
How To Use Ratable In A Sentence

  • People at MSFC have told me over drinks that this study concluded that EELV are human ratable but they were going to do what Griffin wanted. Obama Policies on Transparency, Openness, and Participation - and NASA - NASA Watch
  • Pave it over and collect the ratables and let the customers run over the kids and the grannies. Too Little, Too Late
  • Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the protonation of the titratable residues on the HA1 surface is mainly influenced by other residues of HA1 and that effects from HA2 domain may be negligible.
  • Then when you look at section 132 of the 1919 Local Government Act, ratable land did not include land of these bodies.
  • Now, the tax law is primarily lay out for the physical commodities, through common organization, resident, and other means, relate the ratable duty and the action of taxpayer.
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  • Under the 1780 constitution, incorporated towns were entitled to a representative if they had 150 ratable polls (tax-paying men over sixteen years of age), two if they had 375, three if they had 600, and an additional representative for every 225 ratable polls above that number.57 (That helps explain why the provision that “the number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand” in the federal Constitution could seem ridiculously inadequate.) Ratification
  • The new, so-called ratable model recognizes software-license revenues over the life of a contract.
  • Especially since improved buildings would be reassessed and generate more ratables for a cash-strapped town. Gold in them thar buildings
  • We surmise that protonation of titratable residues of the HA1 domain at low pH enhances the electrostatic repulsion between the monomers of the globular domain and thus lowers the stability of their association.
  • Why just hand the banks these profits without reserving a ratable claim on them — in the form of equity, an excess-profits tax, an interest premium — for We the Taxpayers? The Great Geithner Giveaway, Part II
  • A major limitation of the system is the absence of a comprehensive cadastral information system for identifying each ratable unit and for classifying land uses.
  • I agree it would be nice to use IV titratable sedative medications with an anesthesiologist present. Sedative Drugs Used in Pediatric Dentistry
  • the ratable value of property
  • A major limitation of the system is the absence of a comprehensive cadastral information system for identifying each ratable unit and for classifying land uses.
  • Megan had always been a pretty girl with deep red hair a nice body, but she considered herself barely ratable next to Lisa.
  • Cavarero writes generically complex tales of the narratable self, reviving the writerly tradition of Roland Barthes, and echoing his recognition of eros, love, and desire.
  • The rehydratable gels can be stored at room temperature for long periods of time.
  • Border wars we don't need: A new round of state competition for tax ratables and jobs - NJVoices: Linda Stamato Border wars we don't need: A new round of state competition for tax ratables and jobs
  • Then when you look at section 132 of the 1919 Local Government Act, ratable land did not include land of these bodies.
  • To address that, Christie wants lawmakers to put a proposed constitutional amendment before voters imposing a 2.5 percent cap on increases in local property tax levies, adjusted for increases in ratables. - News
  • A major limitation of the system is the absence of a comprehensive cadastral information system for identifying each ratable unit and for classifying land uses.
  • The commercial triumphs he's nurtured include sweet-scented and rehydratable modelling clay.
  • TA is titratable acidity and is a measure of the total acid in the grape juice—pH is sort of related to titratable acidity and is the third important component for determining ripeness. The Merlot Murders
  • The relationship between titratable acidity and malic acid was less obvious.
  • Some laws did, and some did not, provide for ratable division of assets among all creditors. A History of American Law
  • Rapeseed oil was taken as raw materials, and the effects of ultrasonic on the removal of nonhydratable phospholipids in oil by phospholipase A1 were studied.
  • unratable properties
  • In the case of SPM, the presence of the highly hydratable and relatively bulky zwitterion, phosphorylcholine, further affects ceramide behavior.
  • And then in a titratable manner, a gradual manner, really reintroduce Marisleysis and the great-uncle. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Child Psychologist Dr. Jon Shaw Discusses Developments in Elian Gonzalez Case - April 22, 2000
  • Significant differences cited by the team included nitrogen, which was higher in conventional crops, and phosphorus and titratable acids, both of which were higher in the organic crops. Waylon Lewis: Organics No Better Than Chemical/GMO/Sewage Sludge-Soaked "Food"?
  • The only extra hydrogen bond that is formed involving titratable residues is between OG1 and OE2.
  • Not only because of the ratables, but primarily because of the sense of connectedness to the community and its issues that OWNERSHIP implies. Taking Plainfield to the cleaners?
  • And when they took the really bad tranches from the original securitizations and put them all together to make one new tranche that the rating agencies, they said this stuff was not even ratable, and now we're going to make it, you know, AAA. Transcript: John Mauldin
  • Rehydratable and bite-sized packaging materials are packaged using modified atmosphere techniques.
  • In an analysis that included only satisfactory quality studies, conventionally produced crops had a significantly higher content of nitrogen, and organically produced crops had a significantly higher content of phosphorus and higher titratable acidity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Organic Food Still Ain’t All That:
  • They are assumed to share a ratable claim on the unpledged value of the company with other unsecured creditors.
  • The degrees Brix and the titratable acidity (expressed in grams per liter) were almost the same. Atwater Estate Vineyards 2007 Dry Riesling
  • The wording was something like: “Although your time in Iraq was trying, your mental condition is not ratable.” I’m Still Standing
  • Let's see: the City is getting a $3.5 million new senior center for free, is saving $100k per year it currently pays in rent for the existing center and adds substantial market-rate condos/ratables to the tax base on a piece of property not now generating any tax revenues. Should we give Plainfield away?
  • The sign and magnitude of the pK a shift of a particular titratable group is determined by the free energy to transfer it into the low-dielectric protein cavity, and by its interactions with polar residues in the protein.
  • Provided, nevertheless, that each town now incorporated, not having one hundred and fifty ratal) le polls, may elect one representative; but no}) lace shall hereafter be incor - porated with the privilege of electing a representative, unless there are within the same one hundred and fifty ratable polls. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The new, so-called ratable model recognizes software-license revenues over the life of a contract.
  • This case was dissimilar from the previous soccer-ban on hijabs, which are worn frequently in international soccer clubs with no demonstratable risk to the player or others. Reasonable Accomodation of Bike Helmets : Law is Cool
  • The determination of titratable acidity in apple, grape, strawberry was conducted by monotonic titration(MET) using automatic potentiometric titrator.
  • So now, dear taxpayer, you are looking not only at a failure of the state to deliver on promised school construction and its positively harming the business and employment climate of the city, it seems you may very well be looking at the total loss of tax ratables from the West Front Street property as the state welches on its promise. SCC decision bitter pill for Plainfield
  • Megan had always been a pretty girl with deep red hair a nice body, but she considered herself barely ratable next to Lisa.
  • A wine grower uses an instrument called a hydrometer to measure the sugar content in a grape and also measures PH and titratable acidity to determine a grape's maturity or ripeness. The Green Bay Press-Gazette Latest Headlines

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