How To Use Rasp In A Sentence

  • Divide half the mixture between 4 glass bowls, then sprinkle with a few fresh raspberries and a bit more crushed honeycomb. The Sun
  • He comes from nowhere to win this contest and immediately is able to grasp a lot of the intricacies of the moviemaking process.
  • I am thinking about taking one row of raspberries away, maybe exchange the other one as well for a newer kind with bigger berries in, so we can have a bit more room for flowers along the allotment border.
  • The Italian was rejected because of his weak grasp of English.
  • About a meter tall if it stood erect, it must use its short, bowed legs arboreally by choice, for it ran on all fours and either foot terminated in three well-developed grasping digits. The Rebel Worlds
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  • Even the shoes, booties with vertiginous heels, were covered in grasping little coral-like tentacles that shook as the models -- their faces abloom with gold and colorful stripes -- stomped down the catwalk. Balmain, Zac Posen, Rick Owens & Manish Arora Out Of This World In Paris (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • As soon as the weather improves and the soil is fit for planting you can plant out your raspberries in their permanent position. The Sun
  • They have shown they are grasping the nettle. Times, Sunday Times
  • His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile and dragged himself back to safety.
  • Then, the phrase had struck Vincent as doting and naive, but sometime during his stay in Toulio, as his grasp of the Chinese language deepened, and as he learned—or was forced to learn—from his mistakes, he had felt the title gain merit and accuracy. Heaven Lake
  • But the howling vacuum had opened up inside her again, with its endless vistas of nothingness and no return, the harlequinade of grasping, painted lovers. Shortcut Man
  • Success in that final exam ensures that their parents' dream, which by now should also be their own, of a cap and gown clad university graduate is within grasp.
  • I personally think a more optimistic outcome is within our grasp as we understand more and more the way the brain works. Times, Sunday Times
  • At night, down on the water, they seem just beyond grasp, unreachably distant, like the past itself.
  • So extraordinary is this fact that we shall approach it from sev-eral perspectives to try to bring its enormity within our grasp.
  • a terrible power had her in its grasp
  • Her blood-red lips and hooded eyes, her large hands firmly grasping the wheel, all convey a woman in control of her destiny.
  • We opted to share a portion of raspberry crème brûlée with cream which tasted absolutely fabulous, full of raspberries with crisp caramelised sugar and rich cold cream.
  • I grasped his hands in mine, so tightly they almost cracked under the pressure.
  • It seemed that every bar, no matter how tiny, had wedged a trio of musicians into a corner - one singing, one playing guitar and another scratching out a raspy beat on the guiro, a hollow gourd played with a stick.
  • That's our court, that's within our jurisdiction, within our grasp.
  • To the rear of Old Hall is a large walled garden that has lawns and a variety of plants and shrubs, as well as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, rhubarb, plum and apple trees.
  • Wash the raspberries and blend with the syrup and lemon juice. Times, Sunday Times
  • You spend another £10.00 on a programme and a small tub of organic raspberry ripple ice cream.
  • The tip of his lance got caught by the serrations of her sword, and he wrenched it out of her grasp, thinking he had won.
  • Some I recognized as a kind of hypertrophied raspberry and orange, but for the most part they were strange. The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • She evaded his grasp and left without another word, sashaying her hips tauntingly.
  • The task was beyond the intellectual grasp of some of the students.
  • Not one could grasp, or even imagine, the possibility that our simple-minded Palaeolithic ancestors were capable of art.
  • That was not an impossible ideal but it did require a subtle mind to grasp it.
  • I decided to go for simplicity, and made compote, in the oven, pairing the rhubarb with some raspberries I had in the freezer.
  • Indeed, in 2002 it seemed that a firm grounding in popular mythology and local fauna was at least as important as a basic grasp of engineering in the designprocess. South Africa races ahead in battle of weirdest World Cup stadiums
  • Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull.
  • ‘Could've fooled me,’ he rasped in between breaths.
