How To Use Ratter In A Sentence
In the Central and South American countries this snake is highly valued as a "ratter" and frequents human habitations without fear.
Pathfinder or, The Missing Tenderfoot
More to the point; congratters to Keith and NASAWatch for the coverage.
Scott Parazynski Has Sumitted Mt. Everest - NASA Watch
La Rocca di Pietore, situata né monti più aspri e confinante con paesi esteri, in tutti i tempi esposta all 'invasione dei nemici, con caratteri di Sangue ha dati segni infallibile della sua fede, e dimostrato che gli abitanti di quella, quanto più semplice e poveri di beni di fortuna, tanto più sonodotati di ardenza e prontezza a sagrificare sè stessi in servigio del principe loro; da che è sortito che sempre dalla Serenità Vostra sono stati con elementissimo occhio riguardati conservandoli in tutti i tempi illesi ed intalli quei privilegi che gli sono più delle pupille degli occhi cari, &c. &c. PRIMIERO.
Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
Hence it follows that it is utterly impossible to call a concordat an international treaty in the real and true sense of the word (cf. a pamphlet anonymously edited in Rome, 1872, under the title: "Della Natura e carattere essenziale dei Concordati", whose author was Cardinal Cagiano de
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
The seven types of aria are: Aria Cantabile; Aria di portamento; Aria di mezzo carattere; Aria parlante; Aria di bravura; Aria di agilita;
Notes on ''An assiduous frequenter of the Italian opera': Shelley's Prometheus Unbound and the opera buffa'
So, for most children and adults, the generics dextroamphetamine or methylphenidate are as safe and effective as the heavily-advertised, brand-name drugs like Adderall XR (an extended-release mix of amphetamine salts), Concerta (extended-release methylphenidate) or Strattera (atomoxetine) to treat ADHD symptoms.
Parents: Don’t rush to Adderall XR, Concerta, Strattera
More prosaically, a ratter out could get a one-way ticket back to his home country plus a big fat check financed through employer fines.
Matthew Yglesias » Enforcement
E ` un'altra prova di gran classe, forte di un tributo al blues-jazz come Chicago Now, di un'imitazione della psichedelia e del soul-rock degli anni '60 come I'm Frank, e di canzoni argute come Sing Harpy e And Therein (con il caratteristico ritmo saltellante delle chitarre, qui spinto ad eccessi da manicomio).
FallNews - they grease the roads! *truckers' pin-up edition*
June 26th, 2009 9: 51 pm ET call your senators tell them too vote no on this bill. this bill is bad for the economy raise the price of goods and ship manafactureing job overseas. i can't beleive how every news station is burying it. it seem they forgot howtoo stand up too make this country great, but ratter kiss polical butt
Climate bill's hot talk
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Only the quick hands of the two closest Clayr saved her from a potentially fatal fall into the swift, cold waters of the Ratterlin.
Dance of the Neon Knight è un corto splendidamente animato da Paul Rayment, dal caratteristico design “al neon”.
No Fat Clips!!! : PAUL RAYMENT – Dance of the Neon Knight
Intonation: Marsellus Wallace, che aspetto ha in caratteri?
No Fat Clips!!! : [BEST OF] February 2007
On another tour, Cecil and Constance stayed at a boardinghouse run by a woman who kept a python as a ratter.
Empire of Dreams
As for rats, they are far too big for your average cat: best to call in a good ratter like a Parson Jack Russell Terrier which can clear a whole Dutch Barn of rats in two shakes of a cat's tail.
Archive 2007-07-29
The seven types of aria are: Aria Cantabile; Aria di portamento; Aria di mezzo carattere; Aria parlante; Aria di bravura; Aria di agilita;
Notes on ''An assiduous frequenter of the Italian opera': Shelley's Prometheus Unbound and the opera buffa'
Da qualche anno in qua, il costume piu severo che s’ introdusse in questi paesi non meno che in tutti gli altri del Piemonte, tolse non poco del carattere originale di questa come di tante altre festivita popolesche, nelle quali erompeva spontanea da tutti i cuori la diffusive vicendevolezza degli affetti, e la sincera giovalita dei sentimenti.
Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
You should keep in mind the Carin was bred to be a ratter.
Then she stared deliberately ahead at the shining waters of the Ratterlin.
But Andy Kratter, a bird expert at the Florida Gainesville, is sure the swamphen is not a boon to Florida.
South Florida - South Florida Recipes
Long-tailed weasels are good mousers and ratters, so farmers do not mind having weasels around their farms because they eliminate these pests.
Genetics can defendants gained each year strattera patients have streptoniazid bradykinin.
Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
LERICI, C.R. and CAPELLA, P. (1976) Caratteri chimici del fico dlndia (Cactus opuntia).
Chapter 5
REFERENCES: la pelouse (f) = grass; le gazon (m) = grass or lawn; Manou = endearment for the name Emmanuelle; for-mee-dah-bluh = formidable = great; gratter for it (Franglais) = scrape (save) or work for it
Words in a French Life
On a visit to a zoo in Delhi, India, in 1980, Mill spotted a feral, orange domestic cat with deep brown rosettes that lived in the rhinoceros compound and earned its keep as a ratter.
ratter" -- superstitious Tudor sailors did not have cats on board as they were thought to bring bad luck.
Reuters: Top News
Then there was the saloon-keeper's collared and ribboned ratter, which got an extra lump because the 'barkeep' was liberal; and the rounds-man's Cat, that brought no cash, but got unusual consideration because the meat-man did.
Animal Heroes
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess potential abuse in adult patients, Strattera was not associated with a pattern of response that suggested stimulant or euphoriant properties.
Quindi c'e' speranza per me e i dolci, anche se, come si e' concluso con alcuni amici recentemente, il problema e' che caratterialmente non sono molto portata per queste cose perche' non mi piace seguire le ricette alla lettera, e cio non funziona sempre con i dolci...
So many achievements!
I had wanted a cat for a long time, having grown up with one, and now we really needed a ratter.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I Learned from the Cat
The ratter kills young and old, male and female, pregnant and sterile with the same compassionless urge.
But when given a chance the Airedale can still be an expert ratter and can also be trained to the gun.
But young Pickles turned out to be an excellent ratter and was a favourite amongst our neighbours.
Long-tailed weasels are good mousers and ratters, so farmers do not mind having weasels around their farms because they eliminate these pests.
For the present, the German ratter has trounced its Irish doppelganger.
Dog days for British breeds
Its original purpose was as a ratter, working very hard to to remove rodents from places such as kitchens and stables.
He said Yorkshire had one of the highest concentrations of mounted foxhounds, beagle packs and terrier and lurchermen, from moorland fox packs to ratters in Leeds and Sheffield.
Till mighty Ratterlin spends its strength, In the Delta at full length.
First the apples are pulped in a machine called a scratter box, then they're poured and folded into large cloths called hairs (from the horsehair they were once made of) and stacked up into a ‘cheese’.
Shelley egli aveva dell 'affezione, e molta stima pel suo carattere e pel suo talento, ma non era suo amico nel estensione del senso che si deva dare alla parola amicizia.
Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
Per Shelley egli aveva dell 'affezione, e molta stima pel suo carattere e pel suo talento, ma non era suo amico nel estensione del senso che si deva dare alla parola amicizia.
Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals