How To Use Realism In A Sentence
Although _Pyetushkov_ shows us, by a certain open _naïveté_ of style, that a youthful hand is at work, it is the hand of a young master, carrying out the realism of the 'forties' -- that of Gogol, Balzac, and
A Desperate Character and Other Stories
This series is characterised by perfect realism juxtaposed with wild imagination.
Not to mention that the whole "photorealism" thing in comics is vastly overrated.
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Their ambition to succeed seems to be matched only by their hard-headed realism about selling and how to do it.
Are photography and surrealism such an ‘unnatural coupling,’ as one observer has recently suggested?

Yes, if they can find the right balance between idealism and realism.
Times, Sunday Times
NUREMBERG SCHOOL: Half-way between the sentiment of Cologne and the realism of Prague stood the early school of Nuremberg, with no known painter at its head.
A Text-Book of the History of Painting
This dose of realism stands her in great stead for a slim and healthy future.
The Sun
Sound effects can provide a sense of realism for your project.
But the videos of robotic forms, Imprecise Bodies, that ooze into other forms, as if Salvador Dalí were haunting them, make an argument that there's life left in surrealism, thanks to the imagination that Netzhammer brings to it.
GreenCine Daily: Miami Dispatch.
As a first approximation, then, moral anti-realism can be identified as the disjunction of three theses: moral noncognivitism moral error theory moral subjectivism
Moral Anti-Realism
The clash of idealism and realism.
Christianity Today
Another aim is to show that the problem of direct realism versus indirect realism is of importance for the ontological analysis of social reality.
Using this in the film gives the chase a bonus shot of extra realism.
This realism remains inseparable from humanism, from a persistently innocent representation.
This realism is in part due to the elaborate set and costume design, but also to Campbell's unfaltering characterisation of Morgan.
It seems odd that a poet so keen - perhaps even desperate - to reach across time, to provide us with such realism, should do so by writing wilfully unreadable poems.
As if something like Mario ever needed photorealism.
The old masters of surrealism aren't the only ones popular with today's art collectors, though.
Solid acting oddly enough, only the train falling is totally impossible (like the Viper scenes happen every day in LA) I mean the rest of the unrealism is in check with their abilities.
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There was a new mood of realism among the leaders at the peace talks.
The network earned its ratings by pushing boundaries – Miami Vice stylised the police drama, while Hill Street Blues gave it gritty realism.
How the internet has all but destroyed the market for films, music and newspapers
There's little indication of the available range of ethical theories, from crude emotivism to Platonic realism, from McDowellian objectivism to virtue theory.
Her sprawling, comic epic about multi-ethnic Britain, which uncovers a wonderland of magic realism in the London subtopias of Cricklewood Broadway and Willesden, beat a strong shortlist of four other books, all by American writers.
Well, the new realism is that juries cannot be trusted in respect of any matter that might be adverse to the accused.
O'Driscoll does a great job of sketching out the characters, their relationships and filling their miserable lives with the kind of dread and unease that you can almost taste at the back of your tongue but when it comes time to move this story out of 'grim social realism' and into 'Horror' it all rather falls apart amidst random snowmen, which is a real pity as up until that ending, the story was going great guns.
REVIEW: Black Static #16
This isn't situational realism, it's misogynist claptrap, the kind of stuff no one needs to see in the movies.
The first to develop was legal realism - basically a group of really cynical judges.
In it he described with realism and satire the dullness of life in a small Midwestern town.
Wall is a tremendously challenging artist, as his stuff essentially mocks both the Cartier-Bresson 'Decisive Moment' as self-glorifying bushwa, and the Modernist painters' photography-induced flight from Realism as cowardice.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
As a result of this self-willed discipline, I had to often trade off drama for realism, like in "Maalishwalla," where I (initially) had a dramatic cinematographic ending and then changed it to one of actual pathos.
Anis Shivani: 'Breathless In Bombay' Author Murzban Shroff Reflects On The Real Mumbai: Exclusive Interview
But given its raw energy and wholehearted commitment to realism, it might have been.
