How To Use Rationality In A Sentence
Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering.
The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
I value logic and rationality in my preaching.
Christianity Today
On the scale of media-freak-out irrationality, superbugs have more credibility than the Large Hadron Collider apocalypse, for example, but they're not even up there with swine flu.
Desperate to hold on to her beloved son, Yvonne turns to her sister Leonie (Eileen Arkins), the bastion of rationality in this "raggle-taggle gypsy" family.
Unhappy In Their Own Way

Again, this is not meant as an argument against rationality, only the absolutisation of it.
Behind this kind of ethic stands the Aristotelian notion of entelechy: humans have a natural potential to develop rationality and through it acquire virtuous character.
Guess Who Was At The Party?
In the end by example, this system has much accuracy, rationality and continues purlin advantages.
Even in an arena as illogical and playful as football, my faith in modernity, science, and rationality remains unshaken.
This hyper-rationality applies not just to the business itself but also to the people in the business, where youll hear terms like abilities, skill sets, experience levels, leadership style, selling style, promotability, and high potential.
Go Put Your Strengths to Work
The irrationality of rationality appears wherever quality management focuses on increasing efficiency, and this is then measured by quantifiable, calculable outputs of the drug care system.
I do not doubt their sincerity or their integrity; what I question is the rationality of their theories and methods.
His rationality was exiled to that other phantom domain where the Weapon of Law was being constructed according to dream-logic.
The eurozone is paying a heavy price for these failures of a scheme driven more by politics than by economic rationality.
Times, Sunday Times
First, while not unreasonable, the assumption that we would bungle the task of assigning rationality is speculative.
Unable to accept this reality, Kinsley, like many of the president's other critics, continues to spiral downward into irrationality.
The book has its tedious and turgid passages, but the work is held together by a genuine sense of protest, first of all, against the brutality and irrationality of the penal system.
We live in an era of rationality.
AND, they shrieked even louder that the district must not close down the local jr high (in order to aggregate more children into a single location so that broader education could be offered tailored to the needs and interests of each individual child). never under estimate the non-linear nature of the results of screaming bug-eyed single mothers with limited information and rationality (and more children than money) shrieking about 'the children'.
Page One of My Next Book, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It is the irrationality, the unacceptability, the incredibility of our faith that is its chief attraction and our chief asset, and to embrace that is to turn our critics on their heads, because they cannot accept those terms.
It requires our full humanity - our rationality, our ability to sort out truth from falsehood, our intuition, our compassion, our vision, and our morality.
The thought remains imminent - just below perception, and bubbles up in strangely symbolic dreams and eruptions of irrationality in your everyday life like cryptic, confusing posts on a weblog.
Here Maury's chronometrical sea science intimates the degree to which the chronometer had come, in the Victorian age, to embody nothing less than rationality itself.
What would be accepted as evidence if not disease, madness, misery, irrationality, frustration, criminality and sickness, that a tragic disparateness now exists between the needs of human beings and the imperatives of society.
Rogue Of Gor
So it is worth considering how politics influences the course of science and how these influences affect the rationality or veridicality of the enterprise.
Politics and science
Artistic vision, imagination and intuition seem poised in tense opposition to order and rationality.
Conducive to making ideal moral judgments, there is conceptual clarity, rationality, impartiality, coolness, and reference to a valid moral principle.
What interests us here is not so much the completely irrationality of Carr's ravings, but the underlying reason for it.
Through such experiences and spectacles, the modern, detached, moderate rationality of the narrator, and often the hero, is linked to a restored sensorial excitement, as the novel connects the reader vicariously to a passional self momentarily free from habitual restraint (although in practice, still carefully insulated from any action that would seriously offend conventional proprieties).
Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
Only idolatrous devotion could keep such brilliant minds from acknowledging the irrationality of crediting the blind force of nature with such teleological precision.
The concept of rationality has been the basic assumption and the indispensable premise of economic theory.
Moreover, institutions, along with concepts from the new microeconomics such as bounded rationality and imperfect information, are now in vogue, which is all to the good.
