
How To Use Rapidly In A Sentence

  • The ether gradually absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, being converted into acetic acid; this, by its superior affinities, reacts on the iodide present, converting it into acetate, with liberation of hydriodic acid; while this latter, under the influence of the atmospheric oxygen, is very rapidly converted into water and iodine. Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • It appears well evident that the above mentioned compound is rapidly absorbed by the nasal mucosa into the systemic hematic circulation without first-pass metabolism.
  • The strategy is to get water to be absorbed by the outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum and then to seal the water in the skin before it evaporates (which it will do rapidly).
  • The researchers found no separated bones or partial skeletons, which suggests that the dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while still alive.
  • _Catty. _ (_speaking very rapidly_) Bless you for that word, counshillor; and by the first light to-morrow, I'll drive all the grazing cattle, every four-footed _baast_ off the land, and pound 'em in Ballynavogue; and if they replevy, why I'll distrain again, if it be forty times, I will go. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
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  • Don't disturb the patient's wounds by moving him too rapidly!
  • It seems the interest in an intelligent house is rapidly growing.
  • On admission, the patient was acidotic, and he rapidly became comatose.
  • Without slave labour the plantations of sugar and cotton could not have been as rapidly developed.
  • Retrieve the lure rapidly in skips and skitters over the tops of lily pads, along log edges, and above the weeds. Bait and Switch
  • India's reply was a total disaster, with wickets falling too rapidly due to run-outs.
  • It rapidly became evident that this clinic could not make even a dent in the problem.
  • The group rapidly bypassed disciplinary differences to focus on a common set of preferred aptitudes and abilities associated with critical thinking, reading, and writing.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • Although the number of rural ponds is decreasing rapidly, garden ponds are gaining in popularity and are becoming increasingly important habitats for toads, says the trust.
  • the news spread rapidly through the medical community
  • Just as in the rest of medicine -- cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, etc., the field of psychiatry is ever changing and our knowledge base is rapidly expanding. Rosalie Greenberg: Psychiatry and the Media -- a Strange and Strained Relationship
  • Ian Hecht at Marturia. net fires one of the first Terra Insegura reviews into the the blogosphere, and though he has some quibbles (not to be confused with tribbles – although both can multiply rapidly on occasion, tribbles are furrier), in general, he likes it. LeaderPost preview of Follies, avec moi
  • As soon as news of the tragedy was announced, shock waves spread rapidly to all parts of the country.
  • She owns a home in Montgomery County, Md., a market where home values have been appreciating rapidly.
  • The old seamstress ruffled my skirt rapidly.
  • Moreover, social values and structures have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.
  • Such a child will rapidly thrive once an appropriate nutritional diet is provided.
  • Marginal and fragile lands cleared for export crop production rapidly become infertile and erosion prone.
  • It spreads rapidly, becomes attached to new objects, and burns with the pain of unassuaged longing.
  • It has no influence of ocean depth, positions accurately and rapidly and operates expediently.
  • This is rapidly emerging as a deeply divisive political issue, although it has yet to burst into the open. Times, Sunday Times
  • This class may be made to print much more rapidly than our ordinary silver printing process, approaching sometimes more nearly to the calotype development in this respect. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • He identifies higher infrastructure spending and a rapidly expanding middle class as two key factors behind this growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The numbers of those on the waiting lists for housing has grown rapidly, as have the numbers of homeless in Britain.
  • In the 1940s, Tarski joined in this development of equational logic; the subject progressed rapidly from the 1950s till the present time. The Algebra of Logic Tradition
  • Sweating and red-faced, he'd stood in the middle of the hall, the tea slopping over the marble in a red tide and the newspaper rapidly disintegrating in the currents.
  • These games could be defined simply as ` handball played with a paddle, 'the only difference being that paddleball employs a perforated wooden racquet and a large spongy ball, while racquetball, which is rapidly pushing both handball and paddleball into obscurity, employs a small strung racquet and a lively rubber ball. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • The heat of the place was remarkable; I felt my collar grow soft and hoped that my appearance would not deteriorate too rapidly. ANTI-ICE
  • The ejecta are still moving rapidly, however, and quickly sweep up surrounding matter to form a shell that slows down as mass gets accumulated, an action similar to that of a snowplow.
  • But all of that stands to be snuffed out, they say there, if this security situation is not brought under control rapidly, and if the reconstruction is not sped up markedly and very soon.
  • It closes very rapidly and has considerable momentum.
  • This has some important potential benefit, but the ways in which data is collected and used are evolving rapidly. Times, Sunday Times
  • However indignant and hotheaded he might appear, his intemperateness could rapidly be defused by humor or kindness. Storyteller
  • Interest in golf has grown rapidly in the last ten years.
