How To Use Ratiocinative In A Sentence

  • The process is often described as a ratiocinative or inferential process, and from this standpoint is contrasted with deductive reasoning. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • With the fuzzy ratiocinative method, the fuel quantity curve of the boiler startup process has been optimized, combining the stimulate computing and stress analyse of the process.
  • We grant the "poppet;" we concede the "chickabiddy;" and then sternly inquire if an excess of loyalty is to impugn the reason of the most ratiocinative editor? Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, December 11, 1841
  • Every fallacy of Confusion (it is almost unnecessary to repeat) will, if cleared up, become a fallacy of some other sort; and it will be found of deductive or ratiocinative fallacies generally, that when they mislead, there is mostly, as in this case, a fallacy of some other description lurking under them, by virtue of which chiefly it is that the verbal juggle, which is the outside or body of this kind of fallacy, passes undetected. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Since this nature is rational and spiritual, reason is understood to be both ratiocinative and contemplative, but contemplation is the most sublime function of the soul.
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  • Hence choice is either desiderative reason or ratiocinative desire, and such an origin of action is a man. The Nicomachean Ethics
  • Modern detective fiction is usually traced back to Edgar Allan Poe's trilogy of short stories about C. Auguste Dupin, the archetypal ratiocinative sleuth, starting with The Murders in the Rue Morgue.
  • Stafford's over-arching description for this transition is the change from a visual to a verbal culture, from one based on the instructive power of sensations to one rooted in the ratiocinative skills of language.
  • At first, in ratiocinative processes, its premises must cover little ground and be fully elaborated, and in the course of the deduction or induction there can be no omission of the smallest detail. Phenomena of Literary Evolution
  • The opportunity law students get to compete in oral advocacy and presentation of cases in the most ratiocinative way still keeps the spirit of moot courts burning.
  • Poe is his own great chain of being, his own Palace of Memory stalked by the Red Death, or imploding into the tarn as it may be, which is itself a code to ratiocinative processes. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • The city being the media capital of Punjab has sharpened their ratiocinative faculties and given them sufficient opportunity to express themselves on social, economic, political, cultural and other issues.
  • Most of us, I think, read whodunits for the pleasure of following a ratiocinative process, not to be left wondering which fictional character did what to whom; the real world offers far more interesting imponderables than that. Touch of Evil
  • The introspective, contemplative, ratiocinative, philosophic aspect of Holmes gets obscured as Ritchie turns him into a 21st-century man of action in the mould of Indiana Jones and Daniel Craig's ultra-tough James Bond. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows – review
  • Similarly, the characters in Henry James's fiction, which most readers find quite convincing even when the fictions themselves are judged to be somewhat short on dramatic action, share the obsessed and ratiocinative qualties of James's style. Style in Fiction
  • When I use the word ratiocinative, it's because it is the correct word for the job. All About Language ~ The Lost Art of English
  • one's ratiocinative powers

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