Only wisdom, rationality and compassion will deliver us from this spiraling descent to the final moment of darkness.
Because economic rationality recognises exchange-value only, these diseconomies become visible only when the deficit is translated into a form which simultaneously masquerades as wealth: economic demand.
I admit it, freely and adultly, with full cognitive rationality, and I suppose I'd beat myself up if that wouldn't constitute overkill.
It's my way of striking a blow for logic and rationality.
Times, Sunday Times
The enthymeme, far from being a means of audience participation as some critics have suggested, is a mechanism for the interpellation of the audience into a kind of scripted rationality.
He railed against the creation of artificial dichotomies, such as head versus heart, reason versus irrationality.
People possessed of common sense have always known that human rationality is, at best, a fleeting phenomenon.
Times, Sunday Times
A Whitmanesque catalogue filled with futurist horrors, this powerful prose poem visualizes the aboveground as a world where technology and rationality have become tools of violence and destruction on a world scale.
For a place dependent on tourist spending, the unrelenting determination to turn paying customers away is simply beyond rationality.
And this relegation of rationality to a strictly instrumental role is, as we discover in Book IV, constitutive of injustice as Plato understands it.
For in constricting the notion of "value" to mean solely a given thing or notion's ability to accommodate an end forever deferred to a hypostatized future, utilitarianism's strictly instrumental concept of rationality treats a given thing as something pure and absolute, to be sure — albeit only as "absolute for an other.
The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
Mathematics as a representation of rationality produces aesthetics by its properties of order and harmony with music, and is closely connected to music though there is no transmission of sounds.
First, actors are rational and their rationality is understood in strictly utilitarian terms.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
Individually-determined rationality is geniality, — aptness for an absolutely individual cognizing, so that the same can absolutely be accomplished by no other person-the artistic virtue proper; to it belong courage, composedness, modesty, grace, sympathy, confidence, etc.
Christian Ethics. Volume II.���Pure Ethics.
Some beliefs are the hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic, others are the products of egoism, biases, prejudices or preferences. Dr T.P.Chia
True, Esther had bashed him with a cook pot, but one great advantage in having a peckerwood crackbrain on your side was the fact that his motivations had nothing to do with rationality.
Rain Gods
I consider two influential ways in which the rationality of actors' deliberations has been brought into question.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
The rationality of the dissenters, their credentials, was enhanced, not diminished by this kind of reaction.
The devotee's irrationality springs from a thousand inexplicable demonstrations of God's instancy in trouble.
Autobiography of a Yogi
Levy's mourning involves a considered ironizing of the conditions both of sympathy and rationality.
It meant legal rationality and efficiency, both of which were modern improvements on the arbitrary exercise of power.
Times, Sunday Times
Voting to replace a broad-based democratic form of government with a caudillo and his cronies is so far outside the bounds of rationality as to be unfathomable.
How Irrational are Voters?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
A long phase of reverence for rationality subverted his original, spiritually frenetic passion for tragic mythopoeia.
Man, according to the old scholastic definition, is "a rational animal" (_animal rationale_), and his animality is distinct in nature from his rationality, though inseparably joined, during life, in one common personality.
On the Genesis of Species
Instrumentality, rationality and technocracy supplant the heroic, stripping away place, history, bodies, time.
What the rationalist calls nonentity is the substrate and locus of all ideas, having the obstinate reality of matter, the crushing irrationality of existence itself; and one who attempts to override it becomes to that extent an irrelevant rhapsodist, dealing with thin after-images of being.
The Life of Reason
Coercion and ‘rationality’ went together: hence the euphemistic term ‘command economy.’
Otherwise Ministers stand the risk of having their decision quashed by the courts on a number od potential grounds, such as immateriality or irrationality.
Odyssey’s Never Ending Quest for Treasure
When the final vote came, rationality took over.
You guys just keep on serving up the irrationality softballs and we'll keep parkin ''em Ortiz-style.
