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How To Use Rase In A Sentence

  • ; Cohn, D.H.: Luciferase genes cloned from the unculturable luminous bacteroid symbiont of the Caribbean flashlight fish, Kryptopha - naron alfredi. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I've noticed a lot of people larding their speech with that phrase lately.
  • We the Muslims unequivocally condemn abuse of the phrase Allahu Akbar and call on the imams and the scholars to recondition appropriate use of the phrase. Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar Is Abused
  • Stealing away, (whence, I suppose, the ironical phrase of trusty Trojan to this day,) like a thief — pretendedly indeed at the command of the gods; but could that be, when the errand he went upon was to rob other princes, not only of their dominions, but of their lives? — Clarissa Harlowe
  • However, I have no idea where this phrase originated and why we use it.
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  • Nixon came up with the phrase 'growth recession': even when things are not falling, it's not going to feel good. So what do we do now, chancellor?
  • The term Great Depression was a perfect fit in the 1930s; nobody has coined a phrase to properly describe our current plight. RSS
  • In this high opinion of his own rank, he was greatly fortified by his ideas of the military profession, which, in his phrase, made a valiant cavalier a camarade to an emperor. A Legend of Montrose
  • This seemingly innocuous phrase was actually a veiled threat. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Incommon law countries such as Canada, thetest of criminalliabilityis expressed by theLatinphrase, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means that “the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty”. Man Not Criminally Responsible for Greyhound Bus Beheading; Victim’s Family Call for Punishment : Law is Cool
  • He stared out at the assembled media and uttered the immortal phrase: 'We have lost a game we should have won. The Sun
  • Insider trading could be one phrase for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • They use all these phrases and peppiness to confuse you.
  • Mar–Oct; £8.50 per person per night plus £3 YHA membership fee per person per night or £14.35 per year; 07747 174293If it weren't for the fact that Latin is a long-dead language, you could be forgiven for thinking that the phrase multum in parvo much in little was coined specifically with The Buzzards in mind. The 10 best secluded campsites
  • Then, the phrase had struck Vincent as doting and naive, but sometime during his stay in Toulio, as his grasp of the Chinese language deepened, and as he learned—or was forced to learn—from his mistakes, he had felt the title gain merit and accuracy. Heaven Lake
  • The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
  • Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for. George Sand 
  • One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
  • But it's a prepositional phrase used adverbially, modifying ‘said’.
  • History, to coin a phrase, is coming home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of it is maybe "agenbite of inwit," the Middle English phrase meaning remorse of conscience. Rectitude Chic
  • The World Is Flat" & Co. were cyclones of breeziness, mixing metaphors by the dozens and whipping up slang and clichés and jokey catchphrases of the author's own invention. Shovel-Ready Shibboleths
  • Hence it became necessary to distinguish one from the other _by name_, and thus the notation from midnight gave rise, as I have remarked in one of my papers on Chaucer, to the English idiomatic phrase "of the clock;" or the reckoning of the clock, commencing at midnight, as distinguished from Roman equinoctial hours, commencing at six o'clock A.M. This was what Ben Jonson was meaning by attainment of majority at _six o'clock_, and not, as PROFESSOR DE M.RGAN supposes, "probably a certain sunrise. Notes and Queries, Number 214, December 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • China supplies at least 95% of the world's rare earths -- 17 chemical elements with hard-to-pronounce names such as praseodymium and yttrium -- essential for a wide range of high-tech devices and green technologies. IndustryWeek Forums - Chain Reactions
  • Anticholinesterase drugs stimulate nerve-impulse transmission, and corticosteroids may help.
  • When the phrase was first coined, the three estates of the body politic were the lords, the clergy and the commons.
  • So maybe BP isn't the best example yet, but clearly businesses that embrace principles of social entrepreneurship--discovering how to "unstick" society when it has gotten stuck, by changing the system--are having widespread impact in making the new buzzphrase "social value" the litmus test for success for not only social entrepreneurs but profit-oriented businesses, too. Marian Salzman: Reinvention, Part II
  • An identifying phrase that probably Goss himself inscribed on the photograph identifies the white substance as gunite, a solution of cement and water used as a finisher.
