How To Use Reasoning In A Sentence
Laplace called probability theory ‘the calculus of inductive reasoning.’
The majority reasoning was most clearly expressed by Justice Hayne.
It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin
Moreover, many insurance companies (including mine) refuse to pay the $30,000 cost, reasoning that any economic benefit they would recoup is years down the road.
Beating Obesity
Anyway, what it shows is that the frontal cortex, where reasoning occurs, is deactivated, meaning that during the BIG O, the male of our species becomes, well, dumb.
The Return of Ask Dr. SoT

Some of these commentators build up dialectics into an alternative to all previous forms of logic, something that supersedes such ordinary reasoning as the simple syllogistic form of argument set out on the first page of this chapter.
If the reform stuck to a market-based insurance system - so went the reasoning - access could be within reach of more people without causing disruptions to those benefiting from the status quo.
Anja Rudiger: With all eyes on the 'market,' health reform overlooked human rights
In some things it may be well that emotion is greater than logic; but emotion _in logic_ is sad to contend with, sad even to contemplate -- and such is too often the reasoning of the untrained woman.
Public Speaking
There is an uncanny resemblance between this reasoning and that which had earlier led John Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry.
Next are online tests, such as numeracy and verbal reasoning.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't really agree with some of Cosby's reasoning or melodramatics, but his crux is excellent.
Several in company checked him from time to time for his bitter reflections instead of arguments, and wished him, if he could to answer my arguments, which he called sophistry, assuring him that until he did, they must receive my opinion and arguments as scriptural and sound reasoning.
Beams of Light on Early Methodism in America. Chiefly Drawn from the Diary, Letters, Manuscripts, Documents, and Original Tracts of the Rev. Ezekiel Cooper.
The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship. Robert A. Heinlein
But others, founding their assertions upon more plausible reasoning, say that the petty Mussulman kings, who were the neighbours or tributaries of Benabad, justly alarmed at his alliance with a {93} Christian king, solicited the support of the Almoravide.
History of the Moors of Spain
Any wonder he has issues dealing with enlightenment concepts like ‘evidence’ and ‘reasoning’?
Mr. Smith says that for the future he will give up what he calls sarcasm, and confine himself, "as far as possible," to what he calls dry reasoning from incontrovertible premises.
A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
David Bernstein: But let me add that by your reasoning, the fact that almost everyone thinks that shoplifting should be a crime, whereas almost everyone thinks that discrimination should be punished as a less serious civil matter, means that almost everyone thinks that shoplifting is more serious than discrimination, which by your lights means that everyone is a racist.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
He had only been enabled to come to that conclusion, it was said, because he had imported into his reasoning process words which are to be found in the explanatory notes and not in the policy itself.
This conflict raises a question mark over the judge's reasoning.
This so-called deductive method of Aristotle assumed as a starting-point some general of principle as a premise or hypothesis and thence proceeded, by logical reasoning, to deduce concrete applications or consequences.
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
His ideas are obviously foolish, easily disproved, an affront to any reasoning person.
The architect was asked to explain the reasoning behind his new design.
Miguel blinked, appalled and overwhelmed before rationally reasoning with himself, as all mathematicians can.
They are triggered by the basal ganglia, clusters of neurones located deep in the primitive, nonreasoning area of the brain.
Times, Sunday Times
In very appealing reasoning it is also argued that the complete unbroken circle, symbolizes the Buddhist wheel of life.
Yet to borrow their reasoning and make an equivalent suggestion that Liverpool's fans in turn had some role in their own catastrophe, somehow makes a person execrable and lynchworthy.
Their reasoning capacity must be developed.
When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.
Not only was I tired, but listening to the same pedantic metaphysical reasoning for the second time from my friend, normally a lively conversationist, bored me out of my skull.
An East Wind Coming
The reasoning of the founders of the UN was that the League had failed on account of flaws in its constitution which were identifiable and corrigible.