Times, Sunday Times
The anti-drugs adverts used hand-held camera techniques to add to the gritty realism of the situations.
With the exception of one scene involving a killing, the film offers neither gritty realism nor lush romanticism.
Times, Sunday Times
Making allies of the enemies of democracy because they share putative interests with us is, in other words, not realism but foolish self-deception.
Other terms for this ontology are pluralistic realism and transcendental realism.
To achieve greater realism, Renaissance painters needed to create the illusion of the third dimension, depth.
The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism.
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In searching for alternatives to Socialist Realism, he became interested in anamorphosis and in the art of the mentally ill.
Throughout the history of naïve, misleading realism, there has been a countercurrent of pseudorealism, which has satirized the shortcomings of this mode we have been conditioned to unquestioningly accept.
Who would have thought "Imaginative Realism" could outdate this fast?
Devil Dinosaurs
As an absolute and omnicompetent power, from the standpoint of psychological realism it is both an ethical travesty and a practical absurdity.
By bolstering Clampett's vision with a kind of premade Surrealism imported from Dali, Freleng dilutes the ingenuity and visual brilliance of the original short, reducing it to a clever referential game rather than a truly original work invented out of whole cloth.
12/17: Porky In Wackyland; Dough For the Do-Do; Quai des orfèvres
Poynton's arrant realism provides echoes of Lucian Freud, Stanley Spencer, Eric Fischl and Philip Pearlstein.
Although Italian director Luchino Visconti was a pioneer of the grungy, grit-and-all filmmaking style called neorealism, he also loved all things grand and operatic.
Express Milwaukee
Foreign policy exists on a spectrum from idealism at one end to realism at the other.
Times, Sunday Times
With surrealism this involves, presumably, finding a way to integrate a surrealisticpresentation with one's prior conceptions of the way things are: surrealism becomes an alternative vision of the world, one that breaks from the "normal" perceptions most of us share only to portray that world just as truthfully if more obliquely.
Experimental Fiction
If an Italian or French director had shot such a sequence, it would have been extolled as neo-realism at its best.
To adherents of realism, anarchy is the defining feature of relations among states.
Paolozzi, born in 1924, had even gone to Paris in the 1940s to study Dada and Surrealism at the source.
Its realism is a bit stodgy; its flights into fantasy are familiar.
Times, Sunday Times
Holmes, the grandfather of realism, maintained a remarkable correspondence with Laski.
There are a fair amount of details, such as snow in the bobsled run and mini-trees on the downhill slopes, which help create a sense of realism throughout the game.
With the exception of one scene involving a killing, the film offers neither gritty realism nor lush romanticism.
Times, Sunday Times
We must not forget that the imitators were those who decided which characteristics typified realism.
Although rendered with detailed realism the particular was always subordinate to the general effect of transcendent beauty or sublimity.
What Jackson does so brilliantly is to capture the surrealism of family life with its impossible combination of adults forced to explain and impose standards of behaviour that collapse into ludicrousness under the stern eye and wild logic of your average four-year-old.
Seeing The Funny Side « Tales from the Reading Room
Official Surrealism includes acres upon acres of bad painting, yet its ideas could not be more important to the century.
Critics queried the realism of First's figures for projected growth.
Times, Sunday Times
Moderate stylization and antirealism that falls short of true expressionism is sometimes enough to soothe congruous crudity into an effectively intensified sensibility, if the idiom is correct.
It was a case of realism versus idealism.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
The more interesting tension I find between the papers is in my defense of realism about genes, and the kind of anti-realist conventionalism I think holds in the theory of natural selection.
Contributing to the Neo-Platonism of Plotinus were — besides Plato (read very selectively) and the Platonist and Neo-Pythagorean commentators on his thought — a constructively critical consideration of Aristotle and his Peripatetic commentators and an influence, deep at some points, of Stoic ideas which Plotinus 'conscious and frequently expressed hostility to Stoic corporealism could not overcome.
There is hardly a trace of social realism in this concerto, which seems blithely unconcerned about the world around it.
An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
The reader would never guess from this textbook that di Chirico exerted a huge influence on Dada, Surrealism and popular culture.