  • The luciferin-luciferase's reaction system may emit fluorescence, while the toxic substances will suppress the luminous intensity.
  • Our ownership of more than one inspirational book that began with the phrase "chicken soup," yet contained no recipes. Joel Dovev: The Moment I Knew
  • The difference is that these claims would once have been shouted down: it's what the phrase "boring old fart" was invented for. Stone Roses reunion: What's the worst that can happen?
  • The last vestiges of doubt were erased in little more than a nanosecond. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, in ketosteroid isomerase, Asp99 may catalyze proton transfers in the Asp38Ala variant [ PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • He placed the phrase book on the table beside the coffee.
  • Smith who was against the League and Jones who was against Article X, and Brown who was against Mr. Wilson and all his works, each for his own reason, all in the name of more or less the same symbolic phrase, register a vote _against_ the Democrats by voting for the Public Opinion
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • The articles incorporated substantial sections of the Minute both in direct quotation and in paraphrase.
  • The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
  • Apyrase, an enzyme in tick saliva, may maintain blood flow into the bite by stimulating local vasodilation and preventing platelet aggregation.
  • On the basis of our present data analyses, it is, however, not possible to judge whether the problem is at a segmental level, suprasegmental level, or both.
  • The phrase "inspired by a true story" affixes itself to novels like a warning label: Beware sententious moralizing. Cheeshahteaumauk, Class of '65 (1665)
  • Some lines had been added on the last page; but they had been so carefully erased as to be illegible.
  • These are all imponderables and much of it is down to luck in running, in the words of that immortal phrase.
  • To use a phrase I detest just 4 fun - repeat and rinse. The Guardian World News
  • In truth it was all he could do to contain himself, and he felt that his only chance of bearing up was to say nothing more than was absolutely necessary in short ejaculatory phrases. Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished A Tale of City Arab Life and Adventure
  • Parents, to paraphrase Philip Larkin, can seriously damage your health.
  • He groped about for some answer that could be phrased in their language, letting his mind flicker from the modern electronic gadgets back to the old-time tide predicter. The Sky Is Falling
  • I phrased it as a sarcastic taunt, but I genuinely wanted to know the answer.
  • It must be entertaining to hear the peculiar phraseology and observe the humorous vulgarities of these _naiades_, if one could do so The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • The idea behind the phrase 'la bella figura' was that one should always strive to look good. The Sun
  • One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
  • The contents of the second included copies of three of the Countess's psalm metaphrases, and, in all probability, a copy of her translation of Petrarch's Trionfo della Morte.
  • The pitch, intonation, and speed of his voice are all over the map and make every bit of dialogue and catchphrase either hilarious or an assault on your eardrums.
  • Lots of times words get perverted, too -- computer scientists who talk of "synchronous processes" have no idea what the actual definition in English of "synchronous" is -- they think it means "synchronized" -- and when they call putting millions of transistors on a tiny chip and call it Very Large Scale Integration, they're turned the phrase "large scale" on its very head. My mechanic Steve
  • Her dread is so great that at the end of her progress she does not even allow his name to pass her lips and uses periphrases to talk of him.
  • The womenfolk of the Longbridge workers - the phrase is not inaccurate - are preparing to bring a mass demonstration to London.
  • The buzz phrase in sustainable fashion is'the circular economy '. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I did, and managed to pull off, not unhandily, a tale called ` A Wayside Comedy’ where I worked for a certain ` economy of implication,’ and in one phrase of less than a dozen words believed I had succeeded.
  • In the sentence 'I spoke to the driver of the car', 'the driver of the car' is a noun phrase.
