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How To Use Raveling In A Sentence

  • At twenty thousand meters, with the pods still traveling at a high velocity, parachutes billowed out from the same boxes that had contained the glider wings.
  • Taken from their families and forced to live in "white" orphanages, three mixed-race aborigine children escape, traveling 1500 miles back home, using the title fence as their guide. Cinematical
  • The Bush stooges and their lackeys in the media know that they are hanging by a tenuous thread that is unraveling ever faster and faster.
  • The next stop was the Dominican Republic, where Mays’s All-Stars were met by so many at the airport in Ciudad Trujillo, the team’s traveling secretary said, “They must have declared a holiday.” WILLIE MAYS
  • The Washington State History Museum recalls their seaborne journeys and service to country in the new traveling exhibit "Marking Time: Voyage to Vietnam. The News Tribune Blogs
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  • That misprinted movie name is in hundreds of thousands of copies of The Great Unraveling; it will linger forever in the minds of many people who, like us journalists, don't know that there's an error to look for.
  • It was kind of hard to get too worked up about it when the TV news was busy erroneously reporting that the space shuttle was traveling "nearly 18 times the speed of light" when it went boom.
  • The presentation of this "Judas," polemicizing as it was, was probably never meant to take on the historical and theological dimensions it has, traveling through the last two thousand years and leading up to the present, but with a stubborn toughness it has endured. Robert Eisenman: Redemonizing Judas: Gospel Fiction or Gospel Truth?
  • In that area the sparks were not traveling on the netlike lines, but leaping randomly into the grayness and disappearing. The Gauntlet Thrown Chapter Thirty Seven
  • Serfs had simple diets and traveling minstrels and entertainers came to the manor.
  • I thought there were three kinds of people you Aiel let come out here in the Waste; peddlers, gleemen, and the Traveling People. The Shadow Rising
  • After the drivers were introduced by a traveling emcee called ‘The Motor Mouth,’ an invocation and the national anthem, cars left at one-minute intervals to cheers from the crowd.
  • After two more e-days, by Aubry's internal clock, they reached the end of the dendrite they'd been traveling out. METAPLANETARY
  • Back then, I made enough "sweetish" meatballs and deviled eggs to feed a traveling carnival. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • Fast fighter jets -- many traveling within earshot of the sound barrier -- will headline the shows.
  • Abraham, who got lost traveling to the city, was also a bit erratic with his driving on the course.
  • The councilor was a well-preserved man of about fifty, of good height, dressed in a well-made gray traveling suit, with a light gray silk tie adorned with a pin of black pearl. The Malady of the Century
  • If I were to ask you to describe your traveling companion I should in all probability learn that his features were very indistinct; he probably wore dark glasses, perhaps also a beard, a heavy coat -- an ulster, most likely -- and no doubt also a scarf wound tightly about his neck and chin. PORNOGRAPHY
  • The carousel was just a few feet from the wide front door of the store, which people traveling through the mall passed by all day long.
  • On top of the 500 reporters traveling with the military and the three cable-TV news channels beaming 24-hour coverage there's a new element in this war: unfiltered eyewitness accounts online.
  • During the first few months of traveling, I ate only candy bars and salad with Tabasco sauce.
  • This paper at tentatively studies the theory of traveling bubble cavitation noise emitted from high-speed underwater self-navigator of Schiebe body.
  • In 2000, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts in Alabama mounted a traveling retrospective of his paintings.
  • Better had I been traveling with an iron lung.
  • It slows as it begins to collide with the interstellar medium, and the point where the solar wind slows down is the termination shock; the point where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance is called the heliopause; the point where the interstellar medium, traveling in the opposite direction, slows down as it collides with the heliosphere is the bow shock. Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today
  • So I think diplomatics and businesspeople worldwide from the U.S. who are traveling have got to raise their level of individual protective measures. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2002
  • Norton (aka my sourdough starter) will be traveling to Ohio with me, in sort of a reverse Oregon trail pilgrimage. Archive 2008-08-01
  • A big, imposing redhead with energy to burn, Hughes is a traveling "superfan," paid by team owners to whip the crowd into a frenzy, create some fun, and generally manufacture team spirit for the locals. Daimnation!: Paid to cheer
  • Moreover, each vehicle had to be capable, during each patrol, of traveling some 2,000 miles over unmapped, inhospitable terrain, and scorching, shifting sands.