Her star quality might lessen the film 's realism, but it also makes this failing easy to overlook.
Times, Sunday Times
To this day I believe it truly was less disillusionment and more an embrace of sober realism that moved me to change.
These were the canons of Socialist Realism enforced in Stalinist Eastern Europe, as late as my visit in 1967 to Weimar, one of the most decorative of cities.
Realism and myth, lyrical memoir and contemporary reality, combine in the highly individual texture of his prose, which expresses the heart-searchings of a solitary man with a restless social conscience.
Here are jumbled together manifestos from the Bauhaus, Surrealism, Dada, the Suprematists and the Futurists.
He describes his transition from Dada to surrealism as a compromise.
The writing is her usual blend of charming whimsy, heartbreaking poignancy and sometimes impenetrable surrealism.
With this film, Loach digresses from his usual gritty themes of social realism to pose questions of culture, race and religion.
His uncanny, unmistakable style crossed Cubist austerity with lush Surrealism.
This leads Demopoulos and Friedman to conclude that reducing a theory to its Ramsey sentence is equivalent to reducing it to its empirical consequences, and thus that: “Russell's realism collapses into a version of phenomenalism or strict empiricism after all: all theories with the same observational consequences will be equally true” (1985, 635).
Structural Realism
Garcia Maquez's magic realism sheds a light on tyranny that is no less illuminating for its kaleidoscopic nature; Toni Morrison's opulent, curvaceous sentences give us a taste of the poison of racism, as do J.M. Coetzee's angularities.
Moral Fiction
Thus, esteemed critics such as James Wood point us back to Henry James or Virginia Woolf as writers who set a standard of inner-directed realism, a realism of the mind and its subjective perceptions rather than a realism of the material world presented as a collection of facts.
Experimental Fiction
Optimal nectar concentrations have been predicted by a plethora of models that differ in detail and realism.
His artwork was visionary, defined by its luscious gouache and photorealism, and his fondness for dressing his characters in the cartileginous mugs of actors like Kirk Douglas.
Though a romantic at heart, she had a strong streak of realism.
Laser simulators have also sharply enhanced training realism for tank gunners and infantry small arms.
In the early 1950s, Italian cinema was turning away from the politically charged movement known as neorealism, with its harsh, documentary-like depiction of daily life.
GreenCine Daily
But if we show the same realism as them I will take that.
The Sun
The leading answer is due to David Lewis, who is the proponent of the best-known version of possibilist realism, namely, modal counterpart theory.
Possible Objects
He reduced this approach to six principles, which make a good summary of the essentials of political Realism.
The foreign policy of the Voronin administration over the past three years has been based on the classic principles of realism.
But other people based their objections on economics and a healthy realism.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
This seems to mean that the exhibition is indifferent to abstraction, surrealism or art of an introverted, asocial or eccentric nature.
Our sense of the Depression may be bound up with the tragic social realism of Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'.
Every issue has a cluster of stories that vary wildly in style and tone, from maundering musings to cold silence, from freehand swirls to suffocating realism.
While the mommies in the crowd just nodded and smiled, the rest of the audience must have felt they were watching pure surrealism.
The central portion of this book is dedicated to women's contributions to surrealism.
The independent sector has become more international with the rise of Mexican drama, Korean horror, Romanian social realism.
A certain notion of realism began not only to prescribe what could now happen, but to airbrush out what had actually happened.
Third, we need policies that combine realism and compassion.
Lusty conservatives who attack free verse, free fiction, ultra realism, "jazzed" prose, and the socialistic drama as the diseases of the period have my respect and sympathy, when it is a disease and not change as change that they are attacking.
Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
Dynamism in general may be adapted to and modified by such philosophical systems as determinism or freedom, substantialism or phenomenalism, idealism or realism, monism or theism, etc.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Mr Rogers hopes this development may bring a greater sense of realism to a situation which ‘has been as cracked as a dropping pot for at least a decade now’.
This surrealism is particularly notable in Listen to Britain, a cinema-poem about the sounds of wartime London which reaches out of itself to become a stirring portrait of its people.
