
How To Use Realised In A Sentence

  • Either the recession is biting harder than I had realised or a lot of people are confused about the boundaries between fact and fiction.
  • I was watching the match in a pub without sound, and I had forgotten about it, so it was not until I got home that I realised that Langer had taken a hat trick, and that was why the West Indian fieldsmen all looked so pleased.
  • I just hadn't realised that so many straight men could be so selfish and unloving towards their offspring.
  • I realised you don't need to make the most amazing sauce with ten layers of flavour: food can be simple and beautiful. Times, Sunday Times
  • All this material reveals Daley as a writer of more variegated talents than was previously realised.
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  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • Up closer he could smell the sweet scent of her perfume, he only just realised too how incredibly beautiful she was.
  • As he came towards the end of his school career in 1920 he realised that he could not pursue both music and science.
  • It took time for the event to grab the limelight, but its potential was soon to be realised.
  • This no mail lark is really wearing, I hadn't realised quite how much I look forward to arriving home from work and finding out which books have arrived in the post. 48 entries from October 2007
  • The researchers realised that their equipment was detecting minute frequency changes resulting from the pulsing of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only when the album was nearing completion and he realised the huge commercial boost it would give the band did he sign up for it. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one occasion, in hospital after an operation, Pegg awoke from his anaesthetically induced coma an hour too early, confounding doctors until it was realised he must have overheard a fellow patient on the ward watching The Guardian World News
  • She realised during her trip that the price of the local craftwork was too high for international markets.
  • I should have realised that genius, as some bright spark in the office said, has a lot to do with genes.
  • And I'm not sure my friend realised that councils have many other ways of getting their council tax and some of them can have far-reaching effects that go beyond a short spell in the nick.
  • When I realised I had been glassed, my immediate thought was, there's so much blood am I going to die?
  • In addition, it is a mutual company and profits, if realised from its other businesses, are paid into the with-profits fund.
  • I peered into the goggled face and realised it was Guy, our photographer, who had been with me in Marina's front room for the last hour.
  • From the age of six, when he first picked up a guitar he dreamed of being a star, and now that dream could well be realised.
  • I was basking in the warm glow of appreciation when I realised my thumb was starting to throb.
  • His classical treatment of the subject is worth serious reference; for it should be realised that Lincoln, who had both to learn his new trade of statecraft and to exercise it in a terrible emergency, did so with a large part of each day necessarily consumed by worrying and distasteful tasks of a much paltrier kind. Abraham Lincoln
  • But they quickly realised the judge had done them a great disservice and that his report hinged on a massive irony.
  • Then she realised she already had the perfect personal trainers. The Sun
  • They realised we had hard evidence on what was happening and they promised to cooperate.
  • It was when he woke in the night that he realised the extent of his injuries and was distraught. The Sun
  • Born in Lancashire, Jon realised his talent for impersonations as a child - mimicking the teachers at school!
  • The gunman had done the sums and realised it was worth a life in prison to increase his follower count a thousandfold. Quiet City
  • I realised that the rest of the models, all costed $80 plus, so the one I chose must have been pasted with a wrong price tag.
  • He realised that it was improper for a police officer to accept gifts.
  • I finally realised that the colour was probably caused by the marker pen that I had used to write my name on the vest.
  • I had this idea that you just bunged flowers together, but I quickly realised that you can do anything you want with flowers – it's such a creative job. Are you getting the best careers advice?
  • When it was first realised that BSE could lead to new variant CJD, the European Commission banned the sale of all British beef.
  • They hadn't realised that removal companies are booked up months in advance.
  • I've just realised that I'm speaking from the position of someone who doesn't find that rules make me feel safe.
  • What I hadn't realised, though was that it had happened pretty much as soon I was out of earshot round the corner.
  • So in those summer hours, as I walked through the streets, dined in local cafes and watched the people go about their lives, I realised that Spain and I were not unalike. The Juniper Days – Part III
  • He quit the sport when he realised he didn't have the killer instinct.
  • The Professor was going to pelt Hugh Mackay with a great, malodorous barrage of bunyip droppings, but then realised there wouldn't be any point.
  • Manchester city council also realised the potential value of the pink pound and the importance of specialist events for attracting tourists.
  • A lady with a flatulent Pekinese on her lap chipped in to tell us that the National Canine Defence League has changed its name to the Dogs Trust because its committee realised that very few people these days understand the word ‘canine’.
