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How To Use Reasoned In A Sentence

  • If we have spent several class periods introducing conventions of reasoned evidence in argumentative writing, we usually look for such features in student papers.
  • Flying consumes a great deal of energy, and so, we reasoned, the energy demands of flying would compete with the energy needed to fuel the immune response.
  • Therefore I reasoned, the longer I left it before I started sewing, the longer it would be before I was squinting well into the night unpicking it.
  • No clothes, no corruption, Fong had reasoned: how do you go about bribing a naked man?
  • The report reveals that decisions are based on ‘inaccurate and out-of-date country information, unreasoned decisions about people's credibility and a failure to properly consider complex torture cases.’
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  • Reasoned subpoint lameness trihydroxybenzene viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • I mean, how many demos do you go on these days where a majority of the marchers are in their late teens or early 20s and whose aims are to defend ‘science, reasoned debate and the welfare of mankind’, no less?
  • Margot coaxed, reasoned, and finally stormed, but to no avail. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • Coming into reasoned discourse and proving that you are a fellow mouth-breather is tiring as it happens again and again. Does '7 Questions for Dan Froomkin'
  • Interest groups, which are associated with sectionalism and the possible exercise of sanctions, appear to be inimical to ideas of reasoned discussion and the general welfare.
  • They reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea.
  • I guess I always assumed as a child that if I was considerate of others and reasoned things out, people would do likewise to and for me.
  • I reasoned that changing my diet would lower my cholesterol level.
  • The administration, motivated more by ideology than by reasoned analysis, struck out on its own.
  • It was reasoned that this would eliminate lengthy carrier qualification trials as well as providing the Marines with a hard-hitting fighter-bomber that would be well suited to their operational doctrine.
  • Manson reasoned that certain suctorial insects were the agencies through which blood was most commonly removed from the circulation and he ventured the guess that this change in the parasite that may be seen taking place on the slide under the microscope, normally takes place in the stomach of some insect that sucks man's blood. Insects and Diseases A Popular Account of the Way in Which Insects may Spread or Cause some of our Common Diseases
  • Keep pretending that a scold is the same as a reasoned argument, however, I can guarantee that you will help usher in the very era of protectionism that you seem so fearful of. Lean Left » Blog Archive » The Weird “Advice” of Jacob Weisberg
  • Reasoned subpoint lameness trihydroxybenzene viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • I'd rather read the reasoned thoughts of someone who has taken the time for self-examination as opposed to attacking others simply for having views that are outside of the mainstream.
  • While its advocates are careful to point out that they are not proscribing reasoned criticism of specific policies, their arguments tend, in practice, to serve as a warning to those who make them.
  • Which in this case, researchers reasoned, resulted in the orderly molecular structure of the nanotubes.
  • They have in his name intreated you, and reasoned the case with you, and answered all your frivolous objections. A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live
  • That is, does your submission at least tend in the direction of contending that absence of motive can never be challenged on the basis that some criminal conduct is unreasoned and unreasonable?
  • He handled dissent with humour and reasoned argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within weeks hundreds of people, from retired scientists to students, had submitted well-reasoned entries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insist that our opponents engage us in reasoned discourse, and insist that they address our rational arguments with rational arguments of their own. ProWomanProLife » Back to school
  • For a minute my heart pounded, until I reasoned it out.
  • That way, we reasoned, people would have their close colleagues at hand and would still have enough personal space to digest the information.
  • Many patients with epilepsy have a history of exposure to a prenatal insult, so we reasoned that prenatal exposure to alcohol could be such an epileptogenic insult," added Peter Carlen, a neurologist and senior scientist for the division of fundamental neurobiology at the Toronto Western Hospital, another of the study's authors. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war.
  • So any perception by conservatives that progressives are intractable is itself only further demonstration of THEIR absolute unwillingness to engage in anything which might, by even the most reckless stretch of the imagination, ever be mistaken for reasoned discourse or genuine political interchange. Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • I hope that the House will support the reasoned amendment, and that the whole project can be examined properly and thoroughly.
  • The Reasoned Amendment claims the Bill fails to tackle the ‘inadequacies’ of animal welfare legislation, but would criminalise the activities of tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens.
