How To Use Rationing In A Sentence

  • Thanks to derationing and the free market the price of tea has now gone down to 85 guineas a quarter.
  • This kind of subspecialty referral care will end with rationing. Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
  • But completely baffling if you grew up with rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amid the rationing and the rubble of bombed buildings, there was hope for the future and television was part of it.
  • The shortage of the chemotherapy drug, called cytarabine, is so severe that major cancer and academic medical centers are rationing the drug while other hospitals have run out and are scrambling to get more. Leukemia Drug Shortage May Get Relief
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  • This may mean rationing the air time of particularly garrulous individuals. Training with N.L.P.
  • CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez called off drastic energy rationing in Caracas after a chaotic first day of staggered blackouts angered his supporters, but the measures will continue across the country. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Category: Health Care | Comment (RSS) 4 Comments morganovich: the IMAB will be the controller of rationing and service denial. the fact that they can cut anything they want without any approval by elected officials makes them pretty much suzerain of government healthcare. whether they become a “death panel” or whatever is not necessarily clear, but they certainly have to power to be. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Health Care Bill Timeline
  • But our haimish breed of armchair soldiers hasn't been confronted with the draft, rationing, or the bill for our foreign adventures; these homespun hawks haven't had to cut back on resources, food, or any comfort, however slight, as part of the war effort. Ben Tripp: It's Time to Grow Up
  • There is only one way to reduce the demand for meat and that is by rationing the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • They righteously maintain that they do not practise rationing.
  • Prices rose fast from the spring of 1916 despite massive imports; partial rationing was introduced, followed by food coupons in June 1918.
  • No doubt this would be condemned as state-controlled rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But completely baffling if you grew up with rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite an early attempt to ban the substance in 1911 - skeptical scientists argued it was an "adulterant" that changed the makeup of food - saccharin grew in popularity, and was used to sweeten foods during sugar rationings in World Wars I and II. Top Stories
  • Rationing, which existed until 1951, was still in place and the diet consisted of basic, no-frills meals.
  • China, such as Hubei and Jiangxi provinces, have resorted to rationing of - Articles related to Biologically dead Pasig River may spring back to life sooner, says PRRC
  • News of bread rationing created panic buying.
  • But it polices a treacherous faultline between clinical excellence and rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Created by the founder of Le Cordon Bleu cookery school, Rosemary Hume – rather than her better-known business partner, celebrity florist Constance Spry, as is often claimed – poulet reine Elizabeth, as it was originally known, was a deliberate and tactful compromise between the luxurious and the thrifty for a country still under the dreary yoke of postwar rationing. How to cook perfect coronation chicken
  • Many of my fellow carers complained about small cost savings such as rationing in the amount of cleaning foam we could use. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the last month before derationing the ration was increased to 3 ounces a head.
  • The result: a perpetual cement famine, official rationing and enormous corruption.
  • But it polices a treacherous faultline between clinical excellence and rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the end of bread rationing new bakeries were established and consumers were offered a wide range of loaves and were bidden to be choosy.
  • This was a world of rationing, austerity and supertax, some of which was paid at 90%. Times, Sunday Times
  • Battery cages were introduced into Britain on a commercial scale after the derationing of feeding stuffs in 1953.
  • The Tokugawa shoguns instituted, in effect, wood rationing: building houses of lighter construction, and replacing wood as a fuel with coal and devising more efficient stoves and ovens.
  • Many of my fellow carers complained about small cost savings such as rationing in the amount of cleaning foam we could use. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free healthcare and education were of little comfort when food rationing and poverty were all around. Times, Sunday Times
  • On leave, many of your men gravitate towards the Piccadilly neighbourhood, where, despite the black-out, rationing and high prices, a certain spirituous gaiety is still achieved, but this is more likely to lower the bank account than to raise the view of the earnestness of our war-effort. Dunkirk to Dieppe and Beyond
  • But our haimish breed of armchair soldiers hasn't been confronted with the draft, rationing, or the bill of our foreign adventures; these homespun hawks haven't had to cut back on resources, food, or any comfort, however slight, as part of the war effort. Ben Tripp: It's Time to Grow Up
  • Rationing should not be the exclusive domain of managers and professionals.