  • As time dragged on, they realised that they weren't going to find their dream home.
  • We realised what had happened about an hour later but by then the bag had already gone.
  • The preliminary safety findings that have been realised by the DSMB do seem to indicate that the cardiovascualar effects, which were analysed as being pretty minor in the preliminary analyses from the lead-in period that have been published, do have a clinically significant negative effect in the long term. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Sibutramine Suspended in Europe
  • She realised that she knew little about the community to which she actually belonged.
  • The aim is twofold and according to senior commanders it can be realised: the toppling of the leader and the steady elimination of the terrorists.
  • A statement from the Department for Education and Skills reads: ‘Employers have realised spending more hours behind your desk or at the chalkface does not equal greater productivity.’
  • On the basis he had realised all of the assets and these would be used to cover his fees, there had been no point advertising for potential creditors to come forward because there was nothing in the pot for them.
  • That's when we realised it was on fire and saw it as a great photo opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tentatively, I ventured out, then realised that half the neighbourhood was standing around gawping.
  • Jackson has successfully realised the most monumental movie-making feat in recent memory, yet the scale of his achievement seems undervalued and unrewarded.
  • Lloyd George's People's Budget of 1909 precipitated a constitutional crisis that was resolved only when the House of Lords realised it had to accede to the demands of a modern democracy.
  • Only small amounts of wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite exist naturally or have been made in the lab so until now no one had realised their superior strength.
  • Craig Alexander and Barry Scott, both 27, realised that crewing expensive yachts under a Caribbean sun offered more than fun.
  • Look like they've realised their boo-boo at last.
  • Our doughty competitors realised that was out of their reach, but the glamour still didn't fade.
  • Some works are realised from their inception to their completion at the site, like the installation at the Tate.
  • It was only after firefighters had put out the blaze that they realised that the geese were missing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Squinting through nostalgia's rose-tinted eye, I see beautifully realised dungeons and ancient forests with evil monsters and talking walls and things.
  • Briefly, the moonlight was obscured by a cloud and an unreasonable fear gripped me as I realised I could not see the statues.
  • His stockbroking colleagues were a bit suspicious of him at first, but his hard work and the business he brought in changed their minds, and when the book came out and they realised exactly what his background was and how great a journey he'd made, they became both supportive and proud of him. In London for the publication of his autobiography, Li Cunxin talks to about the book and about his life as a dancer.
  • In a flash I realised that my propeller was tearing great chunks out of his cockpit and he was quite literally trapped.
  • He realised that the skill and artistry involved in processing and printing film were as important as capturing the meaningful image. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later I realised that what made me uncomfortable was not that they looked like the inmates of those cattle trucks.
  • It was also realised that globalisation is not a homogeneous process, but contains a striking paradox in that it brings about both convergence and divergence.
  • It felt quite awkward and when I was standing over the first tee shot I realised I hadn't even tied the laces on my sneakers, which are a half size too big as well.
  • What nobody realised is that they were about to witness a unique piece of sporting history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stone felt a small pang of jealousy, then realised that he could hardly play dog-in-the-manger when he already had a bone for the taking. CORMORANT
  • By now I realised that singing lessons were wasted on the likes of me.
  • But then I realised that he too had a monobrow, and was getting a bit fancy with his facial hair.
  • Most car dealerships tend to occupy freehold property and have realised property assets to help finance their acquisitions.
  • And then I got almost to the end of the block and realised I had cut a large, central piece from within the bloody selvedge and will need to unpick the whole thing and start over. Olympics
  • After a few minutes I saw a green light winking languorously at me, and realised that his main computer was on sleep mode.
  • As they have been realised, the dreams themselves have assumed a peculiar character of sobriety, of the spirit of positivism, and beyond that, of boredom.
  • She recently left a preview screening with a moist eye and a welter of praise for the team who faithfully realised the adaptation.
  • Doctors later realised Liam's appendix had burst, releasing dangerous toxins into his body.
  • Staff first realised that he was missing on Thursday, when he was due to have his monthly medical examination. Times, Sunday Times
  • This implies that the potential of this untapped resource has yet to be fully realised.
  • She realised that now, confronted with this vast expanse of lovely, beautiful space.
  • He shrugged, utterly nonchalant, and it was then she realised he hadn't touched a drop of rum all evening.