  • You reasoned that a first-order response would have been impractical because it would require research on both your own part and on the part of your opponent, so you went on to a second order response. Perils of pop philosophy
  • If my conversational partner refuses to acknowledge the thing which is taken as a given, then s/he reveals theirself to be either ignorant and/or deceptive; and then intelligent and reasoned conversation is not possible. The difficulty of demonizing the Tea Partiers: less than six degrees of separation
  • The coach was the person who reasoned her into playing soccer for the coed team.
  • It was not the foreigner who made the mistake, the newspaper reasoned, but the people who couldn't bear a little well-founded criticism.
  • Spiders, she has reasoned correctly, are the natural predators of flies.
  • His reasoned and reasonable tone had contrasted strongly with the confrontational stance of his colleagues.
  • After all, Martin reasoned, such retaliation is a commonplace of baseball, with brushback rhubarbs happening almost weekly every season.
  • It seems that if you use the word fetishize to attack an idea you don't have to engage in supported or reasoned argument against the idea. Rob Kall: Is Occupy Wall Street Fetishizing the Public Square?
  • Part of the blame for the mindless "emotivism," as MacIntyre calls it, can be attributed to the more extreme elements in the pro-life movement, who have stifled reasoned argument with their cries of "Murder! On Abortion: A Lincolnian Position
  • Ricardo reasoned that if ‘Government delayed receiving the tax for one year… it would, perhaps, be obliged to issue an Exchequer bill bearing interest, and it would pay as much for interest as the consumer would save in price.’
  • He reasoned that this proved that the genotype was more important than the environment in determining intelligence. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • I think he's facing tremendous and unreasoned opposition by a small faction of that Republican people in Washington. Meg Whitman And Jerry Brown Spar Over Pot, Palin And Prop. 23 (VIDEO)
  • By that stage the member had moved from reasoned debate and the National Party research unit's speech notes through to pure, unreconstructed ideology.
  • The theoretical deletion of intervening schwa between two dental stops, I reasoned, might likely have left traces of friction stemming from a devoiced vowel, lost by the latemost Proto-IE stage. Japanese dialect mirrors suspected PIE development of sibilantization between two dental stops
  • The Commission has decided to send the Austrian Government a reasoned opinion concerning the marketing in Austria of vitaminised food supplements originating in other Member States.
  • He reasoned that constructing a dam would enable water to be stored for irrigation in the dry season, and flooding could be prevented at other times.
  • And since when does having a democracy excuse any country from legitimate, reasoned criticism?
  • And they shape it far more tellingly than any speech or reasoned political argument. Christianity Today
  • If they could treat thee thus despiteously, he would surely not have made thee a good husband," reasoned the sister. Grisly Grisell
  • Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war.
  • Therefore, Stevens, following the lead established in the 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty, reasoned that an intertribal peace treaty was absolutely necessary if any kind of order were to prevail on the west side of the mountains.
  • He had five lands in play. I reasoned that, if I take out the Rift Bolt, I'm increasing his chances to draw Spell plus Grapeshot .
  • I guess my cynical nature is rearing its head here, because it looks to me like your position is emotive rather than reasoned.
  • The court reasoned that using the userid and password in violation of a contractual provision was an unauthorized access.
  • He reasoned that Eisenhower’s refusal to intervene against Goldwater had hardened into yet another of the many laws by which he lived his life: permanent and undeviating neutrality in all prenomination battles involving Republicans in order to preserve the effectiveness of his support in the general election. Going Home to Glory
  • I have reasoned him out of his wish to go to America.
  • He supplied Spinoza with the substance of his reasoned pantheism; Leibnitz with his theory of monadism and pre-established harmony. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Instead, we get reasoned debates on how to force the world to love us or assurances that the ungrateful wretches should love us for their own good.
  • But our boringness means we have a more reasoned approach to thinking about issues.
  • It's absurd that you equate these two quite different statements and then use that equivalence to question the desire of others to engage in reasoned discourse. Alice In Wonderland official trailer
  • I have more faith in people and their abilities to communicate in a reasoned way.
