

  1. logical and methodical reasoning
  2. the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)

How To Use ratiocination In A Sentence

  • It was precisely his insistence upon the importance of personal decision, direct and unmediated by artificial ratiocination, that lay at the root of his rejection of Hegel.
  • Has any fellow, of the dime a dozen type, it might with some profit some dull evening quietly be hinted — has any usual sort of ornery josser, flat — chested fortyish, faintly flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of complications, of his greatest Finnegans Wake
  • With all due respect, I think that ignoring our own mind's ratiocination in favor of some imagined future "utopic" state, leads to compartmentalization, or denial, or delusion. Judas and the Field of Blood
  • While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective.
  • Imagination under the banner of Science; and to lead her votaries from the looser analogies, which dress out the imagery of poetry, to the stricter ones which form the ratiocination of philosophy (v). Introduction
  • Employing Poe's methods of "ratiocination," Scooby and friends embark on a madcap chase through the spooky house! ComicList Headlines
  • The squareness of it showed "ratiocination"; and the fulness under the eyes "language". The Jewel of Seven Stars
  • But Woolrich pretty much dispensed altogether with the ratiocination of traditional crime fiction.
  • a soliddity of judgement in him, so infinite a fancy bounde in by a most logicall ratiocination, such a vast knowledge, that he was not ignorant in any thinge, yet such an excessive humillity as if he had knowne nothinge, that they frequently resorted and dwelt with him, as in a Colledge scituated in a purer ayre, so that his house was Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • Up against a ticking clock, myriad plot twists and turns and a roster of red herring suspects, the hero eventually solves the mystery through logical deduction, a process known as ratiocination, not to mention a little luck. WestportNow
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