How To Use Reader In A Sentence
This reverse ekphrasis, with its glimpsed, illegible text, hints at the hidden world of the silent reader.
The Times Literary Supplement
Now the word "prayer" to non-Muslim readers will evoke an image of people perhaps silently clasping their hands together, leaning forward in a pew, and either silently, to themselves, or in a quiet tone, speaking heartfeltly to God.
David Horowitz Freedom Center
A copyreader might not find it perfect, for the assault is allotted too much space and the pursuit too little, but it tells the story in its baldest aspect.
Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
My constant fear is that we're going to run out of writers in Chicago, " said Mr. Griffith, 27, who in his spare time is a theater critic for The Chicago Reader, an alternative paper.
Since it is implausibe that readers would need to disbelieve their supension of disbelief -- we all know going in that our suspension of disbelief is artificial -- it must be the second kind of "information" that needs to be combatted.
Saying Something

For the viewer or the reader, this can be a pleasant experience, a feeling of ease, without boredom or dullness.
The letters page serves as a useful forum for the exchange of readers' views.
French-headquartered RFID card, ticket and reader provider announced this week that ASK-intTag, a joint venture it established with Wisconsin-based label converter
RFID Update
Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
As a postscript your readers may have noticed that this individual has been allowed to have two letters published in the same edition, although she describes herself differently in each letter.
I apprehend the reader will not imagine I have over-rated the prcdudl of this farm, becaufe the rent is fmall: The great ex - pence of the marling fhould be confidercd; and as that manure agrees prodigioufly with light hazelly loams, I am confident fuch crops as I have fiated are not above the truth. truth.
The farmer's guide in hiring and stocking farms. Containing an examination of many subjects of great importance both to the common husbandman, in hiring a farm; and to a gentleman on taking the whole or part of his estate into his own hands. Also, pla
His narrative has a circularity that makes the reader's head spin.
Thanks to that shy reader who furnished me with the above information.
This vanishing reflects both the culture's increasing intolerance of sentimentalism and mainstream comics' marginalizing of women readers.
If you haven't guessed by now the answer is located here, gentle readers, and I do beg thy pardon if I spake not in troth.
The red notebook, of course, is only half the story, as any sensitive reader will understand.
Please send us your gardening problems; we regret that we cannot respond individually to readers, but we will try to answer your queries in this column.
After this admirable book, the reader can return to listening to Strauss with added enjoyment.
ABC of agrobiology; the quantitative science of plant life and plant nutrition for gardeners, farmers and general readers.
Identify all the dumbos out there - in politics, in government, wherever they may find themselves - and invariably they are not readers.
While he pours her feelings out, she treads very carefully and doesn't make the reader feel as though they are crashing into her personal life or snooping into her diary.
Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques.
Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
It was also an interdenominational event and readers from both church communities narrated the passion story.
While it is true that the Hogwarts tales are supposed to appeal to young readers, personnel at bookstalls say that there is no dearth of adult readers who cannot wait to see what Rowling has in store in the new book.
It is too bad that we often put readers, ordained and lay, in costumes that shackle the creative reading of texts.
I preached at myself to avoid preaching to my reader.
The lake is like an open book, day like the steady gaze of a reader.
But when it's the sole story-telling medium, as here, I also think it has a slight distancing effect on the reader, robbing the action of some immediacy and urgency, which for modern sensibilities is perhaps not ideal when dealing with such dramatic events.
Brian Ruckley - News & Views
But because he is a doctor, Reuters is suggesting to readers that his word is necessarily authoritative.
Even in 1935 they were being sent an ‘astonishing amount of illiterate and unintelligent writing’, but practised readers spent little time on it.
Amazon, with the Kindle 2.0 Reader, has the option of addressing some keylow lying fruitlike support for folders, PDF support perhaps?
Kindle Vs Sony Reader « Kindle Review – Kindle 3 Review, iPad Review
Our own Hemingway wrote so much grandiose nonsense about this so-called sport that the reader feels a certain dread as the climactic spectacle approaches — a dread heightened by the awareness that Montherlant was a matador in his teenage years.