WH: Obama to get more directly involved in health care talks
There has been a lot of discussions about irrationality of the relative rules of Criminal Law.
The fundamental belief in a rational relationship between internationalism is Grotius type of human rationality, that is, the concept of social affinity.
German philosophy and literature, was described as a movement against classical and realistic theories of literature, an antipole to the rationality of the Age of Enlightenment. - Articles related to Is China's economy really bigger than Japan's?
Other findings cited below are less self-evident, but follow the same basic pattern of subaggregation, of correlating various psychic or social attributes with varying degrees of instrumental rationality.
We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
Creative individuals and undeviating purpose and rationality achieve joy and fulfillment.
his rationality may have been impaired
Some beliefs are the hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic, others are the products of egoism, biases, prejudices or preferences. Dr T.P.Chia
And the suggestion here is that the rationality or justifiability of Norman's belief should be judged from Norman's own perspective, rather than from one that is unavailable to him.
In my opinion, this ultimate irrationality undermined the movement, its impact and its otherwise noble causes.
It is a big mistake, however, to expect the same outcome in media where evidence, consistency and rationality are deemed important.
Perhaps it is unsurprising that such holist underdetermination has often been taken to pose a threat to the fundamental rationality of the scientific enterprise.
Underdetermination of Scientific Theory
His exchanges with the King also often exhibit a cruel rationality.
The Times Literary Supplement
There is something unhuman about the despair of such minimal techno and at the same time something completely at the limit of our rationality, at the touch of our animality and at what makes us the human animal.
This rationality, though, is directed at improvement and cultivation of the body rather than the mind.
Identical agents did not arrive with perfect rationality at shared, logical conclusions or expectations.
As antagonism deepens between themes which are the expression of reality, there is a tendency for the themes and for reality to be mythicized, establishing a climate of irrationality and sectarianism ...
Address at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs
The resentment was inevitable but it had scarcely any basis in rationality.
Times, Sunday Times
The irrationality focuses mainly the indication, the doses, therapeutic course and the frequence of drug change.
It should, however, be noted that there are similar difficulties in defining the term cognition Holyoak and Gordon 1984, p. 62, and, of course, rationality.
Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
The model of the actor combines two rather different senses of rationality.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
It's true that poor behavior can cause people to start questioning religion and that this might eventually lead them to atheism, but otherwise this strikes me as more an attempt to "psychologize" atheism - to treat it as nothing more than a psychological reaction to human beings rather than a reasoned rejection of irrationality or unfounded ideology. Agnosticism / Atheism
Men are the slaves of their characters, and they are often victimized by their negative or defective characters, mental irrationality or emotional impulsivity. Dr T.P.Chia
So merely giving an argument with premises a sophisticate accepts is not sufficient for providing a defeater; the premises must also be such that once I see the conflict, rationality requires that I give up the prospective defeatee rather than the premises.
Warranted Christian Belief
The author shows how gaslight gave the night walker the experience of poetry and irrationality.
Reason is smarter and the mind is more rational under positive emotions. Reason is polluted and rationality is crippled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia
Again, rationality is the alternative to absurdity, but it has no quarrel with mystery.
Characteristic of rationality, invisibility and flexibility, it has become the most complicated and most trickish kind of trade barrier, and the biggest barrier to international trade.
Beveridge provided a rationale based on concepts of national efficiency, rationality and the rights of citizenship.
Identical agents did not arrive with perfect rationality at shared, logical conclusions or expectations.
Theoretically, Weber's method may hold for the market structures of full competition and monopoly, but in oligopolies, or competition among the few, at least a much more complicated concept of rationality seems to be warranted.
Vladimir, you bring rationality to the discussion. klondike
Obama’s Oil Spill Dilemma | RedState
In their bodiliness, images make men desert rationality in favor of base instinct.
Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
Nozick protests that he does not, as Hacking charges, describe rationality as a ‘hypostasised entity.’
Epistemic standards have a strong normative dimension -- we use our standards of rationality and reasonableness to guide, evaluate, and criticize reasoning, both our own and that of others -- so here the label ˜normative™ applies in a very full-blooded sense.