  • Rationing was introduced last year in state-subsidised shops, and inflation is running at more than 60 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The continued rationing of food was one way of sharing out what was essentially in short supply. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • But didn't the rationing experience make us appreciate bananas, thrupenny bits for pocket money to spend on penny chews (plus ration coupon), & brand new clothes. London SE1 community website
  • Mortgage lending was controlled by the simple expedient of rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free healthcare and education were of little comfort when food rationing and poverty were all around. Times, Sunday Times
  • The operation known as Rurik's Hammer, the lightning military conquest of all of Scandinavia, had been designed to solidify popular support for the resurrected Soviet government at home despite the rationing, the purges, and the KGB crackdowns; to cow a fragmented and weakened NATO already over-extended in the war-ravaged Balkans; and to remind continental Europe of the might of Soviet arms. Countdown
  • As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.
  • Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
  • The government resorted to rationing meat
  • Were these MP's about during the time of rationing they would be selling ladys nylons out of a suitcase of a street corner, woodbine in the corner of the mouth and keeping an eye out for Dixon of the yard. Archive 2008-02-01
  • This is rationing, pure and simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • This rationing bug-a-boo is based on a lack of information about the current system. CNN Truth Squad: Is health care rationing in the cards?
  • The spokeswoman, however, said she wanted to make it clear that they were not advocating derationing in this country until there was adequate food within reach of all at a reasonable price.
  • It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry.
  • Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.
  • ‘York confectioners report that sales of sweets today - the first day of derationing - have been higher than on a normal Thursday,’ the paper reported.
  • Remember how nostalgic people who were adults during the postwar era became when they talked about rationing? Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a further echo of war recently when rationing was reintroduced across the county. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strict rationing of basic foodstuffs was still in force by the end of the year.
  • If I remember, rationing was still on, so we all pooled our coupons and sorted the food.
  • Protests over food shortages forced the Government to implement rationing schemes first devised by the Labour and Co-operative movement.
  • It's not clear that the war will bite deep enough to lead to petrol rationing, but this may be a factor in your thinking.
  • There has probably never been such a rush for lard since wartime rationing or the austerity years of the 1950s.
  • No government could survive the return of shortages and rationing when the sunlit uplands of a consumer society had been attained only five years before. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Agricultural changes since the 1950s included increased mechanisation, increased use of nitrogen and herbicides, derationing of animal feed, continuous cereal production and development of improved varieties.
  • She would be employed to hand-wash clothes in the neighborhood, till people's gardens, or fetch water from distant sources due to constant water rationing. Michael Mungai: The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africa
  • Other posters encouraged buying war bonds, rationing or aid to refugees and soldiers. Smithsonian Mag
  • The local credit rationing exists universally in addition to structural credit rationing in Chinese credit market.
  • The method was harsh, but brought a 17 percent drop in retail prices and an end to formal rationing.
  • Patients can expect increased rationing of some elective operations, such as hip replacements and cataracts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Visitors will be able to rediscover the long-forgotten world of blackouts, air-raids, rationing and the Home Guard.
  • This, we recall from Chapter is the rationing function of equilibrium prices.
  • Under the impact of soaring oil prices living standards collapsed in a welter of rationing and corruption.
  • It lists options for rationing, such as increasing the price of petrol or putting a limit on the maximum amount motorists can buy.
  • The anti-rationing side is smoothly going along; and now the pro-rationing side is doing its best to turn a collection of union bullyboys, professional agitators, paid rent-a-crowds, and a thin shell of hardcore Democratic enthusiasts into something that looks like an actual grassroots movement, at least when you squint. ‘Health care is important, of course. Now watch this drive.’ - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The government may have to introduce water rationing.
