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How To Use Reactive In A Sentence

  • Owing to different structures of cotton fiber and chitin fiber, they have differentadsorbability to reactive dyestuffs.
  • Using human cell lines and isolated mouse cells, Dr. Petar Lenert, an assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Iowa, said he and his colleagues showed the DNA-like compounds were able to selectively reduce the activity of two types of immune cells called autoreactive B cells and dendritic cells. Latest News -
  • The presence of small lymphocytes in serous cavity fluid can pose great difficulty in the differentiation between a low-grade lymphoproliferative disorder and reactive lymphocytosis.
  • Amides tend to be somewhat less reactive, but are also subject to hydrolysis and analogous reactions.
  • Next, we examined characteristics of 18-month old alloreactive T-cells in a transgenic adoptive transfer model. Elites TV
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  • However, in a pilot study, the instrument successfully measured reactive hyperemia following pressure in healthy volunteers.
  • I think I prefer to shift through information first and take my time to think about what I write - lest all that raw, reactive blabber does nothing but add to the noise.
  • The double-barreled results: Lowering levels of a protein called CRP, or C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, seems to be protective even when cholesterol levels are okay.
  • We were being reactive instead of proactive. Christianity Today
  • He told me that he has been diagnosed as suffering from reactive depression and is currently being treated for that by a psychiatrist.
  • These compounds are more reactive than paraffins or naphthenes and readily combine with other elements such as hydrogen, chlorine, and bromine. Hydrocarbon chemistry
  • In the second approach I have analyzed, with the aid of various semiempirical methods, the molecular orbitals of most types of reactive intermediates in organic chemistry-carbonium ions, diradicals, methylenes, benzynes, etc. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
  • Earlier this year, a small study by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition suggested that flax seed-derived lignan (a natural plant-based compound) might modulate C-reactive protein levels in type 2 diabetics, especially among women. Flax Seed: A Natural Alternative to Statins?
  • He must be proactive, not reactive. The Sun
  • Since these postulated "carbocation intermediates" were likely to be not only very short lived but also very reactive, it was generally assumed that one would never be able to prepare them in some quantities. Press Release: The 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • These are essentially unstable molecules which are highly reactive. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Therefore, elevation of the control site temperature helped mask temperature increases caused by reactive hyperemia or inflammation in some cases.
  • In my analysis of this tripartite division I shall identify the rational soul with the ego, or self-obsessed reactive mind of Buddhism.
  • Circinate balanitis, a painless erythematous lesion of the glans penis, is present in about 20 percent of male patients with reactive arthritis.
  • This means that most types of event will generate an alert rather than a reactive response.
  • There is no driver, either pressure or highly reactive chemical such as sodium, to force radiotoxic substances into the environment; and, since the fuel is already in liquid form, there is no chance of 'meltdown'. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Several methods are available to prevent the formation of preformed reactive antibodies to HLA antigens.
  • The above furin-Eda-peptide (II) contains a highly reactive β-turn inducing unnatural Eda-amino acid inserted between the scissile PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Expression of FOXP3, a potent gene-specific transcriptional repressor, in regulatory T cells is required to suppress autoreactive and alloreactive effector T cell function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
  • ATM recognizes damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and tells the cell to stop growing by suppressing the protein-synthesizing pathway mTORC1 or orders the cell to consume itself, a process called autophagy," Walker said. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Ferrous and ferric iron catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen metabolites, which may mediate mucosal injury.
  • Rethinking reactive halogen budgets in the midlatitude lower stratosphere. Future changes in ozone in the Arctic
  • Conclusion:Rhesus monkey xenoreactive natural antibody titers are greatly different among individuals. It is necessary to detect the antibody before using rhesus monkeys for xenograft studding.
  • However, reactive oxygen species generated by UVA radiation, particularly singlet oxygen, can also damage nucleic acids.
  • Some polymers, such as most polyimides and polycarbonates, are not photosensitive and are typically processed using photoresist patterning and reactive ion etching.
