How To Use Rattle on In A Sentence
Well what a surprise. 11am Radio 4 gives Billy Bragg a full half hour to prattle on about some obscure 1930s pacifists/ conchies / commune dwellers.
Open thread
I can rattle on about cytochromes, about chemiosmotic potentials and ATP synthase.
"I will show you fear in a handful of dust...."
You don't know what hell is until you've had an insurance salesman prattle on eternally about term life annuities.
A sudden gust of wind blew into the cantina, making the glasses rattle on the shelves.
I prattle on about how much I love my country, and generally portray myself as a bit of a little Englander, yah boo sucks to you johnny foreigner etc, and in the most part that's true.
One minute you're listening to them rattle on like a machinegun about Elian Gonzalez and his fish-food mom, and the next you're in a clock tower pumping hot copper a hundred meters through the brainpan of some physics TA.
When these chairborne cowards prattle on about strength and toughness, concepts they are truly unfamiliar with, I like to remember these old men.
Thanks heaps for dinner and the drinks, and listening to me prattle on for a couple of hours!
Sony's official PlayStation blog has confirmed (link via Kotaku) that new PlayStation 3 controllers with DUALSHOCK technology -- also known as 'rumble' -- will rattle onto store shelves next week.
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He didn't have time to listen to the weak-minded fool prattle on.
A prime example of this systemic program weakness (aptly spun by the network and Russert's pals as a positive during the interminably long post-Russert death rattle brattle on television) was this past Sunday when Gov.
Beverly Davis: Time to Bury the "Meet the Press" Format
I tend to vote for democrats though because of the social issues because I can't stand listening to a republican brattle on about family values bullshit.
David Mamet writes about "this worldview with which I now found myself disenchanted: that everything is always wrong."
It was a rare art, he reluctantly admitted, to be able to rattle on like Dee without getting right up your nose.