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How To Use Realistically In A Sentence

  • In its favour, there is some genuine tension in the car chase sequences, and the marauding gangs of children seem not only authentic but realistically threatening.
  • The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.
  • Ancelotti will be anxious that the 23-year-old Brazil international, who will be cup-tied in the Champions League, is joining a club who can still realistically retain the Premier League title. Chelsea set to seal £21.5m deal for Benfica defender David Luiz
  • Mike Schneider: I avoid the term committed when working on mass collaborative projects because realistically only a small percent of people follow through on their commitments. Fatally Yours
  • What powers can it realistically reclaim having surrendered control of the club structure in 1992? Times, Sunday Times
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  • But can you realistically make something designed to house just one car into a bijou residence? Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, realistically assess what your long-term health needs might be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once this is done, the writer should observe how realistically each study phase can be completed.
  • Then make sure your program deals realistically with your position on the ladder. THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING
  • He does get a pension from the government, but realistically he's bludging off Lea.
  • The unification of Germany was his life's work, in which he was greatly assisted by his opponents' inability to analyse the balance of forces realistically.
  • You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.
  • Realistically speaking, there is no way that Congress will vote to reinstitute the draft.
  • Work out who you need to buy presents for and what you can realistically afford. The Sun
  • And realistically, even if you buy a shaker of salt or a bottle of chilli sauce while travelling it's going to be a hindrance and you'll probably just end up leaving it somewhere.
  • It would have been very desirable to take a very hard look at what synergy the merger might realistically achieve.
  • You have got to think realistically now. The Sun
  • Honestly, we made the target because we managed, for once, to keep our ambitions closer to something realistically accomplishable.
  • Even though he is not being sacked, it realistically means the end to his slimy crawl up the political ladder.
  • His robots fight among themselves most realistically, and his crowning achievement is a pitched battle on an underground road, believable enough to induce cringes and curled fists.
  • You can only realistically think of getting back with her once these urgent questions are settled. The Sun
  • It's set in 1910, and is in the realistically grim tradition of verismo opera. Triple-Header Makes Excellent Opera
  • Think of a time when you thought realistically and constructively about an idea and devised an effective action plan. Training with N.L.P.
  • A women's thumbnail slider component free flash or bust is one of the most excess a. Perfume board coplanarity in smt standards component is realistically inefficient to retrieve in most countries, firmly most of the time, payrolls exclusion 100 estimate vodka for the lever component in the perfume. Wii-volution
  • You're not thinking about this realistically. The Sun
  • The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.
  • Some of these characters are important, some just drift through the film; all are sketched funnily and realistically.
  • There is a massive gulf between what the unions are demanding and what the haulage firms will realistically be prepared to offer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The necessary 75% majority for a special resolution under Section 95 Companies Act 1985 disapplying the existing shareholders' pre-emption rights was not realistically obtainable.
  • Ghost World realistically portrays the often obsessive, compulsive and maladjusted postures of youth.
  • But realistically the pair have only a slim chance of medal success in that final.
  • You can think about money realistically and the way you explain plans gives others confidence in you. The Sun
  • You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.
  • You can look at your home life realistically and talk convincingly about the changes you want to make. The Sun
  • Growing old in, and with, Japan "on the Click Opera blog, Nick Currie (aka Momus) lists several points of what could be" a silver lining to Japan's likely silver age "but concludes that realistically," Japan will get cheaper, smaller, poorer, purer, wiser, more itself. "review [en] of a decade of Japanese music by W. David MARX at Néojaponisme. Global Voices Online
  • Thus, we shall use the term strategy formation in the rest of this book, not because strategies have to be purely emergent but simply to allow for the fact that they can be, or, more realistically, almost inevitably partially are. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • Realistically, however, a line must be drawn under the amendments at some point for the sake of achieving the deal.
  • Hard to put your finger on, but realistically unreal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reality is that they can't realistically hope to represent all students.
  • In Splendor on the Bench, a realistically rendered vacuum-tube stereo amplifier sits alone in a paneled room, the painting's surface marked by a delicate tracery.
  • Keep in mind that these examples are actualy very oversharp, and wouldn't look good after being scaled up to fullscreen, realistically this source doesn't need such strong sharpening. Doom9's Forum
  • What can realistically be accomplished by Community Economic Development strategies and what criteria can be used to determine and evaluate success?
  • Realistically, the saving in income tax has to be shared between employer and employees.