  • I was more reactive than proactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reactive arthritis occurs most frequently in men 20 to 40 years old.
  • The element is not very reactive chemically, although it does dissolve in most acids.
  • To verify the properties of the concurrent and reactive systems based on the theorem proving approach, an axiomatization is formulized for the first order projection temporal logic (FPTL).
  • The mother was O Rh-positive, antibody screen negative, rapid plasma reagin nonreactive, hepatitis B surface antigen negative.
  • Everything that we have seen is reactive when what we need is a proactive approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weak and reactive ones look to capture some headlines and votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often mydriasis occurs with the pupils poorly reactive or non-reactive to light.
  • In addition to formaldehyde, paraformaldehyde, trioxymethylene, methylal, hexamethylene-tetramine, and other substances containing a reactive methylene group, as well as acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde and other aldehydes may be employed to induce reaction. Synthetic Tannins
  • A larger number of children with TB meningitis or miliary TB have a skin test that is initially nonreactive.
  • Moreover, the reactive conditions of many elementary reactions are studied and optimized by time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, and root locus analysis.
  • Usually the fixed capacitor and passive filter are applied to compensate reactive power and harmonic current.
  • Usually, to make the problem tractable, the molecules are assumed to be spherical and the reactive patches are assumed to be circular.
  • Fish oil aids memory and promotes mental acuity because it makes nerve-cell membranes more fluid and more reactive to signals.
  • The active device area must be hermetically sealed to prevent the ingress of water and oxygen that can degrade the polymer and the reactive metal cathode.
  • The other halogens are: fluorine, an extremely reactive gas; chlorine, a reactive, heavy gas; iodine, a relatively inactive solid; and astatine. Bromine
  • While supplementation was able to reduce thiobarbituric reactive substances, it was only able to slightly lower the quantity of conjugated dienes formed.
  • The structure of the collagen in the tissue may partially mask some of the available nucleophilic amine sites, whereas water may compete with the amines for the reactive ketene amide intermediate.
  • The key is to be proactive rather than reactive taking a firm stance before the situation gets out of hand.
  • For example, lithium, sodium, and potassium comprised a triad of soft, highly reactive metals.
  • The understanding of many important chemistries is being advanced by the use of ReactIR ™ because it provides detailed information about key reactive species and their concentrations under a range of challenging environments including organometallic, polymer, hydroformylation, carbonylation and hydrogenation chemistries, among others. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • Product innovation: define and write new payoffs with sales, traders and quants (pro-active and reactive), participate in the study of the risk management of the new payoffs.
  • The reactive power variation of wind farm interconnected with power grid leads to voltage fluctuation grid.
  • Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.
  • Much of Cuba's Internet control strategy has entailed reactive state responses to the challenges outlined above.
  • Thus, hematoxylin is termed a basophilic stain (i.e., reactive with groups that "love" base = acids), whereas eosin is acidophilic (i.e., reactive with groups that "love" acid = bases). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The most commonly encountered are Russell and butcher bodies in lymphomas, multiple myeloma, and some reactive or immunologic diseases.
  • The Ballistic Cube is a violently reactive target that jumps, bucks and boogaloos with each hit, then lands showing you a four-inch surface every time.
  • Microsomal epoxide hydrolase detoxifies reactive oxygen species generated by endotoxin exposure, and polymorphisms of the miH gene are associated with altered enzyme activity.
  • The terrain and weather conditions on Attu placed the logisticians in a reactive instead of an anticipative mode throughout most of the operation.
  • Some district councils remained essentially reactive, but others actively attacked problems in their neighborhoods.
  • It is also caught between the worst of two political systems: a corrupt, crippled and haltingly reactive Russian Federation and carpet-bagging capitalism.
  • The histologic causes of these false-positive lymph nodes were granuloma, reactive inflammation, and anthracosis.
  • Because 210 Po associates appreciably with organic matter inside cells, unlike other particlereactive nonessential metals, it could have promise as a tracer of sinking organic matter in the ocean.
