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How To Use Readiness In A Sentence

  • Could the hearts of kings and the counsels of cabinets be known with that literal exactness which is so desirable in politics, and yet so unattainable, we should probably find that Prussia's apparent readiness to lead Germany was owing to her determination that German armies should be led nowhere to the assistance of Austria. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
  • Intendants and servitors were giving orders on all sides, frequently contradictory, and gardeners were furbishing up the alleyed walks and flower beds in readiness for _Sa Majesté Louis Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • These relate to changes in self-concept, life experiences, readiness to learn and orientation to learning.
  • Summon one of the swiftest of the coria and have it wait in readiness," he added, as though by afterthought. The Moon Pool
  • Great Britain finalised their preparations at Salford and will have today off in readiness for tomorrow's sell-out clash.
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  • While waiting for the wrecked car to emerge from parc ferm at 08.30 on race morning, the team removed the engine from the spare chassis in readiness to receive the Mercedes V8 and transmission from the crashed car. Chequered Conflict
  • The only requirements are patience, a willingness to learn and a readiness to let go of the habits of a lifetime.
  • He had intimated to the French and Russians his readiness to come to a settlement.
  • Mr. Lockhart shall furnish us with the brightest aspect a British Ferney ever yielded, or is like to yield: and therewith we will quit Abbotsford and the dominant and culminant period of Scott’s life: ‘It was a clear, bright September morning, with a sharpness in the air that doubled the animating influence of the sunshine, and all was in readiness for a grand coursing-match on Newark Hill. Paras. 50-73
  • A discreet cough alerted him to the couple's readiness to leave.
  • If we may apply to art what Goethe said of poetry we find that among its votaries there are two kinds of self-half-informed people, "dilettanti," he calls them, "he who neglects the indispensable mechanical part, and he thinks he has done enough if he shows spirituality and feeling, and he who seeks to arrive at poetry merely by mechanism in which he can acquire an artisan's readiness, and is without soul and matter. Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • The army, they say, lacked sufficient combat readiness to fight in mountainous terrain.
  • Bulldozers have begun demolishing the terrace in front of the bowling green in readiness for the building of a members' long room and 36 executive boxes.
  • Spurlock possessed a vigorous intellect, critical, disquisitional, creative; and yet he saw nothing remarkable in the girl's readiness to marry him! The Ragged Edge
  • Having reached the abutments we excavated a chamber to accommodate explosives in readiness to destroy these bridges. Alan Glass
  • Turning to helicopters, he said a number of factors impacted negatively on the air force's operational readiness.
  • NBC's Andrea Kremer reported Sunday night that "Haynesworth told me he would've 'loved to play' against the Colts and he didn't think conditioning or mental readiness were issues. Teammates say Haynesworth wanted to play
  • The scent is just outstanding; it smells like pumpkin and spices - and it's even got a hint of "breadiness" to it. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Everything in readiness, I made a line fast to the apex of the shears and carried it directly to the windlass. Chapter 35
  • ADEN, July 21 (Saba) - Amid Yemen's readiness to host the 20th Gulf Football Championship later this year in Aden and Abyan governorates, the security leadership has announced a comprehensive training plan to boost security. Yemen Observer
  • Then, early in the morning, having your stoves and plenty of hot water in readiness, take the turtle, lay it on the table on its back, and with a strong pointed knife cut round the under shell (which is the callipee), -- there are joints at each end, which must be carefully found, -- gently separating it from the callipash A Poetical Cook-Book
  • The kolache dough has a chewy breadiness to it that is surprisingly versatile. Koalche Reminder | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • I hired a horse at a livery-stable at Walsall, and had him kept in readiness in the back yard of a beerhouse. The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography
  • It will help squadron commanders at the wing level determine the most important decisions in establishing the correct readiness focus.
  • We have various levels of alert and degrees of readiness.