Monster of Marriage
Readers will discover an entertaining tale of Peri, a sad prince and a sea dragon.
While it might be fair to assume that the average comic reader is something of a geek (however that term might be described), the same can't be said about the average cinemagoer.
[GUEST POST] Gabriel McKee on Mark Millar's Kick-Ass...and Why it Stinks
I think the term comprehension still has great relevance because it is a reminder that as readers, viewers and web surfers we need to be able to understand, interpret, appreciate and critique what we read, view, hear and even …
Literacy News – 162th Edition « News « Literacy News
While the other threads were developed and resolved, leaving one rather exhausted and peculiarly unsatisfied, this one remained outstanding, haunting the reader's memory.
Items with few words can probably be decoded, albeit laboriously, with adequate comprehension by even the majority of poor readers.
Eggs have been thrown at the library doors, staff have been attacked with stones and foul-mouthed youths have hurled abuse at readers.
The shame of NOT celebrating something I've informed my readers about motivates me not to forget the date--a form of precommitment!
Zoe P. Strassfield: Plans and Precommitment: 2012 in Space!
May I take this opportunity to wish all NLM readers a very happy and blessed Easter, in the words of the EF Martyrology: Hac die, quam fecit Dominus, Solemnitas solemnitatum, et Pascha nostrum: Resurrectio Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem.
Papal Easter Day Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing
I can assure readers that a piece of spaghetti that has festered in the bottom of a sink for 24 hours looks much the same.
It is a speech that cannot fail to thrill the reader for its noble and patriotic eloquence.
It has a sizable business section with two writers sharing the job of keeping readers abreast the news.
The reader may not be persuaded by some of the cases, but the whole mass of them carries conviction.
Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.
I would strongly recommend readers not to take his words too seriously!
Obviously, then, the average romance reader is not the undereducated, uninformed, subnormal, frustrated housewife of recent mythology.
Young readers will love the bright, bold designs and the luscious colours.
As a fellow pantzer, I find that it usually takes me at least three drafts before I'm reasonably happy with a story -- the first is my "crapola" discover the story draft, the second is aimed at what readers would want, the third to polish and ((shiver)) copy-edit.
An Interview with Allison Brennan
Our reply to this reader and other critics of the same ilk is that they seem to have ignored our initial argument.
He reiterates the issues at the end of each chapter, with a brief summation of the argument, thus giving the reader a basic understanding of each author's particular intention.
Magazine writers are mining the territory of their day jobs to write bankable novels that bring readers inside the worlds of music and fashion glitterati.
The minor 'phobias, such as pyrophobia, or fear of fire; stasophobia, or inability to arise and walk, the victims spending all their time in bed; toxicophobia or fear of poison, etc., will be left to the reader's inspection in special works on this subject.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The quality of legal argument and analysis in American courts, in particular state supreme courts, is often quite poor on issues of private law that the readers of this blog are likely to think arcane or technical.
Nevertheless, at the point of writing, their perception of their readership is an important facet of their ability as writers.
The fluidity of Polish syntax, due to inflection, makes possible a highly complex structure which, some Polish critics suspect, prevented Sep from attaining a wide readership in his time: he was too difficult.
I need them to know that a Florida cracker is not something you eat, and that it may or may not be offensive to some readers.
“Elitist” to a GOP/Bush leg humping suckhole means “reader” ..
Think Progress » Perry: Anyone Who’s Not A ‘Rank Political Hack’ Realizes That Bush Was A ‘Very, Very Good President’
However, the constraints of HTML and web browser technology prevent the reader from personalizing the files, although we have provided readers with a simple search engine, and some indexing and annotation.
We don't have a charter and we don't have pressure from shareholders demanding profits and wanting to see readership figures.
A contactless smart card works in proximity to a reader.
... because I am tired of answering these questions in email, one reader at a time, and I bet truepenny is too:
Self-promotion salad
With a foul bottom we're only making 5 knots and I can't turn quickly enough, so we do a flying gybe, break a spreader on the main, almost throw the guests overboard, lose some cushions, douse sails, and tuck into Lameshur Bay, St. John.