  • A substantial number of maladies like inferiority complex, emotionally reactive behavior, lack of responsibility, lack of interest in education, etc. stem from such educational setups, which despite its fame of excellence portrays a Darwinic image of “the survival of the fittest” instead of the Muhammadan image of “the emancipation of the weakest”. Archive 2007-11-01
  • In addition, the very reactive singlet oxygen can be generated by an input of energy.
  • Everything that we have seen is reactive when what we need is a proactive approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • An infant born to a seroreactive mother should be evaluated with a quantitative non-treponemal serologic test (e.g., rapid plasma reagin or VDRL).
  • It does help to distinguish mesotheliomas from reactive, proliferating mesothelium, which typically has no cytogenetic abnormalities.
  • In other words, another blog-filled, content-poaching, reactive, 'snackable' website that survives on paid advertorials and the peddling of readers' data. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are all persons equally reactive or vulnerable to negative interpersonal events?
  • Oxatriquinacene, the first stable allylic oxonium ion, is more reactive than oxatriquinane yet significantly more stable than simple alkyl oxonium salts. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • The carboxyl group is fairly reactive, and carboxyl group-containing compounds can undergo nucleophilic substitution to form many useful derivatives such as acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters, and amides.
  • Those used range from mild organic acids such as citric acid to phosphoric acid highly reactive sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.
  • From my own experience, I can confirm that possession is certainly both abreactive and cathartic.
  • In a large nonreactive metal (I used glass) bowl, place the chocolate and the peanut butter. Peanut Butter Crispy Bars
  • Copper is a moderately reactive metal that dissolves in most acids and alkalis.
  • She throws a Brunswick Arc but is looking for something reactive, a ball that goes long and hits hard at the pins.
  • He was essentially a reactive politician, a late learner, slow to grasp the consequences of change.
  • I was more reactive than proactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Differentiating reactive airway dysfunction syndrome from other types of work-related asthma is generally straightforward.
  • A 2008 paper titled "Hormesis in Aging" by researchers from the Laboratory of Cellular Aging, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus in Denmark concluded that "single or multiple exposure to low doses of otherwise harmful agents, such as irradiation, food limitation, heat stress, hypergravity, reactive oxygen species and other free radicals have a variety of anti-aging and longevity-extending hormetic effects. The Full Feed from
  • For all these cases, hepatocytes were more immunoreactive than endothelial cells and leukocytes.
  • More nasty is malign narcissism, which he calls reactive narcissism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compound fraction of target surface was gotten from the rate equations of sputtering and the transport equations of reactive particles .
  • These are essentially unstable molecules which are highly reactive. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • These substrates share an acridan core but are substituted with different reactive moieties. The Scientist
  • Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.
  • In this study, cryogenic electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and spin trapping techniques were used to detect the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in stroke rat brain.
  • Compare that with the reactive mode of regular life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brief reactive psychoses are of interest because some behaviors, otherwise considered normal in developing countries (such as trance or other dissociative-type disorders), overlap.
  • He added:'The team is too much reactive instead of proactive. The Sun
  • I diagnosed him, your Honour, as suffering from a reactive agitated depressive disorder, which was severe in type.
  • A third component of reactive aggression is affect, and specifically anger.
  • Inflammasome activators such as uric acid crystals induced the dissociation of TXNIP from thioredoxin in a reactive oxygen species (ROS) - sensitive manner and allowed it to bind NLRP3. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • He may be suffering from reactive depression resulting from traumatic events whilst living in Kosovo.
  • They prefer making things happen or being proactive instead of reactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients may suffer from anxiety, depression and reactive adjustment disorders.
  • The frontier orbital is mainly formed by atomic orbitals of azido group, so it is the most reactive part of the molecule.
  • A young filly wants to be safe and she'll be more flighty and reactive.
