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How To Use Rapt In A Sentence

  • Sadly, none of a myriad of ingenious contraptions, despite inventors' claims, puts forth more energy than it absorbs.
  • Through her suit, Suzie Nova felt the diamantine exterior of the alien contraption throb faintly below her feet, alive with incomprehensible energies that course through it like blood through arteries.
  • With a stage presence as big as her amazing costumes, her ad-libs and one-liners had the audience in raptures.
  • She sat with rapt expression reading her book.
  • Shortly after the demolition of the tower, the reef, as if enraged at having been denied a number of victims owing to the existence of the warning light, trapt the "Winchelsea" as she was swinging up Channel, and smashed her to atoms, with enormous loss of life. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 2 Great Britain and Ireland, Part 2
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  • The raptor swooped down on its prey
  • The church was full, and everyone listened in rapt attention.
  • The girl was aroused, her expression mirroring her mentor's almost exactly as she raptly observed the scene. In the Midnight Hour
  • Other Tags: science researcher oviraptor fast formation Noah Flood gigantic dinosaur egg titanosaurus hadrosaur Vance Nelson Charles Lyell discredit Moses Father - Articles related to Congress begins investigating salmonella outbreak, egg recalls
  • Such was the rapturous applause that he was dragged out for a second time to take a bow. Times, Sunday Times
  • To get to the lodge he was staying in, Jeff and I had to park at the bottom of a ski slope and ride up on this crazy contraption called a funicular-basically a posh leather bound trolley that slides up the side of a hill. Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • The rapture effected by an aesthetic of the sublime is often more persuasive than any rational argument in its direct exploitation and manipulation of the audience's sense of actualities, possibilities, ethical duties and emotional affinities/antipathies. On the Sublime
  • Not because it will be good -- I can guarantee that it won't be, based on the craptastic filmography that is Bay's career especially the Transformers films. Marshall Fine: Curtains for 3D, Comic-Con?
  • We are overapt to apply our nineteenth century prejudices and prepossessions to the morality of the ancient Greeks who would have specimen'd such squeamishness in Attic salt. Arabian nights. English
  • But Mr. Erwitt also has a gift for clicking off multiple photographs of a single scene, finding and preserving evanescent moments likely to leave the viewer alternately laughing or enrapt. Photo-Op: Head or Tail
  • The coffee mug hovered halfway to his mouth, undrunk, as he watched Project Runway with rapt attention. My Fair Succubi
  • Trade union barons gave the speech rapturous applause. The Sun
  • Every one of them was involved in the build up to the goal which sent the reinvigorated fans into rapture.
  • LAHAYE: Well, first of all, the reason rapture doesn't occur is because rapture comes from a Latin word in the fourth century, Jerome when he translated it. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Is the Apocalypse Coming? - June 19, 2000
  • When I lectured at a skeptics meeting in Dublin in mid-October, this photo of my rapt audience was snapped.
  • We have made certain that the reason of the splined spindle rapture is fatigue failure, its crack initiation lies in the minimal knuckle curvature radius surface region of the spline dedendum bottom.
  • Then she'd meet the reality: a misty white contraption like a strange sauna facility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Defy the tempest & the storm deride is not in the original nor is it good. ποθος [19] is hardly fierce desire — & all such expressions of ram-cat raptures are bad. by the by she a dark lanthern might have deprived us of this poem. your storm is very good — zounds I sweat at the bare idea of the Letter 138
  • Kabir is that rare thing: a skeptical, disillusioned poet who nevertheless speaks in a voice of rapture and entrancement. When Mysticism Came Down to Earth
  • Carapace width does not vary within a molt and is proportional to the length of the males' raptorial forelimbs, which they use in attacking other males.
  • Me and Mr. Schwigshhnaps, the currier, sate behind in the rumbill; master aloan in the inside, as grand as a Turk, and rapt up in his fine fir-cloak. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • Living alongside the largest sharks ever known, the raptorial—meaning actively hunting—whale measured about 60 feet (18 meters) in length, about as big as a modern male sperm whale.
