How To Use React In A Sentence
But he has to be a little more careful about how he reacts.
The Sun
Owing to different structures of cotton fiber and chitin fiber, they have differentadsorbability to reactive dyestuffs.
The ether gradually absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, being converted into acetic acid; this, by its superior affinities, reacts on the iodide present, converting it into acetate, with liberation of hydriodic acid; while this latter, under the influence of the atmospheric oxygen, is very rapidly converted into water and iodine.
Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Aliquot 10μ l of the master mix for each DNA to be analyzed into a reaction tube.
KING: How do you react to the fact, we'll get to "Apollo 13" and lots of other things, that people looked at it from their point of view, liberals saw it as liberal, conservatives saw it conservative, moderates saw it as moderate, some people saw it as apolitical, antipolitical.
CNN Transcript - Larry King Live Weekend: Tom Hanks' Career From `Bonfire of the Vanities' to `Saving Private Ryan' - February 17, 2001

The scene near the Chennai Kaliappa Hospital, on Tuesday was supremely ironical, and drew sharp reactions from tree lovers who were passing by.
His casual reaction, "you're overreacting," "these things happen, right?" suggests they've gone through this before, with presumably the more recent procedure she discussed with her gyno.
Samantha Zalaznick: Mad Men Recap: Help!
No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms.
Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
Does a father react angrily when his tired, overwhelmed twelve-month-old flails out and hits him on the nose?
But Salmond appeared to concede that he had overreacted in his response to the PCC.
Meanwhile, doctors have identified still more reactions to stress that can increase our risk of cardiovascular disease.
Times, Sunday Times
The 886 Professional thermostat/reactor is said to be the ideal complement to the system for any kind of derivatisation.
Laboratorytalk - laboratory industry news
To avoid having sodium react with oxygen or water vapor in the air, it is usually stored under kerosene, naphtha, or some other organic liquid with which it does not react.
The strength of the argument for splitting the bill is evident in the reaction of the two Republican senators from Texas.
That Constellation would not sign a power purchase agreement for its own reactor is a stunning admission that atomic energy cannot compete with natural gas or renewables.
Harvey Wasserman: Nuke "Renaissance" Leaps off Calvert Cliffs
But decades of research have gone by and scientists remain incapable of creating a sustainable fusion reaction that could be used to create reliable power.
The presence of small lymphocytes in serous cavity fluid can pose great difficulty in the differentiation between a low-grade lymphoproliferative disorder and reactive lymphocytosis.
He reacted angrily to the suggestion that he had lied.
Note the extremes of acidity and alkalinity in which macroscopical growth has developed (Range of reaction).
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
This nascent bleach can also react with primary or secondary amines to form longer lasting, antimicrobial chloramines.
Allozymes are catalytic RNA- or DNA-based molecules whose ability to catalyze a reaction is modulated by their interaction with an effector molecule.
Our reaction to a tickling sensation may have arisen from a defence against creepy-crawlies.
Times, Sunday Times
The grannom, and the reaction it seems to produce in fish, can prove a head-scratcher.
Times, Sunday Times
All of which has elicited no reaction at all.
Times, Sunday Times
The questionnaire is to test customer reaction to the new store design.
But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for.
NYT > Home Page
Amides tend to be somewhat less reactive, but are also subject to hydrolysis and analogous reactions.
And I don't believe it's right for the Democrats to kind of overreact to the last election.
President In Photo Op During Congressional Meeting
It means a distorted reaction of the immune system.
Times, Sunday Times
This friend is rather temperamental and I don't know how they'll react.
These elements - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium - all react with water to give solutions that change the color of a vegetable dye from red to blue.
A reaction induced on the laboratory bench may, like yeast in inert dough, leaven the whole of mankind, lightening and lifting it to heights undreamed of by its ancestors.
The Contribution of Creative Chemistry to the Humanities
Allergic reactions to co-trimoxazole are more common in persons with AIDS.
Chapter 22
She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities.
Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
Had I been more attuned to racism in the office, I might have anticipated the reaction.
You both reacted in different ways to what was clearly a really tough period of strain.
The Sun
Nectarines exhibit different reactions to specific insect attacks and fungal infections than do peaches.
