How To Use Raw material In A Sentence

  • Some areas are left uncarved and unpolished, giving a dramatic sense of the raw material.
  • Britain is heavily dependent on imports for its raw materials.
  • It also referred to what it called "extraordinarily challenging world-wide economic conditions" and higher raw material prices. BBC News - Home
  • We should not however confuse the transaction with the eventual use of the raw material.
  • We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.
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  • Rapeseed oil was taken as raw materials, and the effects of ultrasonic on the removal of nonhydratable phospholipids in oil by phospholipase A1 were studied.
  • Second, features: featured ox horn raw materials, manual fine system and become, scrapping detoxification have sanitarian effect, and no static, non-toxic side effect.
  • Asteroid-sourced raw materials will enable and catalyze the development of an Earth-Moon space economy and humankind's expansion into the solar system.
  • The selection of raw materials, formula and process for the production of skin-imitated artificial leather were introduced.
  • Focus on supplier assessment, RM inspection and quality status analysis to ensure raw materials Mission's requirements.
  • Nevertheless, many Third World countries still rely heavily on selling raw material commodities as their principal source of income.
  • The rivers, plains, and nearby mountains offered abundant wild animals, fish, and timber, and raw materials such as steatite (talc) and copper. Birth of a Civilization
  • Ceramics timber of low temperature is a kind of material which uses plant remainder and the phosphorus dreg of industry abolishes as main raw materials, uses chemically bounded ceramic as its binder.
  • But according to the insta-polls, the electorate, as opposed to what I once called the expectorate, seems to have concluded fairly clearly that Biden "won," possibly because what the electorate was expecting was a debate between two candidates for Vice-President, not the raw materials for some arcane calculation of who exceeded whose expectations. The Richmond Democrat
  • Bad news for likely demand for raw materials from their hungriest consumer. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the raw materials are imported.
  • The probe comes amid intensifying global scrutiny of corruption and bribery in the so-called extractive industries that generate raw materials. U.S. Joins in Kickbacks Probe of Sojitz
  • If Lesotho is unable to produce its own raw materials, then it's bye-bye AGOA.
  • These raw materials were reforged into a new film of plastic.
  • Ethylene is a raw material for making plastic bags and food wrappings.
  • No longer is the customer at the end of the line, nor does the supplier only relate to raw materials.
  • Here is something more than raw material from which a successful literature was forged.
  • As the fundamental industry, mine provide more than 80% industrial raw materials and 95% energy sources in China.
  • Eradication of the plants used as the raw material for narcotics production is one of many supply-side policy options available to governments.
  • The raw material for the tyre is a by-product of petrol refining.
  • The secret: excellent raw materials and handicraft skills that have somehow survived decades of war and years of egalitarian drabness.
  • The data which forms the raw material of marketing research can be placed under two categories: primary and secondary.
  • Its soil contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air.
  • Facebook refers to its own content presentation as a “stream”; Twitter’s is clearly streamlike; but both are random and chaotic, as well, and both must be seen as elements of the raw material level of the content cascade — bits and pieces that will be rejoined downstream in blog and wiki formats. The content cascade: How content will flow in digital news enterprises » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • Britain is heavily dependent on imports for its raw materials.
  • Raw materials selected in the premise, the fritting technology is the key process of letting a lining have good microscopic structure to its full heat resistant properties.
  • These raw materials were reforged into a new film of plastic.
  • There's no doubting the raw materials they have to construct a championship contender.
  • Other ships were mineral transports bringing raw materials from the outlying planets of the solar system back to Earth for processing.
  • As the ribbon is the auxiliary products, profits have been relatively modest, and the constant peer companies to join, rising raw material prices has led to increasing competition.
  • Abstract:Take the Sorbus tianschanica Ruper as raw material to determine different parts of terpenoids content.
  • A consensus was reached during the workshop that both the quality and quantity of raw materials were a source of great concern in the leather industry of the Eastern and Southern African region.
  • Valuable raw materials were salvaged .
  • The supply of raw material for these creations is virtually infinite.
  • All the raw materials go to the liver and the liver makes use of those and makes them into proteins.
  • Their economy continued to suffer shortages in raw materials.
  • Steel, aluminum and other raw materials prices will help enhance the company's products gross profit margin.
  • From here the visitors were taken outside to the railway siding where railway trucks would deliver the raw materials and despatch the completed wireless telegraphy equipment.
  • In this paper, emphasis is placed on the effect of raw material and process on the performances of the products, raw material formula and process parameters are recommended herein for reference.