  • There are also curious red-painted contraptions known as pedicabs, a sort of cycle-and-sidecar.
  • It took old-fashioned rocket science to put the contraption into orbit on September 27 last year.
  • Like a magician waving his magic wand, McGrath took on the guise of Merlin as he wove his magic, enrapturing his team-mates, opponents and adoring masses.
  • Quite a few of them would even stub out their cigarettes so enraptured, and intimidated, would they be by the blizzard of technical virtuosity that we, today, take for granted. Debra Levine: Ballets Russes Updated: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Turns 15
  • He was greeted with rapturous applause. The Sun
  • I responded to Dave that mobbing behavior, when smaller birds team up to harry a larger one, is common in many bird species, from corvids to raptors to songbirds.
  • They listened with rapt attention to his exploits in the recent engagement. Man of Honour
  • Raptors may become infected by eating infected birds and in raptors, the disease is often called frounce.
  • Wainwright’s concert at Carnegie Hall on Wednesday (and also last night) was not merely a show, but a cultural event that drew a sold-out crowd dotted with celebrities and an audience that held Wainwright in rapturous esteem. Katie Holmes “So You Think You Can Dance” VIDEO (Judy Garland “Get Happy” Tribute)
  • And teh last wun wuz a wild kitten ai feeded sumware elss, and ai trapt her and keept hur cuz she iz a munchkin and too small tew defend hurself ware she wuz libing. Look dad! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • What you get is an absolutely enthralling listen, one built with rapturous conduction and taut harmony.
  • There is little, however, of that rapturous extasy which issues from many a finally most infelicitous husband, some days, weeks, or even months, after the conjugal union. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 1
  • After one or two weeks, when the shifting is over, I will be able to provide you with the necessary mantra and yantra for prapti siddhi.
  • Painters and sculptors who have seen her graceful performances are said to be simply enraptured with the perfection of her harmony of motion.
  • Patagium - ia: in Lepidoptera, those sclerites that cover the base of primaries: often used as synonymous with tegula and squamula, q.v.: assigned by some writers to the pro -, by others to the meso-thorax: homologized with the paraptera of meso-thorax. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • September 20, 2007 in craptastic, rants, television reviews the first 14 minutes of the Bionic Woman have been posted online, click below to watch, but be warned, you will probably want to claw your eyes out, even if there are no bionic eyes with which to replace them. it is a pretty horrible 14 minutes. The first 14 minutes of The Bionic Woman…oy. « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Padampur Panchayat, located immediately to the south of the Rapti River, is a heavily populated area as well as providing some of the last remaining habitat for tiger, rhinoceros, and gharial. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • There was a rapturous ring of silence abiding perfectly.
  • And for rapture the sea was disparted, and onward the car-steeds flew. IX. On Reading the Bible (II)
  • Rapturous joy was remindful of religious euphoria, as in Pentecostal women of the 1930s.
  • raptorial birds
  • God helpe the man so wrapt in _Errours_ endlesse traine. The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • If you noticed too, the dire horses used the Velociraptor calling snort as well. 22-Minute Behind-the-Scenes Featurette on Creating Avatar’s World | /Film
  • To and fro she went, in noiseless ministry, as the long, dreadful days wore away, with a quiet smile on her lips, and in her dark, sorrowful eyes the rapt look of a pictured saint in some dim cathedral niche. Further Chronicles of Avonlea
  • The jury listened with rapt attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • What joy, what rapture, what glory to see him again!
  • He called his new creature Velociraptor mongoliensis to honor these inferred skills, for Velociraptor, means "quick seizer. Dinomania
  • In fact, I think it is this admiration for contraptions - for tricky pieces of apparatus that do this when you push that - which often attracts people to the field of conjuring.
  • Fossils other than graptolites are very rare. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Later Paleozoic seas were dominated by crinoid and blastoid echinoderms, articulate brachiopods, graptolites, and tabulate and rugose corals. Paleozoic
  • Most predatory dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurs and velociraptors have usually been depicted in museums, films and books as covered in a thick hide of dull brown or green skin.