  • Jerusalem Day accurately portrays the Israeli public discourse regarding the political status of the city: a great deal of ceremonialism, slogans, and a sea of waving flags, but very little relevant substance relating to the root of the city's conflicted reality, and realistically examining its future possibilities. Ir Amim: Reflections on Jerusalem Day in an Impoverished, Extremist, and Divided City
  • Do you know how much you will realistically be able to take out from your pension or invested capital, after allowing for inflation?
  • So, given these poor ratios, how can students realistically receive decent instruction in those subjects, let alone a balanced view of the demands of life in this world and those of life in the hereafter?
  • Sure thing, go right ahead and make it a three strikes felony, that's what they deserve ... but, realistically, I'm not sure it would have much of a deterrent effect to a calloused lawbreaker. How Do You Stop A Serial Poacher?
  • Little attempt is made to depict native architecture realistically. Times, Sunday Times
  • In both films space and its effects on humans were depicted realistically, with not a ray gun in sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project was probably doomed on the drawing board by an unrealistically ambitious plan.
  • Many of these borrowers were given loans that they could not realistically afford, which led to the recent clamp down. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should treat the theme realistically.
  • You can think about money realistically and the way you explain plans gives others confidence in you. The Sun
  • Doug prefers expensive Trojan silver fish, segmented to twist and swivel realistically.
  • While their romance does have more moments of realism than the cutesy couplings of, say, It's Complicated, Karen's transformation from testy to kindly is hard to believe as other characters evolve more realistically. 'Mother and Child' delves into divisions, reunions
  • Rhetorical arguments, often unrealistically extreme, hold sway.
  • As a pastoral theologian, I applaud texts that look realistically at the emotive world.
  • They alone realistically have the financial firepower, the appetite and the skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Technology watchdogs and campaign groups such as Friends of the Earth and ETC Group initially called unrealistically for a total ban on synthetic biology, even though it lacked a workable definition. The Guardian World News
  • Although there are five candidates, realistically it is a two - horse race.
  • For instance, compared to depressed people, emotionally healthy people have an unrealistically rosy outlook.
  • Protected prices remain unrealistically high; businesses in the protected industry continue to offer jobs. Ricardo's Difficult Idea Eludes Wonks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Then make sure your program deals realistically with your position on the ladder. THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING
  • At the end of them a ruthless villain had smashed beyond mending the remains of the useless hand and had galvanised me into a resurrection of the spirit and the impetus to seek what I'd had since, a myoelectric false hand that worked on nerve impulses from my truncated forearm and looked and behaved so realistically that people often didn't notice its existence. Come To Grief
  • Whether he can realistically hope to overturn the sizeable Labour majority in Barking is perhaps doubtful.
  • Since we could realistically, apolitically DESTROY THE BEAST in a matter of weeks (the power we could focus is effectively limitless), the conclusion is as inevitable as death! Does human misery come from victimization or a defective species?
  • Realistically, the national team that has ended Zambia's treasured record of seven straight appearances at the Africa Cup finals would have found themselves not only ill-equipped for the Tunisia job but also untalented.
  • Realistically, he's become a role player, a defensive specialist and rebounder who does the dirty work.
  • The lesser lights realistically are hoping to lift support for their party, bearing in mind the post-election scramble to form a government.
  • This simplified figure fails to show the interrelationship between those two processes and unrealistically diagrams the recombination as reciprocal.
  • Realistically, there is an endogeneity between the OCA criteria and currency union. Greek Crisis Stirs Debate
  • They alone realistically have the financial firepower, the appetite and the skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Realistically, though, I don't think his ascension to the top job will ever happen.
  • I mean it would make as much sense, and realistically is a feeling I'm more familiar with.
  • Charles opted, realistically, for negotiation, and sent envoys to offer a meeting at Bourges in July.
  • She could also be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder and be unable to judge her appearance realistically. The Sun
  • The key problem for both scholars is the illusion, a chimera, that the Bible has what could be realistically described as a middle, or even a central theme.
  • Rather, the attempt is merely to recreate their personas as faithfully and realistically as possible.
  • Realistically, only conformists need apply and that's usually the way it turns out.
  • Because the virus is already quite widespread in different locations, containment is not a feasible optionRealistically, containment was never a sustainable option once the disease spread to any major city with a significant transportation hub. "Containment is not a feasible option"
  • Making a game unrealistically difficult will only frustrate a player.
  • Sporting clays is the most challenging and most realistically recreates a hunting scenario. Whats the difference between Skeet, trap, and sporting clays?
  • This should also be an extremely tight game, as, realistically, both teams need the win to assure themselves of going into the semifinals in the top position.
  • Proportionality must be maintained and the realistically-achievable goals must outweigh the reasonably foreseeable harm.
  • Tom spoke unrealistically of getting a full-time job that paid an enormous sum.