The use of bioreactor in vascular tissue engineering is a newly developed technics in recent years.
The luciferin-luciferase's reaction system may emit fluorescence, while the toxic substances will suppress the luminous intensity.
Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries.
That Melody Sounds Familiar
What we all know is those who live on knee-jerk reaction will either absolutely love or hate her.
Palin, Bachmann rally conservatives
He paused again, letting the name seep into the minds of those assembled and waiting for the general reaction.
Doors Into Chaos
It should be recognized that superelectrophilic reactions frequently proceed with only "electrophilic assistance" (solvation, association) by the superacids without forming distinct dipositive intermediates.
George A. Olah - Autobiography
In a more realistic scenario, Bulgaria will decommission reactors 1 and 2 by end - 2002 as agreed upon with the EC and it will preserve reactors 3 and 4.
Without marketing or communication, some consumers in early markets reacted strongly and spread the word virally to markets that did not yet have the diaper.
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Our first reaction is enthralled delight, but then ominous overtones register.
Carboxylic acids also react with alkalis, or bases.
Parents have to find ways to show their children that they appreciate their feelings and reactions.
If I were rolling in discretional funds, I might want one as a fun gun to take to the range, just to see the local Rambos react to it.
A Tactical Side-by-Side Shotgun?
The news caused a reaction that was predictable.
Times, Sunday Times
The back section is fitted with the nuclear reactor, which powers the submarine.
Times, Sunday Times
Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, occur rarely, but timely intervention is crucial.
But when the therapist starts to enquire how they react to the problems at home a difference in opinion may be revealed.
He was the author of more than 200 articles on chemical kinetic gas-phase reactions, molecular spectroscopy, and thermo-chemistry of organic compounds.
The reaction to what was seen as Hodgson's rather skewed perspective contributed to the campaign to have the manager defenestrated.
A different reaction or argument of white Southerners in respect to recent events in the South is bewilderment.
they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power
It is important to understand that we are breaking a habit, for we have been conditioned to react in this way.
Some asthmatics also react to sulfites present in some foods and wines.
This is placed on chemically treated plastic strips which react with cancer cells, turning a fluorescent green.
The 1933 elections demonstrated the growing right wing reaction against left wing republican parties.
The panicky reaction of players at the US Open betrayed their lack of resilience in the face of adversity.
Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc).
Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
It was natural that writers interested in medieval history and culture should react sharply to the deni - gration of their period by Burckhardt and scores of lesser men.
When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.
He maintains he was doing the speed limit and had no time to react.
Their reaction contrasts sharply with the stiff upper lip of the English.
After all, a strong leader provokes a strong reaction.
AIM:To observe the effect of resveratrol, reactivator of silent information regulator 2 (SIR2), on myocardial cell apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats and SIR2 expression.
Due to a combination of cowardice, claustrophobia and Crohn's disease, I do not react well to being kettled at marches.
At his office he had found her attractive, but it was an objective, uninvolved reaction.
It seems likely to do just that as a social barometer of genuine historical value that records everything from the British public's reactions to regional accents to the history of sudoku.
They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.
Learning Although some of our behaviour is based on reflex and instinctive reactions, most of our behaviour is learned.
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Security Council, in its reaction to the September 11 attacks, obliged member states to "criminalize" terrorist attacks - not to declare war on terrorists.
Daphne Eviatar: Graham Bill Plays Right Into al Qaeda's Hands
T cells identify antigens, and the antigen-sensitised T cells produce cytokines and other soluble factors which mediate the hypersensitivity reaction, or else they develop cytotoxicity.
The Different Types of Dairy Allergy
You are the only one who has reacted this way.
Times, Sunday Times
Some kind of unimaginable chemical reaction would take the natural sweat produced by us all and turn it into an emitter of light.
Also, with chemical reactions as your energy source, you can't really use hydrogen as your exhaust gas, because it isn�t the product gas of the energetic reactions you'd like to use, always assuming that you don't actually have tanks of monoatomic hydrogen lying around.
The questionnaire is to test customer reaction to the new store design.
Metal complexes are generally prepared by reacting a salt with another molecule or ion.
