
How To Use Reaching In A Sentence

  • A boa made from black water mink is worth about 50 dollars, a collarette about $100,00 and a coat reaching down to the hips would cost about $250,00. Black Beaver The Trapper
  • Clinton will fight for the American people, and Obama will sit in a racest church for another 20 years where The "rev" is preaching hate, racism, and black seperatism. Clinton: Put down the Blackberry at home
  • National Provisions Company, and went out preaching fiat money and a subtreasury for the farmers 'crops, trusting to God and the flower garden about his little white house, to keep the family alive -- it is odd that Jeanette's childish impression was that General Ward was a man of consequence in the world. A Certain Rich Man
  • The largest of these primitive ‘trees’ were giant lycopods reaching upwards of 20 meters, but most of the plants grew to less than a meter above the ground.
  • But after three years of frantic knitting, they decided to end the challenge, despite reaching halfway.
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  • Before reaching the main square, the vehicle swerved left and entered a narrow side street filled with people, most of them in uniform. Somewhere East of Life
  • Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.
  • In that dingdong struggle both players were reaching great heights.
  • The best adequacy for EA was obtained by combinations of imipenem/cilastatin or piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin and a glycopeptide, with values reaching 99% and 94%, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Indeed, there's reason to hope that even the most benighted moral equivocators may come to realize that the message is the exact opposite of the one they've been preaching.
  • There followed seventeen years of sectarian vagabondage: founded in 1830, the sect settled in Kirtland, Ohio, Jackson, Missouri, and Nauvoo, Illinois, reaching Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah, in 1847.
  • Unfortunately, I found the obvious talents of him and the director to have been gelded along the way and prevented from reaching the level of punch and impact that I think could have otherwise been delivered.
  • How about reaching up your back from behind as if you wanted to fasten some buttons or tie an apron on?
  • We often read about overwrought ladies reaching for their vinaigrettes, or of stalwart heroes reviving a swooning damsel by waving a vinaigrette beneath her nose.
  • He peered down into her tearful face with a twisted smile, reaching up to brush some of her wildly cascading hair from her cheek. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity.
  • Many are stunned that such far-reaching changes can be made without their consent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I preached at myself to avoid preaching to my reader.
  • The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction. The Chinese are Coming
  • There's something compelling, even mythic, about a boy reaching out from beyond the grave to save the children of his family's sworn enemy.
  • Reaching out tentatively towards me, he fingered the pair of rings I always wore on a chain around my neck.
  • Violent crime is reaching epidemic proportions in some cities.
  • I value logic and rationality in my preaching. Christianity Today
  • Valerie cautiously approached the door, reaching for the handle and turning the knob.
  • One curious survivor from the early days of headed cabbages is the enormously tall Jersey or walking stick cabbage, whose stem is as high as a man and has been recorded as reaching 5 metres.
  • From time to time I forsook my own thoughts to follow him, and I followed in amaze, mastered for the moment by his remarkable intellect, under the spell of his passion, for he was preaching the passion of revolt. Chapter 26
  • I've been around for years, preaching the same message.
  • Reaching the shrouds hanging from Kaliakra's starboard side, he began his ascent.
  • Preaching to people who feel disenfranchised affects the way you address them. Christianity Today
  • The main media outlets have imposed their own, more far-reaching blackout on the case, despite its implications for civil liberties and free speech.
  • Lawyers said they would fight what are being seen as the most far-reaching and controversial changes to the immigration system in years. Times, Sunday Times
  • How shall we accomplish this divinizing task in our preaching?
  • But the most haunting of all the melodies is the warbling laughter of the Tulameen; its delicate note is far more powerful, more far-reaching than the throaty thunders of Niagara. Legends of Vancouver
  • The clouds will gradually appear across the UK, usually reaching a peak around three weeks after the summer solstice. Times, Sunday Times
  • We conclude, therefore, that the radical perspective on the labour process offers a far-reaching critique of conventional organisation theory.
  • I feel the key ingredients for reaching that level of success in blogging is passion. Gatekeeper conspiracy…front row seats with hot buttered popcorn! — Meandering Passage
  • An intact Ozone Layer prevents about 99% of the sun's UV rays from reaching the Earth.