But even as Madoc's destruction of the Aztec temples marks an end to acquisitive empire, Southey's aim of rationality and sobriety is compromised by the poem's own explicitly exoticist allure. [
The Allure of the Same: Robert Southey's Welsh Indians and the Rhetoric of Good Colonialism
The 51 mentions of surprise within accounts reflect events that did not coincide with a person's preconceptions, whereas codings for skepticism often portrayed rationality.
In our view, the misdating of the Baptistery was not just a blind spot in an otherwise lucid vision of the past, a breakdown of rationality explained by local patriotism and rivalry with Rome's antiquity.
Given the apparent impossibility of justifying a project whose internal organization rests on our acceptance of a hypothesis about matters prior to experience -- thereby precluding all verification or falsification by experience -- Kant introduces a new type of pre-conscious symbolization in order to ensure both, the self-conscious integrity of the philosophical subject known as "apperception" and the rationality and legitimacy of its representations as knowledge.
Bringing About the Past
In a 1999 essay titled “Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence (By Which We Do Not Mean Nous)” (in Greek philosophy the term nous denotes the highest form of rationality), Shulsky and Schmitt, two neocons, argue that Strauss’s idea of hidden meaning “alerts one to the possibility that political life may be closely linked to deception.
Grokster falls to the RIAA
Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.
The idea was then to introduce greater rationality to the public expenditure process.
Although realized the contradiction between tool rationality and value rationality, as to the return of value rationality, Weber took a pessimistic outlook .
It is my contention that a new frame of reference is required, which embodies a critical concept of rationality or a critical theory of rationality.
The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
In their wild and alien nature, these animals were the embodiment of all that was uncivilized and, therefore, of barbarian irrationality and evil.
Again, rationality is the alternative to absurdity, but it has no quarrel with mystery.
Rationality According to classical criminology we mostly behave in a rational manner.
His Lordship articulated three grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
While most of them are careful to maintain a little patch of agnostic "to be sure" territory, hectoring heretics like PZ Myers get their jollies by stomping all over sacred ground in the hobnailed boots of rationality.
Clay Farris Naff: How Science Can Solve the Puzzle of God
To the perspectives of rationality and enlightenment they added the intrinsicality of fundamental rights and freedoms, thus reaffirming the achievements of the French revolution.
Vilhelm Konnander's weblog
At last, in the conclusion, several qualities of the rhetoric application of musical genre, such as its rationality, fertility, validity, universality and regularity, are explained.
Rationality According to classical criminology we mostly behave in a rational manner.
We were merely two bodies consumed by irrationality as we grabbed and clawed and heaved and sweated our way towards a steamy satisfaction.
Our flight from rationality is evidenced in other panics which currently preoccupy us.
The murkiness and partial rationality of shifting, renegotiable settlements are the vices of politics that legalist liberals seek to preclude.
Or in order to prove the rationality and necessity of the capitalist form of society, scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness , competitiveness, and selfishness as innate human traits.
Robin Donaldson: "This idea of misregistration is another form of irrationality or unreasonableness.
Fast Company
NinerFan says: gault: “I have a speech I will soon share with you about the irrationality of collectivism and offering my own philosophy as an alternative.”
Think Progress » Far-Right Radio Host Savages Palin: It’s ‘Suicide’ For Republicans To Choose Palin As Our 2012 Nominee
Thus in Britain the grounds for review are summarized as illegality, irrationality or procedural impropriety by the public agency being challenged.
If stepping back is possible, then rationality and thought are not entirely conditioned by language and circumstance.
You're wordier than Arnold, but demonstrate the same mindless worship of simplistic assumptions about the rationality of people and markets.
Nobel Prize-Winner Makes Intermediate Error, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
At the centre of this emergent mode of rationality was the negotiation of long-term employment tenure in the immediate post-war years.
For though his progressiveness is a consequence of his rationality, still there is no actual reference to progressiveness contained in the usually accepted definition, 'Man is a rational animal.'