  • Some wine-makers throughout history sought to enhance either the quality or quantity of their product by adulterating the basic raw material, grapes, with other products.
  • A preparing process of petrolic residuum binder local raw material is introduced briefly in this paper.
  • By contrast, the cuprammonium rayon fibers are made from cotton linters as main raw material.
  • The idea is to work with local raw materials, source everything locally to cut the supply-chain waste," adds Mr. Stillhart, the company's head of coffee and so-called popularly positioned products—the entry-level food and drinks aimed at lower-income consumers—in Indonesia. Global Food Firms Stir Local Ingredients
  • Each plant handles a range of highly explosive, corrosive and toxic raw materials.
  • Because raw materials production and capacity the link exist safe hidden danger, the civic architecture concentrate of plus, set off the aperture clear lamp to kindle fire hazard very easily.
  • This heated layer is the source of lava we see in volcanos, the source of heat that drives hot springs and geysers, and the source of raw material which pushes up the mid-oceanic ridges and forms new ocean floor.
  • Kitsch, using for raw material the debased and academicized simulacra of genuine culture, welcomes and cultivates this insensibility.
  • In addition to containing environmentally friendly raw materials, sustainable products typically wear well.
  • Ltd would process and assemble the raw material into finished goods.
  • What troubles me is that the supply of raw materials is not ensured.
  • According to the journal, the hard shell of the coconut is an ideal raw material for craftsmen, since it can be carved, lacquer-coated and inlaid with silver or other metals.
  • The leather with chubbiness, good handle and without fatty feel can be produced with this fatting agent conveniently available from garbage grease as raw material.
  • A method of producing lithium aluminosilicate (LAS) ceramics, which uses a mixing powder of lithium carbonate, aluminum oxide, and silicon oxide as a raw material powder.
  • There was also a substantial upbound movement of manufactured goods from all parts of the world, as well as of imports of certain essential raw materials not to be found in Canada. A Troubled Artery
  • Objective:to compare content of huperzine A in different plants serrate clubmoss herb to optimize the raw material.
  • The cost of our raw materials has risen significantly.
  • In every country, versions of the past provide the raw material for nationalist and patriotic sentiments.
  • PP6100 is made of the imported raw material with excellent dispersion characteristics. The compound can be diluted with 50% virgin resin.
  • Because raw materials production and capacity the link exist safe hidden danger, the civic architecture concentrate of plus, set off the aperture clear lamp to kindle fire hazard very easily.
  • Dump trucks made over 300 trips carting raw material out before legions of workers began building new stages, stairs, railings and doorways.
  • In addition, intrinsic individual variation, including learned cultural differences in oscines, provides the raw material for vocal divergence through drift or selection.
  • BASF said in late July it expected "rockier" times amid volatile prices for raw materials but still reported a 27% surge in second-quarter net profit on the back of its large oil-and-gas unit, which is helping offset rising manufacturing costs. BASF Poised to Acquire Rival Ciba
  • The idea is to cooperate in purchasing or importing raw materials, which could reduce their costs.
  • The forex transferred into the enterprises may be used to repay capital with interest, buy equipment and raw materials, remit profits out of the country and pay the legitimate income of foreign staff.
  • Most of the Russian billionaires and multimillionaires control raw materials and their associated industries.
  • That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
  • After the raw materials have been ground, sifted, dampened, kneaded and formed into clay figures, another step in the process is added: decorative paint from cooked anil. The artesanias of Michoacan - an introduction
  • In large factories, each raw material is ground separately and then mixed in a blunger according to its slop weight. Chapter 7
  • In addition, all regional buyers inspect and approve all raw material stores personally to ensure they achieve our laid down standards.
  • The answer turned out to be aluminum, which would bring its own raw materials with it -- bauxite from the tropics, cryolite from Greenland, petroleum coke from Texas, and would require from the Saguenay only its wasting water power and a tidewater port for the entrance of its supplies. Building Frontiers with Aluminum
  • Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.
  • The brewer declined to specify how much its input costs have risen, but said its cost of sales, which includes raw materials, has risen 3.7% a hectoliter. AB InBev's Profits Double, But Volumes Fall
  • Higher raw material costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods.
  • The composite stabilizing agent is prepared from the raw materials including sucrose, sodium chloride, potassium sorbate and sodium hyposulfite by blending and stirring.
  • The exceptions are stock-in-trade, consumable stores, raw materials held for the purpose of business, personal movable property, agricultural land, and specific government gold bonds.
  • She revealed that the country's total imports had begun to drop since the third quarter, thanks to a high-level of accumulated stock of oil, steel and other raw materials.