When the ship fired its polaron beam at one mine, others within that defensive sphere reacted to the threat, homing in on the source of the beam and attacking it en masse.
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The first synthetic polymer produced by a condensation reaction was Bakelite.
Next, we examined characteristics of 18-month old alloreactive T-cells in a transgenic adoptive transfer model.
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Jabbing with the point he kept off Alexei's attack until the reaction of their mid-air collision made them drift apart again.
The company was slow to react when rival cut their prices and sales tumbled.
Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
Things will happen. You can't stop them from happening, but you can control your reaction from making things worse. React positively. Live happily. RVM
However, in a pilot study, the instrument successfully measured reactive hyperemia following pressure in healthy volunteers.
Rafe rolled his eyes in amusement, tickled at her reaction.
I think I prefer to shift through information first and take my time to think about what I write - lest all that raw, reactive blabber does nothing but add to the noise.
An intriguing first two sentences, there, that drop bathetically into Amis-père-like reactionary noodling.
Archive 2010-03-01
One thing was certain: she must have ten minutes to pull herself together, reactivate her brain to make sense of all this.
But there's a falsity in the reaction to the disaster that both intrigues and disgusts me.
If the government doesn't accept the recommendation to build a new reactor, the other options to secure a long-term isotope supply will have to be revisited, the report said. Music briefs
The keeper then excelled himself by reacting quickly to block the rebound from Adam and, unbelievably, Dundee were still ahead.
They need time to digest radical change, otherwise their immediate reaction is negative.
It results from the reaction of phosphorus with iron and aluminum in acidic soils, and calcium in alkaline soils.
This lack of reactivity would be unheard of for any other oxonium ion," says
Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
Ben Muirhead mishit it like normal and luckily I was able to react quickest - it's just goal-poacher's instinct!
Eosin Y is an anionic or acid dye in spite of the fact that a solution of the sodium salt of eosin is basic in reaction.
In low explosives, such as the propellant in a bullet cartridge, the reaction occurs relatively slowly and the pressure isn't as damaging.
Polyphenol oxidase is the enzyme that makes phenolics react to form brown pigments.
The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.
The double-barreled results: Lowering levels of a protein called CRP, or C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, seems to be protective even when cholesterol levels are okay.
When aniline is reacted with excess acetic acid under dehydration conditions a white, crystalline material is formed, acetanilide.
Milan: Operators reacted with frustration to a spate of new capital increase operations announced late last week.
As I glean from the Wikipedia article on the subject, atavistic traits are "birth defects" more than reactions to environmental changes.
Eureka: What About Bob?
I suppose that extra half hour was as much from audience reaction time as anything else.
The problem with the Free Republic is being a hyper-patriot and using "barf" as your reaction to everything.
Chris Kelly: Free Republic Brings You the News (BARF ALERT!)
The milli - to picosecond time scales gave important information on chemical reactions.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
The last thing we want is to put ourselves in the position where he is taunted or provoked and reacts again.
Reaction product of acid phosphatase is localized primarily in the small vacuoles, and occasionally in the dictyosome cisternae and vesicles of the golgi body.
German's work; but what perhaps the world calls charlatanism in him is really only the reaction of genius when it comes into conflict with the brutal obstinacy of real life.
Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
I think anything pst the mid-range equiptment is a wase of money, but each persons eye's react differen to glass. try several and see which one's suit your eyes better.
Gun Myths, Part II: Rough barrels, expensive binoculars, and "knock-down" power
Irrational or disturbed emotional reactions, however, are often maladaptive.
The patients, all of whom were habitual heroin users, were aware of an abnormal local reaction from the time of the suspect injection.
Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
Based on blog and comment reactions I've seen, some readers find that element really shocking, and at that point either doff their hat in my direction for how I handled it, or get really angry, either at the story or directly at me.
An Interview with Mike Allen
Since those temperatures generally amount to a few million degrees, fusion reactions are also known as thermonuclear reactions.
Magnesium is an important cofactor in many enzymatic reactions.
Although it contains sulfur, the structure of sulfur is different from that of sulfites and sulfa drugs, which have been shown to cause allergic reactions.
