How To Use Rather In A Sentence
Beard is rather dismissive of their optical sophistication, shown in the curvature of the stylobate and in the entasis of the columns — the slight outward swelling of a column designed to counter the optical illusion of concavity, were the columns 'sides to be perfectly straight.
Looking for the Lost Greeks
This contact of his had passed on to him a list of slightly disreputable jewelers and watchmakers in the area, on which I was rather impressed and a bit taken aback to find my appearance.
She is "not a medium", we are told, but rather "a supersensory explorer who has been trained in the cosmic language of symbols for more than 20 years.
British Blogs
Ballymaloe take a more seasonal approach to things by using redcurrant rather than lemon juice, made by simmering a couple of punnets of the astringent little fruits with water, and then pushing them through a sieve.
How to make perfect strawberry jam
Warner wrote from Egypt expressing sympathy for their unfurnished state of affairs, but added, "I would rather fit out three houses and fill them with furniture than to fit out one 'dahabiyeh'.
Mark Twain, a Biography. Complete

People were gulping down sundowners, women seemed to be, rather disinterestedly, sipping their drinks and picking up a bite.
Ann rather astonished me by saying how she wouldn't mind a plate of egg and chips prior to leaving for the dinner.
The publication of Quantum Leaps is not a fluke; rather it is an exceptionally clear manifestation of the taint, stigma, and taboo surrounding the paranormal.
These are all lonely, arguably damaged people, and once you get past the silliness it's all rather crushingly sad.
TV highlights 10/08/201: Timothy Spall: Back At Sea | The Sopranos | Who Do You Think You Are? | 24 Hours in A&E | Forbidden Love
He is my cousin or rather my 'father's cousin.
The film had a rather tired plot.
Under the "fly-in fly-out" roster system, workers can be moved to a different self-contained unit, or "donga", rather than having their own rooms, as they have had in the past.
Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
It is the failure of the diaphragmatic pinchcock to open, as in the normal deglutitory cycle, rather than a spasmodic tightness, that obstructs the food.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education.
Can a Godless Society be a
So you blurb the writer rather than the book, so you just know that that's going to be the one they stick on the cover.
De Forest had only one seat to his buggy, and it was rather irksome to be conveying two ladies around all the time.
The Expressman and the Detective
Ditch your mascara, use your fingers rather than a brush and don't forget to smudge your lipstick.
Times, Sunday Times
Its independence may encourage it to pursue a course of narrow self-interest rather than the public interest.
Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Considering my diminutiveness, the size of the pail in my lap, and my drinking out of it my breath held and my face buried to the ears in foam, it was rather difficult to estimate how much I drank.
Chapter 3
One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely.
Hype Hype Hoorah!
While in a state of mesmeric sleep, he said that, yes, he was asleep but would rather sleep more soundly.
I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?
Loman is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
It's about the right image going with the right story in the right direction, rather than it being abstract.
Rather like Norwegian parrots, most are bereft of life.
Times, Sunday Times
With this evidence at hand, one might question whether the three disjunct populations warrant classification as species rather than subspecies.
Results of this study show that females' greatest reported motivation for going to discos is to meet new people rather than to pursue sexual opportunities or to flirt.
But it means you get this style of performance across the board that is people inhabiting characters rather than pretending to be people.
Times, Sunday Times
The livestock scheme is run on commercial lines rather than donations.
Times, Sunday Times
The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
Here we consider renting rather than buying a car outright can help more cash.
Times, Sunday Times
Vordul's verse is uninspiring and sounds much more like spoken word poetry, rather than a proper rap.
Your comments are rather remote from the subject we are discussing.
Its addition in minute amounts to the nucleoprotein tumor fraction, was expected to suppress the formation of the fibrillar halo if nucleic acids rather that the protein were responsible for the nerve growth promoting effect elicited by this fraction.
Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
He is the one who pushed for campaign spending limits in this race; he rather insisted on them.
What we do have here is a rather queer looking creature with a faceless Charlie Brown head, duck legs, two jointless yet pliable arms, and tentacles.
Talking about the investment in the new main stand, the increased capacity, and the scope for making money rather than just haemorrhaging it, he insisted his family are in it for the long haul.
I'm sure there are some folk who would rather they weren't here.
Rather than be seen as lecturing China on its exchange rate, the United States should be doing even more to push its European allies to allow a larger Chinese voice in multilateral forums.
