real property

  1. property consisting of houses and land
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How To Use real property In A Sentence

  • Declaring that primogeniture and impartible inheritance were inappropriate for Newfoundland circumstances, the act provided that real property in intestate estates should be distributed, like personal property, as chattel interests. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Real property meant more than land; the term applied to that cluster of privileges and rights which centered on land, or on the exercise of power which had a focus in some point in space. A History of American Law
  • The period prescribed for the commencement of an action for mesne profits of real property is within 10 years.
  • Article 15 A futures exchange shall not engage in trust investment, securities trading, investment in real property not for its own use or other business unrelated to its functions.
  • This tax is a percentage of the assessed value of the portion of real property occupied or used, and it is tacked on top of the commercial property tax.
  • The mortgage, both over chattels and over real property, as well as a fixed and a floating charge granted by a corporation, fall into this group.
  • You can inherit this real property, it's within your rights.
  • Not all the interests in land known to the law were included in the category of real property.
  • Within the inalienability of entailed real property was concealed the conversion of Parliamentary seats into a cash value.
  • Suddenly, and without prior notice or warning, there did occur upon the unimproved real property adjacent and appurtenant to said House, i.e., the lawn, a certain disruption of unknown nature, cause and/or circumstance. ‘Twas a Night Before Christmas (Legal Version) : Law is Cool
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