  • Grihojudhyokalin rashiate Lalfoujer santrase mara giechilo 7.5 million manush. nandigram ki choto angaria to er kache sishu. shet shoktike nischinho korar janyo war communism er abodan kebol Kronstad ei avyuthyan er fole nihotoder sankhya koyak hajar. petrograder pashei chilo noubahinir chauni. Kafila
  • HIS famous catchphrase may be'very clear'. The Sun
  • He wound up coining a phrase that is pithier in Russian, sums up so much of the national character and is a favorite saying here to this day. Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin's stolid prime minister, dies
  • It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.
  • Repeater technique will eventually begin to release the phrase from various engrams and begin to show up incidents.
  • Work that is less inflected than Marasela's may elicit the same doubt.
  • What is left in ‘her’ wake, however, is an acerbically astute representation of a social environment in which mothers are routinely erased, undervalued, and ‘trapped’ within the domestic milieu.
  • Try reading the sentences without those phrases and it will be obvious where we have gone wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm still worried that it implies that I'm the sort of crazy guy that stands in the pub quoting catchphrases from well-known British comedy programmes.
  • This allusion consists of two (fairly common) words embedded in a four-word phrase.
  • Too much of ourselves must be deleted when we erase our personal histories and abruptly dissociate ourselves from who we have been’.
  • We call it QED, after the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, or "proven as demonstrated," and it is intended to bridge the funding gap, popularly known as the "Valley of Death," between research grants and private investment while advocating proof-of-concept development projects within the life sciences. --
  • There was a phrase Iraqis were always using: the flavor of freedom. Day of Honey
  • Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad. Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Littleton, the first great writer on English real property-law, traces the origin of the phrase 'hotchpot' -- a familiar legal term -- to the archaic denomination of a pudding, in our English tongue. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 439 Volume 17, New Series, May 29, 1852
  • This phraseology is grandiose, rotund and sonorous, but signifies a fatal weakness in Walcott's approach to both Brand and Philip.
  • To assemble it, you put the pencil stub into the hole of the spool and stuck the pin straight up in the middle of the eraser.
  • (BTWI prefer “fair trial” which is more firmly rooted/defined in articulable legal principles/standards because “doing justice” is a phrase that notoriously begs the question). Should Prosecutors Hire Jury Consultants?
  • There was not a single low note or phrase that did not display infallible technique or persuasive musicality.
  • I call on Muslims to limit the use of the phrase Allahu Akbar for prayers alone and avoid using in public to prevent disruptions. Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar Is Abused
  • Obviously, at some point in his life Shakespeare fell in love with the language, the acting, the exhilaration of the theater; in a phrase, he became stage-struck.
  • Therefore a ring opening step will be the first step catalyzed by isomerases for any pentose or hexose substrate. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • It is one of a torrent of jargon words, phrases, clichés and bureaucratic gobbledygook that have grown to clutter our language.
  • The phrase suggests a monolithic entity with a single purpose.
  • He dismissed the idea that raising taxes alone might help erase the deficit, saying "raising taxes doesn't do a dern thing" to address health care costs that are projected to be a big driver of future fiscal problems. Bowles Predicts Support for Deficit Deal
  • The viral nucleocapsid enters the host cell and breaks open releasing two viral RNA-strands and 3 essential replication enzymes: Integrase, Protease and Reverse Transcriptase - Business News
  • He submitted that the meaning of the phrase cannot simply be merged with the requirement for complete crystal submersion in the silicone layer, as that would render it otiose.
  • He has a good turn of phrase, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knows where the work's heart lies and how to conjure its spell from the music 's limpid simplicity and antiquarian turns of phrase. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was going to have fun if it killed him, to coin a phrase.
  • The singer evinced one bad habit in the Mahler group, a tendency to scoop into opening phrases.
  • It is a world in which the grimace is often more eloquent than the phrase.
  • There it proceeds to cut off the mosquito’s apyrase supply, so that when the insect drives its proboscis into a new host, it has a harder time keeping the blood flowing. Parasite Rex
  • Details of the polymerase chain reaction are given in a previous publication.
  • One of the oldest uses for praseodymium is in the manufacture of misch metal, a pyrophoric metal (a metal that gives sparks when struck) used to make lighter flints and tracer bullets.