The court's reasoning was that the posting of the commandments in the Kentucky courthouses constituted an expression of monotheistic religion but not so in Texas, where the commandments were seen as having more of a secular "educational" purpose.
Commandments removed from Va. school system
The first cynicism argues that the ANC government is creating a 'technicist' approach to governance, meaning that all policy is reduced to technical jargon and bureaucratic reasoning.
The last concerns the way the existence of a binding authoritative directive affects the reasoning of the subjects of the authority.
Deductive legal reasoning is a reasoning method which regards law as major premise, case as minor premise, and deduces conclusion from the major and minor premise.
This paragraph is a paradigm of legal Machiavellianism – and is pretty weak legal reasoning for an academic.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the tax power infinite?
This is as close to a logical deduction as you get in precedential reasoning,
But it might be because one party accepts inductive reasoning as valid and the other doesn't.
Aristotle gave a system of logical deduction which was seen as the ultimate form for reasoning for many centuries.
Cummins notes that humans are particularly good at deontic reasoning, that is reasoning about obligations and rights, because our minds have adapted to negotiate the uncertainties of dominance hierarchy.
Intent, beside the form it has in language, where it makes the soul of grammar, has many other modes of expression, in mathematical and logical reasoning, in action, and in those contemplated and suspended acts which we call estimation, policy, or morals.
The Life of Reason
Before I made that one mistake, and ever since, when baiting is discussed I give out the same line of reasoning: an antihunter is an antihunter and you probably won't change their mind.
Seven Reasons to Stop Baiting Whitetails Now
Like theoretical reasoning, practical reasoning seeks in a sense to demonstrate the necessity of certain actions.
I don't believe that could happen today, one of my students sighed in blank refusal of this simple chain of reasoning.
Their reasoning is that, if people wanted pure carbohydrates, they would eat bread or pasta.
One policeman armed with persuasive reasoning and commonsense is worth six others with truncheons drawn and shouting abuse to make their points.
A reasoning becomes plausible if it is logical and if there is empirical support.
The first tested numerical and verbal reasoning, the second spatial manipulation.
Times, Sunday Times
In those days the study of nature turned away from the Aristotelian world view with its em - phasis on qualitative change and teleological reasoning.
At this moment of success I found only an unreasoning sense of futility.
Besides, under your reasoning the easement is terminated by the condemnation of your neighbor’s land, isn’t it?
The Volokh Conspiracy » An Important Case on Compensation for Takings
The unsoundness of such reasoning can easily be brought into focus by considering the fact that historically, and in some places even today, the infant mortality rate has been very high.
Their reasoning is that some local societies follow practices that violate human rights, such as female genital mutilation and other violations of the right against gender discrimination.
Here Grote defined philosophers as ‘individual reasoners' who ‘dissent from the unreasoning belief which reigns authoritative in the social atmosphere around them’.
The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship. Robert A. Heinlein
Yet we now hardly bat an eyelid when such faulty reasoning is used.
Times, Sunday Times
The historical school mistaking what men have done for what men should do and, while often missing the full induction of the past, scornfully rejecting as empty apriorism deductive reasoning from the nature of man, presents a materialistic, evolutionary, and positivistic view of human society, which in no way appeals to sane reason.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin
To do this they extracted the mathematical ideas in each problem and communicated their reasoning about those ideas by mutually supporting their verbal and nonverbal behaviors.
Knowledge reasoning is widely used in the choice of teaching tactic and teaching method in ITS.
I am reasoning by analogy and by reference to the extension of rights for humans.
Your intelligence tells you that such a process is not abstract reasoning, and your homocentric thesis compels you to conclude that it can be only a mechanical, instinctive process.
The Other Animals
After stating that it fully concurred in the holding and reasoning of the district court, the Supreme Court proceeded to develop arguments in different directions.
I think it is an essential part of his reasoning.
Most people are fairly adept at judging the character and personality of others, or at least at distinguishing unreasoning zealots from men of good sense.
It is rather penurious reasoning too, knowing what we know about the geo-strategic priorities of the United States at this conjuncture.