  • While HAPs are unproven, Internet traffic is traveling over geosynchronous satellite links today.
  • We also were continuing to support the infiltration and exfiltration of a few intelligence officers and agents who were traveling in and out of Iran on intelligence-gathering and hostage-rescue planning operations.
  • These function somewhat like the aglets on the ends of shoelaces that keep them from unraveling.
  • So strong was the event that the speedy star eventually will be lost altogether, traveling alone in the blackness of intergalactic space.
  • Traveling the world for free requires a blend of advance planning and the willingness to seize opportunities and go with the flow.
  • Some of our people are traveling with the troupe on its tour.
  • He is being held on suspicion of traveling with an invalid passport, but Bosnitch said Fischer was never notified by the U.S. government that his passport was revoked.
  • Excluding these three groups, Rosenberg found a strong correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance, as the clinal theory would predict, but also found that the three main kinds of barriers -- oceans, the Sahara, and the Himalayas -- "adds an equivalent amount of genetic distance as traveling approximately 3,100 km on the same side of the barrier. More revelations about the genetics of race
  • She was at the vanity, fastening her pale blonde hair into a bun that was already unraveling.
  • When traveling in heavy rush hour traffic I mentally tag a few cars desperately tailgating and weaving.
  • Traveling with a nursing child can ratchet up the anxiety to unbearable levels.
  • If your travel plans do not include hotel transfers and you are traveling with a partner or a group, send someone outside to stand in line for a taxi cab while the others wait to pick up the luggage.
  • She repeatedly invokes the ocean's radical non-humanity, asking readers to imagine underwater 'tides so vast they are invisible and uncomprehended by the senses of man', or lights traveling over the water 'that flash and fade away, lights that come and go for reasons meaningless to man', though 'man, in his vanity, subconsciously attributes a human origin' to them. Rachel Carson's environmental ethics
  • Their pictures will be flashed on television screens to help reunite them with their traveling companions.
  • But the unintended consequence of the project, along with the completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, was that this new water superhighway became a conveyor for invasive species traveling between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. Amid carp threat, a call to unhook
  • Traveling choral groups have been part of seminary's tradition since 1962, when the first men's "octet" began touring the country during the seminary's summer hiatus from classes. News from SVOTS.Edu
  • They should be concerned that the tapestry of family life here is unraveling whilst promiscuity has become an accepted practice.
  • These people know nothing about traveling through the Northland, and they badly mistreat Buck.
  • A small cooler can keep most foods cold when traveling in a car.
  • All the defeat of this bill does is prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves and others while traveling from state to state, unless they file the proper paper work with the states they are traveling too. inat Senate rejects concealed weapons bill
  • Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self - taught .
  • If you are traveling to a country where typhoid is common, you should consider being vaccinated against typhoid. Typhoid
  • Traveling potty seat folds for easy and discrete carrying in a diaper bag or large purse.
  • Trim Your Travel Time Instead of traveling the night before, consider departing very early the morning of a meeting.
  • The smallness of her universe melted away and she saw herself traveling — through exotic lands she so longed to see, to the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic seas, to the vast deserts of the African continent, where the lions sprawled among the trees, and elephants tromped the veldt. Second Chance
  • Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States. Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
  • One morning there was a problem with the train's engine, and the conductor announced that they would be traveling at half-speed.
  • The traveling circus known as pro tennis arrived on the outskirts of London on June 23.
  • If you're traveling with a pet companion then this can often be invaluable.
  • Between rubber-necking the shiny, red-faced clientele around the dining room, "picnicking" on the potato salad, and chattering away about the unraveling of events of the evening, I was tempted to press the tiny little doorbell that is attached to the edge of every table in the restaurant. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The more he and the foreman looked, the more impossible seemed the task of unraveling this fankle. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • Preliminary numbers show that about 8,000 to 10,000 vehicles were traveling on the road each day, a turnpike spokesman said.
  • They allow considerable flexibility for any bright ideas we might get along the way, and we are insulated from many of the hassles encountered in traveling.
  • I liked using McAffee SpamKiller because it screens spam on my home PC so it does not load my Inbox while traveling.
  • They were dressed for a trip, Paul in a simple and elegant suit of dark blue and Dix in a sophisticated traveling habit of emerald green with black ribbing.
  • Sani, who has sold men's suits for decades from traveling showrooms set up in hotels around the country, spends millions advertising them in eight-page pull-outs in The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and The New York Times.