  • But changing such a situation is, realistically, beyond the power of a single administration.
  • A brain-dead pregnant woman on life support has reached the milestone in her pregnancy where doctors believe the baby could realistically survive outside the womb, giving her family renewed hope about the devastating ordeal.
  • In a panel depicting Saint John in the Desert, logical proportion and perspective are disregarded, and colour is limited, unrealistically, to red and green.
  • All are linked by a model railway, with more than 400 metres of realistically signalled main and branch lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least think this through realistically before going ahead. The Sun
  • But realistically it obviously would have an intensely huge impact upon the number of civil jury trials for example that might have been held in Queensland.
  • We could say secretive is better, but realistically for large applications you have to justify your every-move – for Apple and other companies it might happen within their own compounds, it still happends. Losing my religion | FactoryCity
  • Its seeming inability to deal realistically and humanly with the challenge of human sexuality is an illustration.
  • Almost anyone who travels for work has done an overnighter with just one bag (or perhaps more realistically, one bag and a laptop case), but sustaining that approach over a longer period requires a more focused approach. Hand Luggage Only: The Big Lessons Learned | Lifehacker Australia
  • Forecasts of its demise are based on unrealistically low economic growth estimates.
  • Realistically, the only way that it could be accomplished is through a coalition of schools that have London studies. An Interview With Daniel J. Wichlan
  • She expected - maybe unrealistically - to remain unidentified, and is now worried about the impact on her family, career and personal life. Craigslist personals trigger an unintended spotlight
  • Realistically, there is little prospect of a ceasefire.
  • Yet realistically this dilemma is likely to be brief as long as employers hold the key to one's livelihood rather than the professional association.
  • Soon he would be back playing for Everton, and to a standard that had some wondering, unrealistically, whether he might even be recalled to the England squad.
  • While much of the time Rio responds realistically if you use one of the proper commands, other times she can be idiotically oblivious.
  • The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.
  • She expected -- maybe unrealistically -- to remain unidentified, and is now worried about the impact on her family, career and personal life. Chris Lee scandal: Yesha Callahan, the woman who met him on Craigslist, tells her story
  • OK, realistically I don't move in any circles in which squirrels are discussed with any frequency, and I have no real evidence as to whether those who do would find "dray" current or archaic. DRAY/DREY.
  • As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.
  • his expectations were unrealistically high
  • Realistically, he's become a role player, a defensive specialist and rebounder who does the dirty work.
  • But few realistically imagine a bunch of backwoods rednecks pulled off something like this.
  • So, instead of biting the bullet and knocking out realistically unsustainable channels, with the exception of ITV2+1 which was KO'ed, they carry on regardless squandering more money on feckless retards who know f'ck-all about real life but have pieces of paper stuck on the wall above their desk (or really know how to retrieve a thrupenny bit Army Rumour Service
  • In short, not the kind of team you realistically expect to blast into the Swell Sixteen.
  • My thinking was skewed by idealistic dreams rather than realistically assessing the situation. Christianity Today
  • You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.
  • Yet realistically this dilemma is likely to be brief as long as employers hold the key to one's livelihood rather than the professional association.
  • Tell him you need to be sure he is thinking realistically and not imagining life as a family through rose-tinted spectacles. The Sun
  • let's look at the situation realistically
  • The lack of integration is partly attributed to the unrealistically low forward estimates of public expenditure outlined in the Government's first budget.
  • Hopefully, it seeps down to your bones and then you can portray somebody like this accurately and as realistically as possible.
  • However there is more than meets the eye as the sculpture is actually a bronze cast realistically painted.
  • Some of us may never be able to hit the ball as accurately, powerfully or consistently as a scratch player, but with work, we can realistically hope to putt like one.
  • Cherry says he realistically needs to know by the end of February if he will be ending the current season with another nail-biting cliffhanger or wrapping up his Wisteria Lane shenanigans for good. Keck's Exclusives: Desperate Housewives to End In 2013?
  • It is also less likely to be hijacked by frivolous requests or by demands for unrealistically large quantities of material by one particular lobby group.
  • Krugman said the Real was priced "unrealistically" at current levels. MercoPress
  • What the theater today can show for us realistically, with massive scenery and electric lighting, Elizabethan playgoers had to imagine.
  • You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.
