How To Use Raw data In A Sentence
Their superiors expected them neither to analyze information nor to synthesize and explain raw data.
This information is only raw data and will need further analysis.
We have amassed the raw data and are about to begin analysing it.
I used to recur to Todd Carroll's Skeptic's Dictionary as a source of information, until I started to observe that even the raw data of events is transfigured to serve its ‘skeptical’ purposes.
Failure to have adequate controls to prevent manipulation of raw data during routine analytical testing.

The goal of this project is to develop a modular SQL engine (JDBC driver) that can be grafted onto any raw database (such as a large flat ASCII file) through a database module API.
It can be quite easy to store data in an unstructured way, but then it's still just raw data, and not necessarily useable information.
But the BMJ queried whether these conclusions had been drawn from an examination of the study's raw data.
Oracle has tried to 'thicken' its application layer, moving from raw database to applications servers to fully configured solutions, and this effort has overbalanced its services initiatives.
Tim Oren's Due Diligence
Besides presentation of the data in the form of diverse graphs, evaluation of the raw data is also possible.
Presently, raw data from most research are likely to be filed away or lost in the depths of a hard disk once the paper is published.
Team one is responsible for the collection and analysis of raw data received from the volunteer force.
Here, we discuss some of more interesting preliminary findings garnered from a descriptive statistical analysis of the raw data.
Instead of supporting the scientific process they deliberately destroyed much of their original "unprocessed" raw data, while conspiring before our "lying eyes" to destroy more recent data and emails for which they anticipated Freedom of Information requests.
An Astronomical Perspective on Climate Change | Universe Today
Analyses were conducted on the raw data.
The raw data is smoothed and represented by two lines, one faster, the other slower.
Seems to me that these ’scientists’ are beyond any measurable meaning when you consider the ’stackup of tolerances’ in their raw data and their self-designed ‘correction factors’.
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Equality of variances was checked by Bartlett's test, and corrected where required by taking square roots of the raw data.
Within a fortnight of seeing the raw data in response to queries as to the events behind the term emotional lability, in May 2003 the regulators in the United
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Does that graph use the actual, raw data, or does it use data that has been 'homogenised'?
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raw data
On these rare occasions when people are presented with the same raw data, the two camps have managed to fashion conclusions that are not just different but almost entirely contradictory.
We have amassed the raw data and are about to begin analysing it.
Data, raw data from which we have learned, seemingly, nothing.
In regard to raw data, decompression is not lossy.
Death of a popular anti-ID argument
The raw data is then processed through layers of neurons.
It is no good saying that they will comprise raw data.
The questionnaire and raw data are available on request.
Without a human being, it was not possible to manage knowledge, or extract it from raw data and impersonal information.
The raw data are analysed by the team's DNA analysts, put into a proper format, and entered into the DNA databases.
Function demonstration of raw data output.
Figure 4 summarizes the test system, which includes the data processing software to process the raw data.
In some studies, new analyses were performed from raw data supplied by the principal investigators.
But the raw data represents a stark illustration of the problems facing forces nationwide as the society they police changes rapidly because of large-scale immigration.
Times, Sunday Times
Scientific instruments such as telescopes, synchrotrons, and electron microscopes generate raw data streams that are archived for subsequent batch processing.
We have amassed the raw data and are about to begin analysing it.
Assange brought a trove of raw data and a considerable degree of savviness about how to work with vast, complex databases -- and, not insignificantly, the ability to publish outside the reach of any individual jurisdiction.
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Despite a lack of spacial limitations imposed on the text, the Factbook is far from a depository of ‘raw data.’
The raw data in and after imaging was subjected to linear deconvolution to mathematically slightly enhance the resolution.
We have amassed the raw data and are about to begin analysing it.
The reduction in violent crime is evident in the raw data, before any statistical analysis.
But the BMJ queried whether these conclusions had been drawn from an examination of the study's raw data.
Because the deep integration design uses all the raw data in the Kalman filter, all data can be weighted equally.
For example, is the backup for disaster recovery or for mining raw data?
An article was judged as empirical if it manipulated some type of raw data in its analysis.
First of all, not enough points in the raw data which can lead to the extreme being overlooked in a long-term time series and affects the accuracy of the model.
I therefore wrote to a large range of other users of the questionnaire and asked for copies of their raw data so that I could carry out the requisite analyses myself.
With so much raw data and so many things you can do with that data, coupled with a big random element, you are going to get lots of patterns.
In accordance with the testing items and technologic al data of conditioned weight of nylon 66 precusor, substantial raw data were collected and some concerning researches were made.
Analyses were conducted on the raw data.
They translate the raw data from numerous family-of-system databases into actionable information for battlefield commanders.
This information is only raw data and will need further analysis.
Scientists are analyzing raw data from the shuttle's telescope.
All x-ray scans are raw data with no processing of any kind.
In this instance, the context is involved with how the raw data must be summarized or modeled to remove extraneous information and focus on the core question -- is this investment sound or risky?
We have amassed the raw data and are about to begin analysing it.
After all categories were established and raw data was grouped under category headings, I studied the data for thematic connections within and among them.
Among the potential concerns was that my identity could be compromised or I could become clinically depressed if I learned unwelcome news based on unauthenticated analysis of my raw data.
The $1,000 Genome
These three groups take raw data and ‘homogenise’ it to deal with the anomalies caused by local variations and discontinuities.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In time it may be advantageous to hold data in processed form, but at present raw data remains too valuable.
The raw data from a push-broom imager is hardly interesting ... a single stream of pixel values.
LRO Image Availability Update - NASA Watch
The goal of analyzing and interpreting data is to reduce the enormous amount of raw data that have been collected to a manageable aggregate.
What inspired that feeling and that feeling itself make up the raw data with which our minds work - acknowledged, analyzed, they keep us on track.
The results from analyses of the raw data are available upon request from the author.