How To Use Reactionary In A Sentence

  • But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for. NYT > Home Page
  • An intriguing first two sentences, there, that drop bathetically into Amis-père-like reactionary noodling. Archive 2010-03-01
  • The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.
  • He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and assorted reactionary ranters.
  • He was a subtle and effective reactionary.
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  • He was not a harmless old drunk, but a bigoted, racist reactionary who made a fortune from the oil industry.
  • But I'm also no reactionary, in that I don't believe such a community has ever existed, not really.
  • We now get a glimpse into the reactionary politics, racism, and social parasitism of his mayoral administration.
  • He said that the Roman Catholic Church is a greater threat to relationships than Facebook: "Religious bigotry has fuelled the fragmentation of societies, the increase in prejudice and reactionary thinking". The End of Civilization As We Know It
  • Thus the dynamic of US imperialism versus reactionary local forces maintains its self-perpetuating momentum. Hostage taking in Iran: the pawns in a battle against US imperialism | David Wearing
  • For the US conservative it is also inextricable from the abhorrence through which any “overly” strong woman is judged as a moral transgressor, in a vilely reactionary misogyny. Archive 2009-01-01
  • This is a column about New Labour's complete failure to publicise its many progressive achievements, while screeching out its reactionary policies in a ceaseless wail.
  • The grand coalition has been paralysed by the most reactionary elements of Left and Right. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is progressive to not only increase knowledge of the world, but to spread this knowledge as widely as possible; to wrap one's arguments in hermetic language is itself reactionary, supporting the position that there is a select "elite" who can understand these issues and cutting pretty much everyone else off from them. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • The fact that no one has claimed responsibility only underscores the profoundly reactionary character of these attacks.
  • At the same time this policy encourages and mobilises the most reactionary, egotistical and anti-social elements.
  • If the original film was something of a feminist diatribe, the undercurrent of the remake is plainly reactionary.
  • Some people say it is completely reactionary because it is in rhyme and meter and that it's got this antiquated stanzaic form etcetera.
  • It was useless to try to'stabilize the dying reactionary situation.
  • This kind of prettifying of the present Iranian regime (i.e. rendering a service to a reactionary regime), may explain why the Iranian authorities have given the green light to the SWP leaders 'books being translated and published in Iran! In Defence of Marxism
  • Three days after the Prime Minister's petulant sneer that only reactionary twits claim education standards have fallen comes pretty devastating evidence that this is indeed the case.
  • But they are not just reactionary eclectics; they think they can twist and recombine architectural history in fresh and original ways that would have been unthinkable before modernism wiped the slate clean.
  • This guy used to be a dyed in the wool reactionary but I've noticed that lately he's been well… pretty sensible and rational.
  • The cronies who run these associations pretend they are progressive, when in fact they are reactionary privateers.
  • That prices out those who seek cheap ruralness, and probably discourages those who seek traditional, (like God, family) even reactionary values (like xenophobia, patriarchalism, racism), because they won't find them there. Rural Mexico
  • Many of the people in the article were just caught up in the system, like the teen age girl and do not deserve the labels her brainless reactionary legal system have put on her. Main RSS Feed
  • Since then, they have ceaselessly prated about alternatives including foreign funded NGOism, job placements in the reactionary government, electoral politics and the like to the armed revolution rather than to the oppressive and exploitative ruling system. Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
  • It's not that they're filled with reactionary, backward-looking people (okay, there may be a few exceptions).
  • In any event, he's not McCain, a dangerously reactionary ding-a-ling I do not want to see elected. No Apologies From Obama For Wes Clark's Comments
  • She was a supreme social satirist and no reactionary. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And that ignorance is being exploited by the reactionary opponents of this disruptive and lifesaving innovation. Times, Sunday Times
  • These include: an inherent Pakistani-Muslim tendency toward violence, reactionary 'Islamic fundamentalist' laws in this case, Pakistan's blasphemy law, and just the overall permeation of religious extremism throughout all corners of the country -- including even within the governor's own elite security guards. Junaid S. Ahmad: More To Pakistan Than Blasphemy Law
  • Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Peru they are conducting their great reactionary campaigns with the support of the oligarchy and the press, which reflects the thoughts of the imperialists, that is, the rightist press. CASTRO'S BAY OF PIGS ANNIVERSARY SPEECH
  • It can lead to the creation of entirely new forms of social structure -- the coffee house or the commune -- but these have to be adopted by individuals, consolidated into subcultures, and able to survive a reactionary mainstream that is innately antagonistic to subcultures of alternativity. More Aesthetics
  • My interest is no mere trivial and reactionary antiquarianism.
