How To Use Reaffirm In A Sentence

  • Uzbekistan reaffirms its commitment to implement democratic reforms.
  • Surely one of the agonizing attributes of our post – September 11 age is the unending need to reaffirm realities that have been proved, and proved again, but just as doggedly denied by those in power, forcing us to live trapped between two narratives of present history, the one gaining life and color and vigor as more facts become known, the other growing ever paler, brittler, more desiccated, barely sustained by the life support of official power. 'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
  • In whatever way you choose to commemorate the horrendous acts of early September four years ago, let us once again renew our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and reaffirm our commitment to tolerance, peace and liberty throughout the world. 09/01/2005
  • He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme.
  • I am glad, however, to have been given the opportunity to hear what this conference is all about, it only reaffirms my beliefs about the conservative base. Romney pushes back at Huckabee critique, takes aim at Obama
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  • Their convictions were reaffirmed by the higher courts and their sentences were similarly upheld. Times, Sunday Times
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
  • The Government also reaffirmed its commitment to introduce a national bowel cancer screening programme, meeting a key demand by campaigners.
  • The Word must have a central place - for by it God regenerates sinners and reaffirms his authority over men.
  • The last was the 2000 Durban Declaration, which reaffirmed that H.I.V. was the cause of AIDS.
  • The second phase began when disorder among the Spanish emboldened all the provinces to proclaim William their stadtholder, neatly reaffirming his imperial title while underlining their relative independence.
  • It was an encore to Athens-the chance for the established breed to reaffirm elite standing.
  • It reaffirms my belief that the gay mainstream has no interest in the reality of the transsexual experience, despite the fact that many transsexuals have come from your ranks.
  • Therefore, we should reaffirm that it was correct to struggle against Gao Gang.
  • In 1533, the first Henrician Act of Succession had reaffirmed the ruling of the Church of England that she was illegitimate. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Both the positive and the negative aspects of the Monroe Doctrine were often repeated and reaffirmed in later years.
  • Serbia's nationalist Prime Minister, Vojislav Kostunica, called on the U.S. to revoke its decision to recognize "the fake state of Kosovo" and allow the U.N. Security Council to "reaffirm" Kosovo as part of Serbian territory. Kosovo: Independence or an international chess game of interests?
  • Any serious government would now reaffirm its determination to get the economy under control. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fireplace and overmantel are furnished with objects that reaffirm the collectors' particular affinity for the arts of Pennsylvania.
  • He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme.
  • It was hard, but it was good because it reaffirmed my commitment to simplifying our lives, to making this enormous move, to making a real change.
  • The answer from Paul VI is no. Not only no, but absolutely no. Reaffirming the absolute prohibition against any, quote, "artificial, " unquote, form of contraception.
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • Indeed, the play of dissimulation and deception reaffirms the truth about what we see.
  • The Republican administrations of 1921-33 publicly reaffirmed their commitment to neutrality, repudiating the League in favor of a policy of commercial expansion and political nonintervention.
  • In 1740 she returned to the stage where she spent ten successful years dancing in 78 ballets, and reaffirming her position as queen of the Paris Opera.
  • Last season top-flight sides reaffirmed their commitment to the campaign and there are no plans to change that. The Sun
  • Their convictions were reaffirmed by the higher courts and their sentences were similarly upheld. Times, Sunday Times
  • While meeting with the journalists, Ajar declined to comment on Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent remarks on Israel and instead reaffirmed Ataturk's peaceful legacy and talked about the safety in Antalya, which is the Israeli tourist's favorite travel destination in Turkey. Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
  • If Maryland wants to prove prognosticators wrong and make a run at another title, the Terrapins must forget their success and reaffirm their hard-shell attitude.
  • Any serious government would now reaffirm its determination to get the economy under control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only was its debt position clarified, its comfort with its financial position was reaffirmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • A White House statement said Biden would celebrate the holiday with the troops but also "reaffirm" the "long-term" U.S. commitment to Iraq and discuss recent developments. Biden leaves Iraq after meeting with key government officials
  • I write to reaffirm our abhorrence of such behaviour.
  • In practical terms, we have reaffirmed our commitment to build the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers; the future fast-jet fleet will comprise the more capable Joint Strike Fighter and Typhoon; we will develop multirole brigades to be able to conduct the full range of tasks with our ground forces; and we will be capable of deploying a modernized all-arms force into the field up to 30,000 strong. The British Lion Will Continue to Retain His Claws
  • ‘Our national task is to ensure that we act in a manner that reaffirms our deepest respect and support for Fifa, the esteemed Member of the Order of the Companions of OR Tambo,’ he wrote.
