How To Use Reassemble In A Sentence

  • The same crowd that was there when the pension was paid out, reassembles to inspect the goods of the trader and to start spending the money.
  • In short, the subject matter of the earlier paintings is radically dissimulated, and the previous staged acts of terror are stripped down into their ideological roots, scattered and reassembled.
  • In the portrait, Picasso has broken his subject into angular elemental forms and then reassembled them from various perspectives, like a shattered mirror.
  • These set boundaries of a sort, but the blocks could, at least in this caricature, be assembled and reassembled in fluctuating patterns.
  • Suddenly the school bell rings and the class reassembles 20 minutes later.
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  • After a lunch break, we reassemble for the main event, the hypobaric chamber flight.
  • To create "Arch," a rock and steel structure on the boardwalk at Redondo Beach in Seattle, John dynamited and fractured a 40-ton slab of solid rock then reassembled it intentionally leaving a few parts out like a jigsaw puzzle. Darby Roach: Sculptor John T. Young, Turning Swords into Plowshares
  • The other side believes that far frontier exploration and other uses require large preassembled elements launched from Earth rather than built from smaller pieces delivered to orbit. Rick Tumlinson: The Senate Launch System
  • After lunch, the class reassembled.
  • For ease and safety, the students first fitted the frame together on the ground, then took it apart and reassembled it in place.
  • Over the next 20 years, all the material was gradually identified and reassembled with help from fellow UCLA staff members and work-study students.
  • Norman also differed from the French of Paris later to evolve—and to be prodded, reassembled, and rationalized by French academicians—into Modern French. The English Is Coming!
  • The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
  • Reasonable Cost The sauna, which comfortably seats five, cost about $10,000 for the basic preassembled unit. The Home Improvement That's the Hottest of Them All
  • When the group eventually reassembled on the boat, we saw large vortices at the surface, some resembling giant whirlpools.
  • We will now try to reassemble pieces of the wreckage.
  • Like Louis XVI, he was a keen horologist, and was able to reassemble even the most complicated watches, and he amassed an impressive set of clocks for Buckingham House.
  • Yes | No | Report from cooner wrote 36 weeks 22 hours ago take your scope off check the bases to be sure they are tight if they are loose remove and degrease and lock tight them and reassemble the rings securely. your rings can be tight but if the bases are loose forget it its just as bad as loose rings. I have always had trouble getting my .30-06 sighted in as well as keeping it sighted in from year to year. Any suggestions?
  • This beautiful passage offers the daring image of an explosion at the heart of the classical language, whose splintered elements the Adam brothers then reassembled in new ways.
  • The shifting investments and assemblages of the body meet a network cast precisely as the enhanced ability of technics (including technics as the human) to shift and reassemble its own investments.
  • When the Reichstag reassembled, Papen appeared with the red dispatch box which traditionally contained the the orders of dissolution under his arm.
  • In the domes every glazing bar has been numbered, carefully dismantled, repaired and reassembled.
  • Daniel Libeskind says that the design is ‘fundamentally based on the contemporary world shattered into fragments and reassembled as an emblem of conflict’.
  • The problem is sometimes that parts go astray, which makes it impossible to reassemble the file.
  • Carefully rinse the bundle of ramsons, reassemble and slice across in 3 or 4 places, don't bother to remove stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the design is approved, the puzzles are dismantled and reassembled by scientists, engineers, pressmen and others at BEP, and then printed with all the pieces [combined].
  • The Shoin Building, a noble summer house constructed in Japan and reassembled on the island, allows for some interesting viewing.
  • Nelson has digested, reassembled, and constructed a remarkable amount of material to render Harlem Gallery into a text that is newly accessible.
  • Is it right to take living organisms from nature and then reassemble and reconstruct their most basic structures, possibly with additional synthetic components?
  • A given piece of consumer or industrial electronics can cross borders dozens of times as it is designed, coded and assembled before landing in the U.S. The rogue might be anywhere: in China, or in the piece of equipment stamped INDIA that was preassembled in China. In Huawei's Bid to Crack Market, U.S. Sees a Threat From China Inc.