  • As the Army National Guard around the nation evolves into a 21st-century fighting force, units are ditching many of their older buildings - and the name armory - for more modern digs dubbed "readiness centers. WCAX - Local News
  • He was often accused of political intractability, a lack of imperativeness, too great a readiness to take clairvoyants seriously, and excessive slyness.
  • A period of passionate love gives way to companionate love, where there is a readiness to accept and acknowledge a partner’s flaws and sacrifices are made for each another.
  • This regiment is mindful of the fact that in order to justify the confidence of those set in authority over us, it must strive in the future to measure up to an exacting standard of readiness. Dinner in Honour of The Toronto Scottish Regiment
  • Just let any one try to stop his course, his readiness for snapping fingers at The Job; just let them _try_ it, that was all he wanted! Our Mr. Wrenn, the Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
  • The industry is required to meet the standards by 2006 in readiness for them to come into force in 2008-09.
  • The new mood allows for more nationalism, more assertiveness, less patience with allies, a greater readiness to go it alone.
  • These groups require a high degree of readiness and motivation. Trauma and Recovery
  • He holds a stone in his unusually large right hand, in readiness to hurl at Goliath, and a sling in his left hand.
  • Second, the results clearly indicated a significantly different pattern of motivation level/change readiness in the young adult probationers as compared with the older adults.
  • And he was gifted with that peculiar power which enables a man to have the last word in every encounter, -- a power which we are apt to call repartee, which is in truth the readiness which comes from continual practice. The Duke's Children
  • As we said elsewhere, this readiness to accept and embrace corruption and plunder of the public purse goes deep.
  • Does this readiness to invest in so-called safety devices represent sheer barking madness or a rather admirable brand of cockeyed optimism?
  • The remainder continue their unmaidenly journey in search of husbands, whom they find waiting in cheerful readiness in almost any marsh.
  • A physician holding himself in readiness to attend cases of midwifery should never take part in the postmortem examination of cases of puerperal fever.
  • They thought … that it sufficed for a prince … to think up a sharp reply, to write a beautiful letter, to demonstrate wit and readiness in saying and words, to know how to weave a fraud … to conduct himself avariciously and proudly, to rot in idleness, to give military rank by favor … Winner Takes All
  • We invest here because of the the country's readiness to embrace new ideas from people across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens.
  • Still, as the Chinese showed no readiness to come to terms, another town, which lies on the opposite side of the bay in which Chinghai is situated, called Chapoo, was attacked. How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves Updated to 1900
  • This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
  • Manufacturer shall notify TCDD 20 (days) before the readiness of the acceptance of the each manufactured turnout delivery.
  • The readiness he sometimes showed to support the cause of a foreign suitor certainly suggests that his own expectations of becoming a royal consort were modest. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the clock struck two the meal was in readiness and a sumptuous one it was.
  • We invest here because of the the country's readiness to embrace new ideas from people across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • st that had been clenched on my knife haft suddenly loosened, and a relaxed readiness spread through me. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The Air Force test, called Glory Trip 195, was part of a continuing program to evaluate and demonstrate the operational readiness of our ground-based strategic deterrent force.
  • He was unusual in his ability to speak Czech with some fluency; he would not accept with his father's readiness the pragmatic cultural compromises adopted by so many among Prague's Jewish community.
  • It was Dürer whose readiness to embrace the new technology of the printing press – his prints are as great as his paintings, or greater – set the modernising, forward-looking, and productive tone of German art right down to today, when new art flourishes in a Berlin that is the worthy heir to the cosmopolis portrayed in Kirchner's painting Potsdamer Platz. Auf wiedersehen Britart: Germany wins when it comes to art
  • a happy readiness of conversation
  • Extemporaneous comedies were no longer played in the great cities, and Odo listened with surprise to the swift thrust and parry, the inexhaustible flow of jest and repartee, the readiness with which the comedians caught up each other's leads, like dancers whirling without a false step through the mazes of some rapid contradance. The Valley of Decision
  • To great prudence, self-control, and judgment, he united the dash, daring, and readiness of resources which have always characterized the famous sailors of the world; and in the victory which made his name renowned in naval annals, he displayed these qualities in such a high degree as to deserve the greatest credit for what he achieved as well as for what, under great temptation, he declined to do. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • We present our implementation or realization of interactive multimedia educational software to develop readiness of speech for helping the therapy within the frame of scientific works.