  • Despite all the talk of precision bombing and surgical strikes, ‘collateral damage’ is reaching an embarrassing level.
  • One is to gain clearance above trees, houses and other obstacles that create turbulence and reduce the power of the wind reaching the wind plant.
  • Much of this reflects the entrenched acute-service bias of the National Health Service, and major change would have far-reaching implications.
  • Neither time nor space assist the head in reaching colleagues easily or regularly.
  • Labour came to power, he now thinks that far-reaching reform is needed to tackle the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • On reaching into my shoulder-bag to locate my wallet my hands chanced to touch the package of shells.
  • Thus, water reaching the playa continues across it towards the lowest point, and flows in this direction persist long enough to erode and maintain channels that are metres in width and decimetres deep.
  • Cosmo writes, “Cosmo is absolutely correct, “Reaching for hyperbole and shrieking outrage at every turn doesn†™ t help your argument”.” Paranoia « BuzzMachine
  • This would leave the new production aircraft unencumbered in reaching the break-even point by any need to recover nonrecurring costs.
  • Such short-term monitoring is not uncommon, but both Louisiana and Pennsylvania have monitored other sites for significantly longer periods — often months — before reaching conclusions. States' tests for toxic air near schools called into doubt
  • Diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions in Ireland.
  • The play calls for Elizabeth to gradually learn the rules, reaching the same irresolute state as the adults who surround her.
  • And I'm not sure my friend realised that councils have many other ways of getting their council tax and some of them can have far-reaching effects that go beyond a short spell in the nick.
  • And the two launch consoles with the key slots were built a distance apart, which kept one crewman from, say, twisting his own key with his left hand and reaching over to twist the other key with his right hand. How the End Begins
  • Nubenehem was in a bad mood, reaching for her liquor jar and belching.
  • Instead of looking up at an empty balcony, audiences can instead see a fake ceiling with a picture of trees reaching up to a moonlit cloudy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • He dived in and started swimming to the other side but within a few inches of reaching the far bank was pulled downstream by the fast-flowing current.
  • No. 17, 559 yards, par 5 (Lang Whang): A "good whack" is required for players to have a reasonable chance of reaching the green. Breaking down all 18 holes of British Open host Turnberry
  • In Cuba, huge waves crashed into Havana, swamping neighborhoods up to four blocks inland with floodwaters reaching up to nearly a meter in some places.
  • The lack of parking policy for residents, workers and visitors is now reaching crisis point.
  • Light streamed among them, reaching outward in elastic fields of energy. Archive 2010-04-01
  • We do, after all, now have one party preaching fiscal discipline and another committed to unfunded tax cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • It'll be good for me, stretching and reaching in the fresh air, too.
  • Transsexuality, also termed "Gender Dysphoria" is now reaching the point of being reasonably well understood, though many myths and general foolishness about the subject still abound.
  • Embedded access network interface protocol development based on Real Time Operation System is a promising area and has far-reaching theory research and practical application value.
  • He exited the house right behind me, his arms instantly outreaching.
  • I may just have a bet on Milliband, Marxist toecap buffer, lives in an agreeable flat, no skeletons in his closet, Ttony likes him, Im reaching for my credit card right now. Blair Refuses to Rule Out Clarke's Departure
  • I think that is a great catechesis for many people because he might be reaching Catholics who never go to church and he is speaking to them in language they can understand. The Quiet Faith Behind Colbert's Right-Wing Funnyman
  • Then there is the matter of arriving at a mechanism for reaching a resolution.
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.
  • High bail - reaching as much as $1 million - was imposed for those arrested by police.
  • The loss leaves their hopes of reaching the knockout stages in the balance. The Sun
  • The personal fortunes of today's rich are reaching record heights. Times, Sunday Times
  • They crumbled to our mighty power with our losses barely reaching through the double digits.
  • More false beams ascended the walls of the A-frame, reaching an apex perhaps thirty feet from the floor. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Dr. Beeks crouched in the center of the chamber, reaching out to touch something only she could see, then made a moue when her hand failed to connect.