  • Principio ut illo advenimus, ubi primum terram tetigimus, continuo Amphitruo delegit viros primorum principes; eos legat, Telobois iubet sententiam ut dicant suam; si sine vi et sine hello velint rapta et raptores tradere, si quae asportassent redderent, se exercitum extemplo domum reducturum, abituros agro Argivos, pacem atque otium dare illis; sin aliter sient animati neque dent quae petat, sese igitur summa vi virisque eorum oppidum oppugnassere. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • He received rapturous applause as his image was flashed up on the giant screen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anthony Parker, Toronto Raptors: The Raptors underachieved this season, but it's not Parker's fault. Hard work the mantra of our inaugural All-Rambis Team
  • I was rapt to hear a voice of reason in the debate over our Country's direction.
  • This intelligence, which, at any other time, would have been received with rapturous enthusiasm, was listened to under the influence of a counterirritant already at work, with comparative calmness, and its only effect was to cause a postponement of the vote on the laborers 'bill upon the plea of the lateness of the hour, although not without strenuous opposition from the extreme right. Edmond Dantès
  • Rich explained the low relative abundances of vultures and other raptorial groups as consistent with the pattern of relatively low representation in modern avifaunas.
  • And far from being a nasty raptor, the barn owl is ecologically important for natural rodent control.
  • It also gets a really first-rate, unshowy production from Rapture.
  • And from every point on the coast you may get, if the weather is fine which cannot be guaranteed rapturous views across the firth to the Isle of May, with its Stevenson lighthouse. In praise of … the coast around Crail | Editorial
  • The dino range has expanded beyond noisy and noisome T Rex and those kangaroo-bouncy raptors to include the mean-clawed, fast-flying pteronadon and big, big spinosaurus.
  • The script provides an admirable fulcrum for such musings with the title contraption -- run by a former Tibetan monk (Christopher Plummer) who cut a deal with the devil (Tom Waits), and which now reveals the dreams and temptations of those who venture into it. Mania News Feed
  • The Permian extinction, 244 million years ago, devastated the marine biota: tabulate and rugose corals, blastoid echinoderms, graptolites, and most crinoids died out, as did the last of the trilobites. Paleozoic
  • Thus, the two sides to Neptune are rapture or despair, delirious happiness versus pain and confusion.
  • If they fail to enthrall and enrapture the audience, The King of Marvin Gardens ends up a very slow, very confusing film.
  • Estrin's novel, titled The Lamentations of Julius Marantz (Unbridled Books, 2007), twists the rapture into a comic conspiracy of the right wing US government and the Sierra Club (among others) designed to rid the government of its leftist and Islamic enemies, end the leak in the ozone, and consolidate the government's right wing political base. Marc Estrin Takes on the Rapture in The Lamentations of Julius Marantz
  • The young man did not analyze the process of his captivation and enrapturement, for love to him was a mystery and could not be analyzed.
  • For him, aesthetic rapture has had to replace religious rapture, and he can see that has its drawbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rides with ominous names like Raptor, Flight of Fear, and Mean Streak push the G force envelope at three gargantuan amusement parks.
  • Sir Ian McKellen and the members of England's Royal Shakespeare Company sat in rapt attention inside an inner-city Los Angeles classroom. Classroom Heroes: Rafe Esquith's Mission To Share Shakespeare With His Students
  • His contraption, patented in 1979, catches birds, which fly into a little house with a false floor attached to a downspout and dispenses them uninjured to a cage below, where famished felines move in for the kill. The Kookiest Inventions
  • This was the first trial of our _sliding-gunter_ mainsail upon our singularly-constructed boat; and Bob and I were thrown into perfect raptures at the truly marvellous speed with which it propelled the craft along. For Treasure Bound
  • I'm Irish and inflammable, I suppose, but I never looked on a girl to make a man comprehend the entire holy meaning of the word rapturous, like that one. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • I wouldn't have been able to look away if terrorists were bombarding the room and announcing the end of the world, I was that enraptured.