  • Racing, far from celebrating a rare triumph for positive thinking, has reverted to wallowing in its engrained, reactionary clubbiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will the struggles against global capitalism go forward on the program of socialist internationalism or will they be diverted into the blind alley of reactionary nationalism?
  • Crusading newspaperman versus reactionary publisher was a stock trope of the first half of the twentieth century.
  • But the only surprise here is in the formulaic plotting and the weirdly reactionary politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • A portrayal of modern American history as one vast and unending reactionary saga would be caricature of reality.
  • The Government of the Qing Dynasty collaborated with foreign reactionary forces to crush down the peasant uprising of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.
  • How else could one account for the astonishingly abrupt shift in the American horror film from the progressive, exploratory, often radical late '60s-'70s to the reactionary and repressive '80s?
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, at the time, was not a reactionary view. IN DEFENCE OF ARISTOCRACY
  • This is a ridiculous and reactionary practice that has morphed true humility into a bludgeon for the easily offended who are envious because of their own lack of skills and abilities.
  • First day of Swampitude and the left-wing blogosphere -- which is overpopulated by illiberal leftists and reactionary progressives -- is already attacking me: 24 mostly mingy comments about my Left Behind post, many of which seem to be steaming off a post by Greg Sargent, who writes a blog called The Horse's ... Now that I have your attention - Swampland -
  • In fact, what we're getting on November 30 is a curious amalgam of the reactionary and the progressive.
  • This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.
  • The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.
  • Fortunately, a more efficient system is finally on the doorstep of America's most stubborn, foot-dragging, reactionary sector—government at the local, state and especially federal levels—and its officially authorized, customer-hating agents, the Democrats and Republicans. Death of the Duopoly
  • Immigrants have been dehumanized and the issue has been analyzed in a reactionary way. Hector E. Sanchez: A New Approach to Immigration: It's Time to Stop Blaming Immigrants
  • Japan's reactionary Tokugawa shogunate employed gunpowder to obliterate troublemakers and then banned all guns—even its own—for the sake of preserving the samurais' sword-wielding hegemony. Where They Got Their Grit
  • He thinks of Europe as being a brake on the ideology of economic unilateralism which is capitalist, conservative and reactionary.
  • Knock back your entire shot in one gulp, immediately inverting your glass over the table to allow the microscopic last drop to fall out, proving you're not a wuss or a reactionary revanchist Trotskyite provocateur.
  • By this point we have the perfect marriage of reactionary politics with suitably bad art.
  • Many years ago, I went to the Central Lobby of the Houses of Parliament in London to keep an appointment with the almost picturesquely reactionary Conservative politician Alan Clark. The Pity of War
  • He considered peasants a reactionary force and peasant societies a drag on historical progress.
  • The reactionary tendencies aside, the artistic community did not have to deal with such disputes.
  • Aside from filibustering the GOP's energy plan and blocking a handful of exceptionally reactionary judicial nominees, there are few success stories to which Democratic leaders can point.
  • Stalin saw the organisers of the insurrection as reactionary nationalists who would stand in the way of future Soviet hegemony.
  • He assailed other reactionary regimes sanctified by Napoleon's final defeat, prior to which he toured the Continent.
  • The reactionary police fired on the crowd, wounding one youngster.
  • Behind all this lies twenty years of reactionary politicking from the right, stoking distrust in government -- which can be a healthy thing, of course, but not when it is carried to the point of a blanket rejection of social coherence. Deepak Chopra: Glenn Beck and the faithful are attacking faith
  • What arose, in its place, is a kind of moralistic, paternalistic, reactionary culture in which undercover police arrest people for being drunk – not for fighting or lewdness or driving drunk but simply for being drunk while sitting at the bar. Get Kinky for Texas Governor
  • To make matters even worse, a Democratic president, Buchanan, gave his political support to these reactionary efforts.