  • Although the Pontiff is the universal leader of more than a billion Catholics, the election reaffirms the intimate link between the Papacy and the eternal city.
  • Dipping an unsweetened madeleine into my coffee, I begin dictating my column, due later that hour, on the recent encyclical reaffirming the doctrine of isostasy (I approve). All Things Rich and Amiable: Another Day in the Life of Junior W. Buckeye
  • Reaffirmation of values and morality can lead to a return to an ethical profession.
  • I adored the food and felt a connection, but it also reaffirmed that my home and heart are in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, in 1910 the synod of the diocese reaffirmed their commitment to completing St. Alban's.
  • Kennedy attempted to ameliorate Southern Baptist opposition to his candidacy with his speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association where he reaffirmed his belief in the separation of church and state and pledged that no religious group in other words, the Catholic Church would receive government funds or political preference should he win the presidency. Neil J. Young: Evangelical Good News For Romney?
  • Scripture was vetted and canonized, and a creed adopted and reaffirmed against those who would challenge, alter, or undermine it.
  • Tiffin Girls' School reaffirmed its position as the borough's best with more than half of all exams sat resulting in the highest A * grade.
  • The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections.
  • Immediately afterwards, Syria, backed by other Islamic states, requested that the brackets (indicating controversiality in UN terms) be removed from a paragraph in which the conference reaffirms "that colonisation by settlers and foreign occupation constitute sources, causes and forms of racism". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The rights to information and travel are restated and reaffirmed in the proposal and no court will be able to restrict the rights of any woman to travel abroad.
  • French President Nicolas Sarkozy has written to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reaffirm friendship despite what he refers to as their "differing views on the Middle East". Reuters: Press Release
  • I adored the food and felt a connection, but it also reaffirmed that my home and heart are in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • Associated Press Blankfein said Goldman would "reaffirm" all that defines it. 'This Is Lloyd ... Maintain Focus'
  • The next day, she released a statement to the media that reaffirmed her testimony.
  • It was a way of reaffirming that they are aliens, not citizens.
  • And on the lame "Bushleaguer," he takes some swipes at the president, then tosses off some spoken-word poetry that recalls Jim Morrison at his drunkest, flabbiest and closest to death: "The immenseness of suffering/And the odd negotiation, a rarity/With onionskin plausibility of life and a keyboard reaffirmation. We've Heard Vedder
  • Australia reaffirmed its international reputation as a friendly country.
  • Macalester should reaffirm and continue its commitment to meeting the full demonstrated need of all admitted students.
  • It (the vote) has reaffirmed what all patriotic South Africans have maintained: that local is lekker," said spokesman Moferefere ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Essentially, Waters equates nymphomania with zealotry, and in doing so reaffirms his historic place as the icon of trash cinema.
  • In 381, the Council of Constantinople reaffirmed the credo of Nicaea and condemned the semi-Arians, the homoiousians.
  • He insisted that he had acted within the Constitution and reaffirmed his commitment to multiparty democracy.
  • Above all, the report must put a heavy weighting on social education while reaffirming the importance of so-called ‘academic education’.
  • It reaffirms a commitment to religious freedom at home and abroad.
  • Article 14 of the 1992 UNFCCC negotiated in New York and Rio de Janeiro, which is reaffirmed in Article 19 of the Kyoto Protocol, states: Ken Cloke: The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference: What You Can Do
  • Bush wins re-election and Ms. Garver writes a letter in Space News reaffirming her long-lost love for VSE. New NASA Admin Rumors - NASA Watch
  • The Council of Ministers' meeting reaffirmed the commitment to achieve long-term harmonisation based on these policies.
  • When we look at the legislation, which reaffirms the income tax rate for individuals, trusts, and companies, we want to ask not only why New Zealanders are overtaxed but where that tax money has gone.
  • Although it's likely that she will prevail in court, he has made an ugly situation even uglier by echoing a lot of calumny and spreading bald disinformation, thereby reaffirming public lies.
  • Maud Martha's refusal to purchase the millinery concoction, even at a substantially discounted price, reaffirms her sense of self.
  • This result suggests that HA-spo 14 is phosphorylated during meiosis and reaffirms our previous data that demonstrated that the N terminus of Spo 14 is the major site of phosphorylation.
  • The Hamdi plurality in turn reaffirmed this limitation on the reach of Milligan, emphasizing that Quirin, a unanimous opinion, “both postdates and clarifies Milligan.” The Volokh Conspiracy » John Yoo’s Appeal
  • The high prevalence of fructose intolerance found among patients in our study reaffirms previous studies.
  • Later, this curse was reaffirmed when Isaac blessed Jacob, and once more when Balaam pronounced a prophetic blessing on Israel as a nation.