  • Liz sneaked a quick glance at her watch and reasoned with herself that she could take a shower and get a few hours of sleep before she went down to the beachside again to attend a luau the hotel was putting on that night.
  • Swatter, your argument of why a government entity can pick and choose to whom to recruit to locate is valid but is easily reasoned with. Sound Politics: Whither KeyArena?
  • While Commissioner Paul Tagliabue was an attorney by trade, he doffed his barrister modus operandi for that of partial, but reasoned, advocate. Michael Huyghue: NFL Labor Dispute: First Thing We Do Is Get Rid of All the Lawyers
  • But he is an engaging arguer, too, sometimes mangling his syntax yet often making well-reasoned points behind the provocative blather. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reasoned that the king and the vizier were trying to fob him off. KARA KUSH
  • Reasoned inquiry depends — in decreasing order of abstraction — upon logic, principles, evidence and facts. Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • Why would I lend it any other meaning than the one that gives me joy, some vitality and in the face of unreasoned reality?
  • ‘This therefore leaves no alternative to making a care order based on the local authority's plan to place M for adoption’ is a plainly unreasoned conclusion.
  • At that price, he reasoned, it would finally be cheaper to store information on computer than it is on paper.
  • It was unlikely Cratyn would try to use her men in battle, she reasoned. TREASON KEEP
  • There was only silence, so either he knew which clause it was, or had reasoned it out.
  • We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house
  • An educated cleric well versed in Shia theology, he presents reasoned arguments for the beliefs of the conservative establishment.
  • He handled dissent with humour and reasoned argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was reasoned that the free amino groups on lysine and hydroxylysine, known to be present in Type-I collagen, served as the primary nucleophilic sites for the ketene amide intermediate.
  • Well, Anil, I've got to say that it's not Super Extra Helpful To The Spirit of Reasoned Dialogue (SEHTSORD!) to characterize as unevolved the thinking of those of us (there must be at least two or three left) who are not 'zealots' but are deeply concerned about the pernicious influences of marketing and advertising on our cultures, online and off. Now here's what you need to know - Anil Dash
  • We reasoned that during the period of sympatry on Whitewing Mtn, the climate must have been compatible for all the species, i.e., fundamental niche spaces overlapped Jackson and Overpeck, 2000. Millar et al: The Sierra Nevada MWP « Climate Audit
  • The citizens are presented as eloquent and well-organised with a reasoned political strategy.
  • Sometimes the body politic is lulled into thinking along unreasoned lines.
  • If such was the case, she reasoned, then any simple home facial could produce a similar result at far less cost and inconvenience. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • Western intelligence agencies, they reasoned, had poured money into Ukrainian civil society groups that were then used as fronts to organize the insurrection.
  • By now, more substantial refreshments were being served in the hope that satiated stomachs would be conducive to reasoned arguments.
  • An educated cleric well versed in Shia theology, he presents reasoned arguments for the beliefs of the conservative establishment.
  • Workers would probably have been less inclined to support them if their protests had met with reasoned discussion rather than tear gas.
  • I'm sorry that you feel I'm so clearly blinkered and entrenched and incapable of having a reasoned discussion about it.
  • Why should someone resign for taking a principled stand based on a reasoned position?
  • Quemiset did not fully reject Hellot's theory of coloration but elaborates it, taking, for example, the role assigned to alum by Hellot and supplementing that with a discussion of the use of vitriolated tartar to dilate the pores of the wool more thoroughly. reference reference Quemiset ultimately rejected that change, having reasoned that, because the tartar had a sharp taste, it would close, rather than open, the pores. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The opponents in the battle, he reasoned, were the ‘intelligent and unintelligent elements’ in the denomination.
  • Because political and economic institutions can affect man's moral character, Commons reasoned that they should create conditions subserving all individuals' self-development.
  • He reasoned that the real imperative was to keep the body temperature low, and that there was a better way to do it: supersaturate with large intakes of fluid and soak running clothes just before the start, then douse oneself thoroughly with water at every aid station and at every other opportunity as well. QUALITY IS PERSONAL
  • Its purpose is instead to devise by reasoned argument ever more satisfactory syntheses of theory and experiment.
  • Does he have the fortitude to actually NAME the country he would like to slur, or is he the sort of intellectual coward who hides behind a snide comment rather than a reasoned argument?