  • Wash the raspberries and blend with the syrup and lemon juice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The elements of physics are difficult to grasp.
  • KOBE: We arrived at Kobe on the evening of April 10th, and fell at once into the grasp of the custom-house authorities, who proved, however, very lenient. Travels in the Far East
  • When the currants start to burst and flood the pan with colour, tip in the loganberries or raspberries.
  • He wrenched him around and grasped his scrawny neck in a dangerously tight headlock.
  • Conclusion: Both spinal and supraspinal neuronal Phosphoinositide 3-kinase(PI3K) pathway played important role in morphine dependent and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal response in mice.
  • They had also failed to grasp public unease about the growing pressure on jobs and public services. Times, Sunday Times
  • The known vascular flora of the Preserve consists of 538 specific and infraspecific taxa from 310 genera in 98 families.
  • "I'm fine, " he rasped out, lying through his teeth.
  • Another resembled a giant raspberry. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have grasped, perhaps more than any other nation, that there is a long-run cost to dependency on the state, including an aversion to risk that eventually enervates the entrepreneurial spirit necessary for innovation and prosperity. Beware of the Big-Government Tipping Point
  • She grasped the hilt of her sword and thrust it at the stones, wedged it between the planks on the door.
  • In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation. Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
  • This allowed him to grasp a string attached to the neck of a bottle secreted in a concealed hollow inside the bark. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.
  • Establishment politicians don't quite seem to grasp the changes that are sweeping through the country.
  • She reached out and grasped the silk, gasping as it unfurled into a thin cloak, shimmering softly.
  • She had exquisite taste and a flawless grasp of the Court's Byzantine code of conduct.
  • It was certainly entertaining and one could not help but feel sorry for him for being involved with such a grasping, shallow woman of the sort portrayed here!
  • He'd heard the debates about the cost of alcohol abuse to the NHS, but only when novelist Chris Paling found himself on a ward with long-term alcoholics did he really grasp the prognosis Latest news from the public and voluntary sectors, including health, children, local government and social care, plus SocietyGuardian jobs |
  • Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip and unhook it from the safety catch.
  • Phylogeny, cytology, ethnobotany, conservation biology, and infraspecific taxa are all reasons why a revision of the North American species of Apios was needed.
  • To move forward, the gripman squeezes the grip which grasps the moving cable under the slot in the street. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Slowly I settled against him and I listened to his breathing; it was raspy and every once in a while he would cough, but he still held me tight.
  • The lure, according to Ginny, is "wholesome Scottish oats, and local recipes like cranachan - a swirl of raspberries, honey and cream sprinkled with toasted oats - or the punchier whisky and honey, that other great Scottish combination. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Hereupon all folk stared in hugeous wonderment to behold these two champions drop their swords and leap to clasp and hug each other in mighty arms, to pat each other's mailed shoulders and grasp each other's mailed hands. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • John has attached old pram wheels to a wooden box so he can move easily among the raspberry canes without crippling his knees.
  • The attitude of the local council is lamentable in not grasping this opportunity with both hands.
  • She did not need to take such a risk in the opening lap of a race with a medal very much in her grasp. Times, Sunday Times
  • All this is accomplished through one master program. and several subroutines, and requires no conscious grasp of the problem.
  • Lai let her hand rest on his chest and almost out of reflex he let his hand rest on hers, gripping it lightly as he shifted and settled more relaxedly in her grasp.
  • The right balance of detail should help the reader quickly grasp the nature of the problem and your approach to it.