Beyond brinkmanship: A better economic path for the U.S. and China
Since the anito is the cause of all bodily afflictions the chief function of the person who battles for the health of the afflicted is that of the exorcist, rather than that of the therapeutist.
The Bontoc Igorot
Among the first generation, family relations adhered rather closely to the traditional Bulgarian model.
The unposed, rather awkward-looking, front-on shots remind us that fashion is not all about celebrity and stylists.
Rather than selling direct to pet owners, they initially tried the wholesale route.
Times, Sunday Times
“For instance, you could tell it to record all episodes of a particular series, rather than your preprogramming it.”
Friday Link Dump
Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
It was not a spine-tingling speech, the delivery was rather wooden.
Times, Sunday Times
The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models.
Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
His writing is rather self - consciously poetic.
The star in question, KIC 05807616, has a rather interesting description: "a seemingly isolated pulsating hot B subdwarf.
Ars Technica
Furthermore, functional and structural divergence might, in some cases, precede rather than follow gene duplication.
When Carol Thatcher returns to these shores from the jungle she may well be rather surprised to find her ‘good friend’ Linda McDougall quoted in most of the papers.
Carol & Linda to Heal the Rift?
Could you just sing the tune of the hymn rather than the hundred and fifty-seven little twiddly bits?
Keep the artichoke in a bowl of water with a lemon squeezed into it, (rather grandly called acidulated water), this stops the heart from blackening when it is exposed.
The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise.
And he had hoped to avoid all this; or rather to hoard this seeing for one final gulp from the mailboat rail.
At Swim, Two Boys
Her elder sister's been acting rather funnily just recently.
Rather than a traditional neoliberal who tries to extol the virtues of trade, he prefers to just ignore its impact entirely.
Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Ever-Bigger Government
At the moment, the public has a rather ambivalent attitude toward science.
Not that he is preening: he is careless about his blond good looks, a scruffy hipster beard giving maturity to his rather angelic face.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather than deal with the hassle of finding tenants and collecting the rent, I had appointed an agent to do the dirty work.
I quote it at length, with O'Reilly's rather selective quotation in boldface.
A subsequent kerfuffle (rather drawn out) sounding not unlike a fist fight interspersed with successive shards of glass falling.
Ask yourself if you would rather have a free press, or a press at the whim of political masters?
Times, Sunday Times
The television coverage of the event was rather sparse.
His eyes were black too, but had nothing of fierce or insolent; on the contrary, a certain melancholy swimmingness, that described hopeless love rather than a natural amorous languish.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
This means they reflect consistent production, rather than a single header or back-heel.
Times, Sunday Times
They also come across a cryptogram, which is rather difficult to solve, but which eventually they manage to decypher, and which leads them to the treasure hoarded by the pirate, who by that time has met his end.
Across the Spanish Main A Tale of the Sea in the Days of Queen Bess
In maieutic fiction, the protagonist is faced with a problem that requires a reflective reevaluation of self, with resolution achieved not by action but by realisation, in an epiphany that is not gnosis but rather logos.
Archive 2009-07-01
This guy was also what we call a sadistic pedophile, which is that sadistic pedophiles often use objects to penetrate children rather than using the penis or the fingers, and that ` s apparently, if the allegations are true, what he did with one little girl.
CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2005
When faced with mass desertion, regiments often lacked the personnel to pursue the scofflaws, and soldiers could count on the sympathy of civilians willing to give them jobs rather than report them.
Caroline heard it she could not help smiling at the word magnanimity, which sounded to her rather too grand for the occasion.
Tales and Novels — Volume 07
Rather than giving to those countries in most need, O'Neill said, ‘We have an obligation to plant our resources where they will yield growth, rather than squandering precious seeds in unfertile soil.’
Your mother's will most likely transfers property to the revocable trust, rather than the other way around, in case she failed to transfer something to the trust prior to her death.
The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
So how, precisely, do I find myself the father of a teenage owner of one 5-year-old, skewbald, equine quadruped, about 13 hands tall, who answers, rather inattentively, to the name Buttons?
Finding the Next Winner
Red cabbage's fresh, raw crunch is a great addition to salads (see today's recipe), though I quite understand that some of you may have been put off by its appearance in mediocre coleslaws dressed in gloopy, cheap mayonnaise, its pigment seeping into the dressing to create a rather unappealing mess.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's red cabbage recipes
This friend is rather temperamental and I don't know how they'll react.
It widely considered the president's attempt to save a sliver of his otherwise, rather soily international legacy.