  • Traveling up to a thousand miles per second, they fly through space and are deflected by planetary magnetic fields.
  • Instead, the company has focused on ineffective and inconvenient security procedures for the sole purpose of pacifying the traveling public.
  • The plates used to make Browne's illustrations for "David Copperfield" are here, as are Dickens's traveling inkwell and an ivory seal given to him by his best friend and future biographer, John Forster. The Best of Dickens's Life and Times
  • One young woman described spending several years traveling intermittently with various carnivals.
  • The couple spend their time skiing, golfing, boating, traveling and socializing with their friends.
  • The fact that I was traveling to an exciting new city with a posh hotel room didn't hurt either.
  • But police say it was traveling at a high rate of speed when the accident happened.
  • Sweetie (that's what you call your occasional traveling companion when you know you're stepping outside his comfort zone) - the landlord for that rental next week? The Other Side of the Ocean
  • Storm clouds pile up above the sere plain, and in the foreground, a granite marker is etched with a mountain range, two pines and the words ‘Traveling Wolf, born 1878, died 1961.’
  • Together with his friend Nisha, Anand embarks on what may be his most dangerous missiontraveling tothe cold and forbidding worldof Shadowlandin his attemptto restore the conch to its rightful place, and his home to its original splendor. Shadowland by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: Book summary
  • Therefore, minibus drivers would try to pick up as many passengers as possible, traveling fast, covering more bystreets and often breaking traffic rules.
  • I must see a traveling paper, then you may come stay the night with us so as you will be safe from the wendigos.
  • The innovational steps comprise raveling out the flood peak of letters and calls, constituting the law of letters and calls, establishing the Ombudsman of letters and calls.
  • Suppose lamps were flying this way and that at various speeds, but that in some frame the light beams from those lamps were all traveling at 186,000 miles per second, just the speed predicted by the equations of electrodynamics.
  • And, as you read this I will be traveling up to Anchorage to board my flight to Indiana, where on Friday I will meet up with the raveler I mentioned. Undefined
  • I'll be traveling during the winter months and want to winterize my home.
  • It's easy to see why these films were used as part of the shuck and jive of the traveling movie marketer.
  • He stood tall and he looked as though he had stopped traveling for his boots were caked with fresh mud.
  • Further, Consumers Union added: “It is difficult to understand why adults and children riding an intercity motorcoach should enjoy the protection of lap/shoulder belts, while young children traveling on a school bus should not.” 2010 National School Bus Safety Week
  • But by that time, he had used a special "multistate" license to get a job as a traveling nurse at a hospital 1,200 miles away in News - Top Stories
  • He was a competent woodsman and would have had no problem traveling inland through the bush and back into mainland civilization anonymously.
  • Nobody wanted their little princesses to live the life of the great French tragedienne, with her denial of moral constraint, her ridiculous traveling menagerie and her monumental myth-making. Actress, Seductress
  • Through their eyes, a white woman traveling in a car filled with black folks looked like a hostage.
  • Very loosely woven fabrics, fluid fabrics such as rayon challis and some hand-woven fabrics may need more staystitching to control stretching and raveling.
  • Hence all the turbulence, all the restless energy, the endless traveling along streets and long corridors.
  • Learn how to do the men's traveling spin step in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.
  • If you're traveling by plane in the coming months, chances are you'll be renting a car when you land.
  • A brilliant ploy by Palin - exchanging a real job (sort of) for a non-job ... er, con-job, an all-expenses-paid, big-money traveling side show around the U.S., courtesy of "the world-is-flat" rightsiders with dollars to burn and no sense at all. Looking for a leader, Tea Partiers issue invite to Palin
  • Pizza, for me then, is sort of a twisted, backwards culinary interpretation of the hotelling phenomenon. without going back to econ 100A with professor olney, i’ll just say that it doesn’t really matter what pizza tastes like because i’ll just go to the place that will “minimize the average traveling costs.” Pizza is like sex - victor jr.'s in culver city
  • The ninth novel in the “Hollow” series has witch and bounty hunter Rachel Morgan traveling cross-county with an elf, pixy and vampire. BOOK WORLD - March 6, 2011
  • While traveling abroad in many lands, you can buy local fruit and vegetables—live off the country.
  • But she’d been traveling for just three days, and her hoverboard was a lot faster than most. Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet
  • We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.