The saint's reaction was instant and he heaped maledictions on the unfortunate salmon, forbidding it or any of its kind ever to enter the lake again.
The once-through yield of furfuryl alcohol is greater than 90%, and the outlet mixture contains no any unreacted furfural.
However, some people can have an immediate and more widespread allergic reaction, such as an anaphylactic shock and this can be fatal.
The young couple she confronted with this information today seemed bemused and uncertain how to react.
There's no saying how he'll react.
He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and assorted reactionary ranters.
We were being reactive instead of proactive.
Christianity Today
He told me that he has been diagnosed as suffering from reactive depression and is currently being treated for that by a psychiatrist.
Details of the polymerase chain reaction are given in a previous publication.
An approximate expression for calculation the conversion at reactor outlet X_A is also derived.
With government support, Cuban agriculture began to react to its immediate needs: to develop a sustainable, self-supporting agricultural system using renewable resources.
That would give you potentials for the complete reaction that are positive for reduction of Cu²⁺ to Cu (s), but not for reduction of Cu²⁺ to Cu⁺.
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Typical CNS exam question: "The product of enterokinase reactions is: ......
Dr. Jonny Bowden: Jane Brody, Wrong on Nutrition
In some cases, allergy skin or blood tests are carried out, to work out what has caused the allergic reaction.
The market's reaction was swift and brutal.
Since he published a paper on fluoroquinolone side effects in 2001, says Dr. Jay Cohen, a medical researcher and associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, "I have received several hundred emails, most of which relate terrible, often catastrophic reactions that are slow to pass, leaving some people disabled for months or years.
The ignored risks of America's most popular antibiotics
In this way, the energy released by the exergonic reaction can be partially harnessed to drive the endergonic one.
The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle, is one of the most important reaction sequences in biochemistry.
Krebs cycle
Hopkins' hysteria was a sample of America's campus-based indignation industry, which churns out operatic reactions to imagined slights.
The consignment is a reactor imported by BPCL-Kochi Refinery for its vacuum gas oil hydro de-sulphurisation unit. - Articles related to Minister unveils plans for maritime tourism project
If the yeast foods caused you to have an abdominal reaction, then you may find the weight loss came to a standstill this week.
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A very common cause of browning is a more complicated reaction known as sugar-amine browning.
The products of this reaction are oxygen (O2), water, and carbohydrates, such as starches and sugars (Figure 5.5).
5. How plants live and grow
Rovers very nearly got themselves back into the game within seconds, when Finn ran on to Gary Twigg's flick-on to head towards goal, but Ryzhikov made a fine reaction save to keep his effort out from point-blank range.
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Using radar, the Protector system becomes active only after the driver has failed to react.
Later reactions against the Canon were a recognition of the intemperance of behaviorism.
Peter was well ahead of them, walking alone, his head down, his calculations and reactions, as always, unknowable.
But I am not exaggerating things, and I am not overreacting to her.
They are alert, hawk-eyed, sharp-witted, with lightning reaction times.
Times, Sunday Times
Reactions of non-metallic elements to form covalent compounds are atom transfer reactions.
He was a subtle and effective reactionary.
Lastly, this is the simplest transition yet disclosed from the succinyl to furfural grouping, being effected by a regulated proportion of oxygen, and under conditions of reaction which may be described as of the mildest.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
Consider what he says to her when she confronts him: he admits that he ‘overreacted.’
Describing her mother's reaction to the news, Harrold said she was unable to face even her closest friends.
More serious cases will receive what Burghardt calls "desensitization counter-conditioning," which entails exposing the dog at a safe distance to a sight or sound that might trigger a reaction - a gunshot, a loud bang or a vehicle, for instance.
The Seattle Times
Not that he was really concerned with the horrified reaction of the less bloodthirsty.
By pressing a button on the bottom, water mixes with quicklime, producing a chemical reaction that heats the coffee.
But the handicapper has reacted accordingly.
The Sun
These compounds are more reactive than paraffins or naphthenes and readily combine with other elements such as hydrogen, chlorine, and bromine.
Hydrocarbon chemistry
Brown's arguments on vested rights, which appeared frequently in his writing, received little reaction.