  • He toured the country to rapturous applause. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was their first show in Roscommon in many years and they were accorded a rapturous welcome.
  • She was given a rapturous reception by the crowd.
  • Et tumidos tumid� vos superastis aqu� Qu鄊 bene totius raptores orbis auaros, Hausit inexhausti iusta vorago maris! The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The mechanised contraption rattled its way over the rolling hills.
  • But it's not just the music that had the audience in raptures - it's the sheer exuberance of their stage performance.
  • By presenting this sexuality/intellect as a burning illumination with both destructive potential and the capacity to enrapture and inspire, she revalues masculinist views of women's powers and passions.
  • You have once again hoodwinked me into risking my life in one of those damnable contraptions!
  • At that time faddists of various persuasions proliferated up and down the Village: anarchists who dutifully went home every night to their mothers’ kitchens, a Hungarian monarchist with his own following, free-verse poets who eschewed capital letters, cultists who sat rapturously for hours in orgone boxes, cloudy Swedenborgians, and all the rest. What Happened to the Baby?
  • Their lethal raptorial appendages provide effective weapons for acquiring and defending these homes.
  • The hands and wrists of Archaeopteryx and maniraptoran theropods are extremely similar.
  • Best-known as the coauthor of the best-sellingLeft Behind pulp novel series, which readies the average American for the “rapture” and then for Armageddon, he spoke of Iraq as “a focal point of end-time events.” 'God Is Not Great'
  • But the harrowing psychological investigation he embarks upon is told seemingly without effort, through words that intoxicate, scenes that enrapture, and ideas that ensnare. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • About 800 children drawn from various schools listened in rapt attention and went home with material on traffic rules and regulations.
  • Didymograptus species of this type have a distinctive shape like a tuning fork.
  • They approached a blank stone wall and the lad touched certain buttons upon the contraption he wore on his wrist.
  • The patients, every one of them as though they were in a conspiracy, first belaud her for their miraculous cure, go into raptures over her medical skill, and abuse allopath doctors, then when she is flushed with excitement, begin holding forth on their needs. The Schoolmaster
  • They capture the gestures of the human body in all its pity and rapture, pain and pleasure.
  • Cloth, _a piece of thin white cloth Par_oo_'y, by which name wrapt round the waist, or thrown they also call a white over the shoulders_, shirt. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 15 Forming A Complete History Of The Origin And Progress Of Navigation, Discovery, And Commerce, By Sea And Land, From The Earliest Ages To The Present Time
  • During a mass emergence of periodical cicadas, almost any animal, from raccoons to raptors, will prey on them.
  • Every act earned a rapturous round of applause from the audience and it wasn't long before people were out of their seats and on the dance floor.
  • One of the best things that people can do, Rosenfield adds, is simply feed the birds on which the raptors prey.
  • She made her exit from the stage to rapturous applause.
  • What reassurance could the world's biggest oil producer provide a rapt audience? Times, Sunday Times
  • Parapteron - era: small sclerites, articulated to the dorsal extremity of the episternum, just below the wings; absent on prothorax = the tegulae of Hymenoptera, and patagia of Lepidoptera: have been homologized with the elytra of Coleoptera. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Perhaps what enraptures the reader about this realm is the music captured in his lines.
  • El F-22 Raptor es un avión monoplaza diseñado para la superioridad aérea, de ahí que su designación oficial actual sea F-22A (F por fighter - "caza" - y A por ser la primera versión). - Business News
  • An omnivorous troubadour, he roves from Manchester libraries to Colombian villages to salvage musical traditions – with recordings that move from Berber beats to the raptures of a raga, from the thrilling stillness of an Armenian lament to the sprightliness of an Elizabethan galliard. In praise of … Jordi Savall | Editorial
  • He must negotiate puzzles, spring boards, buttons and other contraptions laying in his path.
  • The owner of one stall enthused about the rich tradition of cheesemaking he'd inherited, along with his flock of sheep, to a crocodile of rapt schoolchildren.
