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reading assignment

  1. the reading of a passage assigned by the teacher

How To Use reading assignment In A Sentence

  • Preparation for viewing could include a reading assignment to be completed before the viewing session.
  • reading assignments •access the learning materials •Students know the general scope of • learning materials •access the reading the learning unit •learning activities •Students start thinking about the assignments •assignments •access the supplementary learning unit content Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.
  • Children are more likely to derive meaning from a reading assignment if the teacher precedes the lesson with background information about the topic and follows it with discussion.
  • I'm trying to finish the reading assignment for our physics class.
  • Preparation for viewing could include a reading assignment to be completed before the viewing session.
  • Today's reading assignment will give you enough food for thought to prepare for next week's class discussion.
  • Preparation for viewing could include a reading assignment to be completed before the viewing session.
  • reading assignments •access the learning materials •Students know the general scope of • learning materials •access the reading the learning unit •learning activities •Students start thinking about the assignments •assignments •access the supplementary learning unit content Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Apart from bibliographic surveys, there are discussion sessions and reading assignments that place the study of bibliography in the larger context of trends in the field of African Studies, libraries, librarianship, and archives, as well as in the context of publishing industries and the rapidly changing world of electronic information.
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