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How To Use Rational In A Sentence

  • As a book about a nonoperational aircraft, Valkyrie will probably attract only a limited audience within the Air Force community.
  • You just can't let a little thing like his being already dead get in the way of a good, irrational hatful desire to kill! Tom Cruise is a LOT OLDER than I thought
  • `Cosy streets "doesn't have the same inspirational ring, somehow. STAGE FRIGHT
  • The welfare state was not set up to support vast families or single mothers in inter-generational welfare dependency. We deserve a fair society, but it won't be created by a vendetta against the poor
  • His work underscores the aeriality embedded in the rational geometric order of the region’s settlement.
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  • And the people who were subjected to hard yakka, slave labour if you want, or removal from islands because of drinking problems or fighting and they have complete hate and they've handed it down generationally.
  • No rational person would ever behave like that.
  • The criticisms of the law, and the absence of any satisfactory rationale justifies this course.
  • If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Superficially, the rationale of the style would seem to be its conjuncture of sensitivity and showmanship.
  • Smaller and more versatile aircraft reduce financial and operational risks to airlines, particularly in economic downturns, compared to jumbo jets, he adds.
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
  • Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Even the betting person makes a carefully calculated and rational decision about where to put his or her money.
  • But if they are needy as a consequence of their criminal, irrational, or imprudent behavior, then it is not a fine thing.
  • His commentary to Euclid is of interest because of its discussion of unordered irrationals.
  • an arbitrational settlement
  • People keep trying to find rational explanations for their behavior.
  • In developing countries like India, it is the wealthier and better-educated who tend to be aspirational; the poor are not yet in a position to aspire to much of anything.
  • Your logic is a shock to rational minds everywhere. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • In so doing, Congress is compounding the burden and is proposing to go far beyond any rational tax policy in what can only be described as a confiscatory manner. Alan Patricof: Unintended Consequences of the Enterprise Value Tax
  • However, it would not be until 2008 before portions of the port became operational.
  • But it actually is ushering in a new rationale for the media's scandal mongering.
  • But the extended prayer in unison is a metallic Procrusteanism, which absolutely defies the rationale of the whole business, which is the communication of meaning. Leap Year -- Day
  • Our ownership of more than one inspirational book that began with the phrase "chicken soup," yet contained no recipes. Joel Dovev: The Moment I Knew
  • So when Synova says "And if you think that the Bush administration has been successful *ever* at putting a story out that they want put out then..." the only rational response is a resounding horselaugh. "I hope this gets you fired, you're obviously stupid.... There's plenty of proof 9/11 was an inside job. Try reading, if you know how.....lololol."
  • Possession of these books allowed British ships or personnel placed ashore to read the signals being relayed by the semaphore stations, which frequently included operational tasking to French fleet units.
  • She linked the rising narrational deficit under Obama to pricey spending proposals Barnes is pushing in his gubernatorial bid. Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
  • It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science. David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
  • The sting of brevity is made much softer by the brilliant inclusion of a fully-operational level editor. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Of these, the first three have more or less been OK moving to Santa Monica (well, at least the rationale is there). Archive 2005-07-01
  • One can conclude that the linkage is a rational interpretation, not contradicted by empirical evidence. Beckwith on ID
  • A primary goal of engineer reconnaissance at the operational level is to provide comprehensive information on the trafficability of march routes. FM 100-61 Chptr 12 Engineer Support
  • It proved the operational concept of a winged, reusable spaceship by successfully completing the Orbital Flight Test Program.
  • And now that we understand that, it may be possible to engineer novel, rationally-designed biomaterials that can control those interactions.
  • they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power
  • Rational techniques were introduced to try to solve what were perceived to be problems at the time.
  • While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering. The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
  • One can strip the fifties of its illusive aura of dull conformity without inflating cultural dissidence or generational muscle-flexing into political resistance.
  • One can understand the rationale behind all of this. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first is that white defaults should percentagewise exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • I value logic and rationality in my preaching. Christianity Today
  • Fortunately, we drew a rational, deliberative judge, unswayed by the case's racially charged nature: a poor black kid against a rich white Ivy Leaguer.
  • Perception, unlike discursive thought or belief, is aligned not with the so-called rational part of the soul, but with the desiderative part. Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology
  • The second exception comes into play if the rationale underlying the patent holder's argument bears only a tangential relation to the equivalent.
  • In two cases, courts have struck down such laws, but these cases seem aberrational.