Deductive Logic
Science is about intellect, reason and rationality, and art is about spirit, emotions, passion.
This has something to do with humanism, and humanist rationality.
It meant legal rationality and efficiency, both of which were modern improvements on the arbitrary exercise of power.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus, a commitment to rationality actually reinforces a commitment to transcendent meaning.
Reason is smarter and the mind is more rational under positive emotions. Reason is polluted and rationality is crippled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia
It is therefore important that the limitations on scientific rationality be understood and openly acknowledged.
Human Resource Management in Government
First and foremost, a kind of alchemical transmutation of all mere rationality into true Reason instrumental rationality being only the leaden and debased form of Reason; of the transmutation of mere fantasy into creative imagination, of knowledge into wisdom; and of science into gnosis.
Blake, Nietzsche, and Sri Aurobindo
We like to think that we are about reason and rationality while the other side is all hot emotionality.
You may despair that the rationality required to face up to reality will never overcome the fundamentalism, know-nothingism and magic thinking that has a hammerlock on our national psyche.
Marty Kaplan: Pessimism Is the Last Taboo
Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
The conclusion summarizes the dissertation, approves the necessity rationality and validity of Green Trade Barrier.
At last, in the conclusion, several qualities of the rhetoric application of musical genre, such as its rationality, fertility, validity, universality and regularity, are explained.
The books and records while treat as the administrative operation basis to raise Zhou people the historical rationality similarly.
Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
We've tended to believe that conflict and difference can be resolved by rationality, by negotiating, by treating all sides decently and fairly.
The dissension of earlier science could be conquered by an eclectic rationality based ultimately on notions in which all shared, and be turned into a stable system of Galenic medical and practical philosophy.
Derrida's distrust of metaphysics harmonizes well with this political humanism, and indeed his critique of rationality in the early deconstructive texts follows this logic to its conclusion.
The learning curve is another phenomenon that engineers, operation researchers, and economists have discovered, which finds a theoretical explanation in the antientropic nature of rationality.
Further irritation comes from the increasing pretension to rationality that Alex's nonsense illustrates.
Love is often a victim of its stubbornness, sentimentality, irrationality and absurdity. Dr T.P.Chia
When I read about all the so-called progressives lionizing someone who in a fit of juvenile irrationality assaults our president, I remember how Saddam's son Uday 'lionized' a young man back in 2000, according Saddam's executioner, by having the young man taken to the Uday Huessin's private zoo and put into the lion's cage.
Muntadar al-Zaidi Did What We Journalists Should Have Done Long Ago
On Chinese Culture Dialectical Thought Coordination - New Scientific Rationality Theory "".
There was a deeper concern about the rationality, not just of the actors in the process, but of deterrence as a whole.
But one thing is certain: counting hands is a medieval way to resolve that question, relying more on the concept of ‘might makes right’ than any rationality or logic. clerihew replied to comment from Chip Poirot
The perfect phrase - The Panda's Thumb
To define man as a mammiferous animal having two hands, or as a featherless biped, we feel to be absurd and incongruous, since there is no reference to the most salient characteristic of man, namely, his rationality.
Deductive Logic
We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
By considering a series of examples, I shall attempt to exhibit as clearly as possible the fundamental intuition about epistemic rationality that externalism seems to violate.
The problem with rationality, with proportioning one's beliefs to the evidence, is that it can undermine efficacy.
Times, Sunday Times
Instrumental rationality has had a particularly pernicious effect on the environment.
In practice, emotion is usually hidden beneath a veneer of rationality, as in the use of coded language.
Functional as opposed to philosophical rationality is experienced by men and women in work, by government and through bureaucracy.
Objectives To explore the feasibility and rationality of body temperature detecting in upper concave of clavicle.
Rationality in science is sometimes a chimera, and the border between magic and science is easily crossed; it depends on attitude, information available, and context.
Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
Rationality was not completely infected with capitalism, instrumentality or cultural prejudices.