GreenCine Daily: Weekend viewing in San Francisco.
In a period in which artists divided into strict artistic camps - naturalism, Realism, impressionism, academicism - Moreau fell between the cracks.
(Perhaps in alluding to the expression of "consciousness," Smith is actually referring to the creation of consciousness in fictional characters, the pursuit of "psychological realism," but this is not how I read the passage in question.)
Style in Fiction
But in both novels, Maberry has done his research to put some very scary realism into the bio-terrorism attacks taking place.
REVIEW: The Dragon Factory by Jonathan Maberry
Their dialogue is gauche at times, but that is part of the realism that underpins the film 's wistful pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
Geometric abstraction, thirties activism, and Surrealism had their day in American art, but not at the Intimate Gallery or An American Place.
The realism debate expresses the converse: the attempt to think unhistorically in an age that did not yet know how to think in any way other than historically (in epochs).
So the pachydermic concept with the thunderous footfall is this: can a painter who veers back and forth between emphatically paint-as-paint abstractions (Richter squeegees the stuff across canvases on the studio floor) and a form of painstaking realism be taken seriously as a whole?
Looking Back At Richter
Having discussed the neo-realism of Fellini and Bertolucci, Pells moves straight on to analysing Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and other kitchen-sink classics of half a century ago.
Modernist America by Richard Pells – review
Elements of surrealism and cubism, influences of the European avant-garde art movements of high modernism are all in evidence in this striking poem.
Of course, with all of my lessons, this too became something more than a brief foray into Surrealism.
Benjamin valorizes those art movements - Dada and Surrealism - that consciously attack bourgeois notions of artistic autonomy, while aligning Futurism with the aestheticized discourse of fascism.
The stylised look of the film might be off-putting to those who demand photorealism above all in their special effects work, but anyone with the slightest affection for pulp SF serials or comics will be in seventh heaven.
Italian neorealism breaks with film conventions of the past.
Breton, Surrealism's leader and a past master of character assassination, claimed in the final issue of Minotaure that Dali was a self-confessed racist, and Dali chose not to respond.
Libertarian minimalists must take the extra step to fashion a doctrine that debunks realism and supports their own foreign policy outlook.
The Etruscan style epitomized another aspect of the antique tradition that was Italic and not Greek, a humble realism opposed to the perfection of the Hellenic canon.
This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.
Next to such realism, hope may seem insubstantial.
Christianity Today
His undesiring sighting of her body achieved the same effect for her as his desirous vision of Robinson: Caroline is disarticulated from the body/property scheme so necessary to the realism of sentimental narratives (to which the prince was himself addicted, believing Maria Fitzherbert to be his soulmate from whose bosom he had been torn by parental pressure to marry against his nature).
Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text
Trotsky is not simple-minded in his literary taste, and he doesn't just sort of spontaneously insist that everybody has to write socialist realism.
The story of his life, at least as he tells it, reads as if Kafka had been crossed with Dostoevsky with a dollop of magical realism thrown in for good measure.
But equally there is more realism here than one might expect of a book with a cream and embossed gold cover.
Times, Sunday Times
The concepts of both realism and instrumentality are tricky ones when it comes to moving from sixteenth-century Germany to late-twentieth-century North America.
This approach - sometimes known as legal realism - led to some landmark decisions.
Greene's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction.
Magic realism at the same time makes a detailed depiction of the topic of religious confession from the per...
Their fear is credible, and with this realism the film rises above its gauche moments and becomes beguiling.
Times, Sunday Times
But this is to confuse the practice of a certain kind of commercialized storytelling with realism, the latter of which probably becomes more genuine the farther away it gets from storytelling.
Translated Texts
Capitalism is co-opting social forces, such as surrealism, that once were nobly subversive.
Some producer decides that an old show is resurrectable, adds a dash of 21st century realism and the whole thing turns out to be unwatchable.
So I want to treat this as a piece of realism rather than the picturesque tradition, which tends to depict an idealised version of English heritage.
At the moment, drug education is based on idealism, not realism.
Times, Sunday Times
The essence of realism, it is not merely figurative but meticulously mimetic.