  • They'd felt safe because they were traveling with a guide who knew the area and, presumably, the dangers. A KING'S RANSOM
  • Mom's favorite brother, Uncle George, arrives in town with his traveling carnival.
  • Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.
  • A few seconds later I emerge from an arroyo, and with the road now traveling due north, the Santa Lucias loom directly ahead, a great shrouded wall plunging down to meet the Pacific.
  • Instead, they will be populated by industrious persons traveling to these beneficent climates in search of the prosperity that has eluded them in their own country.
  • A Talmud scholar was traveling on a ship bearing a group of merchants to a distant city.
  • Kathleen disguised herself as a man by having her long hair hidden beneath a cap and traveling dressed as a man.
  • The company said its six-wheeled vehicle, capable of traveling on land and water, was based on the "classic World War II 'DUKW' amphibious design. Local News from Tuscaloosa News
  • Traveling minstrels serenaded their clients with bawdy or heroic tales set to music.
  • The roads had been plowed, so they would be traveling alongside the roads across the banked snow, and some of the still untouched snow.
  • Often traveling sets were made so that the knife blade, spoon bowl, and fork tines screwed into their handles.
  • There are some advantages to traveling with a craftmaster," suggested Yelena. The Death of Chaos
  • My insides still feel like a tightly wound rubberband, on the verge of unraveling violently…
  • The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the merits of the former ambassador traveling to Niger.
  • She was spectacular, ... bourréing across the stage as if eiderdown in the wind or traveling weightlessly in arabesques voyagées.
  • The dump truck struck the tractor trailer while traveling at a speed in excess of 74 k/hr.
  • I, for one, will always choose my auto for traveling the country rather than flying simply because I appreciate my American right to come and go at will unsearched.
  • The unraveling of Christian Lacroix began long before the label filed for bankruptcy in France in May. I want - I got
  • As the film's director and co-producer - as well as star - Ahmed has his hands full with the film's release: "I feel like a traveling businessman," he says. Marshall Fine: Interview: Ahmed Ahmed's Middle Eastern comedy adventure
  • But the unintended consequence of the project, along with the completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, was that this new water superhighway became a conveyor for invasive species traveling between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. Amid carp threat, a call to unhook
  • On October 20, five days later, diplomats traveling by train from Moscow to Warsaw were stopped at the Brest Litovsk crossing point and told that the border was closed for five days. Staying Tuned
  • In weather like this, if my husband were still with me, we would not be trapped in one place, watching a leaden dawn and a sunset of dull red; we would be traveling with the king's court, on progress through the weald and downland of Hampshire and Sussex, the richest and most beautiful countryside in all of England, riding high on the hilly roads and looking out for the first sight of the sea. Excerpt: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory
  • It might sound like blasphemy to suggest vacationing without going anywhere, but when the cost of airline tickets or fuel is factored in and the actual hassle of traveling — especially if you have young kids — is factored in, planning a staycation starts to look pretty appealing. Plan The Best Staycation Ever | Lifehacker Australia
  • And you come back with some traveling anecdotalist? Matthew Yglesias » For Democrats, Even a 2010 Win Will Feel Like a Loss
  • She had been unsure about traveling with him, but they were more alike than he would admit.
  • the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel
  • It is a pity that I only remember seeing one fellow diasporan Armenian already seated on a minibus when I stepped on traveling along Marshal Baghramian Avenue towards Friendship Square, just over two years ago. Archive 2004-11-01
  • A woman traveling alone through the countryside may receive unwelcome attention from men.
  • It seems obvious to me that the appeal of traveling to pay to be an eyewitness is being edged out by staying put and being comfortable. Whither The Live-Sports Fan?
  • an experienced and trustworthy traveling companion
  • It was a hard day of traveling as the sastrugi were jagged and high, and the ground definition was very poor as everything was draped with the newly fallen snow of the last nine days.
  • If you're traveling solo, a hostel can be cheaper than a hotel.
  • They'd felt safe because they were traveling with a guide who knew the area and, presumably, the dangers. A KING'S RANSOM
  • The source and I agree though that lugging luggage up from the rail/bus tunnel to a hotel in downtown is not going to be easy, and that going part way on the train and then transfering to a shuttle or taxi or whatever is not likely to happen, especially by business travelers late at night, or families traveling with car seats, strollers and screaming kids. Sound Politics: Transportation Round-up
  • John wanted to set about their adventure as expeditiously as possible and had booked passage on a postal aeroplane traveling to nearby Hog's Creek.