  • Some of the snow you see on radar is virga - i.e. snow that is not yet reaching the ground. Update: Snow covering metro region
  • Within a nanosecond of my reaching the other side, a high speed streamliner coming around a curve passed over those very same tracks at about 100 miles per hour. Advice to those people seeking info on Mexico
  • Wesley was blessed with a living experience of Christ and from the time of his conversion became an earnest evangelist who spent the rest of his long life preaching the gospel.
  • There are too many people preaching about how you should do it. The Sun
  • Case in point: Openly anxious about grass-roots disaffection from the Republican Party, conservative Christian organizers are reaching for ways to turn out voters this November, including arguing that recognizing same-sex marriage could also limit religious freedom. September 2006
  • The unfunded liabilities in entitlement schemes are already showing that they're reaching their tipping points a decade earlier than projected; for the last five months, Social Security has taken in less money into the "trust fund" than it has disbursed - in other words, the tipping point predicted (variously) in 2014, 2018, 2019, 2023, etc - it is here and now: social security is now having to be made whole by the general fund. Latest Articles
  • The people of Ngati Tuwharetoa in the Bay of Plenty are reaching the end of a long journey of acceptence.
  • These improvements in agriculture and transportation contributed to two important and far-reaching changes. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • They managed to restore the past glory of this forefather of the comic book industry - largely developed by American Jews after the Depression and reaching its heights in the '60s.
  • The boards are now passe, but "channeling" - as in reaching a spirit being from another dimension, an angel or some kind of higher intelligence - is huge, the author told me. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • The spaceship then drops into gliding flight and fires its rocket motor while climbing steeply for more than a minute, reaching a speed of 2,500 mph.
  • He's also very keen to sell me on the merits of his new menswear collection, the very first deliveries of which are currently reaching his stockists.
  • Reaching this third week is a very important and significant achievement.
  • Experts have said that the unstable exchange rate created difficulties in reaching debt restructuring agreements.
  • Thanks to funding shortfalls, the film sat in post-production for almost four years before reaching completion.
  • Nothing could have seemed less useful than the study of mosquitoes, the differentiation of the different species, their mode of life, etc., and yet without this knowledge discoveries so beneficial and of such far-reaching importance to the whole human race as that of the cause and mode of transmission of malaria and yellow fever would have been impossible; for it could easily have been shown that the ordinary _culex_ mosquito played no rôle. Disease and Its Causes
  • In reaching a conclusion whether the statement can be reconciled with the map, a degree of tolerance is permissible, depending upon the relative particularity and apparent accuracy with which each document is drawn.
  • Under the guise of socialism, it has become a source of cheap labor, with far-reaching implications for economies globally.
  • Whereas John had worked outside settled areas, Jesus went from town to town, village to village, usually preaching in synagogues on the sabbath.
  • Hand held speed cameras are deployed to facilitate enforcement evidence aimed at the minority of cyclists who flout the rules and who react in an aggressive manner, usually bewailing the breaching of their civil rights.
  • That that personage now in possession of the bishop of Bristoll Deane of Yorke (it being an indowment of the said Deanerie) such slender care hath bene had by him for the preaching of the Gospell unto the said parishioners, and giving them that Christianlike and necessarie instru [~c] on which is fitting, as for a long time they scarce had any sermon at all amongest them. The Evolution of an English Town
  • Essentially you do indeed undergo a metamorphosis on reaching 35. You become invisible. Times, Sunday Times
  • With bare feet I stepped into the alley and walked slowly, reaching out my hand to the filthy animals that hissed and darted away.
  • To be honest, for much of the match it looked unlikely that anyone would find the back of the net and the first half probably saw BBC viewers collectively reaching for their remote controls and checking out the Eastenders omnibus.
  • Perhaps occasional risibility is sometimes the price of reaching not simply for the stars, but for the event-horizon. Is Terrence Malick assuming Stanley Kubrick's mantle?
  • The thickened digestive fluids made by the pancreas are prevented from reaching the small intestine, where they are needed to digest food.
  • No doubt, Melanchthon also had in mind his far-reaching irenics at Augsburg, when he wrote in the Preface to the Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • It is also proof that complementary deals are safer than far-reaching ones as companies seek to grow in these improved economic conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the surface he was an optimistic extrovert, preaching freedom of conscience and religion; but underneath he was a brooding pessimist, with intransigent, darkly mystical views about the drama of human history and sexuality.