To a large extent Jordan's success was due to the pragmatism and political realism of King Abdullah.
State control of the Triennale and cinema laid the groundwork for the triumph of industrial design and neo-realism, respectively, in the post-war period.
George Condo: A Collection of Etchings | Condo is typically known for bold paintings so brash as to be referred to as gonzo "artificial realism," the term the artist uses to describe his works, which by turns are meditative, wry, irreverent and fantastical, reflecting Condo's now-iconic surrealistic mash-up of old and modern masters.
Bill Bush: I Shot Andy Warhol: This Artweek.LA (June 13-19)
The question is, what kind of refreshment is Smith's gritty realism?
In other words, many of the patterns covered have that Western 'bulkiness' which stems from use in waters that tend to be 'heavier' while still retaining a certain 'delicacy' consistent with older, traditional styling combined with a certain allusion to realism.
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In that, he is the true heir to Yves Saint Laurent, who could conjure up surrealism without looking a fool.
Please aliens come and pick me back home. .living on earth is friggin nightmarish in its surrealism.
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But none of that new realism is allowed to affect the doctrine of Britain's independent nuclear deterrent.
If, then, the veracity of consciousness be unconditionally admitted -- _if the intuitive knowledge of matter and mind_, and the consequent reality of their antithesis, be taken as truths," the doctrine of Natural Realism is established, and, "without any hypothesis or demonstration, the _reality of mind_ and the _reality of matter_." [
Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
We saw that possibilist realism faces the problem of specifying non-actual possible objects.
Possible Objects
His work is considered a unique style combining impressionism, surrealism and abstract modern painting.
It has always preached realism rather than blind patriotism for the sheer hell of it.
The Sun
Positivist psychologists may see a shift to the idealist ontology implied by social constructionism as a backward step, a vestige of old debates now resolved in favour of the positivist version of realism.
The only ways to overcome this curse of predestiny are clever writing and serious, believable realism.
Caravaggio's trademark "chiaroscuro" - dramatic dark-light contrasts - and revolutionary use of realism are explored at the Scuderie del Quirinale, an exhibition space created from former stables of Italy's presidential palace.
Fellini is known for combining realism and fantasy, often making up the story as he along.
They are notable for their realism: masks are depicted in fine detail and as part of total ensembles, with all the props and accoutrements, not as disembodied head pieces sold to tourists.
As Jamal Saghir was saying, there's now much more realism about what the private sector can and can't deliver in the developing world.
In the purest form, realism holds that ideology has little impact on state behaviour but is rather a cloak to disguise the pursuit of real interests in the cant of religious or secular philosophy or rhetoric.
It is an actual example of "realism" unencumbered and applied with great rigor, and it is likely to unmoor the assumptions of those readers tied to a more conventionalized, less ascetic understanding of the role of "realistic" dialogue.
Narrative Strategies
The independent sector has become more international with the rise of Mexican drama, Korean horror, Romanian social realism.
Some films answer this question by poeticizing realism (Throne of Blood, Kwaidan), through irony and humaneness (Star Wars, Chinese Ghost Story), or by just giving up believability (Charlie's Angels, Wong Jing's wackier films).
The slide to this position of realism and justice is costing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nearly half his cabinet.
This dose of realism stands her in great stead for a slim and healthy future.
The Sun
Luckily for me, there were quite a few options in how to reduce the realism and improve my chances in outfoxing the enemy.
His style has been loosely described as expressionistic, surrealistic, naive, and primitive, but was also strongly influenced by the urban realism of John Sloan.
However alluring the goal, he said, pursuing it “would have incurred incalculable human and political costs”; he was expressing the kind of unsentimental caution that is realism’s most important characteristic.
What Would Wilson Do?
One of his first exhibitions was of Bauhaus work, including type, book and periodical design, and later exhibits expanded to include documents of Dada, Futurism, and Surrealism.
I would have to say that the movements of Dada and Surrealism have had a positive influence on me.
I asked him how he managed to evoke such realism in his neolithic and bronze age settings even down to fragments of lost languages.