  • In Military SF and Epic Fantasy the same old reactionary shite is still churned out by the bucketload, and readers lap it up. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • But in addition to being erratic, Lewis has a particularly reactionary political agenda.
  • The preponderant opinion was rural and reactionary and suspicious of some of the proposed social legislation.
  • He is capable of avuncular charm, wheezy laughter and mischievous wit as well as grizzly ferocity and stick-in-the-mud reactionary attitudes and walking-stick-in-the-hand swashbuckling.
  • (Sakizliogu noted that some of these elements were professionalised and reactionary), a city-wide platform of residents associations and what she described as a resuscitation of left history. xli She asked if a 'Right to Housing' or 'Right to the City' movement might help focus struggle, and made the suggestion that a more powerful resistance to the victimisation, separation and privatisation of tenants/residents groups might lie in the convergence of movements of different tenure types. xlii Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET
  • Reactionary foulmouthed denialists, close minded chauvanists, the wheel turns dudes, the wheel turns. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Social tensions are so pronounced that even the reactionary clerics speak of reform.
  • Eventually, the central committee of the National Liberation Front judged Captain Versace to be a reactionary, which meant that he was unworthy of the Viet Cong's so-called "lenient and humanitarian" treatment. Versace, Humberto R.
  • In order to say that, we have to [kind of] recognize that we might be clinging to some kind of scientifically pre-lapsarian [and even physiologically] conservatively reactionary stance, while at the same time, we really cannot imagine "ourselves" apart from the structure of a world that necessitates, as MKH writes, Last of the Time Lords
  • The unspoken corollary is that societies need to be more reactionary: patriarchal, church-going, majoritarian, and philoprogenitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • My sympathies rush to reach my co-religionist sisters struggling to prove that piety isn't reactionary, that covering your head doesn't mean covering your mind. Haroon Moghul: She's Hot and Hezbollah: When Women Are Wielded as Ideological Weapons
  • The entire film is an exaggerated study in brainless women being used for decorative purposes, but it's so damn lousy that I can't even muster up any reactionary feminist offense to it. June 27th, 2005
  • It is hard to get a hold on him as he flickers between tough and tender, radical and reactionary, liberal and conservative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catherine Deneuve gives an unmistakably regal performance as Suzanne Bujol, a potiche, or trophy wife, to Robert (Fabrice Luchini) the wealthy, reactionary owner of an umbrella factory in 1977; he patronises his wife and is alienated from his grown-up children (played by Jérémie Renier and Judith Godrèche.) Potiche: A French farce with feeling
  • Despite drawing critical fire and reactionary ire, the show's back for a second series.
  • The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising.
  • Beneath his bluff exterior, he is a narrow-minded reactionary with merely some financial success.
  • Everything changes with the arrival of a reactionary Scots missionary preaching hellfire and damnation.
  • But mere faith and blind faith is dangerous: it dulls the brain, and makes a man reactionary.
  • It grew ever more clear to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary, too blinkered.
  • The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.
  • Her tone was that of a conservative reactionary bemoaning the collapse of family values.
  • In 1932 the SPD supported a vote for the deeply reactionary Hindenburg as German president.
  • He insisted that the Soviet bureaucracy was not, as Trotsky had analyzed, a reactionary privileged caste, but rather a new ruling class.
  • There was a guy, William Henry, who wrote this book then called In Defense of Elitism, and thought it was kind of reactionary in some ways (some over-the-top language designed to provoke and traduce), I thought it was pretty bracing and mostly correct. Liberals and religion and culture
  • Such a response might help to get us past that frozen, defensive moment of offence which casts everything in black and white, into moral dualities of good and evil, progressive and reactionary.
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It finds no serious reflection in the political deliberations of the US government or in the narrow and reactionary range of opinion that is permitted by the mass media.
  • The revolutionary literature that accompanied these first movements of the proletariat had necessarily a reactionary character.
  • Inside Haiti, the opposition has turned to the most reactionary elements.
  • The thing's just ugly, and one big proof of its ugliness is that until the most recent election, its list of cosponsors was mostly conservative Republicans like Trent Lott and Gordon Smith and reactionary Democrats like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu. $300 a day for Gatsby (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Liberalism provides valorization of the individual subject and the rule of law against the reactionary potential of institutional petrifaction and authoritarian principles.