  • I realised this was coming from automatic machineguns from the tanks and the power from those things is amazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Happily, I then realised that the items I had to post were not in any way urgent: it would matter not one iota if none of them reached the addressees for a week or two.
  • The writer realised they were weary and had lost heart, so he administers the sovereign remedy for that condition.
  • Talking to the engineers, environmentalists and politicians responsible, I realised that here, where council engineers want to culvert more of it, we are ten years behind the times.
  • Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
  • And while its 'system of national education was realised only in its most imperfect fashion, its _system of religious instruction_ was carried into effect with results that would alone stamp the First Book of Discipline as the most important document in Scottish history' (Hume Brown). John Knox
  • Aware of this still unrealised potential, the government is working to break any possibility of organised labour using a divisive pay structure.
  • It was startling enough that a great hotel admitted Indians, until I realised that they were used to these occasional delegations passing to and from Washington, and not only tolerated them but made much of them for policy's sake; also, they were a raree show for the other diners. Isabelle
  • I wished there had been more detail on the frames but we realised that the makers were probably lost in antiquity as just nameless craftsmen. Vermeer and Rembrandt at the Vancouver Art Gallery « Colleen Anderson
  • Tomorrow, she realised, she would be socially conscious again.
  • Can you imagine my horror when I realised that all three radio sets were pipping at slightly different times.
  • ‘It was an idea I'd had for a while to make a CD of local unsigned musicians and give the profits to charity; and I realised if I wanted to do I should just get on with it,’ said Dave.
  • When she saw the wound she realised she would not be able to take the bradawl out so she called an ambulance.
  • Having said that, the Grand Bazaar traders have realised that hard-core hustling is bad for long-term business, and so do not pester shoppers in the way that bazaar touts do in some parts of the Middle East or north Africa.
  • It was probably the moment when they both suddenly realised what they had just done. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • Without a fully realised concept of personal responsibility, society cannot be ordered in a fair way.
  • Lanegan's personal narrative, the euphoric highs and ravaged lows of the junkie, the fretful pining of the love incompetent and the poetic musings of the maverick outsider, are poignantly realised.
  • I suddenly realised why these dudes were having so much trouble believing me.
  • It was only then she realised she was wearing gloves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newman had realised that, because of cultural inequalities, many people were not ardent followers of drama as presented in the Theatre.
  • As it turns out, they had been calling the ISDN line at home, not having realised I'm cat-sitting.
  • Now the bishops themselves seem to have realised what an absurd idea it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then I realised that was a bit pompous. Times, Sunday Times
  • I realised, with some chagrin, that for Hilberg the conclusion was implicit in the sequence, and he had trusted me to see it.
  • It was only once Kate had been x-rayed that doctors realised how serious her condition was.
  • ‘I realised immediately that this was going to be a profound anecdote, and I've been dining out on it since,’ he purrs, with typical blitheness.
  • The rot set in, however, when the company realised that they had a hit on their hands, and the second version was rushed into production.
  • On the sixth day, after a curt nod from the chef, Mark realised he must be doing something half-right.
  • She pondered for a second but then she realised that it was the panther.
  • Faced with this loathsome infestation, I realised the world needed to hear a different kind of voice - the dour voice of Calvinism.
  • I realised then I had to change because it was really affecting the people around me who I cared about.
  • I spent two years shooing him away and looking at him like he was nuts before I realised he was a drug dealer.
  • He too must not despair: despite the seeming lack of progress, he might have made more strides than he realised. Times, Sunday Times
  • His own Christian message, he once admitted, was that the self is best realised through communion with others.
  • I hold no brief for Cherie Blair, but she had a kind of daffy genius for lifting the lid on the Blair marriage in ways that revealed far more than she realised. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • And yesterday came confirmation that their worst nightmare had been realised.
  • Then 'brrr' as we realised the temperature had now fallen to minus 5,000 degrees. The Sun
  • Then I tried to peel it and realised that I had been writing on the waxy reverse, not on the sticker side.
  • Enigma was going well by this stage, but intelligence realised there must be another system when a stray teleprinter message was picked up by a listening post in Kent.
  • However, he said prices were still too high and would have to be lowered if broadband's potential was to be realised.
  • They looked around the market and realised other chipmakers actually left out extra features so that they could make chips more efficiently.
  • Meanwhile, it is precisely in the execution of this function, and not in the absolutisation of concrete aspects of the life-activity of science, that the monistic intention of philosophy is realised.