The phonological output lexicon stores pronunciations corresponding to all the spoken words known to the reader, also in the form of lexical entries.
Readers may safely treat his latest intervention as being what it appears to be: hasty, heated, and insubstantial.
Regular readers had pulled out all the stops to send a barrel-load of side-splitting entries that had our funny-man rolling around on the floor with laughter.
However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
Richards confronts us unapologetically with all the seamier aspects of his life, to the point where the reader -- I refer here to myself -- finds himself asking: Why am I reading this?
Peter Clothier: Keef
It turned out that the pork op-ed was something of a prelude to another, larger attack on the local/sustainable food movement: his recently published book, Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly, in which he warns the reader of legions of rabid locavores who would build up irresponsible local food systems and disserve global ecology through their uber-local diets.
Leslie Hatfield: Miles from Nowhere: Why Does James McWilliams Hate Local Food?
The body of the text, arranged in three segments, provides links in the sidebar that may sidetrack the reader through related concepts in other segments.
Effective in their appeal to the general reader, they are less convincing at the level of specialist argumentation.
All these changes to the newspaper have alienated its traditional readers.
I would say to your readers that I am a fond cat lover and I am merely making a valid point.
Slightly more beguiling is the debate format, where representatives of contrasting positions do battle, and leave it to the reader to decide — with the implicaiton that the reader is now somehow in a position to do so.
Perils of pop philosophy
He's a great reader of crime fiction.
As I've pointed out, these lists are selected from nominations submitted by readers.
It's not customary for people in the publishing industry to ask what readers (as opposed to booksellers or authors or the press) want.
Rather, in this section we pull out for the reader the key assumptions and insights offered by each.
It would be nice to have a book discussing Lem's works in Polish which are out of reach for readers in English.
He does not judge them, leaving the reader free to do so.
The reader of adventure stories wants romance and vicarious excitement.
These texts give the reader an insight into the Chinese mind.
The reader will learn much about the administration of the Persian empire and the fascinating Zoroastrian religion.
Times, Sunday Times
The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.
There is a quite possibility that individuals who visited Saint John's, the emergency room of North York (ph) General may have been exposed to the virus, and so, very clearly, I gave you the dates a few moments ago for your viewers, readers and listeners to take into account and follow the public health directions that we have given.
CNN Transcript May 24, 2003
Based on blog and comment reactions I've seen, some readers find that element really shocking, and at that point either doff their hat in my direction for how I handled it, or get really angry, either at the story or directly at me.
An Interview with Mike Allen
The photos make it a great gift idea, while the information acts as a starter for readers with a new interest in wine.
Crikey readers have contributed a lot of stories on circulation rorts, fiddles and the like over the past week or so, but here's another tale, a bit historical, which would be hysterical if it wasn't serious.
Sponge the woolly bits with neat washing-up liquid, suggests a reader who says her father used to deal with greenfly on his roses in this way.
Why is he telling us that his jillions of readers have a question?
Ethical biographers and autobiographers work with veracity as their aim (this is the motivation for all that research, after all) and this striving for veracity is respected, and expected, by readers.
You were supposed to read it once and then remember it, as if you were an eidetic reader who recalled every single word with equal intensity.
This may by some readers be attributed to the absence of that dashing _caricatura_ style and constant aiming at antitheses, which, if it relieve the vapidness of the story, does not add to its natural attractions.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 553, June 23, 1832
The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
What I want in a reviewer is an enthusastic reader who can write those difficult-to-do 700-word readable reviews.
If anyone doubts ...
That's why I was suckered into entering one of those Readers' Digest prize draws - you know, the ones that tantalise you for months, getting you to fill in this and that, tear off this bit, post this bit back.
One fun aspect of the ‘comments’ feature is watching my readers duke it out about various things.
The reader's conception of the text in this case is the worst possible communicative situation.
The insurance industry would have its readers believe that greed is at the root of all specialty care.
In this rather archaically written biography, marred by ornate, stilted language and the author's reliance on and citation of endlessly extended passages from his great-great-grandfather's autobiography, James Mellon struggles mightily but fails to make his readers care much for or about Thomas Mellon.