  • Traveling with a seabag was something left over from the "‘Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum’ sailing days.
  • The Khasi hills were accessible from India in the 19th century only by traveling by budgerow down the Hooghly river, through the Mercury Rising 鳯女
  • Don't… try to get voluntarily bumped while traveling with a large group unless you're prepared to split up.
  • Her hands laced around the front of his body, grabbing at the coat of his robe, slowly pulling, unraveling the knot on his waist.
  • With any luck I'll be out like a light (I'm feeling pretty dopey already after a hard weekend of traveling and drinking) and sleep through to 7.00 am.
  • Indeed, immigration officials of many countries strip-search persons traveling with diplomatic passports.
  • While the government cannot stop people from traveling there or force them to return home, a formal travel warning could result in canceled airline and hotel bookings as well as deter non-U.S. travelers from going to Europe. Terror Warning In Europe? U.S. Weighs Travel Alert For Tourists Abroad
  • Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.
  • Learn how to do the ladies traveling spin step in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.
  • We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.
  • They are also partially migratory, and in the fall they can be seen traveling in flocks of more than a hundred birds.
  • If a single bioelectrical impulse traveling along a neuron in a petri dish is not a moral action, then the same must be true of human thought and behavior - merely a complex system of such impulses.
  • Yoli and I were traveling coach to Chicago since the trip would be only ten hours.
  • Cabinet chief Alberto Fernandez, the government's main negotiator with the farmers, was traveling with Mrs. Kirchner and said the government would make a new proposal to farmers on the soybean tax. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Fear, greed and sexual obsession tangle in a plot that has more twists than a curl of smoke traveling through a double helix.
  • I will be traveling this week and there may be delays in posting.
  • The irregular grid on the building’s facades is an expression of the forces traveling throughout its structure. Cooperative Blog » Blog Archive » This building
  • A motorboat pulls the wakeboard rider through the water, traveling at around 20 miles an hour.
  • Volunteering, visiting schools, traveling to government agencies to help remoralize employees, raising her adorable daughters; she's an incredible asset to Obama at a perilous time. Salon
  • From there, he'll spend the next week traveling cross-country to Boston.
  • The contents of the packet may shake down in traveling.
  • Leonard and Margaret are back in Canada now and, as I was traveling, I missed their big sayonara.
  • Experienced doulas charge between $50 and $900 per birth, depending on experience, geographic area, demand, patient's needs, traveling time, and sliding scale.
  • Kung Fu Panda 2's" promo campaign includes a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon that's traveling the country and a tofu tie-in.
  • Traveling companions should know the early signs of hypoglycemia.
  • While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.
  • He dreamed of traveling to the remote South Sea Islands.
  • What my traveling companion remembered from the mid 1970s as a lonely, windswept point has become a bustling little town.
  • Hordes of reporters also descended on the Granite State, traveling with the candidates to campaign events and contributing to the mob atmosphere at polling places. New Hampshire Election Results 2012: Winners And Losers
  • Traveling alone (especially for women) is seen as sad and desperate, a cardinal sin, reserved for those social pariahs who talk to their cats.
  • While in astral projecting, one may leave the body in one point of time and send the consciousness to another, there is still a linear traveling from set point A to set point B. The Tail Section » Your Voice: Explanation of Dharma, Richard, Locke and The Vault
  • On one occasion, traveling to a corrida in Andujar, he turned to his banderillero and announced he was going to do something that afternoon no one had ever seen before.
  • Forbes is traveling the country at an impressive clip, spreading his flat-tax message and pocketing IOUs from Republican pols.
  • He had been traveling astoop, partly because the burden of his years weighed heavy on his shoulders, partly as if his muscles had unconsciously reverted to the easy, slouching, climbing-stoop of the Kentucky mountaineer. In Old Kentucky
  • In traveling to the homes of famous writers, he wanted to re-create, if not re-enact, the rather breathless and dewy-eyed excursions of Victorian tourists through the English countryside. Modern Reliquaries
  • This is not a film where we find ourselves empathizing with the heroine; instead, we are dispassionate voyeurs, observing her actions and unraveling clues about who she was, is, and will be.
  • While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.
