How To Use Reach into In A Sentence

  • Those who preach intolerance should be judged accordingly.
  • Computers and networks affect our politics because they reach into every nook and cranny of our lives and further complicate some longstanding political quandaries.
  • I will reach into your breechcloth, touching your manly bits to seal the deal. Think Progress » Boehner Claims Student Loan Reform Will ‘Eliminate Every Bank In The Country’
  • In the early days, after meetings in McGuinness's flat on Waterloo Road, the band would reach into a jar of coins their manager kept on his sideboard for their bus fare home.
  • Its transnational tentacles reach into every corner of the globe.
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  • Mr. Chevallier believes the secret to the wine's quality is the concentration of flavor produced in the Cabernet Sauvignon, which is achieved by the depths the vines' roots reach into the ground, where the soil is at its most impoverished. The Lafite Phenomenon
  • Feeling more at home in the Muslim world of Spain, North Africa and the Middle East, Sephardim such as Maimonides took up the challenge of that new civilization, a civilization best characterized by the term "religious humanism," and produced an efflorescent literature that was matched by an economic dynamism that in the early modern period extended its reach into Holland, England, and Italy. David Shasha: Collateral Damage: Jewish Fratricide and the Demonizing of Córdoba
  • Family stories reach into even more private realms of experience to warn and instruct, however subliminally.
  • The interfaith programme will broaden the department's reach into other academic disciplines. Times, Sunday Times
  • This tool will reach into awkward corners, such as under kitchen units.
  • Your students' minds will be opened to how far art and design reach into our daily lives.
  • Morphine and other opiates, which bind to opioid receptors on the nociceptor endings that reach into the spinal cord, employ this latter tactic.
  • Today, the state is likely to be seen as the lesser of privacy-invading evils, and even as a source of protection for our privacy, rather than as an entity that should not be allowed to overextend its reach into our private lives.
  • As the risk capital behind the arbitrageurs increased, the spreads declined and they had to reach into ever-smaller markets to generate the expected returns.
  • I can't reach into the pipe — it's too narrow.
  • Group numbers in dolphins may reach into the thousands and oceanic dolphins may gather in numbers exceeding 100,000.
  • They are exclusively browsers, using their long necks to reach into the crowns of trees to feed.
  • It's winter so you expect that your car's windscreen will be iced up in the morning You have to find something to clear the screen so you reach into your wallet or purse and pull out a credit card!
  • I still pack a bag for liver, but I seem to be the exception judging from the strange looks I get from my hunting companions as I reach into the entrails of their field-dressed deer to pluck that glorious purple slab out of the pile. The Plea: Remember the Liver
  • For example counterpart fund couldn t reach into account , MFA publicizing is to be further conducted.
  • It has been compared to magic fingers which reach into the interior of the abdomen and massage your organs.
  • We will certainly be looking at every possibility of making it reach into new spheres.
  • The desire of this position lies in its ambition to reach into the structures that produce history and the sensorium, thereby arriving at a means of generating histories and sensoria, potentially for all. Seeing Is Reading
  • We will use this system as an extension of our network to get to additional buildings and customers and to reach into cities where we don't have significant buildouts.
  • She'd open a drawer or reach into a kitchen cabinet and find a hidden note.
  • In the old days, if I was stuck for column ideas, I could simply reach into the Pile, pulling out movies at random.
  • Ivy is a particular problem: it can look very attractive, but its tentacles will reach into every crack and damage tiles and brickwork.
  • For a large power like Russia, which has always more or less rejected NATO and observed the expansion of the EU with suspicion, taking a slight detour through the Baltic States was the perfect way to reach into the heart of Brussels with a reasonably low level of risk. Signs of the Times
  • Whilst being muggled and hornswoggled, Eddie managed to reach into his pocket, pull out his pistol, and shoot himself in the leg.
  • The stock market and its vast perplexities were given a great respect from this ancient crone, whose understandings did not reach into that field.
  • Multicolored volcanic ash flows, long since hardened to jagged rock, reach into the sea like fantastic taffy mountains.
  • If a recipient opened the Word document and infected the PC, the attacker could take control of the machine and reach into an organization's network to propagate itself and hunt for data, Symantec researcher Kevin Haley told Reuters. Duqu Virus Exploits Microsoft Windows Software Flaw
  • The European nation was not expecting to lose the war, let alone anticipate being burdened with payments that would reach into the next century.
  • For answer, she saw her son reach into his jeans pocket, bring out his ring of keys to house and car and toss them over his shoulder.
  • I can't reach into the pipe — it's too narrow.
  • I can't reach into the pipe — it's too narrow.
  • He asked to see my ticket, and I crouched down to reach into the top compartment of my knapsack to retrieve it.
  • The messages communicated by the entertainment sector reach into the dustiest corners of the world. Dylan Kendall: Hooray for Hollywood: Finding Joy in Doing Good
  • The temperatures rarely reach into the 90s during the day and cool off dramatically at night.
  • Near the top of every economic cycle I reach into what I call my fridge and medicine chest stocks, all of which have been thrown away because no one wants dowdy old Procter or General Mills or Colgate when things are booming. Jim Cramer's Real Money
  • Defense experts are particularly eager to see if e-bombs can reach into deep underground bunkers that could otherwise be neutralized only by tactical nuclear weapons.
  • They are carnivorous, scavenging among carrion or preying on other molluscs, using their extensible proboscis, tipped with a radula, to reach into and extract nourishment from their victims.

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