  • The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
  • The visit was also a bid to "reaffirm" the U.S. commitment to Iraq, the White House said. Biden urges Iraqis to make progress in forming government
  • This relationship has recently been reaffirmed and reinterpreted to provide for greater logistical support to U.S. forces operating in the area.
  • Cheney emphatically reaffirms the pro-federalism position on the issue.
  • It is that premise which we reaffirm today.
  • This week reaffirms that America's public discourse remains shrouded under a right-wing paradigm, for which many of us remain codependent enablers. Byron Williams: Right-wing still controls the paradigm of public discourse
  • It's always good to have critical commonplaces questioned, even if you end up reaffirming them.
  • This act of Congress reaffirms our commitment to the environment.
  • In broadcasting - not a priority issue for the General - the state monopoly of both transmissions and programming was reaffirmed.
  • The old values of community are reaffirmed while progress is forever the bogeyman.
  • And there couldn't be a better time to reaffirm that commitment than on an anniversary like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would have been immobilism reaffirmed - the status quo with lipstick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, in 1910 the synod of the diocese reaffirmed their commitment to completing St. Alban's.
  • To the perspectives of rationality and enlightenment they added the intrinsicality of fundamental rights and freedoms, thus reaffirming the achievements of the French revolution. Vilhelm Konnander's weblog
  • In this way, we lost any realistic chance to reaffirm the essential truth of John Prescott's commitment.
  • Indigenous and government agencies are reaffirming their commitment today to a project to prevent youth cyclical offending in Geraldton.
  • How, Lind asks rhetorically, can George Will and I misunderstand or misrepresent such straightforward terms as "reaffirm," "restore," and "preserve"? Articles on National Review Online
  • The bill reaffirms New Zealand's commitment to providing a strong intellectual property regime that offers clarity for users and fully complies with New Zealand's obligations internationally.
  • Although the androids possess fleshly bodies that are animated with passions and affections that their human counterparts do not appear to have, there is a constant reaffirmation through language that they are not alive.
  • But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy.
  • The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament.
  • Moreover, religious and patriotic works fulfilled an important role in reaffirming traditional beliefs.
  • While Owens has voiced concern about civilian attempts to soften the military, his article in National Review strongly reaffirms the importance of civilian control.
  • And that reaffirms for me the idea that beyond us all there is this great omnipotent, omnipresent power who is a force for compassion and good and order in the world.
  • The Supreme Court in 1960 reaffirmed the federal position on interposition and discounted the legal significance of massive resistance as a tactic.
  • (Socrates, the Eleatic visitor) reaffirm some of the same points from one dialogue to another, and build on ideas that were made in earlier works? Plato
  • We have reaffirmed our commitment to Canadian aid.
  • We are used to thinking of modern international society as reaffirming the value of anarchic political structure.
  • The government reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process.
  • The April and July elections reaffirmed the strength of moderate Islam in Indonesia.
  • American triumph at the end of World War II could reaffirm the master narrative of American conquest.
  • The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a human right and a basic component of a democratic society.
  • Every now and then, my belief in the gods of fate is reaffirmed.
  • The Council reaffirmed the sanctity of the seven sacraments, transubstantiation, purgatory, and papal authority.
  • Last season top-flight sides reaffirmed their commitment to the campaign and there are no plans to change that. The Sun
  • He reaffirmed that he was wholly responsible for the confusion.
  • The party reaffirmed its commitment to replacing council tax with a local income tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • He insisted that he had acted within the Constitution and reaffirmed his commitment to multiparty democracy.
  • Did the board kind of reaffirm your [CEO] status for the next several years? Mayo Mixes It Up
  • Cuba is reaffirming its position, its ideals, its objectives.
  • While reaffirming the legal point about physical possession, this passage also makes it clear that, according to civil law, transoceanic enterprises had to be authorized by a Christian monarch.
  • Now I take the opportunity this morning of reaffirming the Government's commitment to that target.
  • Aspin said the intent of the mission was to "reaffirm" that "ethnic cleansing is unacceptable. Oops. Maybe We Shouldn't Have.
  • We reaffirm our commitment to carry on taking such steps in the future in accordance with this desire. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we do, we must also reaffirm that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam.
  • But the constant reaffirmation of the slogan of indivisibility has not prevented regular claims that one set of rights or the other must in fact be accorded priority.