  • The moving belt feeds the machine with raw material/feeds raw material into the machine.
  • As well as the raw materials used, often from local sources, the maturation of a whisky in cask is extremely important when forging its character.
  • Economists say slab should be made in low-cost developing countries, close to a secure supply of raw materials.
  • “Inessential driving” was banned eighteen months before Pearl Harbor, and soon thereafter production of rubber-soled tabi shoes was halted to save raw material. Whirlwind
  • This local textile company has had success with its trial crop of cotton and will now be installing a gin to process the raw material as well.
  • Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials, as well as by the cost of production and distribution.
  • If clarity is not required, the normal practice is to add a biocompatible colorant to the raw material, typically 1 to 2% by weight.
  • Combined with what the late Ernest Mandel called "extra-economic" factors (such as pliant labor leadership and peaceful trade unionism, establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, Cold War ideology and the suppression or pacification of any possible dissent, and relative decline in the price of oil and other raw materials in the immediate post-WW II period), the New Deal and other government-sponsored reforms ushered in a period of rapid economic expansion that came to be known as the "golden years of US capitalism," which lasted until around 1970. CounterPunch
  • To do this, a chalk mine was excavated to provide raw material for road foundations and plasterwork in the houses.
  • Coal, oil and minerals are the raw materials of industry.
  • The first project targets beneficiation of local raw materials and products derived from the aloe industry.
  • Industries still tend to prefer virgin raw materials to recycled ones.
  • Just how complex and large a 'fabber' do you need to take sand as a raw material and create an x billion gate chip to provide your spime with intelligence? Undefined
  • Just going through an experience is only half the story, if you like, providing us with raw materials that are blunt and often bewildering unless we can take a step back and conceptualise what went on. Learning From Stories « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Raw materials used for CCM discs are made up of carbon fiber, phenol resin and silicon; the fibers and resin are molded in the geometric shape of the braking band.
  • Trimethylamine is an important raw material for organic chemical engineering. The market requirement is influenced largely by season.
  • Until recently the country's economy has been insulated from recession by its reserves of raw materials.
  • Besides the raw materials already mentioned, the area produced rubber, copra, nickel, timber, quinine, and important foodstuffs such as sugar, rice, tea, and coffee.
  • of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced
  • The company buys raw material such as wool for conversion into cloth.
  • A number of factories are situated on the very bank of the river, close enough to scoop or suck raw materials directly from the holds of ships, and are at work producing some of the less celebrated ingredients behind the smooth functioning of our utilitarian civilisation: the polyols added to toothpaste to help it retain its moisture, the citric acid used to stabilise laundry detergent, the isoglucose to sweeten cereal, the glyceryl tristearate to make soap and the xanthan gum to ensure the viscosity of gravy. ‘The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work’
  • The supply of raw material has been greatly reinforced.
  • The essential difficulty is finding the sufficient raw material.
  • We should not however confuse the transaction with the eventual use of the raw material.
  • So begins her unabating search for a place to belong and for the raw materials with which to create a home and family of her own. Claiming Ground: Summary and book reviews of Claiming Ground by Laura Bell.
  • As the produce of the land was the ultimate source of nearly all raw material and energy inputs, Landers detects a distinctive pattern in the organisation of production.
  • All the units employ hollow burned - clay blocks as the basic raw material.
  • Till today, she still contrariwise makes raw material trade only, assure income with this.
  • In the past, modern scientists have regarded non-Western traditional knowledge as being backward, and no more than a supplier of raw materials for drug discovery and development," he said.
  • We are manufacturer and exporter of essential oils and aromatic chemicals, which are produced by our factories located at places in China with rich natural resources and raw materials.
  • Oil is an important raw material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.
  • Fine bone china is made from three main raw materials - china stone, china clay and animal bone.
  • The finding would be consistent with the plant's stated production capabilities in the field of basic raw materials for explosives and propellants.
  • Raw material volatility continues to plague the industry.
  • The respondent's answers constitute the raw material to be analysed at a later point in time.
  • We have to balance the work force—reduce the number of short-term staff—and allow for reductions of raw material to reduce exposure," said Marcus Nyman , chief executive of International Automotive Components, which provides Saab with interior parts, such as instrument panels, door panels and center consoles. Saab Halts Production Again
  • Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.
  • That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
  • To satisfy the domestic demand, raw materials, capital goods and other high-value products will, without doubt, be imported on a large scale.
  • The EU, U.S. and Mexico have lodged a complaint at the WTO alleging that China restricts exports of nine key raw materials, including coke, bauxite, fluorspar and magnesium. EU: China Must Open Procurement Market
  • Mittal bought the local coal and iron ore mines - including Shatinskaya - insulating the plant from steep increases in the price of raw materials for steel making.