  • My advice then is to mistrust the sonorous catch-words (13) of the sophist, and not to despise the reasoned conclusions (14) of the philosopher; for the sophist is a hunter after the rich and young, the philosopher is the common friend of all; he neither honours nor despises the fortunes of men. The Sportsman
  • It's true that poor behavior can cause people to start questioning religion and that this might eventually lead them to atheism, but otherwise this strikes me as more an attempt to "psychologize" atheism - to treat it as nothing more than a psychological reaction to human beings rather than a reasoned rejection of irrationality or unfounded ideology. Agnosticism / Atheism
  • Yes, as usual I overate, but I reasoned that it was for such a good cause that my body and doctor would forgive me. Jay Weston: The Saban Free Clinic Benefit a Huge Success
  • My advice then is to mistrust the sonorous catch-words394 of the sophist, and not to despise the reasoned conclusions395 of the philosopher; for the sophist is a hunter after the rich and young, the philosopher is the common friend of all; he neither honours nor despises the fortunes of men. On Hunting
  • No clothes, no corruption, Fong had reasoned: how do you go about bribing a naked man?
  • After all, they reasoned, the tall ceilings, deep moldings, and storybook wraparound front porch made the house a good candidate for remodeling.
  • The employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.
  • They reasoned that after an adulterous three-year affair he was simply trying to do the right thing.
  • This, he reasoned, was perfect justification for placing 5,000 spy cameras on roads the length and breadth of Britain.
  • ‘You reasoned it out beautifully,’ I exclaimed, in unfeigned admiration.
  • He reasoned that gunners would not target the bomber with a German fighter plane alongside. Times, Sunday Times
  • I then deserve a reasoned explanation about why it would or wouldn't be beneficial so that I can make my own decisions.
  • Science and education should be based upon logical fact and reasoned theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have reasoned her out of her wish to be married to a foreigner.
  • He reasoned that the water and spray had scoured away the soft shale, leaving the overhanging ledge of hard limestone.
  • Abortion is an issue which produces little reasoned argument.
  • Most nontraditional superintendents were hired not on the basis of a reasoned assessment of their skills but because they were considered forceful individuals.
  • As many commenters have quite rightly pointed out, people are well capable of recognising other forms of entertainment as unrealistic; to somehow single out porn smacks of wowserism rather than any reasoned argument. - Comments
  • She has met her obligation partly with three compact but useful articles in the festival program book, and she is augmenting those with a few carefully reasoned preconcert talks. Tanglewood Festival: Male Singers Need Not Apply - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • It's a mistake, the coach reasoned, to take your eye off the ball even when you think it's on a perfect course for the palm of your glove.
  • The developing jurisprudence in relation to Article 6 suggests that a reasoned decision is a concomitant to a fair hearing.
  • The complaints are well-reasoned, but they're not incisive. Globe and Mail
  • Although this would not have caused death it could have impaired their attention, concentration, co-ordination and ability to make reasoned decisions.
  • Science and education should be based upon logical fact and reasoned theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your class gave me the tools to understand the forces at work upon my conscience and to make a reasoned decision.
  • His kurtas and dhotis were the finest mulmul in summer and tussar in winter – both traditionally woven too, he reasoned. An Atlas of Impossible Longing
  • Since female mice are fertile for more than a year, their ovaries had to be generating new oocytes, the scientists reasoned.
  • ‘You reasoned it out beautifully,’ I exclaimed, in unfeigned admiration.
  • Normally, you need some pretty hefty (and expensive) equipment for this kind of submersion cooking, but Viestad reasoned that the water from his kitchen tap was hot enough to do the job. The Kitchn
  • Surely the same is the onely cause that compelleth me (in makinge my selfe bolde) to forget my dutie towardes my parentes, and specially mine honour, which I shall leaue to be reasoned vpon by the ignoraunt which considereth nothing but that which is exteriourly offred to the viewe of the sighte. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • A wisp of a reasoned argument escaped the net that I cast far and wide.
  • But if they dislike something, they should at least use reasoned analysis rather than wild sideswipes of opinion.