  • Royal Mail has managed to secure everything it could realistically have hoped for in terms of price deregulation from a consultation document issued on Thursday by Ofcom, the regulator which has taken over responsibility for Royal Mail from the disastrous Postcomm. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • This puts a cap on the exit price that investors realistically can expect to receive. Times, Sunday Times
  • We feel we need to be “tough on crime”, yet our solution of sending large amounts of our population to a place that can only realistically make them even more dangerous and sociopathic is naïve at best, stupid at best too. 7 CHS Students Beat, Urinate on Fellow Student at
  • Wisdom, Impression, Sentiment c.1900, Murakami consciously reclaims it in a new iteration by applying traditional nihonga techniques, as well as recasting the realistically rendered nude figures in contemporary manga style. The Full Feed from
  • Filmed on location, the movie's director, Sheen's son Estevez revealed that in attempting to lighten the load of his 71-year-old father's backpack, he got brushback from his dad, who wanted to carry the realistically heavier pack, maintaining it would help him play the part better. Lonna Saunders: Sheen and Estevez Hit Home Run with The Way
  • I think public opinion has already hardened, and about the only thing he can realistically hope to achieve is to stop the bleeding in his poll numbers. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Lock of the Week
  • That system is unrealistically expensive given the likely available budgets over the years, and competing priorities. Latest Administrator Gossip - NASA Watch
  • I'm not saying that we could realistically expect a return to the unamplified, three hour speech-a-thons that characterized 19th-century politics.
  • You an elite attorney very realistically . Was that ever your childhood dream?
  • Keane is suffering a strained hamstring and realistically should be back in a fortnight, but at his age, with his level of wear and tear, the absences are only going to get longer and more frequent.
  • So, I'm swithering at the moment about whether I will realistically be able to give up the alcohol.
  • First, the rhetoric requires motherhood to be cast in unrealistically negative terms.
  • However, if Spurs can show the newfound spirit and bouncebackability brought in by the big Dutchman at the helm, they should be realistically aiming for the three points.
  • Hard to put your finger on, but realistically unreal. Times, Sunday Times
  • How much more can you realistically afford to charge in the meantime?
  • It's rare that you see a title handle material like this with sensitivity, care and respect, and Gearbox does a great job of taking this serious and life changing condition that affects many soldiers and depicting it realistically. IGN PS3
  • Lacking in interpretive charity and unwilling to stop for a second to consider what would realistically slip through the vetting process for an elected official’s prepared remarks, maybe, but not nuts. Why Do I Feel Like I’m Taking Crazy Pills?
  • The same philosophers who worry that friendship leads us into "bad epistemic conduct"—because our affections lead us to think unrealistically well of our pals—are alarmed at the prospects for "bad faith" among patriots, what with their tendency to think the best about their own country, the evidence be damned. The Trials of Devotion
  • His work has the telegraphic simplicity of aboriginal craft and generic morphologies, rather than the more digressive and particularized qualities of realistically mimetic images.
  • We need to think realistically about the task ahead.
  • Any determination to ignore them or to simply shrug them off would sacrifice the only weapon realistically available in the fight.
  • The popstar told The Independent that Indians are not portrayed enough in the media, and when they are it is "unrealistically". All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • The artist tried to depict realistically the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Misawa leaves his surfaces rough - they look like expressionist woodblocks - and paints them fairly realistically.
  • To emulate a human realistically, you don't have to realistically capture the empyrean majesty of our imaginations.
  • the figure was realistically painted
  • The story works because it starts off realistically and ends so fantastically.
  • Personally, I think that that was being rather unrealistically optimistic. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • We need to think realistically about the task ahead.
  • As to speed, that is only because of unrealistically low speed limits. yuan: And then there is the massive increase in construction of high-speed rail in virtually every developed nation except the USA. Seattle light rail: No park-and-ride lots (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • You can think about money realistically and the way you explain plans gives others confidence in you. The Sun
  • It is also a powerful tale about whether a friendship can override and survive conflict, movingly and realistically brought to life in this play. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've had to sit down and realistically think about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Torpedo ladle car, used for transport of liquid pig iron, model in realistically weathered condtion.
  • It was also clear early in pre-production that the new puppets were not quite as human as had been expected and that making them move realistically on screen was harder than ever.
  • You can think about money realistically and the way you explain plans gives others confidence in you. The Sun
  • Enemies behave much more realistically - in a Hollywood way - when they're shot: slamming into walls, tumbling down stairs, crumpling under a headshot, etc.
  • Later, when his tension level is not at its peak, he can deal with his aggravation realistically.
  • Realistically, there is never one right answer.
  • This unreality is boosted by: (1) the plethora of television “reality” shows that suggest that success has little to do with anything but ambition, desire, and immorality; (2) educational institutions that punish those teachers who actually assess student performance realistically and who insist on results; (3) the increasing reliance on tests that measure assorted facts and basic intelligence, but not the ability to think and learn; and (4) greater and greater reliance on pleasing parents and students than upon imparting skills and the ability to think. The Age of Unreality « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • The content should more realistically be described as obscene language.