I was startled when Cassie described almost smashing a vase over Brian's head because he was irritating her, but she successfully checked her violent reaction.
In Bakhtin's view, people frame their speech according to the reactions they hope to produce or the impression they want to make.
Exhausted, and at a moment of massive emotional import, unique and unrepeatable, Martin Johnson gets a microphone shoved in his face and is asked for his reaction.
But when a talent scout discovered young Allegra in a eurhythmics class at the age of 3 and wanted to put her on television, her parents' initial reaction was that she was too young. - Home Page
This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution, elevating reaction rate, high yield and simple work-up procedure.
However, the products obtained from reactions with halides can be rather surprising - ie the dithiadiazole can trap free radical intermediates.
However, in these scenes you will present the non-drinking alternatives prior to the client experiencing any significant uncomfortable or aversive reactions.
She went straight to her GP but was assured it was just an allergic reaction and sent home with antibiotics.
The Sun
In the second approach I have analyzed, with the aid of various semiempirical methods, the molecular orbitals of most types of reactive intermediates in organic chemistry-carbonium ions, diradicals, methylenes, benzynes, etc.
Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
Think of the reaction in your mouth when you drink a tart, racy white wine.
Each year, 600,000 or more Americans are diagnosed with shingles, a painful skin disease caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus.
I apply a variety of computational methods, semiempirical and nonempirical, as well as qualitative arguments, to problems of structure and reactivity of both organic and inorganic molecules of medium size.
Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control.
Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
At about 2. 50pm on Wednesday, a light truck lost control on the slippery Hume Freeway between Arkells Lane and the Wandong exit, setting off a chain reaction when the car behind it slammed on the brakes, which in turn caused the car behind that to aquaplane straight into the car in front.
Star News Group
Earlier this year, a small study by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition suggested that flax seed-derived lignan (a natural plant-based compound) might modulate C-reactive protein levels in type 2 diabetics, especially among women.
Flax Seed: A Natural Alternative to Statins?
That reaction demonstrates the ticklish situation the press finds itself in during wartime, when the interaction between press and government comes into stark relief.
The dominant emotional reaction to the letter was shock and disbelief or anger and indignation.
Energy is generated by the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen across a catalytic membrane.
He must be proactive, not reactive.
The Sun
Reaction to the report Thursday broke roughly into two camps.
Since these postulated "carbocation intermediates" were likely to be not only very short lived but also very reactive, it was generally assumed that one would never be able to prepare them in some quantities.
Press Release: The 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The first couple he tried were both profoundly deaf, and he didn't get much reaction beyond a bewildered smile.
The circulation of fluids that forms this new class of hydrothermal vents is driven by heat generated when seawater reacts with mantle rocks, not by volcanic heat.
Prominent among these are the lymphocytes, white blood cells that are specialized to react to specific antigens.
He was not a harmless old drunk, but a bigoted, racist reactionary who made a fortune from the oil industry.
Thus, after an expansion has been in progress for some time, an event that is not of unusual size or duration can trigger a sharp financial reaction.
One thing was certain: she must have ten minutes to pull herself together, reactivate her brain to make sense of all this.
The heart of any nuclear reactor is the core, which contains the fuel, a moderator, and control rods.
This black varnish was applied presumably as an element of mourning, or, as Edwards suggested, either to match japanned furniture in the room or in reaction to the blackening of the silvering by tarnishing.
You would have thought he told him he got a blowie from his equally irritating wife the way he reacted.
‘Luckily our fire marshals reacted in time and prevented the total loss of an expensive participating vehicle,’ he said.
The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.
Allergic skin reactivity and chemical properties of allergens in two grades of lactose.
Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
I am researching all aspects of shivarees, and would be interested in hearing about what people in your area think about the reasons for shivarees, what kinds of things happen or happened at them, and how people react or reacted to them.
Simultaneously, hydrogen ions are produced, which react with the perchlorate ions making perchloric acid.
Reaction to his role in MIT was excellent, he says, with ‘some lovely reviews and smashing comments’.
So if the UK reacts differently to changes in the world economy from the rest of the eurozone, the only lever left to stabilise the economy is fiscal policy.