  • It was reassembled in the physics lab.
  • Lee reassembled his fob and stuck it back into his pocket.
  • Eleven small groups reported key points in their discussions when the conference reassembled in open session.
  • Reassemble top - works, install valve, and pressure test.
  • The great thing about computers is you can retrieve and reassemble, like rejigging the archive and coming up with new works.
  • The route skirts the Folk Museum for a free peek at the ye-olde shops, the heather thatch and the splendid cruck style manor house that was reassembled here.
  • Panels of carved boiserie with original oval paintings were salvaged from a French chateau and reassembled in a Texas house.
  • Fourteen-hundred hours was not long in coming and the group of pilots had reassembled next to their ships to see what the fuss was about.
  • We had to take the table apart and reassemble it upstairs.
  • If you could sever and reassemble body parts from various hunks, which limbs, pecs, abs, and pretty little face would make up your perfect man?
  • The skeleton would be reassembled, reinforced with sticks, and internal organs would be replaced with clay, camelid fibers, and dried plants, while muscles would be re-created with thin bundles of wild reeds and sea grasses. Making the Dead Beautiful: Mummies as Art
  • A Chinese puzzle consisting of a square cut into five triangles, a square, and a rhomboid, to be reassembled into different figures.
  • When he thought about it, however, he decided that, of course, the criminalist had indeed ordered it taken apart, down to the last hairspring and jewel, for the forensics team but then had it reassembled perfectly. The Burning Wire
  • We swear never to separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the realm is drawn up and fixed upon solid foundations.
  • His belief that ‘Language is a virus’ led him to employ the ‘cut-up’ technique - a process whereby words or sentences would be taken from any source and reassembled in a way that would defamiliarize them.
  • Scrutinize those buildings, touch those surfaces and you'll discover a disconcerting number of restored façades, reassembled colonnades and a positive glorying in what the Italians call "feigned" materials: simulated marble, cleverly disguised concrete and a cunning assortment of ashlar, or thin stone slabs applied to resemble weighty blocks. The Heirloom City
  • Only when that was done did the engine bay get reassembled, with washers of differing thicknesses being used so that when everything was torqued down, the screw slots all pointed in the same direction!
  • The birth day in my reckoning is actually an alien abduction .. they zip you up into their spaceship, disassemble you, reassemble you (not very well) and then plop you back onto earth, not the same as you were. We Are Not Alone | Her Bad Mother
  • This list excludes investment holding companies (which tend to be preassembled before formally launching) and those built mainly through mergers or acquisitions. Meet The Fastest Growing Company Ever
  • Unspoken, unmentioned, was the reality the that the domestic consensus for the war, so clear in the wake of 9/11, has frayed, is broken, and absent another terrorist tragedy could never be reassembled with the strength it once possessed. Mr. Obama's War -- And Ours
  • Visitors get a good idea of how Chinese banks did business through an original banking office, including its floor, that was moved to the site and meticulously reassembled.
  • All delineations are arcs of a circle, the perfect, complete, easily fractured and reassembled building block of the universe.
  • But the three-ton machine was so big it had to be dismantled and flown ‘in bits’ by helicopter up to the 2,500 ft work site. It was then reassembled before it could start work.
  • Reassemble the leg and stretcher, adding carpenter's wood glue before inserting the stretcher into the hole.
  • The attraction and power of such a bid resides in its totality, as if someone had disaggregated the dots in a photograph, discarded half, added new ones and then reassembled them all into a compelling new photograph.
  • These subnuclear compartments are dynamic but structurally stable, recruiting active genes into preassembled transcription and processing centers.
  • As we were waiting for our group to reassemble at the close of the session, a surgeon and nurse were pushing a patient into the hospital.
  • Then, the aircraft can be reassembled and tested, and the inspection can be entered into the plane's logbooks.
  • These wheels were purchased preassembled, with keyways already cut into the hubs.
  • Replace springs and pawls, put 10-20 drops of oil into the freehub and reassemble.
  • The group reassembled around the monitors once again.
  • After a brief break, the group reassembled and began to relay information they had found within the past few days.