  • He gets a job in a local sawmill, which given his disgrace is the nearest he can realistically get to his former profession of carpenter.
  • A realistically painted bird perches on a feeder against a chalky wall.
  • Realistically, I know that some projects take more than one session and putting everything away and then regathering it every time, is just as damaging to the creative process as not finding a place to work.
  • In its favour, there is some genuine tension in the car chase sequences, and the marauding gangs of children seem not only authentic but realistically threatening.
  • We feel we need to be “tough on crime”, yet our solution of sending large amounts of our population to a place that can only realistically make them even more dangerous and sociopathic is naïve at best, stupid at best too. 7 CHS Students Beat, Urinate on Fellow Student at
  • And extremely unrealistically, we'd thought the windows could be done in an hour and a bit. SOMEBODY
  • It's not a major drawback since the notes generally come through clearly and realistically, but in louder passages the upper register has a bit of a metallic or glassy sound.
  • I dislike the music, find the plots to be asinine and chauvinistic, and hate the predictable and unrealistically cheerful endings.
  • Unloading a stream of bullets with dual-wielded pistols is violent and realistically deadly to your enemies.! » Ubisoft Is BOUND IN BLOOD And Revisits The Old West! Tsuj Heeds The CALL OF JUAREZ And Goes On A Gunslinging Spree!
  • What powers can it realistically reclaim having surrendered control of the club structure in 1992? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not at all clear that physical distances or times can realistically be said to have this property.
  • Therefore, it was incumbent upon the coalition partners to frankly, honestly and realistically examine, debate and sort out the issue.
  • We' ve worked out how many we can realistically afford to give away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Onstage in the show, Harlequin and Punchinello "traded insults so realistically that they truly appeared to be two thinking beings, two persons of this world. Knock on Wood
  • Thinking realistically, how this transformation would not be under the purview of large biogenetics corporations is something I fail to grasp. Half-Centaur, Half-Chimera: Humanism and Science Fiction | Goblin Mercantile Exchange
  • Realistically, immigration law needs a complete overhaul, like a piece of software that's grown so buggy it has to be rewritten from the ground up. The Problem With Smoking Immigrants
  • He thinks he can realistically save about 500 of that figure. Times, Sunday Times
  • This model is designed to realistically simulate the mechanics of the adult ventilatory system.
  • Tell him you need to be sure he is thinking realistically and not imagining life as a family through rose-tinted spectacles. The Sun
  • It sounds so unrealistically, unsophisticatedly direct - so lacking in politesse and not something that is actually done in the real world.
  • It has never been quicker to get information and we can realistically expect to speak to someone on the other side of the world by telephone at the press of a few buttons.
  • Two squat dressers, two drawers each, held her clothes, and were also flanked by realistically drawn climbing ivy.
  • Proponents of the term maintain that it must be realistically acknowledged that those who have power and benefits from racial privilege in a racist society is primarily white, and that the term “person of color” is a better generic term for those who are racially underprivileged than “black person” as it includes ethnicities other than those strictly of African descent. Bunch-O-Links/Open Thread (While the Amp’s Away The Rachel Will Play Edition)
  • This is a toughie - you need to look at your own set of skills, experience and ability realistically to identify where your weaknesses lie and address them.
  • Then on the Saturday night I went to bed very early as I knew realistically I needed to get up at 6am to allow time to titivate myself to get down to Selfridges on time.
  • Rather, he simply allows his characters to talk - sometimes realistically, at other times with a kind of stylised super-realism. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Tom spoke unrealistically of getting a full-time job that paid an enormous sum.
  • More realistically, they aim at achieving a set of mutual benefits.
  • And, more realistically, a joint rate card or selling pitch for satellite TV ads and newspaper ads seems a real frightener. Vince Cable stitch-up leaves Telegraph Group in a tangle over BSkyB deal
  • It may be better to contact the bailiff's head office and agree regular monthly payments with them, which you can realistically afford.
  • Untrained end users who are having a Drupal-based site delivered to them and need to school themselves realistically in terms of what it means to own and house-train a modern website.
  • The show proved hugely popular despite realistically gruesome childbirth scenes. The Sun
  • Their terrorist methods include blowing themselves up with suicide bombs, and they cannot realistically be combated by citizens with guns. Gloria Duffy: Logic, Guns and Mental Illness
  • Hopefully, it seeps down to your bones and then you can portray somebody like this accurately and as realistically as possible.
  • What powers can it realistically reclaim having surrendered control of the club structure in 1992? Times, Sunday Times

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