  • Moreover Drummond isn't your average Colonel Blimp reactionary; yes, he deplores the fixation with populist culture but he is essentially a modernist at heart.
  • Reactionary forces/elements in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency..
  • Reactionary forces/elements in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency..
  • Conservative without being reactionary, dependable without being boring, masculine without being aggressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reform was further hampered by the reactionary commander-in-chief from 1856 to 1895: the Duke of Cambridge who, as the queen's cousin, was held to be irremovable.
  • He thinks of Europe as being a brake on the ideology of economic unilateralism which is capitalist, conservative and reactionary.
  • Readers may be tempted to dismiss such reflections as a reactionary tirade against popular government.
  • Every conservationist is in danger of being labelled reactionary, a stick-in-the-mud, backward-looking.
  • Civil society is assaulted in the most criminal way by the most pitilessly reactionary force in the modern world.
  • In the identification of Bolshevism and Stalinism they render the best possible service to the Thermidorians and precisely thereby play a clearly reactionary role.
  • We should be on guard against what are, at heart, reactionary views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such groups were increasingly seen as "reactionary" apologists for "vested interest groups ", rather than defenders of a relevant, broad and universal political philosophy. Thinking the Unthinkable
  • We might ask ourselves: If these ideas are so self-evidently cockeyed and reactionary, why do they keep advancing?
  • At a time when the press failed to check a reactionary Administration, when the opposition party all too often chose timidity, it was the lowly and anonymous bureaucrats, clad in rumpled suits, ID badges dangling from their necks, who, in their own quiet, behind-the-scenes way, took to the ramparts to defend the integrity of the American system of government. Matthew Yglesias » Bureaucracy: Teh Awesome
  • The working class cannot rely on the corrupt and reactionary bourgeoisie to defend democratic rights or oppose fascism.
  • It would be stupid to ignore the extent to which the industry's confluence of interests with the most reactionary forces corrupts the products of even its most noble-minded artists.
  • With each reactionary word, he moves his party further to the right
  • But even apart from the reactionary content of their politics, the dearth of substantive analysis brands them as charlatans and imposters.
  • This Charles question is not really about him being a fogey with hopelessly reactionary ideas.
  • Beneath his bluff exterior, he is a narrow-minded reactionary with merely some financial success.
  • The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.
  • As far as botheration currently goes, Mr Banker rates about a 2 and the latest reactionary strike against equality, and actual lives being hurt, a 95. Another quick update
  • What is even more remarkable, however, is that this reactionary tract was penned by a self-proclaimed freethinker and anarchist.
  • Whether a social movement is reactionary or revolutionary depends to some extent on one's standpoint. Sociology
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can they proceed without grasping how the great mass upsurge of 1979 brought to power a thoroughly reactionary regime?
  • For the Viennese positivists, Heidegger's work is the return to a reactionary, anti-scientific metaphysics, which is allied politically to pan-Germanic aspirations.
  • The bourgeoisie, reactionary and profascist, afraid of the advance of a socialist system, preferred even domination by Hitler. MAY DAY CELEBRATION
  • It grew ever more clear to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary, too blinkered.
  • The reliance on national governments and the nation state leaves the door open for the most reactionary forces.
  • The most common reason I heard for the erasure was a reactionary urge that was easy to resent: "They're essentially moving it because they don't want to look at girls dressed like sluts," said Calisha Jenkins, one of the organizers of the December 19 ride. Nathan Schneider: What Hipsters Can Learn From Hasids About the Bedford Bike Lane
  • True, it would represent a humiliating surrender to some of the most reactionary yahoos in American society.
  • The reactionary troops are being hit everywhere.
  • But the dialectic method of argument is undoubtedly a good one if used properly, as it is dynamic, progressive and evolutionary (as opposed to being static, reactionary and revolutionary).
  • Throughout the 20th century, the West, to safeguard its own economic interests, supported the most backward, despotic and reactionary survivals from the past, helping to defeat all forms of secularism.
  • It counterposes the countryside to the city, and its rhetoric runs along clearly reactionary lines.
  • Timothy Dwight, the fervently reactionary and comically pompous head of Yale University, was a strong Federalist supporter who predicted that the accession of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency would lead to "a frenzied dance of Jacobinism. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • Why else would I be cheering on self-promoting snakes like Morgan and reactionary fogeys like Moore?