The Times Literary Supplement
The dual burdens of conventionality and rationality fell away when I realized I might die, I really might die.
I, Ms. Rationality, am able to discuss in modulated tones how the market for this topic has changed; or conversely it's been done to death (even if I could have done it better); or the editor wouldn't have the good sense to recognize a great idea if he were on the Titanic and being offered a life preserver.
Me and Sally Field | The Stiletto Gang
a movement against classical and realistic theories of literature, an antipole to the rationality of the Age of Enlightenment. - Articles related to Is China's economy really bigger than Japan's?
Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
Isn't proportioning beliefs to evidence the hallmark of science, of rationality?
Times, Sunday Times
Without attempting to review the enormous literature on the subject, the following merely illustrates the nature of what, lacking a better term, is referred to as the noncognitive foundations of rationality.
Conversation research, then, seeks to frame these a priori features of intentionality and rationality as objective conditions with practical exploitability.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Conversation Research
With a "cold" marketplace filled with anonymous entities, the irrationality of nationalism and tribalism is replaced by the peaceful, harmonic, and natural rationality of individualism.
Hostility Toward Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The cool rationality of the grid spells order and control - no mysterious darkness or dirty corners - and the geometry of the cubic masses registers timeless perfection.
Rationality According to classical criminology we mostly behave in a rational manner.
Here, Chris focuses on what Weber called instrumental rationality, as exemplified in institutional religion.
At the centre of this emergent mode of rationality was the negotiation of long-term employment tenure in the immediate post-war years.
The correct use of the term requires the elements of obstinacy and irrationality toward those of differing opinion, especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
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Yet the forthright honesty and steely lucidity of his voice in these interviews, his impatience with cant and pious waffle, also bear witness to the virtues of that rationality.
Notwithstanding their profound and well-known differences, Hegel and Marx both find in dialectics a logical framework that allows them to articulate the rationality of a supra-historical process — the plot of freedom — that can be advanced only by individual agents and only at the price of remaining essentially opaque to them.
The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
Substantive principles of rationality are always framed in the light of beliefs and ways of life bequeathed by a past that could have turned out otherwise.
We saw in chapter 3 that critics have advanced powerful arguments for a more complex view of actors' rationality.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
After that incremental data mining algorithm of establishing decision matrix to each of decision type is put forward and the characteristic of rationality and validity are examined by example.
It begins to appear that the metaphysical question of determinism is quite irrelevant to the rationality of our ascription of responsibility.
The optimal strategy that can regulate the cluster radius automatically is introduced into the guarantee of the cluster rationality.
Such economical rationality only changes to the cultural consciousness, could the list system truly become an effective system to the protection of the non-material cultural heritage.
Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
This indicates severe myopia about economists' own anomalousness, and the anomalousness of the market economies that they study--where instrumental rationality in the service of pecuniary self-interest is, indeed, prevalent.
Roger Koppl - The Austrian Economists
Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
That is not hypocrisy or betrayal, but simply rationality and good sense.
Existence and the rationality of everlastingness are human intrinsic concerns, and. sustainable development expands such rationality in a broader space socially and globally.
After the analysis and calculation to an emblematical hypothesis, we made further improvement to the model. The result validated the rationality of the model.
It is a craft without feelings, based on rationality and hard logic.
Basically it is argued here that rationality is antientropic.
People were accused of entering into the donnybrook without experience, knowledge, good faith, rationality, sobriety or even their own hitherto recognisable identities.
The source of objective legal rules thus appears to be the fully developed rationality of the intellectual elites of different nations.
His exchanges with the King also often exhibit a cruel rationality.
The Times Literary Supplement
Rawls's representative agent is portrayed as a disembodied party devoid of any substantive human characteristics except rationality.
I stand four-square for reason, and object to what seems to me to be irrationality, whatever the source.
They make decisions with rationality and reason with each other through dialogue.
As a defensive matter that is excusable, the duress has its own rationality.
Beveridge provided a rationale based on concepts of national efficiency, rationality and the rights of citizenship.