Banking On the Future
I know that the kids lap up every last bit of detail, and they are the prime readership after all, but for me it's a rather stodgy and tedious read.
A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and less stories about the rich and famous.
There is another way to weigh this trend, however: maybe readers and viewers are not so much growing insular as searching for meaning in a vast universe of fact and factoid, and embracing a political bent is one way of organizing it.
Caution: this article contains strong language and may be offensive to some readers.
Indeed, critical readers might suspect that the vanity press outlet was the only way these articles could get into print.
The word-play grazes against rhyme, the lilt of the language tilts readers into lineated juxtaposition.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
So my heterosexual male readers are merely invited to recall the most exotically beautiful woman they've ever seen and imagine her two or three notches better-looking.
Maybe other readers more versed in rocketry can provide some better information on why vertical take off and landing vehicles are being pursued.
Masten Space System's Xombie Make First Successful Test Flight - NASA Watch
At Tin House, at the magazine and in the books division, we're looking for writing that edifies the reader, not something that distracts them Fox's programming has that pretty-well covered.
Tin House
The right balance of detail should help the reader quickly grasp the nature of the problem and your approach to it.
It is a pity that a book that has such detail is unable to overcome the obstacles of intricacy without leaving the reader stuck in the quagmire of literary and historical obscurity.
Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
Certain it is that the maid's speech communicated a suspicion to the mind of Amelia which the behaviour of the serjeant did not tend to remove: what that is, the sagacious readers may likewise probably suggest to themselves; if not, they must wait our time for disclosing it.
Amelia — Complete
Last year, Time's In Style magazine scrapped Your Look, a quarterly fashion title geared toward readers in their late teens, after two disappointing issues.
US Weekly to Launch a Quarterly Spinoff
This intentional manipulation by the author, perhaps already let the readers nebulously perceive a remote Utopia upon seeing the chirping swallows.
And even if she is right that many readers "don't care" about the matters of technique and style she says critics often "overvalue," does this mean critics should abandon more purely literary standards for the vague and untroubled standards she attributes to her infantilized common readers?
Style in Fiction
The pair of articles provoked a large number of responses from readers.
There is not much crossover between readers of modern and historical romances.
Thanks to one of our regular readers for providing some details about codings found on the processors.
Even boys - traditionally reluctant readers - were devouring it under the blankets.
This is a book for browsers, easily read and studied, a few random pages at a time as the reader's time and interest permits.
As their mentors did, readers can then capitalise on that currency by releasing a book that distills their own inside knowledge.
Penelope-like, she both weaves a narrative and contextual account of Lippi's life and work and unpicks her handiwork, creatively frustrating the reader's expectation of biographical closure.
I have not numerated Noël's birthday presents because I wish to leave something to the imagination of my young readers.
The Wouldbegoods
The obscurities of literary theory are mercifully avoided, frequently by such witty contemporary reference and colloquial language which bring Shakespeare into the world of today's reader.
I have thought it, for example, not humane to variegate the text of an Anthology with despairing obeli: and occasionally I have covered up an indubitable lacuna by artifices which I trust may pass undetected by the general reader and unreproved by the charitable critic.
The problem with "scop" to me is that the reader will tend to think it's pronounced as "skop" - even if you have an appendix/note explaining OE spelling conventions.
Archaic terminology in historical fiction
If all those clever writers studied other writers at university, they should, in addition to producing fiction and poetry, be writing capacious essays for the mythical common reader.
The deep breaths exhaled by his broad lines, his declarative sentences and their assertive plangency, his deliberate tactlessness and brave humor, redirect the reader to a history of poetic Yanks: Whitman, Williams.
Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
We wrote recently about building a deck, and many readers have responded with questions and anecdotes about deck experiences.
Readers always pay more attention to the headings.
While this may sound self - evident or commonsensical to readers of this journal, it is the case that the idea of human beings as a positive influence on the world has increasingly been displaced in modern times.
In response to my attempts a few weeks ago to demystify the day-to-day movements in share prices, one reader has asked for a similar explanation of the foreign exchange markets.