  • The Times played a critical role in legitimizing this deeply reactionary campaign.
  • And it certainly does not need to be insular, or remotely reactionary.
  • Every conservationist is in danger of being labelled reactionary, a stick-in-the-mud, backward-looking.
  • But these reactionary ideas find it necessary to cloak themselves in the language of science to gain legitimacy.
  • So, given we all know there is a plurality of opinion within the Muslim community why choose the very organisation that actually is associated with reactionary views to form an alliance with?
  • In a culture like theirs, so precariously balanced between nature and culture, such reactionary Calvinist rhetoric seems odd.
  • We need to recognise that the denialist movement is a true grass-roots phenomenon, though this does not make it any less reactionary.
  • So the reactionary viewpoint has a lot of intellectual heft these days, but it doesn't have much political heft.
  • The term ‘reactionary force’ has political overtones and historical connotations.
  • They denounced the fundamental aspect of the colonialist and reactionary plot to detach the struggle for unity from the struggle for liberation.
  • Despite drawing critical fire and reactionary ire, the show's back for a second series.
  • He was, by many reckonings, the most reactionary pope of the 20th century.
  • When do we start examining the upsides of fluid and multifarious attention, rather than popping off reactionary warnings about the dangers of being ‘addicted’ to communications?
  • Thus the only sincere answer to Irish nationalism is English nationalism, which is a reality; and not English imperialism, which is a reactionary fiction, or English internationalism, which is a revolutionary one. What I Saw in America
  • It is reactionary and regressive to pretend that television does not exist.
  • Sismondi disliked Schlegel personally and was shocked by many of his “reactionary” views. ROMANTICISM IN LITERATURE
  • It must be channelled into the fight for an alternative perspective, which will cut a path through the reactionary political fog created by the capitalist parties, the ‘left’ opportunists and chauvinists.
  • I can't work out whether this is satire, tongue in cheek campery or just reactionary lunacy. Archive 2006-01-01
  • No mere reactionary, Schwartz was also interested in and informed about contemporary art that might look very different from his own.
  • There are numerous examples: In Chile, where they have associated with Pinochet and fascism; in Latin America, where they have allied with the most reactionary and antinational elements; in Africa, particularly Angola, where they have supported and antinational elements; in Africa, particularly Angola, where they have supported the groups connected with the CIA and neocolonialism, with the racists, and most of all with the INTERVIEW TO FRENCH WEEKLY AFRIQUE-ASIE
  • How odd that the American left, when it is not busy swallowing the unpunctuated words of the CIA, follows this with another helping of wisdom from the most reactionary institution of the British state.
  • ESA operates a sustainable Space program within budgetary limits as opposed to an American program that IMHO is largely reactionary; over optimistic, over hyped and over budget and, when the steroids run out, prone to long periods of stagnation and infighting. Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
  • At this level, she represents what I have elsewhere called reactionary traditionalism, a vehement rejection of modernity or westernization through the assertion of tradition as a categorial identity.
  • The truth is they represent the interests of a bigoted, rich and reactionary rabble.
  • Must be differentiated from Schools which may be independent and contain nests of reactionary hate mongering education not limited to Nazi Germnay Minor Familar`s Dictionary
  • Superficially, he seemed at different times to be an ardent liberal or a reactionary militarist.
  • Witness his archly reactionary definition of fivepence as 'the sum of five pence in our new (adopted 1971) currency'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is an opportunist and a power hungry reactionary, I don't even see him ‘liberalising’ the economy.
  • The most reactionary elements - those with the most dangerous messianic schemes - are planning to take over the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note 14: Prominent educationalist and demoticist, and one of EAM's intellectual architects, Dimitris Glinos, spoke of '... the formation of a provisional government after liberation, which would provide for the election of a constitutional assembly based on popular sovereignty; and the affirmation of the right of the nation to decide its form of government; of EAM to halt any reactionary attempt to impose a government contrary to the will of the people' (Glinos, 1944). back Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • In a professional army, the extent of deeply reactionary political sentiment is far greater.
  • But having begun for reactionary reasons, the riots quickly showed a passion and fury that suggested deeply felt injustice.
  • To say that, I recognise, is to risk appearing as a reactionary, someone constantly harking back to a mythical golden age.