Archive 2008-11-01
Your problem becomes a series of small tasks, rather than an overwhelming amorphous mass.
Times, Sunday Times
Gesenius considers this equivalent with "cohabit;" and from this single passage draws the sense which he assigns to [Hebrew: 'iyzebel] This seems rather far-fetched.
Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. Albert Einstein
He had a rather big nose and seemed to have an overbite.
The metal hinges feel rather flimsy.
The Sun
Solicitors taking a confrontational approach can often inflame the situation rather than calm it.
Why Am I Afraid to Divorce?
She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities.
Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
He would much rather be judged on whether share prices continue to rise or fall ahead of a bid or profit warning.
I'd rather not talk about it too much because I don't like giving trade secrets away.
It may also have rather too much to do with the perkier housing market.
Times, Sunday Times
The tragedy is the orientation will be in the interests of capital rather than working people.
His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.
Our study was powered primarily to look at the influence of bacterial vaginosis rather than chlamydial infection on miscarriage.
The tone of volume three is rather different.
Times, Sunday Times
The second was rather less complimentary and said he was more non-League than World Cup winner.
Yes, I know it's rather stilted, nay overwrought, prose.
However, introduction of songs which are rather playful in nature is quite new to the Gondi culture.
It does not call up the beast, and if it did it would not matter much, as a rule; the beast is a harmless and rather amiable creature, as anybody can see by watching cattle.
Food and Drink
Always be sure to use either red or white wine vinegar rather than malt vinegar.
Asthma and Eczema - special diet cookbook
Near the end of his reign, King Behanzin ordered his troops to burn the royal palaces rather than see them fall into French hands.
It's like when I idiotically put two or three parentheticals inside each other rather than doing the normal thing and writing out separate sentences!
Our imperial past is now regarded rather shamefully.
Times, Sunday Times
But rather than pleased, Matyc looked as sour as a Bardek citron.
Supported by an angelic chorus and lush orchestration, Gibb extolled the virtues of "fingering foreign dirty holes," arguing that while love may be grand, he'd rather "let 'coupledom' die
Someone would have to have a rather strong argument to convince me now.
Katy chose to focus on design, as in functional contemporary design rather than fine art and sculpture.
Instead, the headquarters are situated in a squat, brick building which seems rather unglamorous for the world of radio.
The study, which was ordered by influential US military adviser Andrew Marshall, suggests that climate change should become an issue of national security rather than just a scientific discussion.
Stanley M.. Brand, a Democratic former House general counsel, said the penalty seemed personal rather than political.
It's not the affection that she enjoys, but rather the lavish gifts that are tossed her way.
Rather, he appears to have seen it as an organon for the acquisition of knowledge from unquestionable first principles; in addition he wanted to use it in order to help make clear the epistemic foundations on which our knowledge rests.
Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
The itch to touch something rather than just look at it is responsible for more dissolved marriages than any other desire.
Times, Sunday Times
The ability to control the darkness is the ability to command the light, and the ability to control the waters is the ability to delimit their boundaries and make them useful rather than destructive; useful for sustaining life.
Final Participation and the Light of God « Unknowing
Rather than a game of skill and technique, golf is turning into a mere test of power.
This is very much in line with the contemporary need to have everything explained in cerebral, rather than emotional terms.
A considerable amount of tax collection is now done, in effect, by casinos; rather than raise taxes to pay for services, legislatures legalize gambling and then take a rake-off from the profits earned by private casino companies.
The Sack of Washington
Trying to stop shops opening at the weekend is rather like banning cafés from opening for lunch.
Times, Sunday Times
Elected officials, he lectured, should not speak unthinkingly, but rather, when doubts exist, keep silent.
This claim seems to us to be rather dubious.
Though I must say that when I've encountered such things, I could not help sending a rather pointed letter about plagiarism and its extreme inadvisability.
Although peeling isn't essential because this variety has a rather thin skin, it is an easy matter to plunge them into boiling water, drain and then slip off the skins.
Internet use refers to Internet user status (coded as 1 = nonuser, 2 = user) rather than the type of Internet use (ie, frequency).
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Offending drivers are to be pulled over as part of a pilot scheme and ‘given advice’ rather than booked, on the basis that it is pointless fining people for innocent mistakes.
This is a combat flight simulator with the emphasis on action rather than accuracy.
Times, Sunday Times
Historians must, as usual, do what they can with the materials which lie to hand rather than bewail the absence of that which is missing.