The reason for my being unspecific in the "cloud of witnesses" finale was that I felt by this point my reader should have been brought to the point where he or she could become a co-imaginer with me, filling in more than is on the page, and deserving of having his or her name in the credits that roll at the end of the film.
Ingrid Hill - An interview with author
Gladly would I grace my tale with decent horror, and therefore I do beseech the "gentle reader" to believe, that if all the _succedanea_ to this mysterious narrative are not in strict keeping, he will ascribe it only to the disgraceful innovations of modern degeneracy upon the sober and dignified habits of our ancestors.
Humorous Ghost Stories
A reader, Stephen, sends over this Reuters report datelined 2: 52 AM:
Iran Election Live-Blogging (Sunday June 14)
I should, perhaps, explain to English readers that a billy is a tin can, the name for which
Erewhon Revisited
Such agencies utilise consumer panels, readership surveys and television audience measurement to generate their information. 17.
They mix them with soil and distribute them with a device similar to a fertilizer spreader.
The reader does not disclose the term of the original lease which expired on 25 March 1991.
Paling forces the reader to accept that resolution is not always possible.
In order to put the time and energy necessary into our continuing publication, we need the help of readers, content contributors, and financial sustainers.
Most writers deny thinking of a specific reader, or of a species called readers when writing.
Many who were less talented at writing entered the world of publishing as editors, calligraphers, copyists, or proofreaders.
The newsreader said ‘We'll be back for more of what appears to be an ad-lib speech from Mark Oaten’.
Those households tend to be wealthier and better educated on average, making newspaper readers an attractive market for advertisers.
It might come as a surprise to my readers to hear that I am a rather dedicated fan of non-fiction.
Time and again, in prose unsparing and unsentimental, Liz has allowed readers a peek into her own mental health struggles.
‘The Bahamas were beautiful,’ said Janine, a radio travel newsreader for Trafficlink.
Winter, readers, has arrived, taking up residence with all the bulk and temerity of a spinster aunt come to visit, laden with cats and carpet bags.
Others stress that rapid automatized naming is part of a more general phonological ability and poor readers are considered to be less adept at retrieving phonological codes from long-term memory.
Then if you can inform and entertain the reader at the same time - without straining a muscle - all the better.
For a reader inexpert in the language, how does Spanish represent or foreground social relations in ways that differ from English?
The best reader-submitted photobombs submitted by midnight this Friday, will win one of 10 double passes to the Gold Coast premiere of Hugh Jackman's new film.
I was a captivated reader of almost all of the volumes published in that series.
But that, the reader may say, is a different matter altogether.
This is an unfortunate misrepresentation of my remarks, and misleads readers about the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Other readers discriminated by making anthologies later - something each generation can do again.
The Times Literary Supplement
Alyssa Rosenberg points out that from his new perch at OIRA, Cass Sunstein will also oversee federal “e-government” initiatives, something that should be of interest to bloggers and blog readers.
Matthew Yglesias » The Unknown OIRA
As they start researching, the details of the picture come together for the reader, who wonders why the heck they don't get it a lot sooner and run away to Australia (as if that might make their lives any safer -- Max has a _lot_ of money and no ethics at all).
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Why devote a chapter to him in a book which explicitly encourages its readers to pay attention to this music?
Innocent blondes, corrupted by wolfish brunettes with mannish haircuts and tight, tight sweaters, stare wide-eyed at the reader.
Regular readers of Consumer Reports will recognize the term telematics as meaning the combination of telecommunications and GPS technology.
New features coming to OnStar
As a non-profit organization, we depend on readers like you to make our work possible.
Many claims and counterclaims were advertised about who the real market leader was and who was the benefactor of the readers and protected the consumer's wallet.
If you add too many notes to the text, the reader won't be able to see the wood for the trees.
I got there in the end thanks to the RNIB and Calibre Talking Book Libraries plus a rota of loyal readers, but the fact that none of the books I chose is currently available on UK commercial audio even as a download is depressing.
Sue Arnold's audiobook choice
The answer lies with us, dear reader, the end users of this tsunamic information flow.