  • So it is disturbing that he is so intransigent in accepting the reality of rationing: are there other arguments over which he is similarly immovable?
  • A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.
  • Opposition politicians said it would involve deeply unfair rationing according to lifestyle.
  • Part of the case for derationing is the failure of the public to take up the present ration of six ounces per week.
  • Strict rationing of basic foodstuffs was still in force by the end of the year.
  • Are the political constraints that prevent purchasers from making their decisions on rationing explicit any different from those facing clinicians?
  • It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry.
  • On leave, many of your men gravitate towards the Piccadilly neighbourhood, where, despite the black-out, rationing and high prices, a certain spirituous gaiety is still achieved, but this is more likely to lower the bank account than to raise the view of the earnestness of our war-effort. Dunkirk to Dieppe and Beyond
  • Why not have food run by a national food service and distributed with rationing by queue? Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of my fellow carers complained about small cost savings such as rationing in the amount of cleaning foam we could use. Times, Sunday Times
  • during the war the government imposed rationing of food and gasoline
  • Meanwhile, all the other people are ensconced in their homes, rationing out the milk and bread.
  • This is rationing, pure and simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.
  • A conceivable alternative would be government rationing and the allocation of important goods or the setting of production schedules and other short-term coercive measures to replace market-based mechanisms in times of crisis. TreeHugger
  • The solution, according to my vet, is carefully rationing her food.
  • Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.
  • Bread rationing was reintroduced in January 1947 as was soap rationing and, critically, beer and porter supplies were drastically reduced.
  • China, such as Hubei and Jiangxi provinces, have resorted to rationing of gas producer, announced on Monday it has signed an agreement with Myanmar's Iran, further eroding Russia's historical domination of its energy sector. - Articles related to China tightens grip on Kazakh gas
  • Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
  • Rationing has made it easier to find some products like eggs, butter and meat.
  • Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.
  • Things such as the slow derationing of food and rehousing in council houses took time.
  • This is rationing, pure and simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • Petrol rationing during the war slowed this trend.
  • Mortgage lending was controlled by the simple expedient of rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why not have food run by a national food service and distributed with rationing by queue? Times, Sunday Times
  • I arrived in blitzed London - no heating, rationing, all the privations of the day.
  • Despite the protestations of the market illiterati of the Left, government rationing of health care services is right around the corner.
  • Ministers fear fuel supplies are on the verge of widespread disruption and have drawn up plans to deploy troops to guard refineries and introduce petrol rationing.
  • Words such as 'single camshaft' and 'pushrod' are from a time of rationing and diphtheria. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, Ian steps away, off to buy his daily rationing of overpriced, indigestible slop.
  • It was just a brief spell of ownership; the war meant petrol rationing.
  • `It was Mother's idea, when petrol rationing first came in, to see what we'd got in the coach house. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • For the food and clothes rationing everyone had a coupon book - 6 ounces of butter per person per week, 6 ounces of sugar, 2 ounces of tea and a limited ration of meat.
  • Amid the rationing and the rubble of bombed buildings, there was hope for the future and television was part of it.
  • Free healthcare and education were of little comfort when food rationing and poverty were all around. Times, Sunday Times
  • News of bread rationing created panic buying.
  • For the food trade, this signalled a continuation of a restrictive system of permits, selected food rationing and coupon cutting.
  • Free healthcare and education were of little comfort when food rationing and poverty were all around. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fairfax House had survived a chequered 20th century history which had seen it used as a cinema, ballroom, soldiers' billet, coal rationing office and bicycle shed.
  • Nurses have become directly responsible for rationing care.
  • The last time derationing was tried was in 1949, but the Government quickly restored controls.
  • Currently, the US is rationing the supply of flu vaccine to the most at risk.
  • The continuation of war-time rationing squeezed living standards, while exports were increased.
  • The rationing 's bad enough without that, what with Salazar selling everything to Jerry. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The Government may have to introduce petrol rationing.