  • I have not been a learner of foreign languages for any significant lengths of time to be able to introspect usefully for the benefit of your discussion, but I have noted how on those few occasions, the change of costumes and locale has a truly powerful effect on my motivation, my willingness to be playful and adventurous, to take risks and experiment with new or old-new phrases and words. I is for Identity « An A-Z of ELT
  • In writing, sometimes it's more important what you don't say: good word smithing phrase imagery can be relied upon to resonate meaning. Hey Obama -- Who Are You Calling Desperate?
  • The phrase "axial age" has been used to describe the relatively brief period of time -- roughly 700 years -- when the great religions of the world arose: Hinduism and Buddhism in India; Confucianism and Taoism in China; and monotheism in the Middle East. The Full Feed from
  • If complementizer phrases denote propositions or possible states of affairs, then it is reasonable to assume that being good simpliciter is being a good state of affairs, and hence that it is a special case of attributive good. Value Theory
  • Grammer School and at Brasenose College, Oxford, where he was Hulme exhibitioner. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • For keys with sharps, look at the last sharp in the series of sharps, and say the catch phrase ‘little step up, big step down.’
  • The more drugs that one gives, the more likely it is that damage to host DNA polymerase will take place.
  • Stupidity is closer to deliverance than intellect which innovates," is a phrase ascribed to a Mohammedan saint, and do not modern theologians report with enthusiasm, the unlettered condition of Jesus? Cosmic Consciousness
  • Telomerase system is the genetic name of telomerase and telomere.
  • I am not a student or professor of glottology, contenting myself with being able to speak one or two languages without troubling my head over their origin, so I dare not judge upon the affinity more or less remote of the not too sweet Sakai idioms with others, but there seemed to me such a marked difference between the Malay and Sakai phraseologies that My Friends the Savages Notes and Observations of a Perak settler (Malay Peninsula)
  • I cleared my throat to distract from the infelicity of the phrase. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Like participles, adjectives and also some idiomatic preposition phrases, when used as adjuncts, need an understood subject (or, it might be better to say, a target of predication) to be filled in if they are to be understood.
  • The clues aren't obvious—very few will be decked in deerstalker hats or carrying a pipe, and they most pointedly do not say, "Elementary, my dear Watson," a phrase their hero never once uttered in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works. The Case of the Sherlock Convention
  • Further inshore, the blocky outlines of the cliffs of Dover had been erased by patches of fog. CORMORANT
  • In that context, I found phrases like these kind of disconcerting and hard to read: the passions of his bewildered heart … a maelstrom of melancholicaly erupted emotion … causing a bit of the guilt to spatter through his brow … that would never permit his repression, never allow for nothing short of predetermined apocalyptic salvation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • It is the Marxist agenda that has seeped into our ruling caste - especially the Police and judiciary - that is whoilly responsible for what Fraser politely calls the 'fraying' (read wholesale destruction) of our social fabric. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Origin: The phrase, popularized by the unwatchable movie 21, apparently derives from the rich lexicon of craps, which is full of amusingly inscrutable patter. Deadspin
  • Once in his head a term possesses him, much like Cho, making him use words and phrases over and over to the point of exhaustion. Grading Bush's Eulogy
  • Given the circumstances, Bouder gave an incredibly polished rendition of the role, weaving the choreographic phrases into a dancerly whole with clarity and detail.
  • Well, you know, I'm a little confused by your characterization of this as though because a person has served a jail sentence that that somehow erases the fact that they committed a crime.
  • "To borrow someone's phrase - elections are not about inviting guests for meals.
  • Use vodka, gin, or any pure alcohol to erase lipstick stains from your collar, or to clean paint or ink stains from your carpet.
  • It is precisely the bland, easy acceptability of the phrase that worries me. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • I don't know Michael, Claudia, or Fred from the Fraser Institute although I'm sure that they're very sensible people.
  • However, he is best known for his irregularly scrawled phrases on road signs.
  • It was a phrase that had been instilled in them since they could remember.