  • An anthemic song with a big chorus, and an infectious spring in its step, the number demonstrated Rooster's readiness to have fun with a big riff.
  • Now state regulators are reviewing an anonymous e-mail from someone claiming that during tests leading up to the Feb. 1 "cutover," FairPoint created a computer program "to deceive the audience into believing they were watching a real demonstration" of its readiness. The News Tribune Blogs
  • Her house is a temple to the interior designer's style and immaculate order, with not a chopstick out of place there is a table set for four in the room next door, in readiness for an Asian meal. Taking a Walk on the Wild Side
  • The problem stems from critics' readiness to appeal to literature as a form of critique of legal discourse without enquiring into the discourses informing the writing, reading, and interpretation of literature itself.
  • Their willingness to sign the interim constitution is a promising indication of a readiness to compromise for the sake of the country.
  • readiness to continue discussions
  • The readiness of politicians to relinquish power amazes me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The newsletter was printed towards the end of June in readiness for mailing.
  • Hungary has indicated its readiness to sign the treaty.
  • The air force promised regular combat readiness patrols. Times, Sunday Times
  • This crude misconstruction of freedom lies at the heart of his party's unreadiness for government. Times, Sunday Times
  • The female call might simply indicate a readiness to mate, directed to a specific male.
  • Having finished the hurried and uncomfortable meal, consisting chiefly of tinned tongue and a rather out-of-date cream cheese, Toni was allowed to run home to change her dress; and at half-past two precisely she was back, robed in the daintiest, filmiest white lawn gown, to take her place with the other stallholders, in readiness for the opening ceremony, performed, much to the delight of the entire Madgwick family, by a real duchess. The Making of a Soul
  • Their selection by the mass-circulation magazine reflects the readiness of society to see corporate malefactors punished.
  • Unprincipled, unpublishable in any legitimate commercial context, they drove prices down by their readiness to appear anywhere, do anything.
  • M'liss's readiness and brilliancy, of course, captivated the greatest number, and provoked the greatest applause, and M'liss's antecedents had unconsciously awakened the strongest sympathies of the miners, whose athletic forms were ranged against the walls, or whose handsome bearded faces looked in at the window. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • A rain droplet's readiness to fall and its fall velocity are not controlled by the density of the droplet, but by its size.
  • May it please your good Lordship, That albeit we attend here on my Lady Elizabeth's Grace, our Mistress ... we do not forget our most bounden Duty, nor yet our Readiness in Words and Deeds to serve her Highness [Queen Mary] by all the Ways and Means that may stand in Us, both from her Grace, our Mistress, and of our own Parts also .. .166 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • putting them in readiness
  • It may bee that your merchants doe not certifie you the trueth of all things, nor make knowen vnto your honour my readinesse to protect them: And howe my Letters and Commissions are sent to all authorised people for them, that they shoulde ayde and assist them, according to the tenour of my Letters, to all others that bee in authoritie vnder the said Officers or otherwise. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • There they re-equip and reman while executing all individual predeployment training requirements, attaining readiness as quickly as possible.
  • By implication, Walshe was clearly stating that a genetic readiness plus a long-term psychological stress results in cancer.
  • The readiness of politicians to relinquish power amazes me. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time he would throw up his cards, or hand them to the player on the dealer's right, who is termed the pone, and whose duty it is to collect the cards as they are played and keep them in readiness for the dealer when he requires a further supply. Round Games with Cards A Practical Treatise on All the Most Popular Games, with Their Different Variations, and Hints for Their Practice
  • Their peacefulness is tempered with readiness and realism.