Accounts of imagined events are derived from an internal source and are therefore likely to contain cognitive operations, such as thoughts and reasonings.
A broad panorama of the triumphs and follies of humanity, an exploration of the quirks of the mind, of the nobility but more often the meanness and sheer malevolence of human nature, the collection was knit together by a web of self-consistent thinking, a skein of ideas woven from a lifetime of close reasoning on life, art, and literature.
William hazlitt | the man of letters « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
It was months later when the Court produced its reasoning, and given the defendants had already been executed, it seemed a moot point.
I have not yet been given a sensible answer to that question, possibly because my reasoning is too logical and lacking enough restrictive nannying for the anti-everything brigade.
Before Socrates, Greek philosophers were seers rather than reasoners: the apophthegmatic character of their utterances affects to be the result rather of intuition than of reasoning.
The decision to deny aid was based on clear-headed reasoning.
His theory of place and time as defining structures of the mind anticipates Kant, his dialectical reasoning prefigures Hegel.
They would therefore have the potential to apply their brain's processing speed and logical reasoning to other disciplines.
Times, Sunday Times
The next generation of computers will integrate knowledge engineering into their programming in order to solve complex problems in a way that more closely resembles human reasoning.
The reasoning in this decision flows from the assumption that the conduct of the parties should be regarded as physical violence.
Whether discussing Lao Zhi from the East or Plato from the West, the ultimate layer of human reasoning seems to always hint at the balance and permanence of the universe.
We research approximate reasoning method based on above method of similarity measure.
He expressed an underlying instability indicative of the gradual disillusionment with the promises of deterministic reasoning.
Unfortunately, this was not a line of reasoning Cazaril could adduce in his defense.
I didn't venture advice to Melanie when we were chummier because she's one of those sincere types (tweet tweet) who believes that people are basically nice and good and that there's nothing in a fledgling relationship that can't be resolved through better communication, and as Lou Grant once said, there's no reasoning with a fanatic.
MoDo Has No Mojo: James Wolcott
Substituting logic and reasoning for quackery and fraud appalls me.
Duchesse de Guermantes, for her part, took good care not to invite when it was her turn to entertain the Princess, but substituted for them without any abstract reasoning about Bonapartism the most brilliant coruscation of all the beauties, all the talents, all the celebrities, who, the exercise of some subtle sixth sense made her feel, would be acceptable to the niece of the Emperor even when they belonged actually to the Royal House.
The Guermantes Way
The general similarity-based approximate reasoning method (GSBAR) needs a learning algorithm to find its functional parameters based on various cases.
His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good and evil.
Because the reasoning would be too puerile and the attempted association too reminiscent of the methods of Stalinism.
By this I mean that you are doubting your reasoning to attain goals, such as to stop smoking, and filling it full of nasty outcomes, due to this lack of self belief in your intent.
Moreover, why should women use complex reasoning, when men apparently do not?
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
Emotions cloud reasoning, and both parties likely come with a limited or distorted view of their marriage.
Christianity Today
Concrete operational children, lacking fully developed deductive reasoning about hypothetical situations, can not solve problems in this form.
inductive reasoning
At advanced levels, metacognitive development involves the development of explicit understanding about the fundamental nature and justifiability of knowledge and reasoning.
The apparatus gives readings from several editions, the note gives clear paraphrases of the two originals, and a two-page long note reviews reasoning and approaches by all the major editors.
I can't quite follow your reasoning.
He wrote up and distributed notes on logical reasoning, fallacies, etc., and expected the students to understand what they were doing when they wrote up a proof.…
That's as good a line of reasoning as any, right? jo5h dexter is gonna off lundy.
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Neither deductive nor inductive reasoning can account for the way in which we immediately see that such principles are true.
An unreasoning panic seized the cabmen and chauffeurs; they were possessed with the fixed idea that no bridge across the Seine was safe, and no bribe would persuade them to cross the river; while they refused to take fares for even the shortest distance.
