How To Use re-entrant In A Sentence
- The aperture is commonly planar, without re-entrants, but the sub-apical surface may develop a median sinus which may be deep and slit like or even trematose, with a single perforation at the end of an elongate tube termed the snorkel.
- In the posterior part of the occlusal surface there is a re-entrant that forms a shallow depression that finally disappears as the wear of this region advances.
- Mok's solution is simply to remove the re-entrant angles of the perimeter block and, in the process, frame magnificent views of mature trees just beyond the boundary of the site.
- This will be the case if the projection of the c of g falls within an ‘area of support’, defined as that polygon, with no re-entrant angles, that just encloses the projections of all the available points of support.
- However, during all of the nay saying, no one ever spoke of a weaning of the growth in our economy, no one ever talked about diminished opportunity for new entrants or re-entrants to the job market.
- a polygon with re-entrant angles
- Lt-Col Lean said they identified an armed group of three or four people sited in protected positions near a rocky outcrop 100m further up the re-entrant.
- When he put his foot on the accelerator we veered off the track plan and down into a re-entrant.
- Its entrance, to the northeast on Vassar Avenue, is a re-entrant corner.
- The gates were protected by an ingenious system of re-entrants and switchbacks, designed to lead any attacker backward and forward under a rain of missiles.