  • The Englishmen perceiuing that, did put forwards into the sea, and so the Caruels borded vs telling vs that the men of the Island were all in armes, as hauing receiued aduise from Portugall, that Sir Frances Drake was in readinesse, and would come vnto those Islands. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • While emphasising his party's readiness to sign off on the treaty, he attached two conditions.
  • That the hold in every ship should be rummaged and made predy, [4] especially by the ship's sides, and a carpenter with some man of trust appointed to go fore and after in hold to seek for shot that may come in under water; and that there should be provided in readiness plugs, pieces of sheet lead, and pieces of elm board to stop all leaks that might be found within board or without. Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX.
  • The intangibles, family readiness, morale of troops, those type of things are hard to measure.
  • How it was, that in such a fighting country, old Kasm continued at this dangerous business, can only be understood, by those who know the entire readiness - nay, eagerness of the old gentleman, to do reason to all serious inquirers; - and one or two results which happened some years before the time I am writing of, to say nothing of some traditions in the army, convinced the public, that his practice was as sharp at the small sword as at the cut and thrust of professional digladiation. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • What cheered me up further was the readiness of the coach drivers to jape and joke about with people who didn't understand English.
  • This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
  • Nasser did undertake land reform and other social programs like schools and clinics for the poor, but he spent the bulk of his energy constructing a bureaucratized security state, crushing out political parties, and assuring Washington that there were no other options in view of Egypt's social problems and unreadiness for democracy. Geoffrey Wawro: Nasser's Ghost: Time for Washington to Break the Stalemate in Egypt
  • The auditor general criticized the government's apparent unreadiness to undertake the required recruitment and retention of qualified staff.
  • As long as an athlete believes a skill influences their readiness and positively affects performance, they should use it.
  • In December 2003, only two of the Army's ten divisions were both uncommitted and in a high state of readiness.
  • On the 30th of August, the States expressed their readiness to agree to a long truce, provided, the adverse party 'would _so absolutely acknowledge them for free countries, as that it should not be questioned after the expiration of the truce_, that otherwise they could not listen to a truce.' The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. VIII
  • Flavor: the coffee is the most obvious, but it retains some beeriness - maybe some lightly roasted vienna malts - perhaps some biscuitiness/breadiness is that a word? Furthermore Oscura
  • The logistics of moving the battalions was complicated, and the benefits on readiness problematic.
  • A spare but rather comely man, he possessed no small sprightliness of talents, and a great readiness of speech.
  • He is putting the accent on military readiness.
  • There has been a resumption of diplomatic contacts, a greater willingness to engage the reclusive country and a readiness to help it catch up.
  • If it did, at least here there was readiness, and enough stouthearted forest folk to put up a good defence. A Caregiver's Homage To The Very Old
  • The factor of surprise has become more important - it predetermines the course and the outcome of initial operations and the entire campaign, therefore troops should be better prepared and their combat readiness should be improved.
  • They obeyed the word of Prudence with a cheerful readiness that was startlingly cherubimic. Prudence Says So
  • Chivalry is defined as a combination of qualities including courage, honour, courtesy and a readiness to help the weak.
  • Carefully packed away somewhere in the hand luggage were flags, hats and freshly pressed Mayo jerseys in readiness for the days ahead.
  • This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
  • Book-fanciers now and then bid a few shillings, for a copy of the catalogue of his library; and some sly free-thinkers, of modern date, are not backward in shewing a sympathy in their predecessor's fame, by the readiness with which they bid a half-guinea, or more, for a _priced copy_ of it. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • The exclusion of leaven for seven days would not be attended with inconvenience in the East, where the usual leaven is dough kept till it becomes sour, and it is kept from one day to another for the purpose of preserving leaven in readiness. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Constant readiness units manned by conscripts and those manned by conscripts plus contract soldiers are trained in accordance with a five-month program.