  • Because the better operational police officers are the ones who pay attention to what their staff need to perform the job well, which includes the way you manage them.
  • While we can credit him for some degree of intellectual honesty in confronting the hypocrisies and irrationalities that govern so much of public life, religious and non-religious, Christopher Hitchens, in the end, could not offer a vision of true humanness because he dwelled in the cynical faculties of the mind without being adequately informed by the positive wisdom of the heart. Kabir Helminski: Christopher Hitchens is "Not Great"
  • Indeed, they would be under British operational control during wartime.
  • The group has changed its name in an effort to boost business by improving services and increasing operational efficiencies.
  • Where's the line between irrational exuberance and fraud? 21 DOG YEARS
  • Islam has changed unprecedentedly in the domain of life and culture in the tidal current of adapting to Socialism society and time, and has stridden into a rational development time.
  • I maintain that this disaccording between his feelings of pleasure and pain and his rational judgment constitutes the very lowest depth of ignorance.
  • Tony Meola, the league's reigning MVP, was as inspirational as he was dynamic last season.
  • The number of individuals is infinite; the generic or specific nature of all being is a unit, or to be apprehended as one only thing; from this one conception we give the genuine measures of all existence, and therefore we affirm that a certain class of beings are rational and discoursive. Essays and Miscellanies
  • In addition, as Streamline is an arrowless, lighter, lower-volume set, it delivers significant operational benefits to customers through savings in dialyses, water, heparin, smaller dialyzer size, supplies, and waste disposal. Undefined
  • An ethics based on this undertanding focuses not on rationally finding, mapping, and teaching the real nature of reality, nor on pluralistically respecting irreconcilable differences while recognizing a simultaneous unity, but instead on drawing connections between different methods of making meaning and on coordinating the actions of people using different conceptual frameworks. Karl Higley - Spirit, Kosmos, Essence
  • The rapture effected by an aesthetic of the sublime is often more persuasive than any rational argument in its direct exploitation and manipulation of the audience's sense of actualities, possibilities, ethical duties and emotional affinities/antipathies. On the Sublime
  • One fragment of her mind reeled in shock but a rational response formed even as the connection spun its thread: Of course.
  • Even though this denial has to some extent to do with Habermas’s understandable fight with the ghost of Heidegger, he seems now to turn this into a new orthodoxy, thereby showing how critical theory is incapable of critiquing its very foundational presuppositions such as valorization of rational argumentations, performative competence, validity claims and linguistic intersubjectivity instead of emotional intersubjectivity Craib, 1998. Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo and Beyond
  • The booklet reflected the philosophy behind this managerial approach by showing the economic rationale behind subcontracting.
  • He sounded like he thought that was a complete, perfectly rational explanation.
  • Some men maintained protective intergenerational boundaries by distancing themselves from disapproving parents.
  • While I'm not an alpinist myself, this book has been inspirational in all my outdoor activities.
  • Power sets the guidelines by which we measure what is reasonable and what is irrational.
  • The spacewalker represents an aspirational triumph over vicissitude and poverty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Background/rationale: One of the most important changes to managed care payments in the BBA was the required implementation of risk adjustment. Presidential Plan To Modernize And Strengthen Medicare A
  • The film doesn't stop at intergenerational same-sex relations or drug trips.
  • Therefore the rational expectations hypothesis suggests a valid method of incorporating additional information when estimating macroeconomic models which contain expectation terms.
  • There is a sense of all rational control or deliberation seeping away or being under much less deliberative control.
  • She rationalized away the superstitious beliefs of the country folk.
  • However, many black South African elders are living in multigenerational homes with family members dependent on their pensions for survival.
  • Our intellectual culture demands that every idea or phenomenon be subjected to the unrelenting rigour of rationalism, or excesses of scientism.
  • Perhaps because black, Hispanic and Asian households tend to be larger and often multigenerational, teens in these groups are significantly more likely than white teens to recognize someone other than their mother or stepmother.
  • That rational stance typifies a career straddling science and business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kellis, thank you - Dee, let's be rational by John Little on Tuesday, Sep 16, 2008 at 8: 49: 43 AM IMMIGRATION FROM THE IMMIGRANT'S POINT OF VIEW
  • However, I still cannot understand or rationalise the distressing sequence of events that followed his death.
  • Irrational or disturbed emotional reactions, however, are often maladaptive.