  • Upton had just been telling Eric the splendid phrase, "anerhithmon gelasma ponton", which he had stumbled upon in an Aeschylus lesson that morning, and they were trying which would hit on the best rendering of it. Eric, or Little by Little
  • Phrases are groups of words that can be bundled together, and they're related by the rules of grammar.
  • The phrase "axial age" has been used to describe the relatively brief period of time -- roughly 700 years -- when the great religions of the world arose: Hinduism and Buddhism in India; Confucianism a... The Full Feed from
  • All nerve agents act by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  • Those who belittle the value of new integrative speculation are, in a phrase of Bennett's, dogmatically defeatist.
  • I'm actually suggesting that they are (largely) incapable of thinking outside the box (to use a well-overworn phrase). Coding Dispositions at GDC
  • Or consider the college piano student, carefully groomed to taper each Mozartean phrase just so, and deliver sharp accents in Bartok.
  • The dense writer has yet ample room and choice of phrase, and even a gamesome mood often between his valid words. Uncollected Prose
  • I was hoping for a fight and a boxing match broke out, to paraphrase an old joke.
  • Gingrich, whose "Contract With America" was a brilliant piece of political phrasemaking, is well aware that the phrase "social engineering" originated with Lenin's attempts to radically rebuild Russian society in the years that immediately followed the Bolshevik Revolution. Richard (RJ) Eskow: America's Real Radicals: The 40 Extremist Senators Who Voted Against Medicare
  • Syntax function of Adverbial phrase of neoteric Chinese adverb "indeed" is mostly serving as predicate, and it also serves as a complement accidentally.
  • He heard rejection after rejection until he oh-so-slightly rephrased his sales pitch.
  • Thing is, you've got to grab attention with just one phrase as punters rush on by.
  • This phrase is a clue, becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified.
  • At the end he signs off with a single-word catchphrase: 'simples' (pronounced 'seemples'). The Sun
  • More generally, it’s the expression to be defined, as opposed to the definiens, which is the phrase doing the defining.beamishQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » Definiendum
  • With a diagram of these printed on the brain he had full command of the phrases which his excogitation had attached to them, and which embodied the ideas in perfect form. My Mark Twain (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
  • For example if it makes no difference whether we say that the supposable is not the genus of the opinable or that the opinable is not identical with a particular kind of supposable (for what is meant is the same in both statements), it is better to take as the terms the supposable and the opinable in preference to the phrase suggested. Prior Analytics
  • It might not be a bad idea to review your own favorite phrases and expressions occasionally and replace them with fresh variations.
  • This unmanly dread of simplicity, and of what is called "tautology," gives rise to a patchwork made up of scraps of poetic quotations, unmeaning periphrases, and would-be humorous circumlocutions, -- a style of all styles perhaps the most objectionable and offensive, which may be known and avoided by the name of _Fine Writing_. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • The country teems with "poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios:" every man has his recognised position in literature as accurately defined as though he had been reviewed in a century of magazines, -- the fine ear of this people [22] causing them to take the greatest pleasure in harmonious sounds and poetical expressions, whereas a false quantity or a prosaic phrase excite their violent indignation. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • Presence of oncogenic HPV types 16 and 18 DNA was done by polymerase chain reaction.
  • The assertional analysis identified relationships between nouns, connectives, and operators in phrases.
  • This phrase construction does not interfere with the overall strophic form of the piece.
  • For comic effect it has a character whose supposedly hilarious weakness is to use phrases that have gone out of fashion.
  • They use contrastive typefaces for distinct purposes, such as bold-face type for headwords, roman for definitions, italics for abbreviated codes and specimen words and phrases, and small capitals for cross-references.