  • Man lives freely only by his readiness to die, if need be, at the hands of his brother, never by killing him. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • All had appeared in readiness for Harris to deliver the coup de grace to Gore on Saturday, once the absentee ballot returns were completed.
  • The Ladrones never returned a single shot, but always kept in readiness to board.
  • He was notorious for his hot temper and instant readiness to fight a duel with anyone who crossed him. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens but, for combat, he would be wholly covered in mail except at the groin and upper face.
  • He was often accused of political intractability, a lack of imperativeness, too great a readiness to take clairvoyants seriously, and excessive slyness.
  • But soon the very physiology of her body, almost autonomically, became active, and I felt the gathering heat (pg. 262) and the oil and openness of her, her vitality, readiness and need. Renegades Of Gor
  • Filling the bladder is a great way of filling time, even if a large proportion of that time does tend to be spent merely emptying the bladder in readiness for the next refuelling.
  • The doctor armed himself, and held himself in readiness to fire upon an animal which, by its dimensions, recalled the antediluvian quadrupeds. The English at the North Pole Part I of the Adventures of Captain Hatteras
  • Members are also likely to call for more detailed plans of the other proposed measures, in readiness for public consultation.
  • We invest here because of the the country's readiness to embrace new ideas from people across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • For their part, the latter have signalled their readiness to drop their previous threat to split off from the rest of the country and abandon plans for a referendum on autonomy.
  • I turn now to that commentary: a series of moments when the encounter of well-heeled bibliomaniac and shabby-genteel minor Romantic seems to make them each other's mirror images, united by a common unwillingness to conceive of books as something we might assimilate as pure mental phenomena, and a readiness to allow literariness to be effaced by the volumes that lodge it. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • These groups require a high degree of readiness and motivation. Trauma and Recovery
  • But he in whom it is hath a fitness, readiness, and habitual power for all vital actions, yet so as without the concurrence of God in his energetical providence, moving and acting of him, he can do nothing; for "in God we live, and move, and have our being," Acts xvii. Pneumatologia
  • It has been used by unnamed, figures from both main political parties to signal their general readiness to join ideological battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shocking new indictment really of the readiness to respond to any kind of bioterrorist attack. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2004
  • According to the Washington Post, Clarke then ordered every counterterrorist office to put domestic rapid-response teams on shorter alert, to cancel vacations and defer nonvital travel; in short, to be in the highest possible state of readiness against an imminent attack. House of Bush, House of Saud
  • Some have interpreted it as an attempt to win Hispanic votes at the expense of military readiness.
  • Aroma: earthy, a cherry fruity brightness underlies the mild malt breadiness Archive 2008-04-01
  • This should come from within the profession if we are to inculcate a sense of realism and ownership in practices in readiness for mandatory incident reporting.
  • Analyzing each of the members of the critical mass with regard to readiness and capability.
  • The air force promised regular combat readiness patrols. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm now off to clear some furniture in readiness for workmen arriving early tomorrow.
  • In balance, these conflicting emotions equal a readiness to change that which one can and to accept that which one cannot change.
  • Knesset member Michael Kleiner said: “The bombardment of Belgrade and other cities and the civilian population also in Yugoslavia is doubtful, especially after the Serbs announced their readiness for a ceasefire.” Matthew Yglesias » Karadzic’s Defense
  • He, having had this son, to whom he gave the name Giotto, reared him conformably to his condition; and when he had come to the age of ten, he showed in all his actions, although childish still, a vivacity and readiness of intelligence much out of the ordinary, which rendered him dear not only to his father but to all those also who knew him, both in the village and beyond. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 01 (of 10), Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi
  • The threat may ultimately have less to do with competitive fire than with a readiness to let resentments fester and anger flare without feeling any need to bridle emotions or discipline his temper.
  • As Hamlet remarked, ‘We defy augury… The readiness is all’.