  • The principle, every thing for every thing and all together one, is so exact, that every atom and tiniest insect feels the touch, in fact, of every heaviest, highest, and remotest orb, and every such orb a respectiveness of action reaching downward, after every such minim of matter and life. Christian Nurture.
  • It took on board a cargo of barilla at Aguilas and Almeria, and returned to England, reaching the Thames in May. James Fenimore Cooper American Men of Letters
  • The introduction and spread of non-native fish species can have far-reaching and undesirable ecological consequences for animal and plant communities in rivers and lakes.
  • My thoughts and ramblings were put on hold as the toothsome scent of bacon and omelets (the mystery goo in the basin) filtered into my room, permeating throughout the air and reaching my nostrils.
  • She joked, reaching down to give the beast a scratch behind the ears.
  • All of us should therefore operate today with some notion of very probably reaching much larger audiences than any we could conceive of even a decade ago, although the chances of retaining that audience are by the same token quite chancy.
  • Scott turned slightly while she was still in his arms and shut the door behind them then reaching for the light switch the room darkened around them.
  • Your core muscles are recruited in most of your daily body movements, whether you are bending over, turning your upper body or reaching sideways.
  • Eickman said movie-making provides far-reaching financial benefits for the city, adding an estimated $ 50 million to the economy in 1994.
  • ‘We have far-reaching issues, such as dealing with the CFS and tuition hikes,’ Bradshaw said.
  • This may sound scary but pause for a moment before reaching for the bleach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of the mackerel family, bluefin tuna are the biggest, capable of reaching 1500 pounds.
  • After reaching its zenith in the mid-16th century, the Fugger banking empire was undermined by wars and the repeated bankruptcies of the Spanish state. In This Picturesque Village, the Rent Hasn't Been Raised Since 1520
  • Now red tulips and yellow daffodils join them, reaching up to the sunlight. Christianity Today
  • Reaching this skill in what Piaget would later dub in his characteristically dry fashion “the fourth sub-stage of the sensorimotor stage” typically between the ages of nine and twelve months was an essential precursor to more abstract and sophisticated thought. The Truth About Grief
  • Genuine conservation means sifting through evidence, weighing options and reaching consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are not breaching copyright laws. The Sun
  • Reaching across my stomach, he stroked the kitten's fur as she continued to purr happily at the attention.
  • For this reason, the authors warn that "innovative approaches for understanding the structure of Mexican Transnational Criminal Networks, their procedures, and more importantly, to what extent and perdurability they are reaching into the United States security agencies and institutions through corruption and co-optation, is essential in improving the U.S. capacity to face this serious challenge to its security agencies. José Fernando López: One-sided Death Toll
  • Reaching the summit was only one of several exhilarating moments Creedon experienced during the climb.
  • When I began ordained ministry as an assistant pastor in Fairport, New York, I was invited to be part of a pastors' group that met monthly to study the pericopes for the next month's preaching.
  • Rescue teams continued to drill toward six trapped miners Thursday evening and were hopeful of reaching the men with lifelines, mine officials said.
  • It is a sound reaching back to the farthest recesses of his throat, to an Etonian schooling in the late 1940s, and to classroom discipline as a Bo'ness Academy dominie in the late 1950s.
  • Trends in a progressively increasing resting heart rate should also be noted as this is often a sign that the body is overtrained or over-reaching.
  • The flood of dazzling light reaching out from the _Interplanetarian_ snapped off and the little green ameba things were gone. Empire
  • The Turks forced the Anglo-Indian prisoners of war to march across the desert without adequate food, water, shelter, or medical attention and large numbers of POW's died under terrible conditions before reaching prison camps in Anatolia. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • But then work with larger preaching units in the remainder of the book. Christianity Today
  • Reaching lengths of over two feet in length and weighing over 3 lbs., the hellbender is the largest amphibian species found in North America and the third largest salamander in the world, coming in behind the Chinese and the Japanese giant salamanders which are truly massive. David Mizejewski: Salamander Eating Habits
  • The real 'breach of decorum' is having a Democrat reaching in my wallet every time I turn around. House resolution over Wilson 'breach of decorum'
  • She is the newest addition to the long list of star ambassadors preaching the benefits of healthy living.