  • 'Inspired by Jermaine Pennant – now that's a phrase I hadn't expected to read in 2011. The lost boys rescued from wilderness years | Richard Williams
  • Revenge is sweet, saith the phrasemonger, and to the old lady whose discipline had been flouted and whose amour propre had been rudely shaken it was very sweet indeed. Who Cares? a story of adolescence
  • Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for. George Sand 
  • According to this interpretation, the phrase “the nature of the divine and the good” refers simply to a characteristic that is attributed to Pyrrho, and labeled by poetic hyperbole as ˜divine™, in another fragment of Timon, namely his extraordinary tranquillity; the couplet as a whole, then, is saying that tranquillity is the source of an even-tempered life. Picnic
  • (That's a good, catching phrase, "hebdomadary," though it's hard to say. The Wrecker
  • Walcott is a Nobel Prize winner who, to paraphrase Wordsworth, leaves trailing clouds of sexual harassment behind him where e'er he goes, at least in the 617 area code. When Will the Poetic Violence End?
  • So erase those, and keep your eye out for another label altogether, one that we can put just a touch more trust into. Main RSS Feed
  • But until newer global technologies outdate the phrase, everyone will at least know what you mean by compact disc. The English Is Coming!
  • A discussion of grounding involves examining the role of determiners and quantifiers, and other aspects of the noun phrase.
  • Upon the whole we may see here how foolish it is to seek to dispose of Gnosticism with the phrase lawless fancies. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • The phrase "currency board linked to gold" drives some hard-money advocates batty. A Currency Board Linked To Gold
  • He noticed a phrase that was occasionally repeated throughout the book: Do not arouse or awaken Love until it so desires.
  • Secondly, parse as they might, they can't turn a scientific "trick" into guile, nor make a negative colouration stick to the phrase "hide the decline" when the CRU folks themselves have published papers on it. Archive 2009-11-01
  • A spaying emasculator, or ecraseur, are the special instruments need for removing the ovaries. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • The Jews seem to have performed the rite of circumcision with flint implements, for we read in Exodus that Zipporah, the wife of Moses, took a sharp stone for that purpose; and the phrase translated "sharp knives" in Joshua v. 2 -- "At that time the Lord said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time" -- should be translated, as in the marginal reference, _knives of flint_. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • One election cannot erase 65 years of a corrupt one-party political process.
  • I could never see Dr. Sofen making some crack about how she paraphrased "has to hurry back for some marathon sex with a dockhand. THUNDERBOLTS #111 Marvel Comics, 2007
  • Rep. Paul's used of the term "concentration camp" to refer to the Hamas run Gaza Strip was a loaded phrase fraught with bitter memory in Jewish history. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It would be almost impossible to paraphrase any one of these. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In a similar way it is possible to phrase many other unsolved mathematical problems in terms of the Turing machine halting problem.
  • Also, the gold point makes the three equal-length sides SP = PQ = QR in the resulting trapezium so it is trisosceles (to use Scott's phrase) and so is a special isosceles triangle.
  • His own dexterity in catching the phrase plumb in the middle gave him a thrill of excitement. The Years
  • The President has uttered the phrase dozens of times over the past year. Scott Paul: "Made in America" and the State of the Union
  • Europe and America after the French Revolution, and exceptionally there may be an instance of an individual passing from one class into another, analogously to the endosmose and exosmose of molecules, or, to use the phrase of M. Dumont, by a sort of "social capillarity. Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx)
  • If stains persist after brushing, you often can remove them with a rubber eraser designed specifically for the fabric; they're sometimes referred to as suede stones. Undefined
  • Almost on the verge of the steep-to wall of rock was a large and regularly built "humpy," in which Douglas Fraser and Kate lived. Tom Gerrard
  • Vegas has been a touchstone for a while of squalid stupid behavior, and the “what happens in Vegas” catch-phrase/marketing gimmick is definitely one of those things that has national saturation. THE HANGOVER Unrated Blu-ray Review –
  • Narrative dance applies to those phrases of conversation between individuals or between dancers and public, where the dancer uses explicit gestures.
  • Stan Collymore (LIVERPOOL v Newcastle, 1996) The phrase topsy-turvy is too lightweight to describe just how breathtaking this match was. news feed
  • They didn't flippantly joke, they crafted campaigns of division and anger, using catch phrases and terrifying tag lines to batter America into submission. Charles Karel Bouley: Tucson: In the Blame Game, We All Lose
  • The probability of each part of speech starting and ending a noun phrase was then determined from this data.