  • The sweat of our bodies mingled with spilt Red Stripe and stale poppers, as I realised I was in the greatest place ever in the history of mankind.
  • I realised I'd just seen a really big clue - one helluva giveaway - so I reckon I know whodunnit.
  • But when he checked his bank account he realised the decimal point had been put in the wrong place. The Sun
  • She now thinks she was naive not to have realised the risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inc. threats and intimidation. we've received a death threat from friends and family of ramson inc. more on this tomorrow. but it would seem as if little ramson has decided it's better to crawl back in his little rat hole at OD [office of the dictator] rather than engage with his enemies. he realised he's being defeated at every corner. but like a good bhar. rat orlittle georgie bush, he's declared victory!! Propaganda press! freedom now Guyana
  • The researchers realised that their equipment was detecting minute frequency changes resulting from the pulsing of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first the fact the audience was predominantly female surprised me, before I realised why.
  • After some time we realised that our line was moving much more slowly than the others.
  • Having spent vast sums of money and seen little improvement in unreformed services, Blair has finally realised that the market can - must - be used as a tool to improve the lot of those in society with the hardest deal.
  • He realised that the slowness of this process would have very serious immediate implications for his business.
  • I soon realised I was expected to be a role model, mentor and support the children.
  • Markham told the jury he realised that he didn't have any way of effectively disposing of the body and threw the pieces into bushes before returning to the house.
  • He realised that the skill and artistry involved in processing and printing film were as important as capturing the meaningful image. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was only when we got our bill we realised we'd been charged another £2.50 for two small scoops of vanilla.
  • A wind of change began blowing through the club earlier this year when members realised the premises were long overdue for refurbishment and the institution itself needed a fresher image.
  • Finally, they seem to have realised that the time had come to offer something more than a run-of-the-mill vehicle.
  • In 1990, however, David finally realised his lifelong ambition.
  • I was touched by their concern, until I realised they're only covering themselves should I decide to sue.
  • It was only restarted after Labour realised it was in a marginal seat and could be a vote-winner in the next election.
  • The leadership at least realised that the organisation was being subjected to a concerted campaign of Trotskyite entrism.
  • For a second I thought the bullet had gone right through, as I felt a pain in the front and back of my head, but I soon realised the bullet had done little damage other than make a slight dent in my skull.
  • As we sailed away from the harbour I realised how I was very fortunate to be one of the lucky few to be embarking on the challenge that lay ahead.
  • At first nobody knew who Perkins was, and the name favourably impressed no one; but before the shock of it had passed away, it was realised that Of Human Bondage
  • But there was an announcement of the potential return of Development Land Tax (on unrealised gains on undeveloped land).
  • Already in the 1920s the president of American Tobacco realised he could interest women in cigarettes by selling them as a fat-free way to satisfy hunger. Smoke and minors
  • I thought it was paint at first, but on closer examination I realised it was dried blood.
  • As for Italy, though Mehmed sent an invasion force to southern Italy in 1480, he died the following year with his dream of conquering Rome unrealised.
  • The animal released the dog and he realised that it was a cougar, or mountain lion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I realised that I had no fight left in me, no strength left to challenge what was being said.
  • Firefighters were forced to retreat when they realised that the building contained acetylene canisters, gas bottles and diesel barrels.
  • John Piercy, of St Peter's Street, Norton, realised 11 finches and four quails had been taken from their cage when he saw the aviary door had been forced open.
  • Maybe it's because I've suddenly realised that I've abused my tired old body far more than was good for it - and me.
  • A feeling which had most definitely not been reciprocated, she realised as she recalled with clarity the forbidding set of his shoulders as he had stridden away. Consultant Care
  • With regard to the cost cutting, job losses and closures of public baths by City of York Council, has anyone put two and two together and realised why they are having to save money?
  • The resulting bracelets and brooches were realised in gold and enamel, encrusted with a dazzling array of precious gemstones.
  • He complained of pain in his arm and it was only then doctors realised both of them had broken left arms.
  • What I hadn't realised is that Cryer, apart from being a consummate gagman, is a closet rocker.
  • I realised then that the high-performance car conversation was over. Times, Sunday Times
  • He realised that without a space suit, his head would burst under the pressure if he stayed out there too long.
  • He re-read his father's autobiography and realised they shared many character traits.