  • Raspberry and blueberry production was also up by as much as 25 per cent this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • HOWE: Before I wrote this book I had never really grasped how often improvements in material terms fostered improvements in moral terms. National Review Online
  • You can grasp hold of the threads. Times, Sunday Times
  • You only consider the hounds as a fleeting object at which to ride; the fox as a necessary evil, without which all this 'rasping' and 'bruising' and 'cutting down,' as you call it in your ridiculous jargon, cannot be attained. Kate Coventry An Autobiography
  • He examined in detail its toxic effects, displaying an impressive grasp of prevailing medical theories. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • Caliban hit him then, leaping out of the shadowed recesses under the next terrace up, long arms and longer legs wide and grasping, teeth glinting in earthlight. Ilium
  • Difficulties cannot be artificially overcome," said Mirabeau, "nor is there any invention whereby a man may be spared the trouble of conquering them; they must be grasped firmly, strangled, crushed, trampled down in manful fight. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • The machine's arms lifted up, grasping it's head, rock and stone cracking and falling off in large boulders.
  • ( "There's no" K "in Klingon, and that's that!" he insisted, illustrating the raspy, back-of-the-throat "kh" - type consonants he'd woven into the lingo instead). Theater Review: Washington Shakespeare Company's evening of the Bard in Klingon
  • Poseidon clothes himself in raiment of gold, grasps his gold whip, and takes his stand upon his chariot.
  • The nose is smoky, with blackberry, black raspberry, and hints of cedar and eucalyptus. - Home Page
  • Natural Occurrence—Lemon, grapefruit, nutmeg, carrot, raspberry and celery root .
  • She tried to rip her wrist out of his grip but his grasp was too firm.
  • Observation of intraspecies variations reveals that you are just as likely to encounter R/C kits, musclecars, bathroom hydroponics, child porn, and Nintendos as you would a bicycle. Cult Following: Harbingers of the Apocalypse
  • Wu Jinying is grasping steel knife to slaughter a cattle in workshop is involute arm, hand.
  • On the diagonalization strategy, we make use of our preexisting grasp of ordinary content to determine what ordinary content the thought would express if it were located at the center of a particular centered world, and then determine whether that ordinary content is true at that centered world. Narrow Mental Content
  • The ancient line between sacred and profane is hard for us to grasp now. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Wall Street would like nothing better than to make social security their own personal piggy bank, just as they now engrasp the FED. Will Hillary Take SS Benefits Away From The Boomers
  • There were figs, walnuts, mulberries, apples, pears, damsons, gooseberries, elderberries, raspberries - and chickens, which we had inherited from the previous owners.
  • She was unable to grasp how to do it.
  • But overall there is little sign that policy-makers have grasped the enormity of what has happened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of her archaeologist husband's finds can be seen in the museum, which is a must if you want to grasp the sophistication of Syrian art and civilisation of the two millenniums before Christ.
  • The ice cream was messy, made worse by being smothered in raspberry sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deliberate learning situations have to be constructed if we want to pin causes down and further our grasp on the world.
  • I did have a good eye and ear for character, one of the few things I was able to grasp in playwriting and carry into fiction. Interview: Elizabeth Hand
  • Those who are at the summit level grasp them as constituting an indivisible unity.
  • First, if the rifle butt grasps not tightly, when gun violent beat, the rifle butt could hit finger's joint many, the number of times very easy to create the damage.
  • The shape of the pronotum (damselflies) and the head (dragonflies) is very important in reproduction, because the male grasps the female around her neck with appendages on the end of his abdomen. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • I enjoy keeping the garden clear of old raspberry canes, intrusive crab grass, and debris.
  • I'm interested in your view of how the abstract or ungraspable relates to the limitations of our physical lives-to the fact that we are material, mortal beings.
  • But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a difficult concept to grasp for western consumers, who are worried about job cuts and a sluggish economic recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grasp the handle with a single overhand grip and sit down on the seat as you normally would when doing pull-downs, your quads secured comfortably underneath the pads.
  • These little puff pastries are served on a white napkin with bowls of chocolate sauce and raspberry coulis for dipping.
  • Stretch your arms upwards and imagine you're trying to grasp something just above your head.
  • The elements of physics are difficult to grasp.
  • We're the first to cultivate this bee and the first to provide as much evidence of its potential as a red raspberry and blackberry pollinator," says Cane.
