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[ US /ˈɹiəˌɫaɪz/ ]
  1. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
    this merger brought in lots of money
    How much do you make a month in your new job?
    He clears $5,000 each month
    She earns a lot in her new job
  2. be fully aware or cognizant of
  3. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally
    I don't understand the idea
    Now I see!
    I just can't see your point
    Does she realize how important this decision is?
  4. expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass
  5. convert into cash; of goods and property
  6. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to
    our ideas must be substantiated into actions

How To Use realize In A Sentence

  • Lovecraft dealt not with the supernatural but with the "supernormal," as Joshi puts it -- the unrealized side of material reality. The Lovecraft News Network
  • This does not exclude the existence of pockets of the urban population with unrealized homosexual desires.
  • In meetings Thursday with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, the country's army chief and others, Gates called the antiterror operations a success so far, "and he acknowledged to all of them that we realize that has come with a great deal of sacrifice for the military," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said following the sessions. Stars and Stripes
  • After a little while the bellboy realized that there was a special on rooms that night and the price for the men's room should have been $25. Math problem?
  • It's soundproof and completely dark, and I go in there for a couple of hours at a time, You don't realize how much stress you carry around in your muscles and tissue until you lie in this completely buoyant environment.
  • I realized how our leadership brings forth mediocre organizations and dispirited people.
  • Olivia notes the direction of his gaze, and realizes her robe has fallen open again.
  • It never occurred to me that you might not realize he was your father or grandfather, or great grandsire or whatever.
  • Indeed, there's reason to hope that even the most benighted moral equivocators may come to realize that the message is the exact opposite of the one they've been preaching.
  • The system hardware and software has been designed to realize a stable levitation.
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