We conclude that similar compositional bimodality among eruptive products of intracontinental volcanoes in volcanic fields may be the rule, rather than the exception.
Digital videodiscs were used rather than CD's, he said, because much more information can be stored on each DVD.
Compliance strategy seeks to prevent a harm rather than punish an evil.
Quarried stone is used mainly for the production of roof tiles and other heritage products rather than garden rockery stone or sand and gravel.
I'd rather have a sliver of prosciutto or a wheel of spicy sausage than neutral, inoffensive chicken any day.
You rather liked parvenus: they had energy; they knew what they wanted.
I think that most of us would rather be called lynx-eyed than gluttonous, and certainly a lynx is a much handsomer beast than a glutton.
Peeps at Many Lands: Norway
The White Shadow – A unique series that took a rather real look at urban life among predominately minority teen-agers.
Hulu Awards: Johnny Jay’s Final Wrap Up and Best of Hulu
I am not sure if I would rather have an extreme year like that, or a blah year like 2004.
Not all the speakers have couched their sentiments in complimentary language, indeed, it is a fact which we citizens of the Empire would be foolish to ignore that important sections of opinion among our American friends and elsewhere are rather suspicious of the British Empire.
The Empire In These Days
[I] read what I write out loud rather than just subvocalize it as I write.
October « 2008 « Subs’ Standards
She had a rather nice voice and was also known for whistling.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
The title of the appointment was rather meaningless as he soon had his own surgical wards, where his skills in intestinal surgery and liver resection were legendary.
A focus on texts and their position in all kinds of Italian secular vocal music of the time leads to a rather wordy book not very easy to follow in its layout, especially when a music example precedes its reference.
Meant as a follow up to Stadler’s Pools & Pouf collection from earlier this month, Tephra is a co-edition with Carpenter’s Workshop Gallery that represents mutation rather than dissolution.
Unique Desk Design : The Wave Desk by Robert Brou
We'll have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium.
Sydney looks away, casting her eyes to the side rather than returning the gaze.
The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
I've obviously become rather cynical over time, but then when it comes to card tricks, my first thought these days is to look for the con.
And feminist psychologists are still predominantly concerned with making egalitarian corrections to traditional psychological theories, rather than working with their uncertainties.
It all makes me feel rather sorry for men: as if being present at the birth has become some sort of test of moral fibre.
The reaction to what was seen as Hodgson's rather skewed perspective contributed to the campaign to have the manager defenestrated.
If you used the shortened form, you'd just say "in-laws' house", but since you're using the full form, it's correct to pluralise the noun and not the modifier ('parents' rather than 'in law'), and then make the entire term possessive, because it's acting as a noun cluster. ("parents-in-law's")
The Skinny Kitten Story (In Which I Am Both A Liar And A Kitten Thief)
We will all be 50 and I would like to look cool and trendy rather than old and frumpy.
Times, Sunday Times
But now I feel there was something rather endearing about my uncultured clumsiness.
Underneath the ‘ordinary ’dial is another which has a rather diabolical look, but which is simply a piece of horology that shows those star signs that tell your horoscope.
The Chicago Cap was the same shape as the Parti-Colored Cap, but featured horizontal (rather than vertical) stripes and a solid-colored bill.
Rather like the “netless” in The Octagonal Raven, I just prefer to be able to choose my exposure to the rest of the world rather than have it chosen for me.
Reality or Perception? « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
I found the final rather involving, which given that rugby is in essence a game of catch taken extremely seriously is not bad going at all.
We should also not make the rather simplistic assumption that co-residence implies a strong bond between relatives.
I never watch TV - I'd rather be working - so if I'm at home, I zonk out.
Times, Sunday Times
It should already be clear that it was Mariana, rather than Suarez, who might be called the forebear of John Locke's theory of popular consent and the continuing superiority of the people to the government.
Costs have been cut by changing the crude mix and switching the plant's boilers to burn gas rather than more expensive fuel oil.
Times, Sunday Times
This deciduous vine is grown for its gorgeous autumn colour rather than its fruit.
Times, Sunday Times
She was thankful, at least, that the hospital let her wear her own pajamas rather than one of their backless gowns.
With cars, most of the energy consumed is used to propel the car itself rather than the people sitting in it.
Times, Sunday Times
Police officers have allowed themselves to be redefined as crime fighters rather than peacekeepers and protectors of the public.
Times, Sunday Times
His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it.