Greene's stories had an edge of realism.
The absurdity of the plot clashes with the show's craving for social realism.
In the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, Europe advocated realism and practiced power politics.
We're not dealing with realism in those sections, where the actors are masked.
After a few years, Dada was replaced by the dreamlike ideas of Surrealism, which continues to the present day.
Photorealism meant something because it had a kind of vacuousness to it.
Times, Sunday Times
The scientific realist, though no Kantian, may be ready, by way of making his maximum concession, with a reply modelled on Kant's combination of empirical realism with transcendental idealism.
An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
Adult television has already begun to recognize the public's hunger for fascinating scientific realism.
Realism is unbeatably interesting: that is why social observation is the foundation of all the world's best books.
But for all the omens and portents, the magic in Shalimar is firmly at the service of the realism.
For hard-headed realism, the international is a domain of power, mistrust and recurrence of conflict.
I have already mentioned the unanimous rejection of realism and its concern with social reality.
The anti-bourgeois, anti-war and anarchistic Dada movement in the early 1900's is the groundwork to abstract art and sound poetry, a starting point for performance art, a prelude to postmodernism, an influence on pop art, a celebration of antiart to be later embraced for anarcho-political uses in the 1960s and the movement that lay the foundation for Surrealism.
Carmen Zella: Soundcrash : The Art Movement of Hip Hop
Their peacefulness is tempered with readiness and realism.
Puccini was one of the first composers, in fact, to set operas about the lives of ordinary people - the narrative and compositional style called "verismo," or realism.
La Bohème
There is, however, a second realism in Auerbach, the French nineteenth-century realism, which he defines as depicting contemporary reality, immersed in the dynamic concreteness of the stream of history.
Sometimes Doogan abandons her classical re-visions altogether and heads into surrealism.
Eliot's admixture of praise and sharp criticism of Dickens's work first surfaced publicly in the essay on realism that she published in the Westminster Review in July 1856.
Walpole inaugurated the tradition in the hope that the lifelike solidity of realism might be reconciled with the imaginative range of romance.
In her affinity for miniaturism and her desire to make an art about her own past or her fears, she was also on the same track, although not moving at the same speed, as a number of artists associated with Dada or Surrealism, including Dalì, Max Ernst, and Yves Tanguy.
Much Prettier
There are traces of surrealism, symbolism in his works.
The cult of artistic and existential evasion in Dada and surrealism made suicide a leitmotif of literary life in inter-war France.
There has to be an element of realism in dealin with large corporate companies.
Dear Mr. Dell « BuzzMachine
Dadaism, Surrealism, and Futurist performance activities seem to have shared a similar spirit of exploration, of breaking down boundaries, of looking to process instead of product.
The design is practically flawless, the use of textures and atmosphere so real that you are fooled into a sense of realism.
The Bronze Age engravings in this region are symbolic pictograms, without any attempt at realism; there is also no indication that they should be evaluated as hieroglyphs or ideographs.
Enlightenment, to realism, though on occasion it has affinities with what could be called rococo in its artistic style.
Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play.
The alternative between a theological and an independent theory of ethics is, he holds, the alternative between ethical nominalism and realism.
Olaf Peters calls the representational, highly topical style of painter Otto Dix "intransigent realism.
Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Dix's Mix (No Quick Fix)
He showed a growing distaste for surrealism because of its perceived irrationalism and its criticism of the USSR.
I suppose it gives a sense of gritty realism, and it contrasts the physical, bodily duties of the slaves with the luxurious lifestyle of the so-called white plantocracy - but as a stylistic trait, this insistence on bodily functions is too monotonous.
The Long Song: Andrea Levy: Books
His realism could involve a fair amount of tendentious editing, glib generalisation and manipulation of the evidence.
Though suggestive of mystic, pagan rites of purification and primitivism, the film, like all true surrealism, outrageously defies attempts at pigeonholing analysis and close reading.
The script does wobble - we lurch from naturalism to cinematic surrealism, with apparently little to justify it.
The foundation of neo-realism is the belief that we live an anarchic world where armed might is the decisive force in world politics.