  • The power cable has some UV-reactive blue mesh on it, while the shorter lengths of cable are covered in a UV-reactive blue plastic sheathing.
  • The hospital said on its Web site that the mistake occurred because a staff member mistakenly believed he heard the English word "nonreactive" concerning the donor's standard H.I.V. test. NYT > Home Page
  • One of the problems of abreactive therapy and recovered memory is the possibility of False Memory Syndrome.
  • Fluorine was the most difficult halogen to isolate because it is so chemically reactive.
  • The two main ingredients are reactive halogen gases such as chlorine or bromine and sunlight.
  • If there is any reactiveness on any or all of these points, shiatsu would be an appropriate therapy.
  • The validity of this assay may be questioned since acetaldehyde is a highly volatile and reactive molecule.
  • The reactive power and current of three - phase unbalanced load are compensated.
  • All 10 samples that were non-reactive on repeat testing gave negative results on immunoblotting.
  • These new measures don't make him rock-like and brave but weak, flappy and overreactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nonreactive nitrogen is meant to prevent outside air from entering the containment structures, where the air's oxygen can react explosively with the hydrogen produced by the damaged reactors. Crippled Nuclear Plant Largely Meets Three-Month Goals
  • In this study, the levels of reactive carbonyl compounds in commercial carbonated soft drinks were found to be astonishingly high. High-fructose corn syrup fights back | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The distribution of neurokinin B-immunoreactive fibers (NKB-IF) in the lower respiratory tract of experimental asthmatic guinea pig was studied by using immunohistochemistry.
  • He added:'The team is too much reactive instead of proactive. The Sun
  • Routinely used markers like c-reactive protein or leukocyte count , have no prognostic value.
  • Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.
  • The carboxyl group is fairly reactive, and carboxyl group-containing compounds can undergo nucleophilic substitution to form many useful derivatives such as acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters, and amides.
  • Some survivors may only be able to do abreactive work on an inpatient basis in a safe and supportive environment.
  • The frontier orbital is mainly formed by atomic orbitals of azido group, so it is the most reactive part of the molecule.
  • So what policing there is tends to be reactive, rather than proactive.
  • Telling someone to be proactive is passive, not as powerful, as telling them to proact (think of the opposite - telling someone to be reactive instead of telling someone to react is a very different instruction - the latter demands action ... but in the wrong direction). Simon Sinek: Business Would Benefit From A New Word: To Proact
  • According to our office dictionary, gold is "a soft, dense, yellow, chemically unreactive precious metal."
  • Often mydriasis occurs with the pupils poorly reactive or non-reactive to light.
  • Use of aspirin and statins lowers C-reactive protein levels, but so does weight loss.
  • C-reactive protein is located in the area between the beta and gamma components.
  • If active and reactive power are not properly balanced, voltage collapse may occur in one part of the system and could propagate system failure.
  • Passivation is a method by which chemical agents react with metal surfaces to render the surfaces nonreactive.
  • What the Universe is in itself we have no other means of knowing than as it _impresses_ itself upon our minds, modified as it may be by the reactive or reflectional element supplied by the mind itself. Continental Monthly , Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • More nasty is malign narcissism, which he calls reactive narcissism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The top bosses tend to be proactive not reactive. The Sun
  • Oxygen is a highly reactive gas, combining with many elements in a fierce explosive union we call fire or burning.
  • C - reactive protein ( CRP ) plays an important role in the inflammatory mechanisms of atherosclerotic formation.
  • The researchers found that while a vast majority of the minerals that make up ash are highly reactive and soon decay, about two percent by volume are made up of a stable group of minerals called siliceous aggregates. Quest for Ash
  • Those used range from mild organic acids such as citric acid to phosphoric acid highly reactive sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.
  • The reactive response is when my ego is offended.
  • Another type of aggressive child, for example, is highly reactive to sensations.
  • Electrons are transferred from cytoplasmic NADPH to oxygen on the phagosomal side of the membrane, generating the so-called reactive oxygen species, e.g., superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, and singlet oxygen.