  • And they shape it far more tellingly than any speech or reasoned political argument. Christianity Today
  • He reasoned that this proved that the genotype was more important than the environment in determining intelligence. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • But it divides between those whose feelings might be termed atavistic or revanchist and those who make a reasoned critique, in sorrow as much as anger, of Western policies - especially the Iraq war, the Kosovo affair from 1999 onwards, United States plans for theatre missile-defence, and, not least, the expansion of NATO. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • Mr Smith should present reasoned arguments, not use broad sweeping statements about subjects which it seems he does not fully understand.
  • This rabbin was an excellent theologian; he reasoned like Dom Calmet. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He reasoned that time was constant, that it applied everywhere in the universe in exactly the same way.
  • I reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy.
  • Any judicial act of line-drawing may seem somewhat arbitrary, but Roe was a reasoned statement, elaborated with great care.
  • Business leaders' suspicions of uptalk are no reasoned commercial judgment; they're an ahistorical prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever you hear any one expatiating upon what he calls the luck of some one else, you may be sure that he is a person entirely deficient in those qualities which could attract what he calls luck, but what is really, in the majority of cases, merely the result of hard work based upon a reasoned poise. Poise: How to Attain It
  • They give reasons, they use syllogisms, they argue by suggesting counterexamples, they engage in all the hallmarks of reasoned argument.
  • Straightforward but weightless, he reasoned that if your X-ray wasn't right you had only one thing. THE OPEN DOOR
  • He promised to quickly tackle the ‘sensitive’ issue of ‘unrealistic expectations’ in levels of government services before they led to ‘disappointment and unreasoned hostility’.
  • She reasoned it would be best to keep her position until rightfully relieved from duty, and rubbed her weary eyes.
  • If plants can use the green pigment, chlorophyll, to absorb energy from the Sun and produce a usable form of chemical energy, they reasoned, fungi might be able to use their melanin pigment and radiation energy in a similar way. Radiation-Seeking Fungus « Isegoria
  • I reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy.
  • James gurgled with what sounded like glee, though I reasoned babies that young shouldn't know about glee yet.
  • Even in our time, in the sightlines of living history, in the retrieved instancy of film and videotape, there are stories waiting to be finished, open to the thrust of reasoned analysis and haunted speculation. Racing Against Reality
  • If such was the case, she reasoned, then any simple home facial could produce a similar result at far less cost and inconvenience. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • I guess what makes this so obviously reprehensible is the fact that this position is not grounded on any rationale but on unreasoned, exaggerated fear, and not a little bit of an ingredient called “sadism.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Paternally imprinted genes may have particularly free rein in males, Kono's team reasoned, and may govern traits such as living fast and dying young.
  • I will not be discussing this with you anymore, bluesky; I prefer to discuss with people who don't mistake engaging in reasoned discussing to be "humoring" someone. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • And for one shining moment in American politics, one and all gladly checked their partisan passions at the door, in deference to this decaffeinated altar of reasoned reflection. Jeffrey Abelson: The UnConvention
  • One more step forward, Lirael reasoned, wouldn't make a difference. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • She argued her point in a reasoned and intelligent manner.
  • Well it prepares you to discuss these sort of controversial areas in a more reasoned way with your practitioners.
  • These women, in turn, create men with anger management issues who function best (if at all) in jobs where adrenaline is privileged over reasoned discussion. Rescue me from Rescue Me
  • This is a time for cool heads and reasoned arguments, not for bluster and provocation.
  • Since atoms were known to be electrically neutral, Thomson reasoned that there must be some positively charged material inside atoms to counterbalance the negative charges of electrons.
  • It was one of those things you would like to do, but when you reasoned it out, you couldn't do it.
  • The culture must foster C-type conflict and allow for anyone to ask the hard questions and to get honest, reasoned answers.
  • Spatial metaphors are image-schematic and they can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector, landmark and path.
  • I thought of the cozier fall number hanging in the window at Intermix, but reasoned that minor suffering can be good for acts of contrition. Lily Blau: Fashion and Faith: God, Gucci, and What Happened Along the Way
  • For only she could rouse the Cailleac," Geno reasoned grimly. The Woods Out Back
  • All these things look well reasoned and supportable when doing the analysis.
  • I hadn't touched the gear handle or flaps after the shot, and, therefore, reasoned the gear and flaps still were down.
  • He reasoned that if we start at now, we could arrive before noon.
  • Even the most reasoned and eloquent theological discourse will not reconcile viewpoints that are rooted in incompatible assumptions about the nature and purpose of our faith and community.
  • Take a reasoned course, allow the local officials to work out the voting problems, give legal help to the Dem if necessary, all the while LOUDLY CONTRASTING what we are doing with howe the Repubs do business. FL-13: Jennings Could Still Prevail — If Vote Goes To The House Itself
  • To-day I can laugh when I recall the childishness of my actions, the outcome of the unreasoned promptings of my puerile jealousy. The Motor Pirate
  • The incursion of sectarian orthodoxy in Indian history involves two distinct problems, to wit, narrow sectarianism, and unreasoned orthodoxy.
  • The employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.
  • Maybe she wanted to start her life on a fresh note and didn't want anything from her past, a friend reasoned it out for me.
  • He reasoned that the unauthorized document reading was ‘inconsistent with that collegial spirit.’
  • Mr Hunter was able to undertake that the Secretary of State would decide the case and issue a reasoned decision within 6 weeks.
  • On this occasion, dissenting voices were heard, elaborating reasoned arguments.
  • But eye-rolling arrogance toward those who support a given idea is not reasoned critique - and religious discourse is filled with examples of people on all sides who allow dismissive arrogance* to cloud their judgment. BlogHer
  • The officials reasoned that it would be too complicated to organize a system that sees the rich pay a higher fee.
  • The employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.
  • Could a sane person accuse his god of such unreasoned hatred, while simultaneously proclaiming it the embodiment of divine love?
  • Today the politics of these countries become more and more populist: appeals to public opinion rather than to reasoned concepts of coherent policy.
  • On the other hand, I reasoned, if there were, in fact, some sort of cat called a muscat, perhaps it wasn't so outrageous. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • I reasoned that he would have plenty of space in his bergen backpack.
  • Davidson reasoned that his design, based on traditional the Spanish sherry copita, better focused and concentrated the scents and flavors. Spirits: I'll tumble 4 ya
  • Abner," he reasoned patiently, "the younger men who run the plantations are most determined that you not be allowed to disrupt their good relationships with the Chinese. Hawaii
  • The decision not to delay further was, however, a reasoned and rational decision.
  • We are told that the courts of appeals are supposed to give a great deal of deference to the reasoned (and reasonable) sentences meted out by district court judges, even where the judges of the CoA would reach a different sentence than that of the district court. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
  • Olfactometric sampling and analysis provides a reliable measurement of odour concentration, thereby providing valuable data from which to make reasoned odour management decisions.
  • Ela Bhatt, founder of the Self Employed Women's Association makes an eloquent and reasoned plea for a return to a food system that is grounded on place. Archive 2009-01-01
  • ‘There is no right and wrong,’ Martha reasoned with a sing-song voice.
  • We consider the Adjudicator's findings were adequately reasoned and perfectly sustainable.
  • She put a reasoned case for increasing the fees.
  • The food was great, he reasoned, the decor was smashing and the reviews were adulatory.
  • An educated cleric well versed in Shia theology, he presents reasoned arguments for the beliefs of the conservative establishment.
  • I can of course hate the people who give me reason to, but sometimes this unreasoned dislike worries me a lot.
  • Here reasoned choice between lesser evils was the course which brought the least ill on humanity.
  • Make war as vile and horrid as you can, he reasoned, and people will feel all the less inclined to resort to it.
  • You'd think that he would welcome intelligent, reasoned, two-sided discussion about media's coverage of this controversial story.
  • He reasoned that if the serial criminal operates close to where he lives, it may be possible to approximate the location of his home by analyzing spatial patterns of the attacks.
  • This argument is irrefutable by reasoned argument, because it is irrational.
  • Jones reasoned that instant freezing by cryogenics would lock in more of ice cream's flavor and freshness.
  • One is pure ideology, the other is reasoned from the evidence. Who is pulling the strings? | Serendipity

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