  • In an instant he rushed across the street, and Brigg charged forward to meet him, grasping the hilt of his sword in both hands.
  • Eaten on their own as a candy or as an accompaniment to cheese, these little sugar encrusted fruit treats with a name that has no good translation, come in every imaginable flavor from raspberry to mirabelle plum to date. Flora Lazar: Finally -- Locavore Candy at the Farmers Market
  • Similarly, the opportunity should be grasped to ease internal tensions.
  • There was another bit of the plan I never quiet understood which involved singing Marie Lloyd songs instead of calling the election while it was still winnable, but I don't pretend to have a firm grasp of psephology.
  • They upped the ante, too, with Cold Play's "Viva La Vida," done with plucky violin daring, of course, "Rasputin," and a very drummy swing standard that brought the house down. Times Record News Stories
  • His articulate grasp of issues and willingness to say risky things will favorably contrast him with the overcautious candidates who parse every poll-tested word.
  • She wrenched herself from his grasp.
  • The only real help here is for bishops to grasp the true nature of their office and live it out.
  • Miriam caught up with me then, her hand grasping mine, her fingers fastening tight as she held me back. HIGH STAND
  • Poluski's quip; but that fleeting glimpse had thrilled her with subtle recognition of something grasped yet elusive, of a knowledge that trembled on the lip of discovery, like a half remembered word murmuring in the brain but unable to make itself heard. A Son of the Immortals
  • To make policy requires empathy, imagination and a firm grasp of statistics and probable outcomes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many eyed Fred hopefully; for the word had gone around that upon him Riverport must depend to wrest victory from the grasp of that tall runner, Boggs, who was said to be a tremendous "stayer," and as speedy almost as Colon himself. Fred Fenton on the Track or, The Athletes of Riverport School
  • Few studies have reported intraspecific tests within ant species.
  • They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.
  • It is then that, stripped for a brief moment of our armour of complacency and self-esteem, we see ourselves as we are -- frightful chumps in a world where nothing goes right; a grey world in which, hoping to click, we merely get the raspberry; where, animated by the best intentions, we nevertheless succeed in perpetrating the scaliest bloomers and landing our loved ones neck-deep in the gumbo. Jill the Reckless
  • Years of dictatorship also meant that officials in athletic circles had very little grasp on reality.
  • Grasp the handles of the machine and inhale as you flex the knees and slowly curl the weights until the pads touch the buttocks.
  • The minutely balanced works, the gnomon fitted to the perpendicular plane, would be far beyond their grasp. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • It's difficult to grasp the sheer enormity of the tragedy.
  • Strategic Studies said the 2005 meeting may help formulate ways to tackle issues such as HIV/AIDS but the long-term eradication of poverty would be beyond their grasp. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • After two months, his grasp on the subject was improving.
  • Anne looked on the second shelf of the room pantry but there was no bottle of raspberry cordial there. Anne of Green Gables
  • In the brightly illuminated room beyond the hall Helena and Gregory were playing parchesi -- Gregory firmly grasped the cup from which he intently rolled the dice; Helena shook the fair hair from her eyes and, it immediately developed, moved a pink marker farther than proper. Cytherea
  • ‘How strange’ the figure said in a raspy metallic voice, not dissimilar to X's.
  • Spread the raspberry jam in the pastry case then top with the almond filling. The Sun
  • She grasped at his shirt as he ran past.
  • This exceptional but as yet uncelebrated baritone rejoices in a lean, spinning, perfectly focused tone of unfailing natural beauty and vibrancy, while his grasp of Verdi style and phrasing is all but complete.
  • The haploid tetraspores erminate and give rise to haploid gametophytic plants.