  • A new airport facility will enable cyclists to disassemble and box their bikes on departure, then reassemble them on arrival and ride home.
  • The group will be looking at ways and means to drum up support for the marathon and also organising things for next autumn when the group will reassemble.
  • In an almost unheard of but definitely serendipitous event, the creative team has been reassembled.
  • It was reassembled in the physics lab.
  • Now some of them want out, led by a pale-faced scarred guy with a telescoping spear and a really bad temper, who's trying to find his twin sister to reassemble a magical crown that will allow him to resummon the golden army and finish off humanity. Alex Remington: Hellboy 2 Stands Out in a Weak Summer for Movies
  • Norman also differed from the French of Paris later to evolve—and to be prodded, reassembled, and rationalized by French academicians—into Modern French. The English Is Coming!
  • Cézanne stared so intensely at nature he began to take it apart in his mind, to anatomise it, theorise it, on long hot afternoons in his studio in Aix-en-Provence and then reassemble the elements of reality in paintings that are pixellated constellations of insights, recognitions, memories and flashes of desire or rage. Google Logo Honors Paul Cezanne's Birthday (PICTURES)
  • The cheapest form of cork, developed in 1891 by an American businessman, John Smith, is cork agglomerate, occasionally called ‘agglo’, reassembled crumbs of cork which can offer some of the benefits of intact cork itself.
  • ‘At least one of the classes is an armorer's school where dealers learn to disassemble, reassemble and do minor repair work on certain firearms,’ Spatharos said.
  • The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
  • After initially performing the piece, the group reassembled just last week to put together this version.
  • Expand factory area and adopt the construction method of and assemble at workshop , reassemble at fairground.
  • Isolate the high-level processes by which she maps complex input and reassembles responses.
  • There is a real risk that operators, due to a lack of time and training, can reassemble machinery such as gaskets incorrectly following disassemble for lubrication as part of regular line maintenance, and this can cause a valve to not close properly resulting in the equipment being vulnerable to hygiene threats," argues Hofmann. BakeryAndSnacks RSS
  • The cases are cleaned, inspected and reassembled for propellant casting, and a new nozzle and igniter are installed.
  • A new venue meant yet another sound-check to make sure that the reassembled stacks of amplifiers and speakers had been matched to the concert hall's acoustics.
  • The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
  • We're not sure, but I think what we have to do is follow the terrorist groups as they try to reassemble wherever they are.
  • No, it would be a Sisyphean task only if the bricks reassembled themselves into the shape of a garage after they were taken down …. Matthew Yglesias » Centrally Planned Suburbia
  • After a bit more chitchat, our group reassembled and followed the river back downstream.
  • The campaign, backed by Labour MP Martyn Jones, will be stepped up in September when Parliament reassembles.
  • The uproar again started when the House reassembled.
  • Note which way it was fitted, insert the new one the same way round, then reassemble the valve.
  • Parliament reassembled after a seven-week break.
  • The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.
  • Together with a new set-top box developed by Siemens that can decode the H.264 standard, the digital information can be reassembled into a smoothly moving picture on the TV set.
  • We had to take the table apart and reassemble it upstairs.
  • They cleaned them, dated them, compared them, catalogued them, took them to bits and reassembled them, mounted them (in the curatorial sense), displayed them and swapped them.
  • Each model is unique, and individually disassembled, cut, melted, filed, smashed, then reassembled to replicate a real fender bender.
  • The Parker Tapes is composed entirely of voice and music samples, cut to shreds and reassembled over the course of seven years.
  • He can strip and reassemble a machine gun in the dark.
  • But here it is, chaotically shot and narrated by the culprits themselves and painstakingly reassembled. This week's new films
  • She continued, I purchased a 3D printer, and I did not buy the preassembled version. Women 2.0: Geek Girls Unite!
  • Smith says the riempie chair is to an extent a symbol of his own culture or tribe, ‘an object of craft or design which presents an opportunity to deconstruct, reinterpret and reassemble’.
  • We shall reassemble in the car park in thirty minutes.
  • They reassembled the beautiful buildings that this city had once been famous for.

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