
Reagan administration

  1. the executive under President Reagan

How To Use Reagan administration In A Sentence

  • When Saddam bombed Kurdish rebels and civilians with a lethal cocktail of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and VX in 1988, the Reagan administration first blamed Iran, before acknowledging that the culprits were Saddam's own forces," explained reporters Christopher Dickey and Evan Thomas. America's March Madness
  • [F.rmer Reagan administration attorney general Edwin] Meese said the statement is intended to "restate" and "update" the Sharon Statement, a 1960 manifesto of the group Young Americans for F.eedom on the limits of government and evil of Communism published in William F. Buckley's National Review, which many view as a founding document of modern conservatism. Charlottesville Blogs
  • Had Honduras been found to be engaging in systematic abuses, it could have lost its US aid - thwarting the Reagan Administration's use of Honduras to support the contras.
  • (Another great moment in morality from the Reagan Administration!) Sound Politics: Good riddance
  • For all its laissez-faire rhetoric, the Reagan administration fought fire with fire, responding to Japan's market-distorting industrial and trade policies with a firm hand.
  • Under the Reagan Administration, acid rain became a highly controversial , heavily politicized issue.
  • This is a worldwide treaty, negotiated by the Reagan administration and signed by the Bush administration.
  • The contradictions in the Clinton policy were trenchantly described in a recent article by Robert Kagan, a former Reagan administration official.
  • Once the worlds leading producer of heroin, carrots, and rope grade hemp, is now a radioactive slaggy area, thanks to a foresightful Reagan administration, which bombed the area with radiation bombs, which consumed the life force of everything in ten kilometer radii. What would you do?
  • Mr Keyes, a former radio talk-show host and Reagan administration diplomat, is the most eloquent of the Republican candidates.
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