  • I personally think a more optimistic outcome is within our grasp as we understand more and more the way the brain works. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hertwig considered that the following bones were originally formed by coalescence of teeth -- parasphenoid, vomer, palatine, pterygoid, the tooth-bearing part of the pre-maxillary, the maxillary, the dentary and certain bones of the hyo-mandibular skeleton of Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Sitting on the terrace of his family's restaurant, washing down a home-made strudel with lashings of local raspberry grappa, I could see what he meant.
  • Cut the figs into pieces the same size as the raspberries. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then the flames drowned out the rest, and Raspa was engulfed in flames that stretched up and spluttered sparks like shooting stars into the velvety black, strangely beautiful night sky. Bubble in the Bathtub
  • The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.
  • So much so that one begins to wonder if one is in fact witness to an ancient Flanderian sign language, life-threatening to those who fail to grasp its flailing inflections.
  • But behind a clumsy grasp of administration lies a sure populist touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many are walking around dazed and bewildered at the shape of things and the grasp of power.
  • Robin reached out, grasped it firmly again, and started to take a step forward.
  • By means of this algebraic method of thinking, objects are grasped spatially, in the blink of an eye.
  • In mid - to late summer, squash bugs feed on pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, watermelons and even raspberries.
  • She jumped up hurriedly and said suppose they go in and have some raspberry cordial. Anne of Green Gables
  • As Yeltsin got up to greet Stroyev, he grasped the desk to steady himself.
  • I wanted something small with big eyes and a strong rasping tongue to lavish me with affection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The voice rasped softly ‘No, if you have what you wanted, just let me die.’
  • Be like and prove oneself talks not and falsely, as well lift T-shirt dime, from wore the outlook that her ash receives to once sweep several best locations of his bodies to grasp a scar.
  • Opportunity is a favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment. Ambrose Bierce 
  • During the fourth year the child learns to cut with scissors and to thread beads, develops a mature pencil grasp, and learns to draw.
  • Red raspberry leaves are used to enhance uterine contractions once labor is initiated.
  • The two men - who Rob later found out were orderlies - firmly grasped Rob by his arms and carried him out to the car.
  • Then, the Kamov will grasp the standing trunk with a hydraulic grapple at the bottom of the long line, break it off and ferry it to the landing.
  • There, they picked raspberries, walnuts, lemons and pears.
  • New flavors include apple cinnamon crunch, chocolate raspberry supreme, strawberry yogurt and strawberry fruit crunch.
  • There's something that's simultaneously catchy and ungraspable about the whole thing, which just might explain its appeal.
  • For Welish, the seasoned experimentalist, a central question which has never lost its urgency hinges upon what the lyric can comprehend, what it can grasp in its shifting abode.
  • Set realistic goals, which Frank Typer defined brilliantly as those that are 'Beyond your grasp but within your reach.
  • I mean that's what religious contemplatives have tried to do and to grasp.
  • Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency, isentropic stagnation and their calculation.
  • What payola's moralizing critics failed, and still fail, to grasp is that the music industry has always felt itself a victim, and not the perpetrator, of the system.
  • They are infinite, I am thinking, all these hungry, grasping people chasing after the new and improved, the super and imperishable, and I stand alone against them - but that's the kind of thinking that led me astray all those years ago.
  • The lead singer has developed a slight raspiness to his usually clean vocals.
  • Ms Palin has disqualified herself from that responsibility by showing a woeful grasp of policy.
  • We grasp the near impossibility of innocence in a country that has itself become a criminal conspiracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government needs to look hard at it nationwide... and grasp the nettle. The Sun
  • Its oysters with a raspberry shallot vinegar and lemon and mussels in a garlicky white wine sauce are renowned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Demonstrating a vastly incompetent grasp of the driving forces behind economic growth in modern "postindustrial" nations - for almost 40 years, now all new income has developed in the USA from developments in Libertarian Blog Place
  • When I was there the fiddler was a septuagenarian named John MacDougal, who sat straight up in a plain chair and rasped out jigs, reels, strathspeys and airs with solemnity worthy of a judge.
