How To Use Rationalize In A Sentence

  • She rationalized away the superstitious beliefs of the country folk.
  • However, I still cannot understand or rationalise the distressing sequence of events that followed his death.
  • People buy with their emotions and justify and rationalize with logic.
  • She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
  • The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
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  • Also, few modern regulating structures exist and the systems need to be rationalized to eliminate duplication or resources and increase the irrigable area.
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • Ultimately, companies wishing to instill more discipline in the R&D process are out to rationalize their product portfolios.
  • Treatment professionals could rationalize their inattention to difference by citing underutilization of treatment resources by many minority groups.
  • Like all air signs, Aquarians carry the double-edged gift of being able to detach their reason from their emotions, allowing them to rationalise their feelings and override base instincts or lustful passions.
  • As production becomes rationalized and routinized over time, the skills and hence high wages of the city labor force become unnecessary.
  • It is clearly spiralling and she is losing any ability to rationalise how she feels. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also helped rationalize the economy and guarantee unions' social and political role.
  • Models were rationalized, a kanban system of inventory control was introduced and within five years a leaner and fitter Mazda emerged.
  • Either that or she'd rationalize the vision she'd seen, and decide she'd been dreaming. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • I rationalized it to be a surgeon's light - glaring at me and allowing dozens of general practitioners swoop in like birds of prey.
  • In its report titled Reducing Costs in the Department for Work and Pensions, the committee says that Jobcentre Plus plans to become a smaller organisation and to rationalise its existing offices to correspond with the increase in online applications. DWP has no clear plan for online services
  • It's easy to rationalise one's behaviour by quoting conspiracy theories.
  • The issue is that they make exceptions to that principle in the case of certain arbitrary claims of political authority; or that they try to rationalize coercion by saying that some kind of collectivity makes it not really coercive - didn't we agree to that tax increase?, etc. Rad Geek People's Daily
  • To "operationalize" the new public media, Goodman says that government-funded journalism must be connected together over the Internet so that "non-commercial" journalists can easily access the public. Information Liberation
  • We must recover that dark age if we wish to understand our archaic fears and to rationalize them.
  • rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior
  • Norman also differed from the French of Paris later to evolve—and to be prodded, reassembled, and rationalized by French academicians—into Modern French. The English Is Coming!
  • Reagan operationalized the virtual in postmodern politics.
  • They should not minimize, rationalize, or explain the bullying away.
  • The issue is that they make exceptions to that principle in the case of certain arbitrary claims of political authority; or that they try to rationalize coercion by saying that some kind of collectivity makes it not really coercive — didn’t we agree to that tax increase? Why should natural lawyers care about teaching freed-market economics?
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • It is hard to rationalize McCain tossing wife number one overboard. Republicans Unveil War Room in Denver - The Caucus Blog -
  • If you were carrying out 9 / 11 with the intent of using that event to rationalize the removal of saddam, would you implicate Saddam at all in the attacks? Alex Jones' Prison
  • Mr Bunyan said there was enormous scope to rationalise courier companies which deliver to people in rural communities.
  • In addition the bill will systemise and rationalise the current fragmented regulations that are similar in nature.
  • His new parent company may now be adding different tension as he lays plans to rationalise staffing structures.
  • As work in the garment industry was rationalized, then parceled out for the lowest possible wage, the large mass of garment workers became not craftsmen but a proletarian labor force.
  • In a convention that extends to infinity the rationalized powers of human attention, no atrocity need remain unexplained, no mystery unsolved, no mistake unrectified.
  • The court was told the company made seven people redundant in July as a result of ‘ongoing financial losses and the requirement to rationalise the business’.
  • But, according to noncognitivism, coming to accept that hitting Sam is wrong is just a change of non-cognitive attitude, and it can seem wrong to think that a change in such attitudes can rationalize a change in belief. Boys in White Suits
  • A similar adjusted and rationalized morality has allowed bribery, drugs, gambling, strong-arm tactics, cheating, stealing, and lies to become a large part of the world of sports. Tom Gerdy: The Death of the Student Athlete
  • Ban Ki-Moon announced his intention to upgrade the Office of Special Advisor on Genocide and to 'operationalize' the September 15th 2005 "Responsibility To Protect" edict. Jane Wells: Ban Ki-Moon Speaks on Genocide Without Mentioning Darfur
  • People buy with their emotions and justify and rationalize with logic.
  • Those afflicted by this syndrome rationalize their cold-heartedness to themselves by "externalization" (finding outside enemies to blame for their failures) and "splitting" (attempting to hide something in their background that they are ashamed of). The Full Feed from
  • The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.
  • Others rationalise that it might bring benefits to one of the world's coldest countries, freeing up a melting Arctic for oil and gas exploration, and extending the country's brief growing season.
  • Seventies designs, in contrast, were monochromatic and tonally organised, texts rationalised and regular.
  • He didn't bother trying to rationalize what the sound could have been.
  • Family relationships were systematized, rationalized, codified, and ritualized sufficiently to be employed in a variety of productive enterprises of small and medium scale.
  • I now thought about how we could test the hypothesis experimentally, the scientific term operationalize. The Sacred Promise
  • The government had made no decision to reduce the number of provinces or to "rationalise" them, President Thabo Mbeki told ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Despite this politicians "in their wisdom" decided to stop all police recruiting and to close down all the colleges with the exception of one "because of a lack of funds and to 'rationalise' training". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In this way, conventional practices are rationalized and so made more adaptable, as both Brumfit and Krashen point out.
  • All of those can be rationalized or ignored by people who are now going over every syllable Cindy Sheehan utters.
  • Ultimately, companies wishing to instill more discipline in the R&D process are out to rationalize their product portfolios.
  • you can rationalize away all the strange noises you hear--there is no poltergeist in the house!
  • Although it can't be denied that ghosts of the past might come and haunt you, acknowledging once mistakes or youth sins and when confronted being able to stand for those choices and explain or dismiss them is a far better skill to learn then engaging in a playless, rationalized online identity creation process, afraid of online stalkers, marketeers and future employees. Masters of Media, New Media MA Amsterdam
  • These are difficult phenomena to operationalise and measure, and the procedure for participants was lengthy and exacting.
  • They attempted to rationalize the new working method.
  • Today, more than ever, the primary challenge facing the CEO is to build management teams that know how to create soundly rationalized businesses - and manage them to last.
  • She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
  • They are not at the stage to rationalise the unnatural situations the serials depict.
  • At its best, his show celebrates the capacity of our imagination to conceive of, then rationalise, the ridiculous.
  • However, the truth is the mind is very subtle and it has the ability to rationalize which can turn the obvious into the ambiguous, and vice versa.
  • Jason toys with his guilt, rationalizes it, checkmates it before it can trap him.
  • When they have their Red A advocate hats on, they rely on black-and-white thinking, peddle stereotypes, play to emotions, cherry pick, engage in confirmation bias and propaganda, act like thugs, and rationalize their unethical behavior because the end justifies the means. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • `Oh, come on, Tim, you can't rationalize it that way, now, surely? THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • In its predictions for 2011, King Sturge, the property agent, says rising rents in prime city and shopping centres could cause retailers to "rationalise". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Either that or she'd rationalize the vision she'd seen, and decide she'd been dreaming. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • Public sector general insurance companies are quietly dispensing with compassionate appointments in a bid to rationalise manpower utilisation.
  • He rationalized his decision to go abroad for further study of literature.
  • Such investments reorganize instruction in ways that decenter the faculty, rationalize teaching, and expand the role of nonfaculty professionals.
  • She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
  • While the struts appear to partially compensate for the under sizing of the joists, the king-post trusses are more difficult to rationalize.
  • Men are inclined to exaggerate their strengths and to rationalize their weaknesses, and are not willing to accept the truth about their negative behaviors and harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • To be in dispute with the club for which he had played and coached has obviously cut deep, yet Telfer, true to form, rationalises the issue.
  • Under the ancien régime these two powerful groups had often blocked princely attempts to rationalize and centralize the administration.
  • It will be operationalised through a separate agreement between the Exim Bank of India and Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank.
  • How do you rationalize your bibliology at the same time as being a bibliolater ? ID floats a lead-lined trial balloon - The Panda's Thumb
  • Good progress is reported to have been made in talks to rationalise the beef industry, worth €1.5 billion to the economy.
  • Treatment history was operationalized as the total number of previous alcohol or drug treatment episodes, excluding detox.
  • As a recap, I had come to a couple of major revelations on PIE that diverge from the "mainstream" but problematic view:One: The unlikely phonological system can finally be rationalized by turning palatal stops to plain ones and plain stops to uvular ones while shifting phonation to a contrast between creaky and plain voice rather than plain versus breathy. New pdf on Indo-European verbs
  • The existing provisions relating to amalgamation of companies were rationalised by relaxing the existing conditions for carry forward and set off of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation.
  • ‘When government attempts to rationalize its display of sacred texts by claiming secular purposes and secular effects, the inevitable tendency is to distort and desacralize the sacred text,’ the brief states.
  • Ripley is the street-smart, smooth operator who feels no guilt at all, a man who can rationalise deceit, lies, criminal behaviour and even murder in a way not even the sharpest politician could equal.
  • She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
  • It argues over the ethics of non-involvement, and scoffs at those who would rationalize the repugnant for the sake of a settled conscience.
  • She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
  • Everything was patiently explained and the chances of monsters somehow materialising under the bed were rationalised away.
  • A photoinduced intraenzyme electron-transfer model is proposed to rationalize the photoreactivation process.
  • HSBC has always sought to rationalise its money market funds where possible. We are now, but that said I think we are down to a pretty lean core and I don't expect significant further rationalisation.
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • Firms don't fire, they downsize, rightsize, offshore, streamline, rationalise and carry out 'targeted restructuring'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simple indicators of colorectal carcinoma would help to rationalise and improve the efficiency of the investigation of iron deficiency anaemia.
  • The printing process is not a core competency of ours, so we needed experts to rationalise the process fully.
  • Empty office space can easily be re-rationalized by desk-sharing, hoteling or other office-space strategies.
  • Roberta is not a particularly likable character, although as the reader comes to comprehend her background, her attitudes can be rationalized, if not understood. ( Ccfinlay: "Passing Through"
  • Hard to believe that these people can justify and rationalize such sickening behavior!
  • Mr. Gugle's letter of apology does not come across as contrite, it's more like he seeks to self rationalize his untruthfulness. Heroes or Villains?
  • That was all it took apparently for Secretary of State Colin Powell, to stand before the UN and perform his ceremonial waving of a perfume bottle to illustrate biotoxin production in Iraq and Saddam Hussein's evil nature, and to rationalize the American invasion of Iraq. Gail Vida Hamburg: As Iraq War Memory Fades, the Art Endures
  • I mean, there are works which use real science rather than handwaving, works in which the handwaving is indistinguishable from hokum, works which treat hokum as if it were real science, and works which don't actually "rationalise" at all. The Great Debate
  • You can easily rationalize it by telling yourself it's work-related.
  • Any attempt to justify and rationalize this is probably beside the point.
  • `Oh, come on, Tim, you can't rationalize it that way, now, surely? THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • The Commission will be operationalized in the next few weeks.
  • March 25th, 2010 PANAJI - After hiking the entry fee in both land-based and offshore casinos from Rs. 200 to Rs. 2,000 in the last budget, Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat Thursday sought to "rationalise" the fee structure by slashing the cost of entering land-based casinos to Rs. 500. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The extravagance of the court and the high cost of war absorbed all of France's resources and efforts to rationalize the tax system failed.
  • More importantly, social or cultural processes like gendered violence are complex to operationalize quantitatively via questionnaires and are difficult to measure with quantitative precision.
  • This function can be rationalized
  • Or you have to strategise and implement, establishing key teams that can operationalise according to the needs of all stakeholders.
  • Sure, the $480 cassette is expensive, but I suppose if you're in the later stages of syphilis or something you can rationalize it by telling yourself it's only like $43 a cog, which is about the same price as a stainless steel singlespeed cog by Chris King--plus you get the spacers free! The Party's Over: Derailed by the Economy
  • The high level of automation of missile preparation and launches helped rationalize alert duty missions and downsize alert crews.
  • Actions are rationalized on the basis that the ends justify the means.
  • Still, Mr. Brodsky welcomed the chance to rationalize what he called a bifurcated regulatory framework that allows for loopholes and "particularly disadvantages the securities options business. Exchange Chiefs Beg to Differ on SEC-CFTC Harmonization
  • After a few seasons of increasingly wild explanations, the show doesn't even try to rationalize why the Jeffersonian is CSI. Mrissa: TV main characters: why do they suck so?
  • The horrors of the terrorism could not be rationalized.
  • My own hospitality paled in comparison with the stories that circulated in medical circles, but my sense of entitlement rationalised this greed and excess as harmless and acceptable.
  • When he has his advocate hat on, he relies on black-and-white thinking, peddles stereotypes, plays to emotions, cherry picks, engages in confirmation bias and propaganda, acts like a thug, and rationalizes his unethical behavior because the end justifies the means. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • In the late 1980s Armco wished to rationalise its businesses.
  • `Oh, come on, Tim, you can't rationalize it that way, now, surely? THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • To meet the demand, the marble trade from quarries largely owned by the emperor was rationalised.
  • The standard male quest, taken to a revealing extreme in Frankenstein, is to contain and distance that amorphous feminine Real by fabricating rationalized constructs and symbols that seem to contain it, or even transcend it, by way of distinctly male frames of reference (such as his male "demonstration" of fabricated life) through which we glimpse the deep and primordial Feminine only "through Hogle, Introduction, Frankenstein's Dream, Praxis Series, Romantic Circles
  • Another idea, which has been adopted by internet-based direct selling sites to rationalise the process, is the decision tree.
  • But how easy is it for two people brimming with emotion to sit face-to-face and rationalise? Times, Sunday Times
  • To let buy book behavior rationalize, not hesitate rack one's brains, take all steps.
  • Structural, strategic and other brief, symptom-focused therapies have also been operationalized without much difficulty.
  • The commission rationalized this system, explaining that other transportation networks already charge variable rates for use at peak hours.
  • As we mature, we learn to rationalize our pop cultural passions. Globe and Mail
  • One of my objections to the hypothesis has been that it's hard to rationalize, mechanistically.
  • Indeed, the origin of such a compound cannot be roughly rationalized on the basis of either the presence of the easily abstractable hydrogen atoms of the macrocycle or the low polarity of the cavity when compared with water.
  • He understood that the only way to rationalize slavery was to negate the slave's humanity.
  • When one wonders why one is doing certain things, one should rationalize
  • After the war there were script reforms carried out to rationalise the writing system, but that connection between characters and Japanese identity remains very strong.
  • Summers quoted at Marginal Revolution rationalized by talking about the gender ratios at 3.5-4 sigma, which is above the 99.9th percentile. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » So Lawrence Summers Was Fired For Being Correct?
  • This funds a huge burst of creativity - which is followed by a Darwinian process that rationalizes the industry.
  • Notice that many such questions merit consideration when you attempt to operationalize a major political variable.
  • Let's face facts; this is the harsh reality that we've been fighting all along, though we are perpetually shocked by decisions (like Herring) that rationalize a way around a rule until we are left with rules that bear no nexus to their original purpose, a problem that I describe as a rubric without the rationale. Simple Justice
  • Without clear lines of demarcation, people can come up with all types of twisted logic to rationalize their behavior.
  • The idea was to rationalize and redefine retailing by distributing goods in a cultivated manner: efficiently, honestly, and cleanly.
  • However toplofty and idealistic a man may be, he can always rationalize his right to earn money. - Raymond Chandler
  • But how easy is it for two people brimming with emotion to sit face-to-face and rationalise? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm forever trying to take it apart, see what makes it tick; rationalize it.
  • I rationalized this time span by calculating the surface area of the globe: 21 square feet.
  • On the other hand, districts have used shortages to rationalize the employment of people who have not studied and do nor know the subjects they will teach.
  • I'm forever trying to take it apart, see what makes it tick; rationalize it.
  • It wasn't his fault my yet-to-be-rationalized feelings were unreciprocated.
  • I could just rationalize the idea that he wants to be open and honest and that I'm a ray of the disinfecting sunshine.
  • And Shackle did the most to "operationalize" or at least evangelize the brilliance of Keynes' work on this subject. Roger Koppl - The Austrian Economists
  • He did not seek to rationalise, justify, or otherwise try to hold on to his appointed position of trust.
  • However, I still cannot understand or rationalise the distressing sequence of events that followed his death.
  • The instinct to follow the herd can be rationalised as rational, so to speak, since everybody benefits in the short term by forcing the price up.
  • Great efforts of the mind are required to rationalize actions that are obviously contrary to fundamental biological imperatives.
  • `Oh, come on, Tim, you can't rationalize it that way, now, surely? THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • He rationalized his decision to go abroad for further study of literature.
  • She could easily rationalize her actions by thinking she's working towards moving out of there.
  • As a recap, I had come to a couple of major revelations on PIE that diverge from the "mainstream" but problematic view:One: The unlikely phonological system can finally be rationalized by turning palatal stops to plain ones and plain stops to uvular ones while shifting phonation to a contrast between creaky and plain voice rather than plain versus breathy. New pdf on Indo-European verbs
  • Standards such as those on depreciation and current cost accounting are so different from current practice that it is impossible to rationalize them.
  • Hayley is like a machine, carrying out incremental change to rationalise companies.
  • Air France says the 538-seat aircraft allows it to "rationalise" frequencies, replacing two flights departing within a short time with a single service. HEADLINES
  • So what, then, is the big problem with simply trying to rationalize the system?
  • The idea of money came about because there was a need to rationalise trade, to provide a base against which the worth of some object could be measured.
  • As the prison system is rationalized and restructured through each of these individual decisions, it's clear that the prisoners themselves are just pawns.
  • In this paper, we have operationalized sexual desire in the terms of cognitive events (sexual thoughts, sexual fantasies).
  • The ability of the human mind to rationalize away stupidity is absolutely staggering.
  • Properly structured, hierarchy can release energy and creativity, rationalize productivity, and actually improve morale.
  • The problem is that it's much harder to operationalize.
  • They rationalise the action claiming that their children are not mature and resourceful enough for this task.
  • If you were carrying out 9 / 11 with the intent of using that event to rationalize the removal of saddam, would you implicate Saddam at all in the attacks? Alex Jones' Prison
  • Norman also differed from the French of Paris later to evolve—and to be prodded, reassembled, and rationalized by French academicians—into Modern French. The English Is Coming!
  • The idea was to rationalize and redefine retailing by distributing goods in a cultivated manner: efficiently, honestly, and cleanly.
  • _ When the progress of thought, especially in Greece, made it impossible to accept the current beliefs concerning gods and their doings, it was felt necessary to put some higher meaning into them -- they were rationalized and spiritualized by a process of allegorization. Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • I poured my thoughts out on paper in an attempt to rationalize my feelings.
  • Takeovers of car companies are always rationalized on the basis of finding new markets for the struggling company's vehicles.
  • Trying to rationalise the precise purpose of Ferrari's solution is difficult as the bargeboard region is intricately complex but presumably the wind tunnel data show improved aero efficiency when the connector is curved. F1 Fanatic - The Formula 1 Blog | F1 video | F1 pictures | F1 news | Lewis Hamilton | Fernando Alonso
  • Social conservatives are most certainly a part of the winning Republican majority and their interests and concerns must be respected and operationalized consistently with preserving the coalition.
  • Our information is that there is existing legislation in place, but which has not been fully operationalised, because of dissatisfaction with some of its provisions.
  • Perhaps the most accepted and applied taxonomy of motivation is the trichotomy developed and operationalized by McClelland.
  • `Oh, come on, Tim, you can't rationalize it that way, now, surely? THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • Such investments reorganize instruction in ways that decenter the faculty, rationalize teaching, and expand the role of nonfaculty professionals.
  • The right to be angry, enraged and furious has been rationalised away as asocial, pathological behaviour.
  • Remarkable scenes — vistas of junk, vast motorways, toxic labor conditions, tribal vehicular gatherings, strange colors loosed from the earth, and the wholesale reordering of nature — so irrationalize our sense of what surrounds us that they can hardly be believed. Ballardian » Edward Burtynsky: Oil – A Ballardian Interpretation
  • Unable to ignore or excide what filled so much of the imagination of the country, and unable, as Christians, to believe in the divinity of the Tuátha De Danan and their predecessors, they rationalised all the pre-Milesian record. Early Bardic Literature, Ireland.
  • Without the confession of faith we are bound to rationalize our actions, excuse our sins, and dodge the law's accusation.
  • Tom is a dreamy boy, and Nora rationalizes that he will not make it in the business world because of his lack of ‘push’.
  • I am fairly sure the coyote was trying to rationalize in its brain something that was completely foreign to all of its brief life experiences: two large biped creatures traveling slowly in the night, deep in its territory for no apparent reason. The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
  • HSBC has always sought to rationalise its money market funds where possible. We are now, but that said I think we are down to a pretty lean core and I don't expect significant further rationalisation.
  • They are just small-minded homophobes trying to rationalize their fear of people unlike themselves.
  • For respiratory tract infections, the primary goal was to rationalise prescribing, indicated by antibiotic prescription.
  • Like emancipated concubines, prisoners of war were enlisted to rationalize the conflict as a civilizing mission.
  • We rationalized the production system so that one operator could control all three machines.
  • You have apparently managed to rationalise this to yourself in terms of a pseudo-Stoic teleological sophistry in which every passion has a "final cause" -- an essential purpose -- such that action at odds with these essential purposes represents an immoral "disordering" of the appetites, an unacceptable misdirection from their natural/mandatory objects. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Hence, the therapist will often help the caregivers develop increased family structure, operationalize desired youth behavior, and identify natural reinforcers to be linked with desired behavior.
  • Sudden role reversals make it possible for the initiator to rationalise contradictions.
  • How did the individuals who masterminded and ran the camp system rationalize their own behavior?
  • Or do you rationalize your way into making decisions and following paths that keep you deaf to your inner voice?
  • And the question would be so concise that there would be no room for you to minimise, justify or rationalise your behaviour.
  • Every asset manager needs a financial framework in his head to rationalise what he is doing.
  • If you do wuss out, don't get down on yourself or rationalize it away ("Oh, those girls weren't hot enough to talk to...yeah...that's it").
  • Rivals Unilever recenly announced it is to axe its Persil washing up liquid brand as part of a drive to "rationalise" its product range. : Today's Breaking News
  • However, I still cannot understand or rationalise the distressing sequence of events that followed his death.
  • Either that or she'd rationalize the vision she'd seen, and decide she'd been dreaming. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • I'm forever trying to take it apart, see what makes it tick; rationalize it.
  • He knew that when some irrational number produced a very large quotient then it could be rationalised to produce an extremely accurate approximation to some irrational.
  • In this study, the theoretical distinction between the interpersonal and organizational domains of communication was difficult to operationalize.
  • To be honest, I'm often left wondering what precisely he thinks is so new about sexual perversion and the attempt to rationalize it.
  • She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
  • I'm forever trying to take it apart, see what makes it tick; rationalize it.
  • What a ridiculous joke - but it illustrates how far some will go to rationalize their behavior.
  • The network of 366 local offices is being rationalised to leave the company with 150 to 200 larger branch offices.
  • It would appear from this that he lives with someone called Alix, and between them they share the usual kitchen and furniture items as well as "a blender/food processor which is decidedly un-minimalist," but which he rationalizes by saying it facilitates minimalist breakfasts. The New Smugness: Keeping it to a Minimum
  • ‘I like things to be just right,’ he said, laughing as he attempts to rationalise his behaviour.
  • When casual sex was explicitly defined, it was operationalized in a variety of ways.
  • The States and Territories have been forced to rationalise their housing assets through the sale of renovated homes and the adoption of leaseback strategies.
  • Central Command (CENTCOM), said that he has striven to "operationalize" U.S.
  • Brightly rationalizes, Who will live in amity and confidence with one who is scientifically proved to be predisposed to deeds of cruelty and destruction? Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • Speaking to a gathering of experts, officials and journalists, Judeh said there needs to be an effort to "operationalize" the initiative - to put forward concrete steps toward peace that might require new tactics. Jordanian Foreign Minister Visits Washington to Discuss Middle East Peace Process
  • The aim was twofold: first, to discover whether informants really did understand storytelling primarily in rationalised terms; and second, if they did, to obtain unprompted testimony as to the content of these rationalisations.
  • It is still rationalized by an elaborate and traditional, even if meretricious, theory of consumer demand.
  • Either that or she'd rationalize the vision she'd seen, and decide she'd been dreaming. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • This finding can be rationalized by considering the actual charge of the heme core excluding the propionates.
  • Its arrival has not yielded a new Constitution, rationalised the party system, modernised justice or overhauled the bureaucracy in any of the ways its advocates hoped it would.
  • In light of that, Irish Sugar's decision to rationalise the industry is timely.
  • Revolutionary fervour is born from an intense emotional response, sublimated and rationalised. COCOONED • by J.A. Matthews
  • They proliferated endlessly, and seemed to be of little clinical use, not least because they were so hard to operationalize. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And no matter what you think of that, there is no way to rationalize that you snipers are better hunters than the guys that are arrowing 250 pound monsters at 10 paces. The Great Overbore Conundrum
  • Among other uses, the activity coefficients have successfully rationalized the copolymerization of sickle hemoglobin in mixtures with nonpolymerizing agents.
  • Relax and rationalise your fears, make sure that your instructor teaches you about the water, learn about the effects of currents and riptides.
  • This study uses the same measure and operationalizes crime levels in terms of violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • While custom tailors sold individually fitted suits and other personalized apparel, they increasingly rationalized the production process in order to reduce basic costs.
  • Its arrival has not yielded a new Constitution, rationalised the party system, modernised justice or overhauled the bureaucracy in any of the ways its advocates hoped it would.
  • While they may be very useful for defining a target market, they are difficult to operationalize because of the absence of data beyond sample surveys.
  • I'm forever trying to take it apart, see what makes it tick; rationalize it.
  • Sales to addicts were rationalized by the realization that spurned customers could simply go to another druggist - or a street dealer.
  • Hence, the origin story shifted to specifically Christian themes, typified by Afonso's burying his mother and operationalized by the founding of the Order of Christ.
  • GM sought to rationalize its business by eliminating brands and thus was motivated to end the Daewoo dealer network.
  • There was the bitterness over the recruiters' deception, but they tried their best to rationalize what was happening.
  • Keel-billed Motmot is inherently cool just by being a motmot, it is not in any way more cool than other motmots, so it is no great disaster that there is no picture to share (or so I rationalize anyway). 10,000 Birds
  • If the android is an utterly familiar trope, or rationalised to the most rigorous degree, or both, surely it can't continue to function as a novum. Strange Fiction 8
  • The network of 366 local offices is being rationalised to leave the company with 150 to 200 larger branch offices.
  • ‘I could care less’ also has similar ‘chain abusers’ who rationalise the mistake by citing someone in history who said it, long enough ago to somehow make saying it today, okay. “Irregardless” has a posse « Motivated Grammar
  • We rationalized the factory's production and raised profits
  • These stories voiced a persistent, cynical New York belief: that the mob rationalizes complicated industries for businesses.
  • he rationalized his lack of success
  • Firms don't fire, they downsize, rightsize, offshore, streamline, rationalise and carry out 'targeted restructuring'. Times, Sunday Times
  • I rationalize that the extra effort of watering is balanced by it being easier to transplant from a flat than from a garden seedbed.
  • Notice that many such questions merit consideration when you attempt to operationalize a major political variable.
  • By generalizing the Onsager transport model we derived a set of equations that rationalize all pertinent observations.
  • Structurally equivalent and automorphically equivalent actors are role equivalent In practice, we tend to ignore some of these fine distinctions, as they get blurred quickly once we have to operationalize them in real graphs. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Either that or she'd rationalize the vision she'd seen, and decide she'd been dreaming. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • If we didn't subscribe to such misguided notions as our apartness from nature, we wouldn't be able to rationalize our present actions.
  • It is true that the internal dynamics of the dalit movement coupled with the chronic weaknesses of the radical transformatory or other democratic movements, and an ascendant Sangh Parivar which has operationalised a multidimensional action plan to coopt the dalits has definitely complicated things for all those forces who feel concerned about this new turn in the Dalit mindset. Kafila
  • She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
  • Rationalise and declutter - famous last words from a magpie who keeps everything. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is recognised that dishonest people tend to rationalise more than honest people; they fake the facts of reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authors are careful to distance their carefully operationalized definitions of spontaneity from the philosophical issue of free will. Bunny and a Book
  • Farmers would have to "rationalise" their labour force even further if labour costs increased. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The computer system needs upgrading, there is a manpower shortage and there is a need to rationalise the system so that fewer checks on routine imports are automatically carried out.
  • The book lauds quartermaster general Alexander Lawton's efforts to rationalize the procurement process.
  • This was ostensibly done to 'rationalise' the storage infrastructure but, in reality, is a classic example of poor planning. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • Caring behaviors in the context of health must be operationalized in order to be incorporated, a difficult task at best.
  • How do you rationalize your bibliology at the same time as being a bibliolater ? ID floats a lead-lined trial balloon - The Panda's Thumb
  • It is clearly spiralling and she is losing any ability to rationalise how she feels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use, rather than metalinguistic acknowledgement, rationalizes these aspects of language, and a sense of aesthetic accomplishment arises through employing them.
  • The tortuosity of the porous network is rationalized in terms of the ultrastructure known from electron microscopy.
  • The Thatcher government set out to rationalise Britain's state-run industries in preparation for privatisation.
  • There is an all too-human tendency to rationalise our own behaviour, especially when we act irresponsibly or cruelly.
  • They use all this brainpower to rationalize away problems and feelings.
  • But the system was rationalized and improved by Alfred's successors, and under Eadgar it emerges clearly in its developed form.
  • Men are inclined to exaggerate their strengths and to rationalize their weaknesses, and are not willing to accept the truth about their negative behaviors and harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Everybody is trying to rationalise behaviour that a previous generation would have been horrified by.
  • While custom tailors sold individually fitted suits and other personalized apparel, they increasingly rationalized the production process in order to reduce basic costs.
  • This led me to miss out on a pair of plim Prada booties on sale at NM because I just couldn't justify another pair no matter how hard I rationalized. AdSense for Feeds
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • To rationalize the process, DiFrancesco uses three ‘buckets’: physical capital, technology capital, and human capital.
  • You could go the government route and rationalize that the child is eating his vegetables when he smothers his tater tots in a puddle of ketchup.
  • We rationalised the pharmacy list with a small yet comprehensive formulary of inexpensive drugs, drawn from the World Health Organization essential drugs list.
  • Notice that many such questions merit consideration when you attempt to operationalize a major political variable.

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