  • The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
  • The first-aid guidelines (which were last revised in 2005 and will appear in the AHA's journal Circulation) reaffirm that applying vinegar is the best way to treat jellyfish stings; they also call for "applying a pressure immobilization bandage to any venomous snake bite, with pressure being applied around the entire length of the bitten extremity. First aid and CPR guidelines revisited
  • So this quality standard is to reaffirm the importance of this'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reaffirmed the government's commitment to its programme to return the country to democratic civilian rule on schedule in 1992.
  • Watson mastered this complex situation, reaffirming the pragmatism which anchored the Labor Party and which was inherent in the political forms of laborism derived from time-honoured trade unionism.
  • ‘President Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to push the Palestinian track forward,’ he said.
  • Our association with the swamis under him has helped our organization grow and has reaffirmed our dedication to Hindu dharma.
  • Recent action in Afghanistan - when air and land forces again were closely integrated - reaffirms the effectiveness of this approach.
  • Yet during the past week's uncertainties, many voters have also reaffirmed their desire for strong government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canadian miners whose proposed merger is under pressure from hostile takeover bids, reaffirmed their support for their planned union. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Israel's political clumsiness is even more reason for Israel supporters to reaffirm and defend the country's moral standing. David Suissa: The Loyalty Oath Is a Good Deal
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • This study reaffirms past research which shows that alcohol misuse is strongly related to other problem behaviors including illicit drug use and delinquency.
  • And there couldn't be a better time to reaffirm that commitment than on an anniversary like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process.
  • The government has reaffirmed that it will take any steps necessary to maintain law and order.
  • The assembly was summoned according to article four of the 1878 Berlin Treaty, which reaffirmed the independence of Bulgaria.
  • Overnight, the two nations agreed to improve defence and counter-terrorism ties, reaffirming their joint commitment to stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • These ideas reaffirmed the importance of manhood and asserted a new pride in traits that had previously been attributed to men - and roundly condemned. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • ASAN, South Korea – Some 7,200 South Korean and foreign couples exchanged or reaffirmed marriage vows Sunday in the Unification Church's second mass wedding this year.
  • Let's take a glimpse at how Rome and her history can give us a reaffirmation of our unshaken belief in the ability of Everyman, acting as a free individual, to repair all the damage ever done by history's tyrants and their tax gatherers.
  • The central argument was a reaffirmation of Third Way triangulation.
  • Bulgaria reaffirmed its leading position at the Canoe / Kayak World Championship in Seville, Spain.
  • According to Ojars Kalnins, Latvia's ambassador to Washington, Clinton quickly called the Latvian president to reaffirm that he meant no linkage between the question of troop withdrawals and the treatment of Russian-speakers. The Return Of The Great Game
  • Malaysia reaffirmed its position to maintain auto-part import duties as they are to protect its domestic industry.
  • As several homeworkers remarked during in-depth interviews, they felt reaffirmed as independent and powerful people, as household heads, as mothers who were successful in keeping their families together.
  • Wearing holy garments and vestitures, like a robe and talismans or other things, further reaffirms the fixing of the concentration on the magickal work and purifies you of unwanted thoughts.
  • Couples were invited to renew their wedding vows and the Pope reaffirmed that the Christian marriage was indissoluble.
  • Whenever I'm in the dumps, I come up here and it reaffirms everything that I think is really good and generous about this country.
  • This agreement reaffirms our commitment to making Hounslow a safer and nicer place to live.
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • The union backdown came only days after leading officials reaffirmed they would never agree to the plan to axe more that 3,500 jobs - almost 20 percent of the company's workforce.
  • It has stimulated the opening of other biennials in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, thus reaffirming Cuba's position as a cultural leader within the Third World.
  • They broadcast a statement reaffirming the army's support for the process of democratization and denouncing the delays in the electoral process.
  • A missiology for the twenty-first century will reaffirm this universal theme as a dimension of the Good News.
  • Mr Osborne is also said to be 'unenthusiastic' about Mr Cameron's promise - reaffirmed in recent weeks - to introduce tax breaks for married couples. Home | Mail Online
  • It reaffirmed the commitment by the court to rebuild the levee systems prior to the next hurricane season, which is June of next year.
  • This poem is critical of our country but it strongly reaffirms a belief in its principles and heritage.
  • With this decision, the Board reaffirms its strong commitment to the Olympic ideal of unity through sport, and fair and balanced treatment of all athletes.
  • As tribune, Gaius reaffirmed Tiberius' Land Act and saw to it that it was finally implemented.
  • We urgently reaffirm our 2003 call for the prompt reconvening of talks with North Korea leading to a non-aggression pact between North Korea and the United States, renouncement of pre-emptive attack and negotiation of a peace treaty replacing the present Armistice Treaty of 1953 and the establishment and exchange of liaison offices between the United States and North Korea as a sign of good faith. National Council of Churches
  • He still believes it was unlawful to sack him without allowing the constituency party to reaffirm or deselect him first.