  • We grasp the poignant loneliness of the elevator attendant, sigh when Rhoda is hurt and squirm at the office busybody's interference.
  • Add the cider, wine and brandy with the raspberries and thinly sliced bananas and serve.
  • Foods that have been linked to outbreaks include milk, shellfish, unpasteurized apple cider, raw and undercooked eggs, fish, raspberries, strawberries, and ready-to-eat meats.
  • These various cries of the assailants, contradicting each other, showed their irresolution; while Richard, his foot still on the archducal banner, glared round him with an eye that seemed to seek an enemy, and from which the angry nobles shrunk appalled, as from the threatened grasp of a lion. The Talisman
  • Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently.
  • Take a bow and stretch your latissimus dors Position yourself in front of an open door frame, grasp the door knob with both hands and slowly bend over, leaning your weight back towards your heels. Terry Gardner: No Gym - No Excuse: Part 1
  • Always not quite there, within the poet's reach but not to be grasped, the ephemeral and transitory scenes open like views in a highly trafficked street, only to close again just as quickly.
  • Men with a good grasp of their problems tend not to resign. Times, Sunday Times
  • She grasped him tightly by the wrist.
  • He was a politician who fatally lacked a grasp of the importance of having a narrative to inspire supporters and enthuse the electorate.
  • Cut the figs into pieces the same size as the raspberries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike those sugary and calorie-heavy sports drinks, this super-concentrated drink mix helps you turn at least 16 fl . oz. of boring, bland water into a raspberry taste sensation.
  • A short opening paragraph enables the reader to quickly grasp what the article is about.
  • They may feel smug, but that's because they as a group are as useful as a racehorse with callipers and can't quite grasp the importance of actual fact, nor how their legislation is harmful. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Many top jobs are within the grasp of historians.
  • It was an episode about grasping dreams and seeing them dissolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed so regularly is the phrase "leader of the pack" mentioned when describing him, you half expect to hear a Harley‑Davidson engine raspily rev up and cue in The Shangri-Las. How Jimmy Anderson went from water carrier to leader of the pack | Rob Bagchi
  • He hypothesized that basal primates were visually directed predators of fauna on slender branches, a milieu that favored a wide field of stereopsis and clawless, prehensile hands for visually tracking and grasping prey.
  • Black raspberries also are very susceptible to mosaic virus.
  • Some of the columnists' appointments seem to presage the adoption of a tone even more raspingly ideological.
  • Without hesitating, she strode to the pillar supporting the glass chalice and firmly grasped the goblet by the stem.
  • In his right hand, he grasps a round, smooth hammerstone as if it were a baseball. A Handy Bunch: Tools, Thumbs Helped Us Thrive
  • Whatever he touches withers in his grasp and sinks from view into a muck of despair, negativism and nihilism.
  • When I picked it up, a smoky voice rasped at me, ‘Goddamnit, Crumley, where the hell are you?’
  • Its little strut of gaminess provides an attitude that is slightly raunchy, but the pool of warm, mellow flavours and faint raspberry note keep it comfortable in any company.
  • Evaluating the results of their experiments the Clemson researchers concluded: "Juice from strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry fruit significantly inhibited mutagenesis. Slimming Strawberries For Weight Loss
  • The ice cream was messy, made worse by being smothered in raspberry sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • The edition of Leibniz's philosophical works in Latin and French, published by Rudolph Erich Raspe (Leibniz 1765; cf. Hallo 1934) contained some up to then unpublished letters and six pieces from the unpublished papers, of which two, “Difficultates quaedam logicae” and “Historia et commendatio linguae charactericae”, are relevant to logic. Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic
  • A sham stigmatist might well avoid those areas which would be subjected to additional pain - and made more difficult to heal - whenever one walked or grasped something.
  • The king was determined not to let Scotland slip from his grasp.
  • Colours are a delicious mix of crushed raspberry and pale dusky pink. Times, Sunday Times

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