  • The Government of the Qing Dynasty collaborated with foreign reactionary forces to crush down the peasant uprising of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.
  • I always thought that the position labor took on the trade bill was backward-looking, it was reactionary, and now they're paying a price for their own rhetoric.
  • The freedom of the electors to cast their votes for a candidate other than the one chosen by the people of their state is only one of the many peculiar features of the reactionary and archaic Electoral College structure.
  • There is a growing reactionary movement in the world of food, with a corporate and agribusiness backlash against organics.
  • He and the Democrats have adopted a reactionary platform not because they think it is necessary to win the popular vote, but because such a program is required by the financial oligarchy that controls both major political parties.
  • Europe has the chance of being a barrier against the pensée unique of economic unilateralism: capitalist, conservative, reactionary.
  • As pressure on the party intensifies, it increasingly cuddles up to politically reactionary forces both at home and abroad.
  • Throughout the article he used some of the most reactionary tabloid language possible for the occasion.
  • Before you go about calling me a reactionary, it could be that future generations will view the horror of the music culture in the same light as the crack epidemic.
  • Not least of the obstacles he would encounter in life were the animus and violence of the reactionary throngs.
  • In that influential 1964 text, Sontag denounced what she termed a reactionary and philistine tendency to bury works of art underneath theory-heavy interpretations.
  • The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising.
  • The two first were themselves emphatically "eccentrics" -- one an apostle of dandyism (he actually wrote a book about Brummel, whom he had met early), a disdainful critic of rather untrustworthy vigour, and a stalwart reactionary to Catholicism and Royalism; the other a devotee of the exact opposite of dandyism, as the title of his best-known book, _Les A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Japan's reactionary Tokugawa shogunate employed gunpowder to obliterate troublemakers and then banned all guns—even its own—for the sake of preserving the samurais' sword-wielding hegemony. Where They Got Their Grit
  • They do not know what the word dissidence means, they would not know the meaning of this word. [laughter] Then, they built up their campaign around this idea and of course, first it was the imperialist press and then, as can be imagined, the reactionary and rightist press against socialism, against communism, against the Cuban revolution. MAY DAY RALLY
  • Basically, this turns out to be another of the prince's reactionary discourses on why modern life isn't as it should be - which is to say, not to his fusty tastes.
  • In Sri Lanka, where the ruling class has resorted to communalism to buttress its rule for decades, nationalism takes particularly reactionary forms.
  • The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.
  • There can be no quietism, no reactionary traditionalism, no retreat from the world.
  • Please note that I'm not a reactionary Xenophobic Euro-skeptic, it's just that I once went to Australia and discovered that the Euro (the intended currency for the whole of Europe) is a type of wallaby or wallaroo.
  • Marx also saw that to be successful the workers' revolution had to be able to defend itself against counter-revolution by capitalist and reactionary forces.
  • But even apart from the reactionary content of their politics, the dearth of substantive analysis brands them as charlatans and imposters.
  • We should be working to deconstruct and eliminate such reactionary dualisms and recognize that the oppression of humans and non-humans is tied-up in the same logic of domination.
  • He then volenteered for Viet-Nam and was assigned to the 1st marine Div. 5th Marine Regt located at a firebase named An Hoa where he was assigned to the Reactionary Plt assign to patrol the area around Hill 55 and throughout an area named Arizona Valley. Christian dickerson 01
  • He had tried to rule as an absolute monarch presiding over a centralised bureaucracy and suppressing nationalist ambitions (especially those of Hungary) among the ill-assorted races of his unwieldy empire; changing times had forced him into reluctant concessions, but his reactionary nature and passion for the detail of administration, over which he laboured conscientiously, had blinded him to those greater issues which he had neither the vision nor the temperament to understand. Watershed
  • One newspaper said yesterday that they were proof that he is ‘one of the most reactionary occupants of his office in modern times’.
  • And both are scared of reality TV - ostensibly because it degrades people, but actually because it shoves real, imperfect people in the faces of hoity-toity reactionary and liberal alike.
  • Blogging, and any form of personal publishing, tends to be filled with a lot of reactionary and knee-jerk opinion.
  • We have a reactionary police force and they respond to the complaints of residents.
  • They're the reactionary vanguard in the great culture war of egalitarian parenting. Times, Sunday Times

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