  • If he is rational, he will choose a price that maximizes his profit, the price that equates marginal cost with marginal revenue.
  • There is no rational explanation for his actions.
  • Such standardization and rationalization of diverse local practices was promoted by lawyers who were the agents of change.
  • The untold story here, however, is the rationalisation that has transformed the industry in recent years.
  • The distinction between arational and irrational is important. The Volokh Conspiracy » Latest Mohammed Cartoon Controversy, this Time in South Africa
  • I am concerned to rule out certain options - because if they're not ruled out then we have fall into an "anything goes" mentality - for we have removed the very moral norms that would allow people to condemn what Hamas is doing and also prevent people from reigning in subrational feelings of vengeance/destruction/hate which tend to lead to brutal actions. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • These interior dimensions of the soul live within us at depths that are not accessible to the rational mind.
  • People buy with their emotions and justify and rationalize with logic.
  • The whole rationale of a global advertising business is under question.
  • On the scale of media-freak-out irrationality, superbugs have more credibility than the Large Hadron Collider apocalypse, for example, but they're not even up there with swine flu.
  • The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
  • By simulating the temperature of the cryopanel and the relation between the pressure and pumping gas speed of the cryopump, it was verified the vacuum system design was rational.
  • Miguel blinked, appalled and overwhelmed before rationally reasoning with himself, as all mathematicians can.
  • The last and the real cause of their impenitence is the state of sin which they freely chose as their portion on earth and in which they passed, unconverted, into the next life and into that state of permanence (status termini) by nature due to rational creatures, and to an unchangeable attitude of mind. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The tests make out that the structure of the frame is basically rational, and the frame can direct the working-out or recensing standards on the field of agricultural mechanization to some extent.
  • That is why it has hit a generational nerve, as if no one had told that story before.
  • If you stop at this point, you will have a rational number that is very close to the decimal F.
  • Leading the way to operational safety and efficiency is the installation of appropriate floor matting, specific to the work station requirements.
  • Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis.
  • Therefore, they resisted what they perceived as American extremes of rationalism and indifferentism, precisely as did their Protestant and Catholic colleagues.
  • Desperate to hold on to her beloved son, Yvonne turns to her sister Leonie (Eileen Arkins), the bastion of rationality in this "raggle-taggle gypsy" family. Unhappy In Their Own Way
  • There's something special about eating in a garden, especially when the garden, with its soaring glasshouse, is home to an inspirational restaurant run along organic, self-sufficient lines.
  • Again, this is not meant as an argument against rationality, only the absolutisation of it.
  • Jefferson famously excised all miracles from his copy of the King James Bible; as a rationalist and a deist, he considered such stories to be needless embellishments.
  • She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
  • The breakthrough toward subjectivism is indeed compelling but rationalism was not finished yet for all that.
  • She had achieved a balance between her vulnerable, nurturing, feeling side and the rational, assertive, analytical side.
  • Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license," Judge Walker wrote in his opinion, issued Aug. 4.
  • Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control. Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
  • Anima quippe rationalis adhuc originali pecato constricta, et nihil adhuc naturalium virium exercere valens in corpore puerili; cui melius comparatur quam homini intus per peccatum constricto, et foris per paralysim in membris dissoluto jacentique in lecto? back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • They call for a relationship with the centre which is rational and transparent; they make the flummery of a monarch which claims to be the glue which sticks us together all the more ridiculous.
  • For example, degraded scatterometer measurements from QuikScat can still be useful for cross-calibrating the mission's climate data record with measurements from other scatterometers, including the operational EUMETSAT ASCAT instrument, India's recently launched Oceansat-2 and a planned Chinese scatterometer. - latest science and technology news stories
  • When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.
  • The universally-shared human motive of rational self-interest makes human action predictable, generalisable and controllable.
  • Second, it is important to facilitate fair and rational evolution of the international trading regime and furnish a favorable external financing environment.
  • The long conservative debate with liberals and secularists gave the movement more than a tinge of rationalism and empiricism.
  • The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
  • 'enchain' a rational conversation, but nothing could I get out of him but rhapsodies about you in the frightfullest English that I ever heard out of a human head! Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Both allowed the very young a certain exemption from the adult rules of religious belief and behavior; spiritually speaking, for rationalist Unitarians and evangelicals, children were a different order of moral being than adults.
  • But it does not, by itself, make it rational to believe there is any such a connection.