  • Orthotopic ABC has a characteristic radiographic appearance due to reactive peripheral bone changes that induce a radiolucent shell.
  • They are either reduced by glutathione peroxidases to unreactive fatty acid alcohols or they react with metals to produce epoxides, aldehydes, etc.
  • Place oxtail in a non-reactive dish and add herbs de Provence, chili sauce and olive oil.
  • Methyl lithium is very reactive and acts as a nucleophilic methylating reagent to electrophilic functional groups, such as ketones.
  • Another major epoxide, propylene oxide, comes from propene reacting with organic hydroperoxides (more reactive equivalents of hydrogen peroxides).
  • Regulatory T cells appear to alter the chemical environment around their aggressive cousins, known as autoreactive T cells, in ways that either suppress them or cause them to proliferate, the study found. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The existence of reactive stalking raises a number of problems that require our attention.
  • Mr McCormick admits maintenance has been largely reactive and has been concentrated on health and safety matters.
  • And if - the surface carbon atoms are what we called dangling bonds, and they're very reactive. Happy Birthday, Buckyballs!
  • An improved reactive foil is preferably a freestanding multilayered foil structure made up of alternating layers selected from materials that will react with one another in an exothermic and self-propagating reaction.
  • In addition, creatine phosphokinase (CK), CK-MB activity and C-reactive protein (CRP) were assessed. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The free radicals and reactive species produced by these reactions are highly cytotoxic.
  • While the bars are chilling, make the chocolate topping: In a large nonreactive metal bowl, combine the chocolate, corn syrup, salt and butter (I did the salt to taste -- it was fabulous after 2 pinches; the original recipe does not call for any salt in any stage but I think it really adds something). Peanut Butter Crispy Bars
  • As you have just described, it seems as if the approach has been reactive rather than any proactive work.
  • There are also characteristic wastes, which means they are ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or designated as toxic by the Toxic Characteristic Leachate Procedure.
  • Argon is unreactive, so that it does not react with the metal filament even when hot.
  • A job scheduler and a dispatcher handle periodic jobs, whereas reactive jobs change state themselves for performance reasons.
  • A xenobiotic that has undergone a Phase I reaction is now a new intermediate metabolite that contains a reactive chemical group, e.g., hydroxyl (- OH), amino (- NH2), and carboxyl (- COOH). Biotransformation
  • The formation of reactive oxygen intermediates was monitored with a fluorescence probe allowing continuous measurements.
  • Computerisation allows doctors to expand their largely reactive role of sitting in the surgery waiting for ill patients to come to them.
  • Reiter's syndrome is a type of reactive arthritis that specifically refers to the classic triad of arthritis, conjunctivitis and urethritis.
  • The cysTMT Reagents label only free sulfhydryl groups on cysteine residues, in contrast to the amine-reactive TMT® Reagents. Featured News and Stories
  • In Friedel-Crafts reactions, alkyl chlorides are more reactive than alkyl bromides and alkyl iodides react only with difficulty.
  • This showed a reactive lymph node with prominent geminal centres and focal areas in keeping with necrotising granulomata.
  • In normal circumstances 99 percent or more of these friendly-fire-prone T cells are killed off quite efficiently; the body recognizes them as autoreactive—long before they escape out of the bone marrow—because they have a protein sequence on their surfaces different from the good kind of T cells that help to defend us from invading foes. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • He is being reactive rather than proactive and he feels less comfortable like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the interpretation stage, misclassifying benign child behavior as negative, which we term a negative appraisal bias, may also exacerbate one's tendency to discipline in an overreactive manner.
  • At some points in history, the role of conservatism has been to be reactive and to stand athwart history yelling ‘stop’, Rove says.
  • All assays were made in triplicate and possible interference with cross-reactive substances was checked by analysing a range of dilutions.
  • It is also caught between the worst of two political systems: a corrupt, crippled and haltingly reactive Federation and carpet-bagging capitalism.