  • That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.
  • The distribution efficiency of the dams is less than half of the expected outcome (the highest efficiency reaching 38 per cent), leading to water salinisation and land waterlogging.
  • a backhanded and dishonest way of reaching his goal
  • I had great ballon and strength and long line, because in gymnastics it's all about form and perfection - reaching and stretching as far as you can.
  • We deny breaching any data protection laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • Either spacetime could be made to fold, skipping ninety lightyears and putting the colony ship only seven years away from the earthlike planet that was its destination, or the ship would obliterate itself in the attempt . . . or nothing would happen at all, and it would crawl on for nine hundred more years before reaching its new world. Pathfinder
  • The sirocco of North Africa can afflict the vineyards of southern Europe, occasionally reaching France.
  • ‘Clean it up,’ Zornitza snapped, reaching for her ampoule and hypodermic syringe.
  • The bowsprit was a long, graceful lance, reaching out above his head, but the anchor cable plunged into the water beside him, and he laid a hand on the thick hawser.
  • The money has been used to build high-tech vessels that are routinely breaching quotas and using outlawed fishing practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mouthpiece is inserted into one end of the inner slide, and the bell joint is attached at the other, reaching back over the left shoulder to provide a counterbalance for the slide.
  • In the human entity it manifests as consciousness reaching in its highest expression towards wisdom and enlightenment.
  • My vote ultimately was for Eric Levine, because CellarTracker as an innovative informational internet tool (and with each passing year so much more, including a forum, commerce, etc) that has burgeoned to over 1 million wine reviews since its inception is both astounding and far-reaching. Vote now! Wine Person of the Decade [the Naughties] | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Another is a close-up of a mud-encrusted hand reaching back toward a worker at the top of a precarious twig ladder.
  • Now, I have issues with YouTube, and I fully support an artist's right to decide what happens to their music, but Prince's decision to make his new album available as an exclusive covermount goes against his philosophy of reaching as many listeners as possible. Prince's war with iTunes plays into the hands of illegal filesharers
  • Preaching leads to a poor retention of information. Christianity Today
  • The overcrowding crisis had, however, been years in the making and was reaching breakpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reaching over the reception desk, he lifted the telephone receiver.
  • Reaching for the tail of his shirt, Dori pulled it up slightly to inspect his side.
  • Her heard her sigh softly, reaching a hand down to touch his hands.
  • The concept of policy assumes that governments define their goals and choose the methods and courses of action for reaching those goals.
  • But he's no ordinary televangelist, preaching hell and damnation, repentance and Judgement Day.
  • It had grown from a cluster of stone buildings to a high-tech metropolis reaching kilometers in the air.
  • Reaching the drive that ran between the house and the main road, I saw another set of prints in the slushy, cindered snow. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • Simon Moglia from Victoria Legal Aid says it's a furphy to suggest the powers are not over-reaching.
  • Orkney's oldest resident celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, reaching the grand old age of 103.
  • Getting on to the platforms is a huge problem for him as he is faced with steep flights of stairs he must climb before reaching the platforms.
  • Since the latter pathway is still intact in the patient with blindsight, he or she can use it for reaching for the object.
  • Both nonspecialists and specialists in Tillich's theology will find here ideas suggestive for contemporary teaching and preaching.
  • In one sense they are preaching to a receptive audience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Valued added is the complex score the Department for Education and Skills uses to work out if pupils are reaching their full potential, based on performances in earlier tests.
  • Because it is 'perishable' - generally reaching peak maturity after 25 years before declining This is Money | Home
  • The film however plays down overt preaching, treating the themes of good, evil, sacrifice and redemption as the kind of cornerstones that any classic drama is built on.
  • Some folks say that you need to scald the milk beforehand, but I had no problem reaching the desired consistency with cold milk.
  • To leave that as an observation without examining its far-reaching implications seems remiss amidst any sociological exploration.
  • And they're the most obvious sign of the West's relentless tentacles reaching into Angola today.
  • One Hickling nest was built on the top of an abandoned coot's nest and in water so deep that the keeper had difficulty in reaching it clad in thigh waders.