  • Raw materials were not an issue, he says: "The real hurdle is how you put together organic compounds into a living system. Crossroads
  • Established in 2001 we enjoyed good reputation on market with our main activities as ship builder, SNP broker, superintendent, marine equipment and scrap raw material importer.
  • Men dig the raw material in the mountains and transport it to their homes where women apply it to the house walls as whitewash.
  • Uses:Used as important raw material for making praseodymium metal. Also used to make RE permanent magnetic alloys.
  • Rising inflation would be one thing if the raw material of inflation - money - were signaling disinflation ahead.
  • The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.
  • Content providers are the source of the raw material that flows through the medium and upon which intermediators offer added value.
  • Paper itself was also becoming less expensive because of a combination of improved manufacturing at paper mills and the use of less expensive raw materials such as esparto grass. Grand Theft Childhood
  • Compose raw material inspection instructions, sampling plan and test methods.
  • Glyphosate is mainly produced from two kinds of glycine and IDA; other raw materials include glycine, dimethyl phosphite, paraformaldehyde, iminodiacetic acetonitrile, diethanolamine, phosphorous acid, liquid caustic soda, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Higher raw material costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods.
  • The main raw material that is a compound of polyester resin mixed with calcium carbonate is caste in silicone rubber which helps in giving it an unyielding structure.
  • Inventory; inventories Raw materials and supplies, goods finished and being manufactured and stock on hand, in transit, in storage or consigned to others at the end of the accounting period.
  • Although they were happy to see the end of duties on imported raw materials and on their exports of manufactures, they were anxious to maintain import duties on British manufactures.
  • The format … was that of a box or casket, the raw materials for which were provided by the specimen itself, made up in the form of a book – varying in size from folio to duodecimo – with the ‘front cover’ forming a sliding lid … A
  • Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.
  • Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.
  • Pluck the Chinese date which grows around the Bohai as the raw material. It has tremendous nutrition, which was applauded by the experts as the "rare fruit of the world" and "true vitamin pill".
  • Lastly, inventory represents the raw materials, work-in-progress goods and the company's finished goods.
  • Chandler used the term simply to mean obtaining needed raw materials, services, and so forth from internal operating divisions coordinated by senior executives at corporate headquarters. The Machine That Changed the World
  • We import raw materials and energy and export mainly in-dustrial products.
  • This is raw material, sung with vernacular grain in the language.
  • By observing of the melt course and by analyzing the measurements of glass samples, the feasibility of nepheline syenite as raw materials for the green float glasses was discussed.
  • PDAs are supplanting the conventional mobile data collection and display devices found in inventory applications ranging from shipping through picking and receiving, raw materials and finished goods, toolrooms and stockrooms.
  • It is electrical fused in an arc furnace from aluminum oxide as raw material.
  • Raw materials earmarked for export were carried to the ports by railways.
  • Most of milk's much-vaunted protein is contained in casein - which is also a raw material for commercial glue.
  • In recent years China's fiscal policy volatility leads to over-construction iron aluminum cement and other raw materials produced a huge demand.
  • All the units employ hollow burned - clay blocks as the basic raw material.
  • The citicoline sodium and the inosine are used as raw materials, a certain type and proportion of the auxiliary materials are added, and then the oral preparation is prepared by the technical method.
  • Oil is the raw material for plastic.
  • The group met at the Avalon Inn and the first port of call was to Delaney's Upperhills to see how the raw material was excavated for Ormonde Brick.
  • Orissa is rich in bauxite, the mineral that contains aluminium's raw material, as well as coal, limestone, silica, chromite, dolomite and nickel, to mention a few sources of its mineral wealth.
  • The tidal waves washed away their raw materials and equipment.
  • The conference held by Andre Vyshinsky last week in Karlsbad served to induce representatives of the East to supply the Eastern zone with raw materials, semifinished products/subassembly, and food. Daring Young Men
  • It is the excellent raw material for the brick making and the unshaped refractory material making.
  • Export incentives are an old tradition and a key part of any programme to develop an export-oriented industry sector, a regime that allows manufacturers duty-free access to imported raw materials and equipment.
  • Industries still tend to prefer virgin raw materials to recycled ones.
  • Fast flowing water and raw materials such as wool and wood made Ambleside a natural home to industry such as fulling mills - mills which removed sheep oils from woven cloth corn, wool, flax and bobbin mills.