  • If a Romney drowns in a river, they were probably trying to commit suicide, but changed their minds, and then irrationally swam upstream, thinking they would be saved because they'd had this stupid expression drummed into their heads that swimming upstream was a good thing to do, even though it's not. "What the Hell is Mitt Romney Talking About?"
  • Of the irrational, transcendental numbers, pi seems to get all the attention.
  • Behind this kind of ethic stands the Aristotelian notion of entelechy: humans have a natural potential to develop rationality and through it acquire virtuous character. Guess Who Was At The Party?
  • But other reasons and rationales exist for adopting and strengthening an historical perspective.
  • Descartes'rational intuition has brought durative effect to whole philosophy later.
  • It should be seen as seven functional stages of the budgetary process which take place in a political or rational context.
  • While there is no question that his verbiage is infuriating at times, I think it's a mistake to see him as nothing but an anarchic, anti-rationalist nihilist.
  • He has mental toughness and is a strong character and an inspirational captain.
  • In my analysis of this tripartite division I shall identify the rational soul with the ego, or self-obsessed reactive mind of Buddhism.
  • Do we really believe that people who are capable of such horrifically violent crimes are going to be so coolly logical and rational?
  • Display machines shows device status to operator, operational machines sends operational instruct to device.
  • Since it was official multicultural policy that different cultures should be preserved rather than blended, spliced and interwoven, this all seemed rational.
  • It would require that pi, used in calculating the area of a circle, be a precise or a “rational” number. Blog De Ganz | Archive | June
  • Her priority is to maintain an impenetrable veneer of normalcy, of successful, aspirational living while he longs to wake up from the monotony of his existence and start living again.
  • This potential increase of reporting rape incidents became the main rationale for seeking anonymity for the victim.
  • But anticipations of victory, however rational, were premature.
  • In the end by example, this system has much accuracy, rationality and continues purlin advantages.
  • I also heard him speak at a lecture, which I found inspirational.
  • The result is a gripping examination of generational change and a moving tribute to heroism. Times, Sunday Times
  • For understandable reasons we prefer to think of ourselves as rational agents who live meaningful lives rather than as muddled actors in a theatre of the absurd.
  • Also, few modern regulating structures exist and the systems need to be rationalized to eliminate duplication or resources and increase the irrigable area.
  • These environmental stewards manage the forests with love for the environment and rational science to provide wood for our nation and a future for their children.
  • A former State Department official told the same committee last week that Addington and Yoo had been part of a group of six officials who "colluded" to develop a legal rationale for subjecting detainees to harsh treatment. Torture? What's That?
  • But an individual in Shakespearean England who firmly believed that all tomatoes are Killer Tomatoes was not being unreasonable or irrational, as we would be apt to judge someone who held that belief in modern America. Am I a Relativist? Well, It Depends.
  • If there is any excess refining capacity anywhere else, the gas refiners would rationally move the gas to those other refineries, since they could get the full market wholesale price elsewhere.
  • One was a joint venture project, where another organisation shared the capital and operational costs.
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • Even in an arena as illogical and playful as football, my faith in modernity, science, and rationality remains unshaken.
  • McSherry scored an inspirational point from a tight angle when he was forced to shoot from the right corner.
  • Within seconds, vital operational data can be displayed on the large wall display screens or individual computer monitors.
  • Ultimately, companies wishing to instill more discipline in the R&D process are out to rationalize their product portfolios.
  • Reflection on the basic rationale of equity investment, that is.
  • Thus we are told we have to be very sensitive to generational differences and how to manage them. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hyper-rationality applies not just to the business itself but also to the people in the business, where youll hear terms like abilities, skill sets, experience levels, leadership style, selling style, promotability, and high potential. Go Put Your Strengths to Work
  • If rational economics is to regain its proper influence, there are two ways in which we need to rearrange our mental furniture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Treatment professionals could rationalize their inattention to difference by citing underutilization of treatment resources by many minority groups.
  • Thanks for posting a rational response rather than accusing me of being a "doom-monger. Posthuman Blues
  • Given these giant loopholes, the judge struck the law down as serving no rational purpose.
  • Furthermore, one wonders why this causal relation must remain within the limits of rational justification. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Dr Mansell's most notable achievement was his role in establishing the remediation program for the Collins Class submarine and his work with the Navy to bring the subs to operational capability.
  • Objective: To study the characteristic features of Desmodium gyrans in order to provide a basis for rational exploitation and utilization of the herb.