  • There's something very personal about the relaxed, just-behind-the-beat way in which the three principals phrase the licks, riffs and melodies that define their sound.
  • A switch within the prepositional phrase should be ruled out because English has prepositions and Panjabi postpositions.
  • Building on its native Germanic word star, English has the verb to star; compounds like stardom, all-star, stargazer, five-star, starstruck, and superstar; and phrases such as rock star and pop star. The English Is Coming!
  • We will also come back, by the same route, to the deep ontological ramifications of the so-called equative genitive (or genitive metaphor) in that line's second phrase: the breath of fresh air that is autumn, rather than the breath that issues from it, as one might say in common figure "the very breath of life. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Many of Jay Ward's characters and catchphrases have since morphed into pop-culture shorthand: Dudley Do-Right, the clueless Mountie, is shorthand for anybody who stumbles into a situation overconfident he's doing the right thing; Snidely Whiplash, Do-Right's nemesis, for a scenery-chewing villain; the "Waybac" Machine, Mr. Peabody's time-travel system, for a nostalgia flashback; as well as expressions such as "nothing up my sleeve ... presto!" and
  • How can they put such a damning construction on a perfectly innocent phrase?
  • I'd like to recommend The Word Spy, a fascinating website that collects recently coined words and phrases from the media.
  • Rose of Ireland and the White Rose of Devon, a noted Society phrasemonger had dubbed them, seeing them together on the lawn one Ascot Cup Day, their light draperies and delicate ribbons whip-whipping in the pleasant June breeze, ivory-skinned, jetty-locked Celtic beauty and blue-eyed, flaxen-locked Saxon fairness in charming, confidential juxtaposition under one lace sunshade, lined with what has been the last new fashionable colour under twenty names, since then; only that year they called it _Rose fané_. The Dop Doctor
  • Sylvia, receiving this into a sore and raw consciousness, said to herself with an embittered instinct for cynicism that she had never heard more euphonious periphrases for selling yourself for money. The Bent Twig
  • We found that the morphology of the primary myenteric plexus meshwork, when stained with NADPH diaphorase and nNOS, was very similar in colon and appendix in the newborn period.
  • Micki, another of Mont's followers, recalls her uncles and aunts occasionally peppering their Spanish with unfamiliar words and phrases, which she later learned were from Ladino, a Judeo-Spanish dialect.
  • Partly that's because the secrecy of a passphrase known only to one person and never written down is vastly superior to the secrecy of a passphrase that has been written down and stored in more than one place. Someone Could Make Money on This
  • I was, to coin a phrase, gobsmacked!
  • There exist verb phrase ellipsis constructions in both English and Chinese language ( VP ellipsis constructions ).
  • The fact is, "Japan bashing" is a phrase that's become a code word for racism.
  • In this respect smoothing away differences, the paper exerts the probable maximum matching to analyze the phrase structure.
  • The term "flat tax" has "almost become a catchphrase for simplifying the tax code," Verenda Smith, senior manager of administration and policy for the Federation of Tax Administrators, cautioned. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Mr. Trichet's comments confirmed the ECB remains ultrasensitive to current above-target inflation. ECB Should Weigh Caution Over Valor on Rates
  • Perhaps the phrase "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good" are more than the words of an often despised and misunderstood singer. Michael Gilmour: Yusuf Islam, Salman Rushdie And Censorship
  • The funniest malapropisms and turns of phrase tend to be unintentional bloopers.
  • To paraphrase the famous saying about individuals acting as their own solicitors, the patient who treats himself has a fool for a doctor. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • In effect, her job was simply to be Dawn Fraser, be inspiring to all those young Olympians who had grown up venerating her name.
  • Mr Rumsfeld is the man who, in February 2002, used the phrase "unknown unknowns" to describe the main dangers in any possible confrontation with Iraq. The Economist: Correspondent's diary

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