  • Real media freedom, and not only in Bulgaria, can be achieved only when it walks hand in hand with a clearly realised responsibility.
  • At the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1438-39 the union of the churches was finally realised.
  • He kindly offered to give them a lift to the harbour, although he was slightly displeased when he realised how much luggage there was going to be.
  • The freight driver realised his mistake and brought his train to a halt, said the report, which added that ‘a low speed, side-on collision could have resulted’.
  • Still, I realised that this could not satisfy one, as far as the form which we term individuality was concerned. Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • The deputation saluted, returned to the fallen-out contingent, which gravely unpiled its arms and marched back to its lines, amid a little desultory cheering from some few by-standers who realised what was taking place. On the Heels of De Wet
  • It realised his death in jail would ignite civil war. Times, Sunday Times
  • She spoke of you enthusiastically on both occasions, and I realised that what had started as an accidental meeting had blossomed into a rewarding friendship.
  • To his horror he realised his hand was lying in the embers.
  • And I think Theo must have realised he'd overstepped the mark because when we got back he went straight upstairs. RESCUING ROSE
  • Also, in the same journal I write that D prophesied that I should beware of chewing gum, but later on M, who was sitting beside me, found some chewing gum under his seat, and D realised that the prophesy was actually for M, not for me.
  • He looked kind and craggy and outdoorsy and she realised with a horrible surety that she fancied him. FALLEN WOMEN
  • After returning to terra firma the photographer said: ‘It was a lot further up that I realised and I admire the builders for their pluck in being able to work up so high.’
  • We realised that later, and it was like, woah! The Sun
  • For the first time he realised it was not necessarily something based on instinct or which grew organically, but rather was the result of application and hard work.
  • She said that she alerted the police as soon as she realised what was happening. Times, Sunday Times
  • I realised that I am actually fairly happy and contented with my life.
  • I just realised that i dont hv the roll number!!! tell me FMs resultstell me FMs resultsmy name is Abhishek Gupta and i am from Ghaziabad. my FMS reg no is 55161. plz tell me the result on my yahoo id, theabhibest@yahoo. comRe: tell me FMs resultsRe: tell me FMs results Undefined
  • Homeloans began as a broadly based financial services brokerage, but after six months Curry and Gavin realised they were spreading their net too wide.
  • By the time the pilot realised how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take evasive action.
  • He realised that he had an aptitude for the work and quickly gained extra responsibility - covering for managers and coaching colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • After two years of mind-numbing lessons in classical music, he finally realised the degree wasn't for him and decided to set up a recording studio with one of his mates.
  • She realised a temporary release was available. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a while I realised that the neck dangler was the remote to open the door!
  • But he was feeling so much like trampled horse turds that it wasn't until he'd read not only her organ donor card but also the name imprinted on her cheques that he realised who the woman actually was. A Traitor to Memory
  • When the show 's presenter turned to him and asked the name of his band, he realised in a panic that they did not have one. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I challenge him to stop getting sarky, he acts all hurt and makes out he never even realised he was doing what he was doing, but I'm not so sure about that.
  • Captain Britain wasn't an ersatz copy of an American hero any more; the authors interpolated him into a more densely-realised realm of Druidic myths.
  • I'm afraid I couldn't stop laughing when I realised that the only apple to actually have fallen off the tree had managed to hit him right on the nogging! Snell-Pym » Russet Apple Harvest
  • As I understand it, this isn't allegory, but literal truth, a prophecy that will someday be realised.
  • When I got to the company who was interviewing me, I rolled my sleeves back down and realised I'd sweated so much the sleeves were all wet and they'd crinkled up as well.
  • It's not commonly realised that there is a strong notional element in some of the times so confidently listed in the ephemeris, as will become clear if you compare the times given for aspects of the major planets in different ephemerides.
  • Muldowney told police at the time it had been a joke or prank but now realised just how serious it had been.
  • She finally realised that her lifeless platinum hair didn't make her look like a movie star.
  • Counting my pennies, I realised I had just enough money left for my favourite crepe and a cocktail.
  • Suddenly decided to recheck my maths and realised I must have had a funny turn.
  • All activity ceased as soon as Mr Peterson realised that he had been defrauded.
  • Perhaps she can't sleep, thought Isabel, and then realised it must be Laurence, not Maia, for Maia would not bother to flick the switch. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD

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