  • The addition of scavengers suggests that reactive oxygen species caused this bacterial growth inhibition.
  • Essentially, the system senses the driving conditions and makes corrections and adjustments (to the brakes, throttle, steering) as required, but in such a way that it is more anticipative rather than reactive.
  • The asterisk indicates a cross-reactive species.
  • The missile uses a tandem warhead, which can defeat modern armor and reactive panels.
  • Rats with vagal, pelvic, hypogastric and ovarian neurectomies exhibited a marked decrease in calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive nerves in the uterus relative to rats with pelvic, hypogastric, and ovarian neurectomies with intact vagus nerves. In Defense of the Hysterectomy
  • The Internet poses several potential challenges to the regime that provoke a reactive state response.
  • Alder, Would yousay it was truethat Fluorine istoo reactive andso it actually does not get used in biological chemical systems really, at all. Wingnut Murder Spree or Are WE Part of the Problem?
  • Inhalation of coarse, ambient particulate matter may also contribute to the exacerbation of reactive airways disease.
  • Two forms of occupational asthma are recognized: reactive airway dysfunction syndrome and allergic occupational asthma.
  • In addition, the very reactive singlet oxygen can be generated by an input of energy.
  • The product is a kind of solid performance, a very excellent multi-color multi-amine-ene-fixing agent can be used for fixing reactive dyes.
  • Statins for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events in women with elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein or dyslipidemia: results from the Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) and meta-analysis of women from primary prevention trials. Mark Hyman, MD: Science for Sale: Protect Yourself From Medical Research Deception
  • At room temperature, formaldehyde is an extremely reactive colorless gas with a suffocating odor.
  • Among sensation seekers, Zuckerman has found, dopamine levels are low and very reactive to stimulation.
  • It is unlikely to be a direct effect and is probably a result of biotransformation of the drug in the lung to reactive metabolites and/or oxygen species that damage lung cells.
  • Measured by a simple blood test, c - reactive protein ( CRP ) has vexed scientists for years.
  • Reactive dyestuffs, developed in the Fifties, chemically react with the cotton fibre, under the influence of alkali and heat.
  • (AML) undergoing allogenic stem cell transplantation, alloreactive NK cells have been shown to have antileukemic effects which resulted in improved survival of the patients PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And by making the particles chemically reactive, scientists are building exquisitely sensitive sensors that can detect individual molecules.
  • For those patients with reactive airway disease, pre-medication should be considered.
  • These reactive aldehydes form specific cross-links between two chains.
  • Unfortunately, the police have dealt with the problem of car theft in a reactive rather than a proactive way.
  • The sunlight splits the chlorine into highly reactive ions that break ozone down into normal oxygen molecules.
  • But many T cells are “born” faulty when they are first produced in the bone marrow; they mistakenly react to the body itself, rather than to outside pathogens: they are “autoreactive.” The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • And the law is always reactive and lagging behind social developments.
  • Moreover, the reactive conditions of many elementary reactions are studied and optimized by time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, and root locus analysis.
  • Immunohistochemistry showed that the tumor cells were diffusely reactive to alphafetoprotein, alpha 1, antitrypsin, and cytokeratin.
  • The bit of chloride lingering in the air can react with nitrogen oxides, formed when fuel is burned at high temperature, to form nitryl chloride, a forerunner of chlorine atoms, the most reactive form of chlorine. Newswise: Latest News
  • One of our biggest challenges is to step back from the fray and find a space where we can reflect on the nature of the transformation so that our response to it is proactive rather than reactive.
  • They might also influence free radicals: atoms with unpaired electrons that are highly reactive and play a part in all sorts of biochemical processes.
  • Thus the direction and depth of our reactive attitudes and moral responses track the type of behavior we are responding to, and help encourage or discourage it, depending on our interests.
  • The term active covers both proactive AND reactive behavior. There’s Always a First Time… | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Alkyl oxonium ions are widely known as reactive intermediates in organic reactions. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News

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