  • So with the greatest readiness he struck straight out behind and took Saunders what he himself called a "dinnle on the elbuck. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • We invest here because of the the country's readiness to embrace new ideas from people across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do babywear (less now than I used to), I breastfed (nipple and pump, although we began supplementing with formula at around nine months and with solids at around four – if gelato and broth count, that is), I cosleep, I believe in the inherent humanity of my children and am generally willing to allow him to experiment with things like choosing his own foods, choosing his readiness to pottytrain, etc. Feminist mothering. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • A growth policy requires that a human organization establish the atmosphere of continuous learning and acquire the readiness to do different and bigger things. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • To keep the increasingly large organization under control, the personnel department came up with elaborate rules and regulations, which buried employees in an organizational structure that often drained their willingness and readiness to work hard. CORPORATE CULTURE AND PERFORMANCE
  • His quest to show his readiness begins against a young, technical Turkey side who are strong in midfield. Times, Sunday Times
  • A large wooden tub steamed in readiness near the hearth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Sen. Kelly Ayotte R., N.H., the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee's readiness subpanel, said the force cuts could hurt the military's ability to rapidly respond in a crisis. Army's Top General Backs Troop Rollback
  • Next day, the mast-steps clear and everything in readiness, we started to get the two topmasts aboard. Chapter 35
  • Serious questions remain as to the readiness, willingness and fitness to lead of those in main contention.
  • Reactions to the films depend on an audience's ‘general readiness to deal with cinematized versions of a national tragedy,’ the professor said.
  • It may be that this indicates a greater readiness on the part of the courts to mitigate the lack of legislation on the treatment of incapacitated patients.
  • There's an all too willing readiness to equate soul with slick studio trickery and note-perfect vocal acrobatics, as if the expense and extravagance of the production shows just how much they mean it; and this comes at a heavy price.
  • There is an unreadiness for pain and death, and that contrasts so unhappily with the realism and hope the New Testament writers inculcated in their readers to prepare them to leave this world in peace when their time came.
  • Wherefore hath our mother the earth brought out poisons, saith [2764] Pliny, in so great a quantity, but that men in distress might make away themselves? which kings of old had ever in a readiness, ad incerta fortunae venenum sub custode promptum, Livy writes, and executioners always at hand. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Hungary has indicated its readiness to sign the treaty.
  • The readiness he sometimes showed to support the cause of a foreign suitor certainly suggests that his own expectations of becoming a royal consort were modest. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have never evinced any readiness or ability to negotiate.
  • Spirits lifted as the train shunted into Kilmarnock, passengers disembarking with a spring in their step and £signs in their eyes in readiness for the spring sale.
  • As Dean has shown, the best way for an outsider to prove his readiness for prime-time politics is to run for the White House with unflagging determination.
  • A large wooden tub steamed in readiness near the hearth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • But when tragedy struck Japan on March 11, killing thousands and threatening a nuclear meltdown, Russia's political leadership showed a readiness to set animosities aide and instantly offered help. Simon Saradzhyan: Russia Presses Ahead With Nuclear Plants After Japan Crisis
  • Organizational readiness refers to the level of financial and technological resources available to the organization.
  • The scaffolding has been put up in readiness for the repair work on the building.
  • “Summon one of the swiftest of the coria and have it wait in readiness,” he added, as though by afterthought. The Moon Pool
  • The French working class has repeatedly proved its readiness and ability to fight for its democratic and social rights in the past.
  • We invest here because of the the country's readiness to embrace new ideas from people across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Public attitudes to punishment are revealed by the readiness of juries to acquit parents who have hit their children with whips, canes, riding crops, electric flexes, and belts.
  • Whatever your communitys values are, articulating the mission of a parent-school alliance creates clarity and what I call readiness for change. Childhood Unbound
  • st that had been clenched on my knife haft suddenly loosened, and a relaxed readiness spread through me. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • This is the standard routine on each rostered flying day - on most other days the crew is on high readiness standby.
  • Our soldiers were in readiness to clear the court of its noisy vermin. Chapter 17
  • The respectful listening necessarily implied a readiness to change in the light of what the dialogue might reveal.