  • On reaching the house, Mrs. Ormonde went straight to her own apartment to "refit," and Katherine sat down in the smaller drawing or morning room, which looked west and was cool. A Crooked Path A Novel
  • Perhaps the joy of reaching the dizziest peak inhibits further achievement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The region stretched down from the southern pole with minor settlements reaching further out into the wilderness.
  • Much of that is down to a far-reaching strategic shift away from assembly and basic manufacture to an emphasis on support services.
  • Reaching the nests often involves abseiling down sheer cliff faces and only one egg may be taken from each clutch. The Sun
  • The rumbling noise sounded off again, the distant sounds of the war being waged just outside reaching their ears at a delayed rate.
  • Between 30 and 40 million years ago, eruptions from a cluster of stratovolcanoes blanketed the area with ash beds and volcanic mud flows, reaching a maximum thickness of 3,000 feet.
  • We know, don't we, that Lamb hasn't been fined so heavily for breaching a harsh contract.
  • And found there the blessed Denis preaching, and made him cruelly to be beaten, bespit and despised, and fast to be bounden with Rusticus and Eleutherius, and to be brought tofore him: And when he saw that the saints were constant and firm in the acknowledging of our Lord, he was much heavy and sorrowful. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • The traveller is shown poking his head and right arm through a boundary of stars enclosing this everyday world and reaching out to a universe of wonders beyond.
  • Reaching over her opposite shoulder, Ali drew the sword that was strapped there, flicking her wrist to scatter the drops of moisture that had settled on the metal surface.
  • Red sandstone mesas stretched on either side of Interstate 15, reaching upwards of a couple hundred feet.
  • The shift in the balance of power in the region has had far-reaching consequences.
  • I didn't spend my entire time in Vegas sitting amongst gamblers and preaching the puritanical virtue of self-restraint.
  • In baseball though, the boy played flawlessly, often reaching second safely on a lazy groundball hit to the second baseman. A Boy Who Looks Like Horses, or A Horse Who Looks Like Boys
  • The dollar rose to a 14-year high, almost reaching parity with the euro. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reply received was evidently not in favour of extreme measures for the strong arm of the British was notoriously far-reaching, and serious trouble might ensue if the subadar were killed. The Story of the Guides
  • Seedlings are able to switch back from phyllode to true leave production when the sunlight reaching them is reduced (Walters and Bartholomew 1990). Chapter 2
  • A larger headsail and cruising spinnaker are nice to have for beam reaching and running in light air but many owners find the mainsail and 120% jib work just fine.
  • Bulgakov’s approach to human fallacies is fundamentally lighthearted in its essence and while he tries to expose our errors, it never feels like he is preaching or anything. Mikhail A. Bulgakov - Master and Margarita (Book Review)
  • It offers a pretty terraced garden and far-reaching views over the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bard pulled up, hands reaching for the strings and neck of the lute.
  • Our beat-up Citroën is a welcome distraction for the traffic-stalled touristsin the lanes beside us; they have hours to go before reaching the sea, the color of whichmimicsthe hue of dusty blue coating our car evidence of organic farming here at the vinery, where our family car doubles as a tractor-delivery vehicle... door dents and all. French Word-A-Day:
  • They have made the large majority in all the different religious organizations throughout the country, and have without protest, fellowshiped the slave-holder as a Christian; accepted pro-slavery preaching from their pulpits; suffered the words History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • They were a soft light blue, with intense dark lines reaching to the outer rims and aqua bands around her pupils.
  • Reaching the quarter-finals of the Monte Carlo Tennis Masters Series event has been the highlight of his season, so far.
  • Maybe "irritate" was actually "seizure" in Korea -- but seizures still don't make you drop dead though they can kill, it's a bit more complicated and you can generally survive until reaching a hospital. A Diagnosis For Online Gaming Syndrome
  • It feels as though it settled for mediocrity rather than reaching for something a bit special. The Sun
  • It also stops me from reaching for the ball so much and losing shots off the toe.
  • Darlington Community Health Council yesterday discussed the problem of delays in reaching patients who live in the more remote areas of Teesdale.
  • What eminent gifts are poured out in the days wherein we live! what light is bestowed! what pains in preaching! how is the dispensation of the word multiplied! The Sermons of John Owen

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