  • Apple released the iPad mini yesterday, but the gadget did not win the rapturous welcome the company has come to expect on its first day on sale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Numerous explanations exist for the evolution of reversed size dimorphism in raptorial species.
  • Microraptor/Cryptovolans has an uncinate process on its ribs which is present in all modern birds, but missing in Archaeopteryx as far as I know. New Archaeopteryx fossil provides further insight into bird, dinosaur evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • I don't hold out much hope for a dialogue with people who go in wholeheartedly for the rapture stories. November 2004
  • The heavy contraption would quite certainly bring the building down and would itself burst open. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • As far as other raptors go, you'd be hard-pressed to mistake an accipiter for a vulture or an eagle.
  • All species are sleek, raptorial predators, relying on fast locomotion (both in flight and on foot) and large mandibles to actively chase down a variety of arthropod prey.
  • A lady went into raptures about the cheeseboard, and the complexity of the flavour of the mature cheddar.
  • Amid the torrent of music coming out of the Balkans in the past year or two, this session, recorded in the historic town of Mostar, stands out by virtue of its simplicity and its aura of rapt melancholia.
  • ‘When there's a windy day, there are lots of updrafts that raptors like to use,’ the biologist said.
  • Another young redcap took a look at the contraption and proclaimed that Paige looked like “a walking satchel tree.” Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert
  • A little while later, Katrina arrived and the crowd went into raptures.
  • He wuz cotched arfter a while, an 'I hed some money, so I got some pine plank an' made a coffin dat evenin ', an' wrapt Marse Chan's body up in de fleg, an 'put Short Stories for English Courses
  • I hate to see legal issues screw up a project .... but maybe it's just God trying to save us from a third craptastic MK film. Lawsuit Might Hold Up Mortal Kombat Reboot | /Film
  • A successful dialogue can be conducted only if we listen to each other with rapt attention so that we can understand each other.
  • There's a beautiful sequence where Bond lifts her repeatedly in arabesque, each time on the in-breath, so that she gazes for a rapturous moment at some far horizon before returning to the formal intricacies of the duet. Birmingham Royal Ballet: Pointes of View
  • Ranged before the exultant children's minister was a rapt host of 700 local officials who are extending her childcare empire across the country.
  • He listened to the music with an expression of pure rapture on his face.
  • The original contraption was assembled from a tin soap box, a fan, a sateen pillow case and a broom handle called a "suction sweeper," according to its website. Hoover, Dirt Devil Put on Auction Block
  • The audience was enraptured by the young soloist's performance.
  • It is a sort of a big board game type contraption, free standing, and the size of an upright fridge.
  • The God whom Paul found was not rapt with pleasure when looking on people observing the Law, as the Pharisees would have expected.
  • The murderous ballet of the fight scenes, the blistering beauty of the cast, the optic nerve-sizzling colors - Zhang's art-house chopsocky flick verged on visual rapture.
  • It disturbed me in my comfort spots, comforted me in my disturbed spots, and, as an erstwhile writer of fiction, I was simultaneously enraptured by her facility with words and timing; and nearly unconsolable and jealous and angry with myself for not working harder at it than I do. Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
  • Even for those who do not understand rural life and still cannot stomach the realities of gamekeeping, it is hard to contest that a problem exists with raptor numbers.
  • In her youth Queen Victoria listened with rapture to the impressive and glorious music of the great oratorios rendered in the Minster.
  • Diving history is illustrated through several odd contraptions, from early submersion suits like the one pictured to modern, state-of-the art technology.
  • Swifts will often mob aerial predators such as raptors if they approach a flock.
  • Great bushy burnsides furzed out to his jawbone, and he peered from under the brim's shadow with dark eyes, the lids swollen and hooded as a raptor's. Cold Mountain
  • Although the twin-engine J-20 is at least eight or nine years from entering air force inventory, it could become a rival to America's top-of-the-line F-22 Raptor, the successor to the Nighthawk and the only stealth fighter currently in service. China's Stealth Fighter May Use Technology From Downed U.S. Plane
  • ‘Our task is not to create a movement from scratch,’ she proclaims to a rapt audience.