Times, Sunday Times
This is not a simple party concern but rather a matter of urgent national interest.
Many prefer to keep their cash as long as possible rather than let the energy giants earn interest on it.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
Their rather irregular position within the Church of Ireland could not really continue.
* The Minister of Agriculture to review the use of surplus funds carried from levies on the 1994 crop, and to make levies available to stabilize the price of maize for human consumption in the coming season, rather than paying levies to commercial farmers as an "agterskot" as has been suggested in a press statement by
ANC Daily News Briefing
Aren't you getting things rather out of proportion?
I felt rather out of it in France because I can't speak French.
While the other threads were developed and resolved, leaving one rather exhausted and peculiarly unsatisfied, this one remained outstanding, haunting the reader's memory.
Rather than supporting businesses that seek to reclaim brownfield land, however, many cities have in place archaic laws full of clauses and subclauses that add further time and cost to a project.
John, mum, I beg of you; for 'is temper's rather short at times, mum, thro' boin 'asmatic and the rheumatiz, though you wouldn't think it to look at' im, that you wouldn't; an 'I'm reely afraid, mum, he might get angry if anybody was to holler' im anythink for
While the Kelly gang appears to have posed a genuine threat to the authority of the ruling colonials, the film prefers to focus on the adventures of the outlaws rather than an increasingly desperate establishment.
For observe: this love of what is called ideality or beauty in preference to truth, operates not only in making us choose the past rather than the present for our subjects, but it makes us falsify the present when we do take it for our subject.
Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
Similarly, it has been decreed that concierges watch television interminably while their rather large cats doze, and that the entrance to the building must smell of pot-au-feu, cabbage soup, or a country-style cassoulet.
Excerpt: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
Puerisque ',' Marcus Aurelius ',' The Unveiling of Lhassa '-- but the list is rather interminable.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
The gallery is approached across a voluminous, rather airport-like atrium that also houses the company's canteen.
He was rather plump, and was wearing a ridiculous hat.
Age is here, but it does not suggest the idea of dilapidation or decay; rather of something which has been put under a glass case, and preserved with care from all extraneous influences.
Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
Some people find it easier to use interdental brushes rather than floss.
These include some very sensible measures such as to shower rather than bathe and to use buckets rather than hosepipes when washing cars.
The problem is not their lack of funding, but rather their lack of planning.
Its average elevation is 13,000 feet, making the air rather thin and cold, and ten peaks top 20,000 feet.
The possible moves being not only manifold but involute, the chances of such oversights are multiplied; and in nine cases out of ten it is the more concentrative rather than the more acute player who conquers.
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The cavalry were too numerous to be maintained solely by the king; rather, each of the seven great town-chiefs had to support, in his own sector of the capital, ten noble warriors and their entourages.
The silver made in Mexico during the viceregal period is legendary, yet most of the surviving examples are ecclesiastical rather than domestic.
We chose to sit on a comfortable settee rather than on hard chairs or impractical looking stools.
It had been rather emotional for those groups that were eliminated in the second round.
Is there any other kind of test we can do to determine if the motherboard is non-functional (which seems rather likely at this point)?
Help me, livejournal wan kenobi!
It is also preferable that these vents be covered with screens, rather than louvers, to provide unrestricted air flow.
The verbal responses to the film are constructed using data from the ‘real life’ of viewers rather than the fictive world defined by the film and filmmaker.
As the law of 1580 prescribed a penalty of 50 years of banishment for adulterers, he was apparently convicted of adultery rather than incest.
Are we willing to be the alpha and the omega rather than stand in the middle all the time?
A rather odd thing has just just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker; after being bitten by a radioactive spider, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered in that he can scale walls and ceilings, and he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger.
Listal promoted
This was approximately one fifth full size, but was a working mock-up rather than a true scale model.
All dilemmas can be resolved, say the anti-abortion lobby, if the starting point is the foetus rather than the woman.
This book is rather too easy for this boy.
Some see this fishing equipment as evidence for boat-building technology that may have allowed for initial human settlement of the Americas by sea rather than by the Bering land bridge.
It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.
For example, many shorefaces - the dynamic zones between the continental shelf and the beach - are not simply surfaces of sand but rather are underlain by rock or mud.
So how, precisely, do I find myself the father of a teenage owner of one five-year-old, skewbald, equine quadruped, about 13 hands tall, who answers, rather inattentively, to the name Buttons?
History, Horses and the Luck of the Irish