  • Almost every week the boys caught a spy or pushed a conchy into the army, and during the rationing period ‘EAT LESS BREAD’ was printed in large type on every page. Collected Essays
  • What began as a protest by opponents of the Government against electricity rationing slipped into violence and clashes with troops, with rioters blocking main roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the current situation resources are so limited that rationing has to be tightened to extreme degrees and as a result only the most severely ill patients may be offered treatment.
  • Almost every week the boys caught a spy or pushed a conchy into the army, and during the rationing period ‘EAT LESS BREAD’ was printed in large type on every page. Boys' Weeklies
  • Does the National Institute for Clinical Excellence's guidance suggesting the use of rosiglitazone later than is ideal, unsupported by evidence based medicine, amount to rationing?
  • Food rationing, shortages, bombed cities, damaged railways, such things were accepted as the inevitable concomitants of war.
  • As newlyweds in the 1940s, the couple had rented a small allotment and grown potatoes, cabbages and salad crops, to help enrich their restricted diet amid post-war rationing.
  • Free healthcare and education were of little comfort when food rationing and poverty were all around. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am looking at their jobs as civilians and in the military and focusing on how they coped with rationing and utility clothing.
  • No government could survive the return of shortages and rationing when the sunlit uplands of a consumer society had been attained only five years before. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Why not have food run by a national food service and distributed with rationing by queue? Times, Sunday Times
  • But completely baffling if you grew up with rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1949 Britain was still in the grip of rationing, public attitudes to sex were dictated by the morality of an earlier age and sex was supposed to be kept within marriage.
  • Everyone who has ever been stooged by Insurance carriers regarding medical claims, patients and physicians alike, has to read this entry in the Covert Rationing Blog and , of course, everyone has been stooged. Efficient claims payments is the last thing Medical insurers want
  • Americans clamored for the abolition of rationing and other wartime restrictions. Between War and Peace
  • Banks may resist the attempts at rationing.
  • They tell their own story of desertions, food rationing, shortage of ammunition and other difficulties.
  • Rationing should not be the exclusive domain of managers and professionals.
  • In January 1990 delays in Soviet grain deliveries had led to price rises and the tighter rationing of basic foodstuffs.
  • The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing.
  • Thanks to a food-rationing programme that began in the late 1990s, almost all families receive a monthly allowance of rice, cooking oil, salt, sugar and other basics.
  • Rationing of fruits, vegetables, shoyu, miso, and fish also commenced at this time, which brought the consumption of all basic foodstuffs under some form of government control, at least in theory.
  • Rather more quickly than I'm learning to cope with petrol rationing. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • It was just a brief spell of ownership; the war meant petrol rationing.
  • Explain how price ceilings and price floors cause quantity rationing. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The summer itself was the driest since 1995, the year of water rationing.
  • I haven't posted about Amelie Nothomb in a while but that doesn't mean I've stopped reading her out of choice, the cupboard is almost bare and I'm reduced to famine rationing because supplies in English are running low after that very greedy feast I had in the early days. 52 entries from February 2007
  • The government introduced meat rationing in May.
  • You should bear in mind that pro-health care rationing forces have been outspending those against it significantly. Sen. Dorgan (D, ND)… well, he’s ducking and covering on health care. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Mortgage lending was controlled by the simple expedient of rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Government currency control and economic mismanagement have led to shortages and widespread rationing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rationing of some elective procedures is what the budget demands - who would prioritise a tattoo removal over a cancer treatment? Times, Sunday Times
  • They announced the intention of dismantling the state rationing system?
  • Petrol stations in some cities are rationing diesel, with prices leaping on the black market, according to official reports.
  • Rationing has made it easier to find some products like eggs, butter and meat.
  • There is only one way to reduce the demand for meat and that is by rationing the people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because oversubscribed issues are subject to quantity rationing, uninformed investors may find that they are eventually allocated more overpriced issues.

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