The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
They are also supposed to record all details of such acts, including their reasoning for the use of force.
As an argument or reasoning process: that kind of mediate inference by which from truths already known we advance to a knowledge of other truths necessarily implied in the former; the mental product or result of that process.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
The announcement comes around three months after the group said it planned to retain and reshape the wine operations, reasoning it wasn't an appropriate time to demerge the division.
Foster's to Separate Beer, Wine Businesses
Such an emphasis, or reasoning, for the * mwali life position would make far more obvious sociocultural sense in matrilineal and matrifocal societies than imagining that marriage and male sexual pleasure were most important.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
Without such exercise, and good sense over and above, a man who has studied logic all his life may, after all, be only a petulant wrangler, without true judgment or skill of reasoning in any science.
This kind of reasoning is deeply perverse.
The boys outpaced the girls in mechanical, verbal, and abstract reasoning, space relations, and numerical ability.
The public’s grasp of the issues is typically not that firm and people engage in a lot of heuristical reasoning.
Matthew Yglesias » Health Care Plan Getting More Popular
Under such reasoning it has become the essential idea of society and remains so still, notwithstanding the perversion of philosophical terms consequent upon later confusion of man with beast, stock, and stone.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
These progressives, in the very act of founding their organization, ratified the keystone of conservative reasoning and thus let people think that here was a kind of axiom, an inviolable norm, a kind of prolegomenon for any political reasoning, present or future.
Road Trip: Part II
On the one hand, this is because I have been unable to flaw the reasoning presented in the argument.
I don't understand why, in abstracto, a legislator could defend their voice using this reasoning: Yes, I voted for law X.
Was Obama's only education accomplishment "legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners"?
UAV is a complex mechatronic system, in order to meet the needs of fault diagnosis, based on the theory of fuzzy mathematics, and integrate case-based reasoning into fuzzy inference machine.
Lewis had been very eloquent in explaining how things should be, even if he wasn't working with the whole story, while Mally had an offhand manner about her that gave her reasoning a little too much patness.
It's hard to fluff the couplet unless you're dealing solely in abstractions, which should be a warning about the abstractions that too often pass here for reasoning.
What Ever Happened to Modernism? by Gabriel Josipovici
It essentially involved asking individual children carefully selected questions and noting their responses and their reasoning for those responses.
Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
[69: 1] We have a Gillespie setting aside the Design Argument on the ground that the reasonings by which it is supported are 'inapt' to show such attributes as infinity, omnipresence, free agency, omnipotency, eternality, or unity, 'belong in any way to God.
An Apology for Atheism Addressed to Religious Investigators of Every Denomination by One of Its Apostles
These insights are said to be made a priori and Austrian reasoning is thus deductive, not inductive, or empirical.
Assessment days are more practical, with verbal reasoning tests reflecting the importance of the English language to law.
Times, Sunday Times
Actually, Pinker thinks that what makes market pricing post-hunter-gatherer is that it requires mathematical reasoning.
Economics and Evolution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
a diminutive, is added to the end of words: nor can any reasoning of Creyghton, the editor, excuse his changing into Sguropulus,
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
We know they exist, but how do they affect the reasoning process?
When a man is in the unsatisfied stages of love he must expect occasional attacks of greensickness, sullen passions intensified by unreasoning fear.
Black Oxen
Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia
The unreasoning, regular arrival of the stuff convinces me that only people who had turned themselves into loathsome machines for unguessable reasons could be behind it.
abstract reasoning
If any firm can supply any product, the reasoning goes, competition will suppress the price of that product.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr Justice Sumner said: ‘Her views on MMR are influenced by her mother's unreasoning and rigid approach.’
It is this sense of being tested by practice and judged by results that gives strategic reasoning its edge.
I spent hours reasoning out the solution to the puzzle.
The basic mechanism is subsequently extended by an abductive reasoning system which is guided by subjective probability.
Such uncritical reasoning, particularly toward the end of his book, where he increasingly focuses on human society, weakens Ryan's overall thesis.