  • Some of the most rapidly growing towns in the mid-nineteenth century were the very antithesis of industrial centres: these were the seaside resorts, fashionable spas, and tourist attractions, such as Rome.
  • Your enthusiasm is infectious; it spreads as rapidly through conversations as it does through bloodlines.
  • The squall line was rapidly moving east and I had to come up with another plan quickly.
  • In order to most rapidly re-employ all Americans and to speed a strong recovery, the president must change course. Romney lays out plan to fix economy
  • Correction of craniofacial deficits with implants is a rapidly advancing discipline.
  • If the distribution channel is selected incorrectly, the brand will decline rapidly.
  • The rapidly rising numbers of people with low back pain, for example, implies a sociological rather than biological cause.
  • With industrialism, many people found social roles changing rapidly, and began to ask whether those roles could not be changed further.
  • The addition of acrylic gloss medium to the paint reduces its consistency to produce thin layers which dry rapidly. Acrylics Masterclass
  • A delicate balance of smoulder and sensitivity that's best experienced on YouTube, where the track has rapidly earned a million views. F&M playlist
  • Growth, being exponential in nature, will rapidly swamp the essentially linear savings by efficiency gains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since back to school time is rapidly approaching, here are answers to the four most common questions we get from parents about allowances.
  • A wealthy, mysterious Englishman named Henry Philips arrived in the port and rapidly gained Tyndale's trust, and hence access to the Pointz household.
  • A small red light blinked, indicating that the water level was rapidly falling.
  • On return to air these leaves wilted and yellowed rapidly.
  • He lit a cigarette and took a swig of the alcohol and grinned at me, a grin that was rapidly becoming a leer.
  • But the teams are rapidly running out of alternative explanations for these events.
  • By detecting how far apart the partners are and how rapidly they orbit each other, scientists can determine the mass, volume, and composition of the binary asteroids.
  • As the slope steepens, warm, moist air overrunning the cold air is cut off and the precipitation coverage begins to rapidly decrease.
  • Shareholders should remember that opportunities do not end at Dover and consider international diversification into some of the most rapidly growing economies in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • In warm weather these germs multiply rapidly.
  • PLC is planning a listing in an Asian manufact uring titan, one which has rapidly become the economic nucleus of the world. StanChart's Shanghai IPO: Japan Or India Redux?
  • Meditation taught me not to overidentify with my flickering, rapidly altering emotional states, but rather view them as visiting wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crowds which have been passing to and fro during the whole day, are rapidly dwindling away; and the noise of shouting and quarrelling which issues from the public – houses, is almost the only sound that breaks the melancholy stillness of the night. Sketches by Boz
  • It is worth adding to this risk assessment of 17D that those having repeat 17D vaccination probably have little to fear as they can be expected to make an anamnestic response to 17D that will rapidly suppress viraemia.
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.
  • NASA funding would be adequate to engage in concurrent engineering for our new systems and programs if the people knew the potential impact of not rapidly developing our capabilities and understanding of the space environment. Alan Stern on NASA's Cost Increase Problems - NASA Watch
  • Courtenay's aristocratic connections carried him rapidly up the ladder of preferment.
  • Since silica can only limit diatoms, other forms of phytoplankton might dominate if nitrogen is regenerated more rapidly.
  • Designed nearly a century ago to be all things to all people, it Chaplin-esquely tries to straddle thousands of rapidly fragmenting micro-niches, a mainframe in an iTouch world. The Newsweekly’s Last Stand
  • The loops give adequate access for the worker to heat the glass on the pontil rods, especially on breezy days when the cool air can harden the glass very rapidly, giving you little or no time to work it.
  • Once respiratory or renal disease develops, the course is usually rapidly progressive.
  • It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • Banks and businesses had been rapidly reviving business activities in China.
  • In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly.
  • But the muscles follow immediately in their development and rapidly gain volume and tonicity, filling out the arms, legs, back and shoulders with large masses of firm muscular tissue. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
  • The streets were empty of ‘decent folk’ and were rapidly filling with a different sort altogether.
  • She was blinking rapidly to keep the tears back, aware it was no time for tears. A Plague of Angels
  • ‘Where hogweeds have established themselves, their aggressive growth and large size mean they rapidly out-compete our native plant species,’ Barratt said.
  • In other words, the problem was that the election process was so tainted that it feared its attempts to whitewash the poll would be rapidly exposed.
  • On the Downbelows' debut, Toronto punk vets (ex-members of Trigger Happy, Tirekickers, et al.) gang together for an ode to their favourite rapidly gentrifying neighbourhood.