  • quod quondam bene fructuosa malus autumnis sterilis duobus adstem? non me praegrauat, ut putas, senectus, nec sum grandine uerberata dura, 5 nec gemmas modo germine exeuntis seri frigoris ustulauit aura, nec uenti pluuiaeue siccitasue, quod de se quererer, malum dederunt; non sturnus mihi gracculusue raptor10 aut cornix anus aut aquosus anser aut coruus nocuit siticulosus: sed quod carmina pessimi poetae ramis sustineo laboriosis. The Complaint of the Garden God
  • Birds common to the mountains include rosefinches, Guldenstadt's redstarts, Himalayan monals, raptors, and vultures.
  • Miss Jillgall, she lifted her poor little sunken eyes rapturously to the sky, as if she called the homiest sunlight to witness that this was the most lovable woman on the face of the earth. The Legacy of Cain
  • The Raptor then swept in low and several transporter beams appeared on the surface.
  • Christians by and large aren't being attacked because Catholics believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation or because some evangelicals believe in the Rapture.
  • Some researchers have suggested that Archaeopteryx could in fact be the ancestor of a group of dinosaurs that includes velociraptors, made famous by Jurassic Park.
  • The microscopically self-analyzing and charismatic Benjamin-the Harold Brodkey of his time-was drawn to Belle's frankness and intelligence, found her "so original and lively," and her company so unconventional and invigorating, that he gave himself up "rapturously" to her company. Something About Beauty And Integrity
  • The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention.
  • Her lifelong friend seems enrapt in whatever Nicholas' wife is saying, looking away from the woman only when she gets up to leave, apparently for the restroom area.
  • And there are more raptors about: falcons, peregrines, sparrowhawks.
  • Rathdowney / Errill shot their eleventh wide before two quick long range efforts from Liam Tynan had the large crowd in raptures ten minutes into the half.
  • It was a treat, greeted with rapturous applause after the final bang. Times, Sunday Times
  • And here was me, utterly enraptured. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
  • The journalist did not exit from productions at intermission but stayed to observe a rapt audience, most of whom had never before seen a drama or comedy of any kind.
  • It's a body of work that engages the mind and enraptures the eye.
  • He listened with rapt, amused attention to what I told him about the role of LSD in his Nobel Prize-winning discovery.
  • The slide technique derives from a homemade one-string contraption known as the diddley bow, a childhood toy of many American blues pioneers and similar to African stringed instruments. Music news, reviews, comment and features |
  • Indeed, although a display of rapt attention is required, the executive may not feel it necessary to listen.
  • The kestrel is a small raptor in the falcon family. Crow Pursuing Kestrel
  • Quentin Tarantino who speaks in only one mode, passionate, gesticulated wildly button holing a rapt Peter Sarsgaard and Maggie Gyllenhaal, about his favorite moment in Lone Scherfig's An Education, a personal favorite that will sure be listed among the Oscar's Nominated 10. Regina Weinreich: Golden Globes for Beginners
  • This contraption would knock down most of the mallee which would later be burned.
  • The home crowd were in raptures, cries of ‘Ole Ole’ echoing around the stadium as their players lined up to pepper the Thistle goal.
  • Et venit ad eum columba tempore vespertimo, et ecce, folium olivae raptum erat in ore ejus, et cognovit Noah quod extenuatae essent aquae Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Scientists still aren't clear, for example, whether the birds hunted in packs like velociraptors or individually like large predatory cats.
  • They will deliver a show that is quirky, fun and spontaneous, while simultaneously enrapturing the audience with their artistry and talent.
  • Vnus suo perpetuo ardore omne corpus sibi immissum raptim conuertit in saxum, manente tamen priore formâ. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Had the clumsy wheel-chair, heavy with its own momentum, sailed into space like one of those ridiculous flying contraptions in a James Bond film, the little manikin secure among his gadgets, ready to pull the lever and sport wings? She Closed Her Eyes
  • Utahraptors were the largest species in the class where velociraptors and deinonychuses also belong.