Tom Alderman: The Internet Is Absolute Democracy -- Be Very Afraid!
You have succeeded in dividing the readership, you have brought in sympathetic readership from another blog, as was your intention, to support your position, and start your verbal donnybrook." and
Why I Hate the Booth Babe Story, a Guest Editorial by Holly A.
The story is full of surprises which cause the reader to catch his breath.
Almond calms the reader, suggesting that we can only do our best and trust that our ambivalence is more than compensated for by our devotion and love.
"The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Motherhood," by Barbara Almond
At least one of our readers would prefer that The Sports Reporter and I dispense with the pre-review chit-chat and get down to the nitty-gritty when we write about our tandem dining-out experiences.
Q: Can you help my light-sensitive eyes with e-reader advice?
Mossberg's Mailbox
As a journalist with two degrees in linguistics, I enjoy combining my two fields whenever possible and writing about language for the general reader.
A discussion with Margalit Fox about Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals About the Mind
The most typical reader will win a special golden bone award.
A selection of reader's comments are published below.
'World Heritage Sites' (Firefly Books, 2011) takes readers on a tour of the planet's highlights, from the famous (Egypt's pyramids) to the more far-flung (the Wrangel Island reserve in the Arctic, home to many walruses and ancestral polar-bear dens).
An Armchair Tour of World Wonders
To appreciate the usefulness of the atlas, the reader needs to follow particular railroad routes between important termini.
Boing Boing reader/commenter catastrophegirl, commenting in a thread about an enraged hillbilly user of flavored chewing tobacco, points to her Flickr photoset documenting her quest to make DIY kretek (clove cigarettes).
Boing Boing
The fact that there is so little at stake in terms of financial rewards, book royalties and readerships means that innovative writers can afford a little self-indulgence.
If a word stirs your feelings in one way and those of some of your readers in another, you cannot use that word safely; in spite of the most careful definitions and disclaimers the emotional bias will creep in and twist the effect of your words in the minds of some of your audience.
The Making of Arguments
Ads urged readers to become skilled, well-paid workers; hard-boiled heroes knocked heads with clients and agency owners over their workplace autonomy.
Second, a sense that writers, readers and books should dwell in a pure, fluffy space in the clouds, removed from tawdry concerns of image… or even, perhaps, human physicality.
The skilled reader is not dependent on the adventitious aids of easiness or brightness; he is no longer, for instance, dependent upon plot for his enjoyment of fiction, or upon what is called 'actuality' or 'incident', or mere verisimilitude of description.
Through this point of view, Brontë herself speaks to the readers and warns of idolatry.
Nevertheless, the novel is there, with its boundless substance, and the reader finds a certain solace in the heightened awareness which he acquires from the inevitable element of tragedy inherent in all life.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1937 - Presentation Speech
These were the new readers the Irish Times had to attract in order to survive, and Gageby set out on a subtle course to achieve it.
This would have left open the opportunity for a reader to cherry-pick the information they want.
The best a book like this can do is to bring readers a general survey of hoaxes, their nature and perpetrators, and offer some tips on how to avoid being hoaxed.
However, it doesn't seem to be slow as a CD-ROM reader, so most users might not notice.
The trunk, which readers away from boatable waters may need to be informed is an elevation about a foot above the main deck, to afford head-room in the middle of the cabin, had three deck lights, or ports, on each side.
The Yacht Club or The Young Boat-Builder
The lake is like an open book, day like the steady gaze of a reader.
The novel's abstinence from readerly comforts such as character and atmosphere is as impressive as it is incapacitating.
The Times Literary Supplement
It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader.
I think that half a century of SF/F film, television, gaming, and other media has created an SF/F consumership (note: not readership) that’s probably a representative subset of the population as a whole.
Fantasy 2035 «
Embroidery_, mentions 'Arachne', it is obvious that he does not expect the reader to think of the daring challenger of Minerva's art, or the
Proserpine and Midas
The media is interested in content that will appeal to their readers, which should preferably be juicy.
The observant reader will have spotted the appearance above of the expression weakly stratified.
Quine's New Foundations