  • The stupor becomes rapidly more marked, the eyes become puffy and swollen with excessive lacrimation, so that the tears run from the internal canthus of the eye over the cheeks and may blister the skin in their course. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Without them even knowing, the anti-establishment was rapidly becoming the establishment.
  • The influences of rapidly changing signals to human perception can be stressed by filtering the relative spectra(RASTA) for MFCC.
  • Britain's productive capacity was falling more rapidly than at any time since the dawn of the industrial age.
  • The leader rapidly tapped in the combination that opened the door and switched off the alarms.
  • With the rapidly development of stockbreeding in the whole world, law system of the veterinary drugs gradually emerges its limitation, and it obviously drops behind the developed countries.
  • As if to affirm this truth, she rapidly knitted five more rows in one minute flat.
  • Kozel yelled, and the shuttle decelerated rapidly, for a moment overpowering the inertial dampers. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • The next stage of satellite development will accelerate this trend rapidly.
  • In some states, the first frost has sparked a rush on rebates for heating equipment and funding for all appliances is rapidly melting away. Cash for appliances: Consumers snatch up rebates during cold snap
  • A boomburb is a rapidly growing, sprawling city of 100,000 or more on the edge of a major metropolitan area.. Consumer Reports Morning Update
  • The respect in which the synedrial president was held rapidly increased; like Christian patriarchs under Mahometan rule, he was also recognised by the imperial government as the municipal head of the Jews of Palestine, and bore the secular title of the old high priests (nasi, ethnarch, patriarch). Prolegomena
  • When the season for quarrying began, the pits sprang to life and the pace continued rapidly until the first deep frost at which time quarrying ceased.
  • The policy now applies only to about a third of its people but has produced the problem of a rapidly ageing population. The Sun
  • All data are rapidly made available, and seismograms from large earthquakes are posted within minutes of occurrence.
  • To bring about the first of these reactions rapidly, a catalyzer is employed, and the process is carried out in the following way: Large iron tubes are packed with some porous material, such as calcium and magnesium sulphates, which contains a suitable catalytic substance scattered through it. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • It was clear that the shape of all these peaks was unsymmetrical and the heat capacity changed more rapidly in the higher temperature side.
  • The DataPower XM70 enables you to rapidly deploy LLM routing rules that you can configurable via an intuitive interface without the need for programming, greatly reducing cost and complexity.
  • Oil had stimulated new industry, cities were being modernized rapidly and ambitious plans promised change in the countryside.
  • When you mix Asia's rapidly spreading affluence with the region's cultural affinity for brand-name luxury goods, you have a mouthwatering recipe for Richemont, owner of such well-known lines as Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry, Piaget watches, Montblanc pens and Alfred Dunhill leather goods. To make good stock decisions, consider a global perspective
  • his business expanded rapidly
  • The service was expanding rapidly because of the sharp rise in prisoner numbers and the need to open new establishments. Times, Sunday Times
  • If foxtail grows in your yard mow the grass often, especially in late spring when the plant grows most rapidly.
  • CHAMPIONS view losing a final as simply a matter of ending up second best and rapidly purge the memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the eight day march across the desert our supply of water decreased rapidly.
  • These agents will evaporate and dissipate much more rapidly in hot, dry weather.
  • Similar databases monitoring the investment policies and current rates of cab drivers, short-order cooks, and bootblacks are rapidly gaining in popularity.
  • The book is highly practical and will be helpful for those planning churches that intend to launch large and grow rapidly. Christianity Today
  • A thick cloud rolled rapidly across the sands , darkening the sky with a dense green haze.
  • In tissues that have rapidly varying energy requirements, such as muscles and neurons, phosphocreatine serves as a crucial source for high-energy phosphate groups.
  • But experts predict it will grow more rapidly here because of the prevalence of contactless payment points on high streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Low sexual desire is rapidly becoming the most common issue treated in psychosexual therapy.
  • Rapidly-growing Asian nations have also seen their foreign currency holdings swell as their economies outpace the rest of the world, providing another motive for diversification.
  • There are no contemporary estimates of how rapidly and how far literacy spread; nor is it possible for us to quantify it with the data provided by largely innumerate contemporaries.
  • It is not essential that you exactly match your colleague's tone and speed, especially if your colleague is shouting rapidly in a high pitched tone! Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • One day, I found that morning glory grow rapidly, the upward climb, there is a meter - high.
  • She rapidly scanned the room to see if she knew anyone and in the corner of the room where she was sitting that morning, she spotted her brother and Alex still pigging out on food.