  • His shoes were strange contraptions bound in metal strips and leather ties.
  • /Then over the surges he drave: leapt sporting before the God/Sea-beasts that uprose all round from the depths, for their king they knew,/And for rapture the sea was disparted, and onward the car-steeds flew. On the Sublime
  • The observation that juvenile males disperse farther than juvenile females can be considered to be in line with the obviously common pattern of male-biased movements among juvenile birds in northern raptors, including goshawks.
  • He is what Dr. Johnson calls a rapturist, and I saw plainly he meant to pour forth much civility into my ears. Life Of Johnson
  • Similarly shaped raptors, such as peregrine falcons and goshawks, are adept at the agile pursuit and rapid capture of birds in flight.
  • The chamber was rapt, eyes agog, lips twitching upward. Times, Sunday Times
  • ” In news stories on the Left Behind juggernaut, she has been quoted condemning the ethical implications of the “beam-me-up” aspect of Rapture theory, which she says “invites a selfish nonconcern for the world. Philocrites: Weekend religion round-up.
  • Neither of them wore gear and they were using some sort of strange cardboard contraptions as nets but they were wearing skates and they had sticks in their hands.
  • The old-school wheeled contraption barreled down the road faster than Marcus or Trevor expected.
  • Normally, a 13 point victory over the old enemy would have Mayo people in raptures, but when the final whistle went in Garrymore, their was a mild air of disappointment among the home fans.
  • The Baby Louie hatchling may be a species of giant oviraptor. News for WSLS 10
  • If a contraption doesn't beep or burr when he switches it on, it's just too demeaning for him even to contemplate.
  • Raptors can play an important role as bioindicators of habitat quality and pollution.
  • She was enraptured by the sight of two young men sitting in half barrels trying to sink one another whilst staying afloat in a freshwater pond.
  • Which is why you cannot just have a bunch of southern rapturist on your side when you are talking about war. Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 8, 2006
  • The creature would have struck Savage were her raptorial legs not wrapped around Tucker's body. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Considering the craptastic sequels and spin-offs they've churned out of late, I'd sleep a lot easier. stg Fox Wants Ridley Scott To Direct The Alien Prequel, and Not Carl Erik Rinsch | /Film
  • The predators included 13 raptors, ranging from great-horned owls to the American kestrel, and a domestic cat and a ferret.
  • The kestrel is the world's most perfect hawk," the Raptor Observatory's Allen Fish said. Undefined
  • Her innocence exchang'd for guilty state; Whatever you write, in every golden line Sublimity and elegance combine; Thy nervous phrase impresses every soul, While harmony gives rapture to the whole. ' Life Of Johnson
  • But, seriously, this divine pizza-making contraption is effing coo-el. I need to renew my passport RIGHT NOW
  • He toured the country to rapturous applause. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fly girl: Pink dangled from a Cirque du Soleil-type contraption while performing Glitter in the Air. Grammy Awards: Soaring to eclectic heights
  • Even in terms of only modified rapture, however, Sebok's musicianship could be judged as beyond repute.
  • To return to our example, the usual biostratigraphic markers in Middle Paleozoic stratigraphy are graptolites, conodont ‘jaw’ parts, and thelodont scales.
  • After a day spent flying a bizarre New Zealand contraption that crosses a bungee rope with a microlight, Clarkson asks a qualified doctor about the rush he experienced.
  • The Raptors have been one of the league's best teams at avoiding turnovers.
  • Such a dangerous, overbearing contraption can no longer be relied upon to deliver the social contracts with its citizens that it once did.
  • 'a lion sejant affronte gules crowned or, '&c. The adoption of the thistle as the national Scottish emblem is wrapt in obscurity, although an early poet attributes it to a suggestion of Venus. line 153. Marmion
  • So much happens in the space of a page that a story by him can hold an enrapt reader with attention deficit disorder.

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