  • Fuel accounts for only 5 percent of the operational costs for buses, while spare parts account for a much larger percentage.
  • Kitsilano, another aspirational address, draws younger, funkier families. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do not intend ‘rational’, in this sense, but, rather, in the sense of its Latin root, ratio, meaning reason.
  • Like all air signs, Aquarians carry the double-edged gift of being able to detach their reason from their emotions, allowing them to rationalise their feelings and override base instincts or lustful passions.
  • Considering the array of expertise before the committee, one would think a rational, sensible person would want to give it some thought.
  • Senior citizens also participate in an intergenerational reading project.
  • Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.
  • Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.
  • The irrationality of rationality appears wherever quality management focuses on increasing efficiency, and this is then measured by quantifiable, calculable outputs of the drug care system.
  • It would have been irrational for me to stop paying so close to the policy maturing. Times, Sunday Times
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • Instead, a rationalistic view of reality prevails over an affectivity which is weak and ultimately unpersuasive. High school anthology: "The Cold Equations"
  • This appearance of irrational and uncontrollable behaviour would so scare the other driver that he would be the first to pull away. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • As production becomes rationalized and routinized over time, the skills and hence high wages of the city labor force become unnecessary.
  • There is not a hint of irrational moral fundamentalism in what she has to say.
  • Once operational, the prototype under construction will be largely unamenable to "new ideas".
  • That inability to distinguish between free enquiry and deliberate insult reminds me of those who wielded the blasphemy laws which were used to persecute freethinkers and rationalists in the middle ages.
  • Houghton's plays dealt with revolt against parental authority and generational conflict.
  • Later Iran would be increasingly identified as a putative rationale for extending it into the Persian PSI, US 1,000-Ship Navy: Control Of World's Oceans, Prelude To War
  • I do not doubt their sincerity or their integrity; what I question is the rationality of their theories and methods.
  • It was reasoned that this would eliminate lengthy carrier qualification trials as well as providing the Marines with a hard-hitting fighter-bomber that would be well suited to their operational doctrine.
  • Pay attention to what pops in, versus what your rational mind may reason out.
  • Moreover, in place of relativistic cosmology's inductive empiricism, Milne opted for a hypothetico-deductive rationalism.
  • It is clearly spiralling and she is losing any ability to rationalise how she feels. Times, Sunday Times
  • One can have as much of any vibrational thread required to weave a creation.
  • They also helped rationalize the economy and guarantee unions' social and political role.
  • Each of the sections traces a developmental stage in a cross-generational sequence.
  • But clear strategic guidance, Miss Marcel argues , goes hand - in - hand with operational autonomy at the best NOCs.
  • The gifts can be anything from a roll of quarters at the laundromat to an inspirational knick-knack that is guaranteed to spark a smile. 'Secret Agent L' Unmasks Identity To Further Charity Work
  • Story was sidelined, in favour of what was seen as a more rational systematic theology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cantor published a paper on trigonometric series in 1872 in which he defined irrational numbers in terms of convergent sequences of rational numbers.
  • I like to tell myself, irrationally or no, that Grandma said I had it backwards to consol me. 2010, what I wanted
  • Sarkar's second PROUT principle states that "There should be maximum utilization and rational distribution of all mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the universe. Economics of Liberation
  • What was the rationale behind the ludicrous decision to cutback on these schemes?
  • This places Durkheim in the company of social reformers as diverse as Will Keith Kellogg, conceiver of the cornflake, and Mies van der Rohe, builder of the Bauhaus, both of whom founded institutions on a mission to integrate the individual within a collective plan where its energies could be rationally ordered and to avoid social disintegration. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • I don't blame the absent landlady either, obviously, because that would be irrational in the extreme.
  • Models were rationalized, a kanban system of inventory control was introduced and within five years a leaner and fitter Mazda emerged.
  • Corporal Jones was on an operational tour in East Timor and was travelling in the rear of an armoured vehicle at the time of the incident.
  • There were a number of design defects and other criminally negligent operational practices which resulted in the leakage of [methyl isocyanate] and these were in the knowledge of the management and were deliberately ignored for commercial reasons," said the CBI in a statement Monday. Court Convicts Seven in Bhopal Gas Leak
  • Alan Irwin alludes to the public non-acceptance of nuclear technology, and argues that this conclusion is justified by a careful, rational cost-benefit analysis.

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