The second is what we call dialectical reasoning, the work of synthesizing opposites and building new and improved ideologies.
overly subtle casuistic reasoning
Nor is it difficult to understand the process and reasoning that led to its adoption.
This book presents the final version of Chaitin's course on the limits of mathematical reasoning.
Do you gentlemen find that an amazing kind of distortion and deceptive piece of reasoning?
Speculation that MMR could be replaced by a series of individual vaccines was based on fallacious reasoning and would return Britain to the ‘dark ages’, he said.
To answer this question, one might begin by contrasting, at least in a crude way, a Humean with a Platonic conception of practical reasoning.
What other cosmic reasoning can explain this insufferable, graceless production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream now playing at the Poor Alex?
This reasoning in the Minister's speech, if it is legitimate to refer to it at all, does not show that the new section filled a lacuna in the previous statute.
Suppose I were to say that I could be convinced that women have the emotional stability to engage in logical reasoning the same as men.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
Theoretical reasoning is a dead letter to the child unless it is closely anchored to practical issues.
One is that the reasoning in Enderby, on which it is explicitly founded, was overset by the European Court of Justice.
I think this is faulty reasoning - relying on a single biological attribute rather than a range.
This is the core of the applicant's submission and it is the nub of his Honour's reasoning.
At the level of legal reasoning these developments can not be accommodated within the traditional contractual conception of the company.
The current Apiculture Act, adopted in 1983, was completely inapplicable to new social conditions, the authors wrote in their reasoning for the bill.
They would therefore have the potential to apply their brain's processing speed and logical reasoning to other disciplines.
Times, Sunday Times
Tell Gramps, to stay with his kind of reasoning, that because you're not married, the next step can't be divorce… merely adios.
Second, resolving this underspecification requires reasoning about how the presupposition is rhetorically connected to the discourse context.
Some examples suggested that there are positive grounds for suspecting the alleged reliability of inductive reasoning.
Their unreasoning hostility and violence is merely a psychological projection of our own self-destructive impulses.
We can make this reasoning more precise with the Markov chain approximation.
His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good and evil.
Therefore, using our trusty friend, aka deductive reasoning, evolution MUST be considered as valid scientific fact.
Our Scientific Output - The Panda's Thumb
Specific topics include color, objects, categories, similarity, inductive inference, space, time, causality, reasoning, decision-making, morality and consciousness.
Kalvin squinted his eyes at him, reasoning out what he said and finally had to agree.
Of testaceous animals, on the contrary, no direct sensible evidence is as yet forthcoming to determine whether they sleep, but if the above reasoning be convincing to any one, he who follows it will admit this [viz. that they do so.]
On Sleep and Sleeplessness
In addition, the present study corroborates previous studies by demonstrating that moral reasoning skills are both teachable and measurable.
When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.
One popular but now outdated theory is that the brain has three parts: the reptilian brain, which includes the structures and functions we share with reptiles such as territoriality; the paleomammalian brain, a group of related structures that manages social emotions and behaviors like nurturing or reciprocity in all mammals; and the neocortex, which manages evaluation and reasoning in the most complex mammals, especially humans.
Valerie Tarico: God's Emotions: What Are Emotions Anyway? (Part 4)
Greek doctors had started to look at the issue of poor health and disease by using a process of reasoning and observation.
This sounds like entire supposition, and I would like to know what reasoning is behind it.
The configuration reasoning method based on graph grammar was used to derive the personality product will the configuration model of requirement and engineering.
Twice a point of order has been raised, because the reasoning and logic were faulty, and I have demonstrated that.
Through our brief examination of nature, we have seen that the causer is a superior intellectual being who incorporated intelligence, reasoning, planning, design, and order into all that he created.
The Source
The following case provides an example of the Court's reasoning in this context.
But to advance our knowledge such views need to be supported by rigorous analytical reasoning and the dispassionate gathering of cases and data.
Tom however, through cunning reasoning skills, is able to get what he needs.