  • Nor did the Chinese leadership indicate a readiness to open talks with the President.
  • He said his ministry would grade all feeder roads in readiness for the marketing season.
  • He had intimated to the French and Russians his readiness to come to a settlement.
  • Correction ofthe main legislative map has been proposed by Dobbs Ferry as a first step, since that correction wouldbe very easy to make, andwould show a readiness onthe part of the NPS to correct fully all NPS educationalmaterial pertaining to Dobbs Ferry's historical significance on the W-R Trail. Senators Clinton and Lieberman Aided Dobbs Ferry���s Appeal in 2007
  • For they mean a contriving of directions and precepts for readiness of practice, which I discommend not, so it be not occasion that some quantity of the science be lost; for else it will be such a piece of husbandry as to put away a manor lying somewhat scattered, to buy in a close that lieth handsomely about a dwelling. Valerius Terminus: of the interpretation of Nature
  • Unhappily, it seemed Benbow had overestimated both the readiness of the liberal families to allow the workers to help themselves to their cattle and the enthusiasm of the workers for taking it. In praise of… a grand national holiday | Editorial
  • Ward would, I imagine, deplore its readiness to embrace cultural dissolution, its reckless fideism, and its unnecessary obscurity.
  • Commanders need a plan, a tactical set of readiness indicators pointed toward achieving an overall strategic state of readiness.
  • I say, then, that the first thing in mortification is the weakening of this habit, that it shall not impel and tumultuate as formerly; that it shall not entice and draw aside; that it shall not disquiet and perplex the killing of its life, vigour, promptness, and readiness to be stirring. Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
  • Man lives freely only by his readiness to die, if need be, at the hands of his brother, never by killing him. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • Next came septic tanks, drains and fencing, all in readiness for the arrival of their various caravans. The Sun
  • The speed with which the seraph touches those lips with a coal indicates the readiness of God to remove our guilt and make us ready for God's service.
  • The outcome will be determined in large part by the readiness of US forces to engage the enemy.
  • The couple are presently redecorating and preparing a nursery in readiness for the baby's arrival.
  • All was in readiness to start the mining of the copper lode.
  • Since the 1970s, several schools scattered around New Hampshire have placed kindergarteners in what they call readiness classes for up to a year before starting first grade; the classes are usually smaller and promote social development as much as academics. Eugenics is Alive and as Sick as Ever in Rockland County, New York
  • The timing depends on software developers' readiness for the switch-over.
  • He held his gun in readiness.
  • All that liberal democracy requires is a rational attitude, that is, a readiness to listen to critical arguments and to learn from experience.
  • Alternatively, an apparent readiness to change may conceal an intention to resist in concerted action with others.
  • Although he fitted the stereotype, his readiness to talk without reserve was untypical.
  • Such action requires a certain courage, a readiness to face ridicule and danger.
  • But the commodore leading the Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training exercise in Southeast Asia decided to take the Thai born reservist out of the kitchen and put him in the wardroom.
  • bidden," from the first choice of them onwards through every summons addressed to them by the prophets to hold themselves in readiness for the appearing of their King. to the wedding -- or the marriage festivities, when the preparations were all concluded. and they would not come -- as the issue of the whole ministry of the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Is it inconceivable that some mergers may have been instigated and consummated in order to fatten up major credit unions in readiness for demutualisation?
  • Test readiness by piercing with a skewer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet his sincerity, his freedom from vindictiveness, his never-failing readiness to use his eloquence to combat injustice, and a certain warmth of character which breaks through the restraints of classicizing purism make him attractive to the patient reader.
  • This responsiveness had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the “creative temperament.” — it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. The Great Gatsby
  • As usual we stocked up with small chocolate bars and sweets in readiness for the visit of the local trick-or-treaters, but, sadly, not one arrived.
  • Their findings improved the overall readiness of the mobile aeromedical staging facility.

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