
  • As the economy entrenches itself on the downside of Canada's greatest period of sustained growth, the ancient concept of commercial proprietorships is being reasserted in high-yield, beatinflation investments. The Future of the Canadian Establishment
  • Since the political system validates the commercial order, the oligarchy is vulnerable to a reassertion of control by the owners of public institutions.
  • It is possible that the Senoussi tribe will emerge from Benghazi's chaos and reassert its historic overlordship of eastern Libya.
  • It helpfully reasserts the book's argument; and by its resort to invective — "jeremiad," "screeds," "emotionally gratifying," "capitalist hobgoblins," etc. — his letter offers an instructive insight into Reich's own thought processes. 'Supercapitalism': An Exchange
  • However, we need more than a reassertion of the value of stop and search. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's because old habits of thinking tend to reassert themselves.
  • This reasserted privileging of the personal rather than the institutional can be seen as evangelical pietism by the young Episcopalian. Matthew Yglesias » Before There Was Early Rawls…
  • The moment the internet gives access to knowledge and opinion to billions previously denied it, governments seek to reassert control. Times, Sunday Times
  • British rule in Jamaica was shaken by a rising in 1865, and the governor Edward Eyre recalled in disgrace, but control was reasserted.
  • That the sesquicentennial of the potato famine would be the occasion for a reassertion of Irish consciousness is not surprising.
  • The foregoing analysis supports the importance of the witch trials in the history of women, and also reasserts the importance of women in the history of witchcraft.
  • Each year Eliot's presence reasserts itself at a deeper level, to an audience that is surprised to find itself more chastened, more astonished, more humble.
  • Hence its brazen efforts to reassert control, by any means necessary.
  • Stung, perhaps, by the burgeoning of Greenside as the newest suburb where trendoids go to dine, Melville is reasserting its gastronomic credentials in late October with a two-day Meander.
  • It was on 1 September 1977 that South Africa reimposed direct rule over the enclave and reasserted its claim to sovereignty based on the original annexation.
  • The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.
  • In practice, it has permitted the realities of power to reassert themselves. THE AGE OF CONSENT
  • In this month the sovereignty of the spirit over the body and the mind is reasserted to restore the divine order of things. Muqtedar Khan: Ramadan: A Month Of Longing
  • A stalemate had been reached in which the opposition could not unseat the government by force and the government could not reassert full control.
  • Oddly, Ms. McDonagh simply tries to confuse the issues and the meanings of unavoidable boundaries by reasserting her own specialized lexicon of plausible sounding, but profoundly off-kilter, meanings. Thinking Anglicans
  • She found it necessary to reassert her position.
  • In other words, they want to avenge history, to undo the shame of half a millennium ago with a reassertion of their glory today.
  • Yet it is an accomplished reassertion of how power and money corrupt. Times, Sunday Times
  • To escape the budget syndrome, we need to reassert core values and revalue faculty expertise and participation.
  • So Powers, using his space to reassert the credibility of his old, published thesis of Heisenberg as saboteur, might instead have helped us to explain the trajectory of Heisenberg's change of mind and mood in those years, from the confident weaponeer and propagandist Bohr understood him to be in September 1941, to his disillusion as the final tragedy unfolded. 'Copenhagen': An Exchange
  • It might be time for a little hard power to reassert itself. Times, Sunday Times

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