Although we understand Aileen's reasoning, we neither sympathize nor empathize with her.
An argument is a form of reasoning whereby one gives a reason or reasons in support of some claim.
The reasoning was: "Boiling has killed all forms of vitality _in_ the flask; by the hermetical sealing nothing living can gain subsequent access to the fluid; therefore, if living organisms do appear when the flask is opened, they must have arisen in the dead matter _de novo_ by spontaneous generation, but if they do never so arise, the probability is that they originate in spores or eggs.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
There is no reasoning with these people and now we have had enough.
When they do, goes the implicit reasoning, they will join the rest of us adults.
Christianity Today
Which country embraces an Islamic concept called "ijtihad," or religious reasoning, which allows for modern interpretations of Islamic law, even legislation?
Nathan Gonzalez: Who's Our Enemy Again?
The reasoning here is the same as in Greek, and, derivatively, in English, namely the resemblance of a delta region to a cartographical triangle.
Magicians of Gor
International law provides for the breaking of patents ‘in an emergency,’ and this is what Canadian Government mouthpieces have cited as the reasoning for their decision.
Therein lies the rub for those who would curb latte consumption with pocketbook reasoning.
His behaviour seems instinctive, with no more reasoning than that of a hound coursing a hare.
Times, Sunday Times
Such shallow and untenable reasoning lies at the heart of many sexist, racist and elitist dogmas.
syllogistic reasoning
System kernel includes the basic realization of distributed function component of Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Representation, reasoning control, explain tactic.
Humboldt considers the Mexican Indian as destitute of all imagination, though when to a certain degree educated, he attributes to him facility in learning, a clearness of understanding, a natural turn for reasoning, and a particular aptitude to subtilize and seize trifling distinctions.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 372, May 30, 1829
For Plato, the proper method for seeking knowledge is not observation but demonstrative proof, or perhaps some other form of a priori reasoning.
Your clear reasoning is quite correct.
Thin reasoning perhaps, but the bassoon and double bass duet in the "Menuet" has an earthy Balkan jocularity and the whole work is vigorously charming.
Brad Hill: Salonen Brings Hungarian Echoes to the NY Philharmonic
So a culture based on abstract reasoning, or on various metaphysical precepts, may itself be simply a product of evolutionary change.
Other aspects of the Humphrey's Executor reasoning, however, have been roundly criticized in subsequent years.
I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. Plato
Messages that cause emotional disturbance impair our reasoning ability.
Times, Sunday Times
In this setting of our core beliefs, the fact is many scientists and physicians are not worth reasoning with about Morgellons.
With all due respect, this palaver from the congressional representative is an example of the "red herrings", flawed reasoning and misguided focus prevalent within the entire debate about Health Insurance Reform.
TX Dem: Bill without public option 'would be very, very difficult'
I want to begin by apologizing for all of the grammatical errors, slapdash reasoning, and sloppy writing in my recent posts.
At an opposite extreme, Kant's categorical imperative has been taken to generate an approach to practical reasoning (via a “typic of practical judgment”) that is distinctive from other practical reasoning both in the range of considerations it addresses and its structure (Nell 1975).
Moral Reasoning
I was a bit slow off the mark/on the uptake there - I didn't follow his reasoning at all.
One word authoritatively declaring man's immortality, a word which by infallible token I could know to be a word from the Supreme, would to me be worth infinitely more than all the conjectures, hopes, and reasonings of all the philosophers.
Zenobia or, the Fall of Palmyra
No, Minter was motivated more by the unreasoning malice which individual achievement seemed often to inspire in others.
A study in 1993 found that listening to the same sonata could also improve spatial reasoning skills for a short time afterwards.
Times, Sunday Times
If the mind, with greater facility, retains the ideas of geometry clear and determinate, it must carry on a much longer and more intricate chain of reasoning, and compare ideas much wider of each other, in order to reach the abstruser truths of that science.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
My aim, in this lecture, is to discuss this kind of egalitarian reasoning.
The same reasoning applies to the current situation.