  • Only 55 per cent of the raw material is canned. The rest is thrown away.
  • While blacksmiths work mostly with hot metal, whitesmiths do the majority of their work on cold metal (although they might use a forge to shape their raw materials).
  • Joints should be installed on the pipe thread wrapped with the appropriate raw material to ensure the reliability of sealing.
  • We have our own Ministry registered salmonella testing laboratory with around 8000 raw materials and animal rations assayed annually.
  • Asteroid-sourced raw materials will enable and catalyze the development of an Earth-Moon space economy and humankind's expansion into the solar system.
  • Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.
  • Ethanol has many uses as a solvent, raw material , extraction medium , antifreeze gasoline additive and substitute.
  • Raw materials include 15 grams of longan, a kind of dried Chinese fruit, 10 grams of fruits of Chinese wolfberries and 100 grams of black rice.
  • He discussed silversmiths and silver and gold beating… and the tools of these craftsmen, their technical vocabulary, what raw materials they used, and finally he returned to the salt cellar.
  • But this would be to overlook the indirect wage costs in the raw materials and purchased parts, in transportation charges, in new factories or new machine tools, or in the dealers' mark-up .
  • The main imports are raw materials, petroleum-based fuels, and consumer goods.
  • The raw material - New Zealand tallow mostly comes from cattle and sheep, with some contribution from goats, deer and pigs - is rendered into a reasonably clean fat.
  • Traditionally, Africa has been seen as a supplier of raw materials, and this has contributed to its under-development.
  • Renewable raw materials bring obvious benefits compared with non-renewables, but it is important to look at how they are produced and processed.
  • Its basic raw materials are barley, hops, and water, and the process involves the infusion of malted barley and water, followed by fermentation of the liquid or wort drawn from the mixture.
  • Interesting reading in the manual is the list of raw materials needed to cook a meal for 100 boarders.
  • The consumable electrodes are generally forged billets, wrought revert material, or selected foundry returns, the extra processing of which tends to increase the cost of the raw material.
  • The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.
  • Tom Szaky has created a new form of capitalism, eco-capitalism, in which waste is re-conceptualized as a raw material and becomes an economic driver. Green Business News
  • He also said the company plans to "readjust" product prices, as purchase prices of raw materials such as iron ore and coal are volatile in the spot markets. Corporate Watch
  • For the men, the job ends as soon they fetch raw materials from nearby palm groves.
  • a paper company which imports raw materials from North America.
  • Material adopt Russia primeval forest high grade seeds of trees, ashtree, oak wood are raw material.
  • profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials
  • Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.
  • The raw material used for terracotta jewellery is porous type of lean clay, and that is where it becomes different from metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and copper.
  • Perhaps our economy is going to shift gears and we will become an industrial nation, an exporter of raw materials, an offshore financial haven.
  • The writer's raw material is life.
  • Any of several Mexican plants of the genus Dioscorea having a large, inedible root that yields an extract used as a raw material for synthetic steroid hormones.
  • Higher fatty alcohol is an important raw material forplastifier and surface active agent.
  • The amount of raw material to make bioethanol or biofuel keep increasing day by day.
  • Product features: canvas fabric with PU production, in the material with a new cloth, and fabrics with the same article Ah raw materials to make the overall appearance of the same.
  • A class of merchants or manufacturers arose who are spoken of as "clothiers," or "merchant clothiers," who bought the wool or other raw material, and gave it out to carders or combers, spinners, weavers, fullers, and other craftsmen, paying them for their respective parts in the process of manufacture, and themselves disposing of the product at home or for export. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • Friendship Association, Mbeki emphasised the need for Africa to beneficiate its raw materials, particularly the continent's mineral wealth, if it was to meet the ideal of an African Renaissance. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The minerals in question—cassiterite, columbite-tantalite, gold and wolframite—are widely used in consumer electronics and other products, although Congo supplies no more than 20% of global demand for these raw materials. Can Annual Reports Save Lives?
  • Expect the scramble for cement, for lumber, for raw materials in the booming southeast to continue.
  • First of all, raw materials manufactured components comprise the initial input in the entire manufacturing process.
  • A new format was introduced, disclosing information on the use of raw material, and other uses of cost reports were suggested.
  • Peckham Rye Multi-Storey Car Park, SE15, Thu to 30 SepSkye SherwinThe raw materials of Maurizio Anzeri's art couldn't be more banal: 1930s and 40s black-and-white portrait photographs salvaged from junk markets and an embroidery more fitting to the therapeutic meticulousness of the craft shop than to the grand ironic gestures of the white cube gallery. This week's new exhibitions

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