  • Just to give one example: he accepts something like a coloured picture, with all the different colour points, traveling in parallel up the optic nerve and has to concern himself with how many colour ˜points™ could travel in parallel in a single nerve (Czolbe 1855: 33). Friedrich Albert Lange
  • Bring down my mackintosh and traveling - cloak, and some stout shoes, though we shall do little walking.
  • Of course, both men are wrong, since a meteoroid is a rock traveling through space, a meteor is a rock that burns up in our atmosphere, and a rock that actually hits Earth's surface is a meteor ite. Locus Online News
  • According to a new nonstatistical Intel study of laptop theft among businesses, the largest percentage of business laptops were lost when an employee was working out of the office, followed by when an employee was traveling. NYT > Home Page
  • The relationship with Young at Art evolved from K'NEX's past and successful traveling exhibit program that offers a fun, interactive exhibit that creates a hands-on K'NEX environment for kids and their parents. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • These women were traveling, they had relationships, they had jewels, they had furs.
  • The President of South Korea Ron Moo -hyun walks across the Korean Demilitarized Zone in traveling to Pyogyang for talks with North Korean leader Kim Jon Il.
  • This traveling wave of altered electrical potential is called an action potential, more commonly known as a nerve impulse.
  • There are two persons in a plane which is traveling at a speed greater than the speed of sound.
  • London kloptbaze Vintage Leather Sofa Leytonstone Sofas armchairs suites for sale London hughiemac Hugh Loving London already, the classic architecture of the buildings is especially striking! tmzmaster Lloyd's of London -- Overdose Clause ribbit RT @donthorson: @travelinggeeks @ribbit getting excited about Travleing Geeks BT/Ribbit meet up in London next week. dresouzax This weekend, cheesy tourist walks. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • They make their move when an exhausted Bastila is traveling aboard the Republic starship the Endar Spire.
  • Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.
  • The title construct is a traveling show, headed by Dr. Parnassus (Christopher Plummer), and including his daughter Valentina (Lily Cole) and his various employees. Marshall Fine: Movie review: The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
  • Traveling back in time 4,000 years, it plunges unwitting riders into a harrowing journey through ancient Egypt and a confrontation with an animatronic version of the mummy Imhotep, notorious Keeper of the Dead.
  • Paris is perhaps the opposite, betraying little of this tendency to overbuild - although traveling the periphérique outside the city center does, like so many cities, offer considerable evidence to the contrary.
  • U_tt - U_xx = 0 for x in the interval (0,1) with solution U (x, t) being a combination of waves traveling with velocity +1 and -1 along the x-axis, and with subindices indicating differentiation with respect to space x and time t. GREENIE WATCH
  • Haller is a Lincoln Lawyer, a criminal defense attorney who operates out of the backseat of his Lincoln Town Car, traveling between the far-flung courthouses of Los Angeles to defend clients of every kind. The Lincoln Lawyer: Summary and book reviews of The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly.
  • What the play needs, but doesn't get in his staging, is British sangfroid and coolly clipped British-accented delivery unraveling in just the right places.
  • They were a gift given to him by a traveling gypsy when he visited his father's castle.
  • TRPV1 can detect noxious stimulus and convert it into action potentials traveling to the central and forming pain sensation.
  • Will you be traveling non-stop to Canada (Westjet)? bammazmx US/MEX Citizens traveling to canada
  • He felt achy and sore from a day's traveling, but he could not fall asleep.
  • Discover a world of comfort and luxury, traveling in the company of women with Olivia.
  • Electron gun is one of the key components of coupled - cavity traveling - wave tube TWT.
  • These mechanisms would replace the parapsychic gift of teleportation for any person traveling inside their cage by transporting them via the fifth dimension to any place where a correspondingly adjusted receiving set was stationed. Menace of the Mutant Master
  • On a similar note, Obama oks the testing of a hypersonic misile capable of traveling 6X the speed of sound that can strike any target on the globe within an hour. Memorial Day
  • The Travel Channel will debut a new travel series about the world's hot spots, traveling to such dangerous locales as Afghanistan and Chechnya.
  • RALEIGH - While traveling back to Raleigh recently from a family cook-out in Mint Hill, my kids and I stopped at a convenience store in the Montgomery County town of Troy for gas and soft drinks. JLF > John Hood's Daily Journal
  • Some of our people are traveling with the troupe on its tour.
  • She described how, on one occasion, a Russian princess who was traveling with the Mentmore house-party to watch the Derby at Epsom prevailed on Hannah to practice her power of suggestion upon her. Rothschild Women.

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