  • Defeating the Badgers, who are ranked tenth in the nation, reaffirms Waterloo's position atop the OUA's western division as the Warriors' record now stands at a sparkling 6-2.
  • All we did in that discussion was to reaffirm the positions that both sides took at the six-party talks last week.
  • He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme.
  • It also reaffirmed its negative outlook on Britain's credit rating. Times, Sunday Times
  • He reaffirms his pleasure at once again seeing so many of his loyal friends.
  • The commitment to the commune, as the best means of taxing and policing the peasantry, was repeatedly reaffirmed.
  • It will retain aspects of its heritage - such as signing the loss book with a quill pen - as a way of reaffirming its long history, continuity and stability.
  • The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
  • The boss of Bradford's privatised education service has reaffirmed its commitment to the district after a year-long behind-the-scenes wrangle over cash.
  • The words of reaffirmation are what Palestinian leaders have been hoping to hear from nations around the world as they seek international support for Palestinian statehood.
  • This summit must reaffirm the Millennium Development Goals and recommit the world to achieving these targets by 2015.
  • They have just released a statement which not only condemned the use of the Internal Security Act as unislamic, but also reaffirmed the position that Teresa Kok was never involved in the so-called "azan" issues in Kota Damansara and Kinrara mosques. Philosophy Politics Economics
  • The Education Secretary today reaffirmed the Government's commitment to create more single-faith schools.
  • I fail to see how it could possibly just be to reaffirm what RTD has admitted is a mistake. Pony Pep Talk Needed...ARRGGH!
  • A source close to the Deputy Prime Minister last night reaffirmed that a Yorkshire assembly would oversee a region-wide fire service.
  • It provides an opportunity to reaffirm all that we have in common, while at the same time recognising not just what are now our distinct roles and identities, but alose how much we can learn from each other. Speech during Australia Week
  • He said the government reaffirmed its commitment to tackling sexually transmissible and blood-borne viruses.
  • In this way, we lost any realistic chance to reaffirm the essential truth of John Prescott's commitment.
  • These ideas reaffirmed the importance of manhood and asserted a new pride in traits that had previously been attributed to men - and roundly condemned. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • You also asked if attempts to improve the body reaffirm an attachment to the ego.
  • Canadian miners whose proposed merger is under pressure from hostile takeover bids, reaffirmed their support for their planned union. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael Slater then reaffirmed his current form with 64 his seventh score of 50 or more in 10 innings.
  • The country's foreign ministry issued a communique on its Sovereignty Reaffirmation Day.
  • But the legitimization of the traditional family provided by the paterfamilias doctrine was reaffirmed by conservative courts through a doctrine of ‘family autonomy’ in the 1920s.
  • L'Affaire Biden - when the vice president was mousetrapped and humiliated when Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new housing units for Jews in East Jerusalem shortly after he arrived in Israel to reaffirm U.S. solidarity with Israel - was dismissed as a mere "spat" by the neoconservative WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Not only was its debt position clarified, its comfort with its financial position was reaffirmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will have glanced at Wednesday's data confirming that Britons are enduring a stonking wage cut, and seen that Keynesian logic reaffirmed. Employment law: the sack race
  • It needs - in spite of immense difficulties which I shall list below - to be constantly reaffirmed that the only family worthy of being unenclosed in scare quotes is the traditional, monogamous, heterosexual two-parent family. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections.
  • So this week we will reaffirm our commitment to strong collaboration between our universities and research facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • So this quality standard is to reaffirm the importance of this'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The party reaffirmed its commitment to replacing council tax with a local income tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps we will be squeezed out altogether but when you see diseases like avian flu in foreign imports it reaffirms consumer confidence in British poultry.
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy.
  • Le but de ce groupe est de soutenir les militants de MALI, et de réaffirmer notre attachement à la liberté de culte, il ne s'agit pas d'inciter les gens à ne pas jeuner, chacun fait ce qu'il veut. Global Voices in English » Morocco: Rage Against the Sandwich Continues
  • As a whole it reaffirmed liberal individualism, pluralism and parliamentary democracy.
  • It is a feast for the senses and, paired with Gehr's criminally underseen 1976 masterwork Table, reaffirmed the purely aesthetic pleasures to be gleaned from Gehr's so-called structuralism of the 70s. GreenCine Daily
  • Zoya Hasan at DNA says that the verdict is a reaffirmation of the Indian electorate's faith in the Nehru-Gandhi family. Global Voices in English » India Votes for No Change: Indian Bloggers & Twitter Users React to #IndiaVotes09 Results

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