  • In 1863 Debus transformed hydrocyanic acid into methylamine with platinum black; however, this reaction is fugitive and soon ceases because cyanidation of the metal rapidly destroys its capacity to induce the reaction. Paul Sabatier - Nobel Lecture
  • But the sea swell rapidly grew so strong that the refuelling operation had to be abandoned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The finger of the violinist vibrates on the string by rocking rapidly back and forth and the vibrato is the result. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • Richard Reece points to the dermatology, which is rapidly prog ... Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: George Galloway senses what I strongly feel ~ that the tide is turning against the Cheney/Bush neocon dream of global domination ~ for the rest of the world clearly sees the real threat to our civilization is the United States ~ and Galloway, who saw this threat clearly years ago, now comments on the rapidly growing demand of Muslim and Latin American movements for an alternative to America\'s oppression and domination.' GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.
  • He-it's usually a he-gets the same satisfaction from rapidly double declutching through the gearbox of a 1953 Jaguar C-type and flicking around the gearstick on a nippy little 2009 Hyundai i10. Die besten Nachrichten von heute
  • Hu is just the kind of emigre Beijing has been eager to lure back to bolster an economy growing rapidly but short of talented managers and innovators. Fore, right!
  • These are larger than most aphids and, left unchecked, will rapidly form colonies that cause the plant to wilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • By contrast, Keynesian economists argue that the velocity of circulation is unstable and changes rapidly and may offset changes in the money stock. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Prices for natural rubber have stabilized at high levels but prices for synthetic rubber are increasing rapidly, driven by higher prices of butadiene, which is used to make it, Mr. Setzer said on the sidelines of the Frankfurt Motor Show Wednesday. Continental May Raise Tire Prices
  • The service was expanding rapidly because of the sharp rise in prisoner numbers and the need to open new establishments. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as news of the tragedy was announced, shock waves spread rapidly to all parts of the country.
  • Some of these parameters change rapidly, others very slowly, and the possible permutations are nearly infinite.
  • There are a variety of combos to pull off but they must be done by switching through your weapons while rapidly hitting the punch or kick button.
  • Objective To establish a method with high efficiency in detecting phenylalanine hydroxylase(PAH) gene mutations and hence to rapidly diagnose prenatal fetals with phenylketonuria .
  • Nowadays the vocational education of our country grows rapidly, however there is a relative delay in the construction of the curriculum.
  • The disease spread most rapidly in those populations that were most promiscuous and engaged in risky sexual activity.
  • Think how rapidly medical knowledge has gone out of date in recent years.
  • In course of the Turkish empire declining rapidly, the great powers of Europe started to scramble for the empire's heritage. Among the powers, Russia was a chief director in the partitions of Turkey.
  • ‘African countries have worked rapidly and effectively to eradicate polio; now the tragedy is that many of them are becoming reinfected,’ Dr Heymann said.
  • The movement rapidly gained ground.
  • Risk management is rapidly becoming the most important issue for boards and managements of public companies.
  • When you exercise, your rapidly beating heart releases a chemical called atrial natriuretic peptide ANP, which crosses over to the brain and directly turns off the stress response. THE PROGRAM
  • She would almost stop, as though climbing a mountain, then rapidly rolling to right and left as she gained the summit of a huge sea, she steadied herself and paused for a moment as though affrighted at the yawning precipice before her. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • Outward-bound is an exotic form of physical education. It has been rapidly expanding in the last few years.
  • In this meaning it was originally US slang, I believe, taken up and rapidly naturalised in Britain only after World War Two.
  • As when a breeze ruffles the surface of a reflecting pool, ripples ran rapidly across her vision, momentarily distorting the figures.
  • The whole idea is that nature needs a method for rapidly ridding itself of dysfunctional species that overpopulate and absorb resources too rapidly.
  • Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
  • The more rapidly water gets into circulation, the more action of denitrifying bacteria in breaking down nitrate beds to increase the atmospheric nitrogen supply and the spread of plants to produce oxygen will be accelerated. The Case for Mars
  • But the raw data represents a stark illustration of the problems facing forces nationwide as the society they police changes rapidly because of large-scale immigration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two particular universal rights rapidly dissolving in the New Orleans Superdome were racial and sexual equality.
  • Careful studies of silt prove beyond doubt that its primal cause is the removal of the forest cover, such as underbrush, weeds, and grasses, along the streams, which allows the rainfall to run off rapidly. McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908.
  • The mileposts along I - 96 were flashing past rapidly, as Michigan's generous speed limit and liberal enforcement policies allowed 75 mph on this last leg toward Grand Rapids.
  • She was floundering in the deep pool, the water getting steadily deeper instead of shallower, her meagre supply of strength rapidly sapping as she struggled.
  • In several cases the pollen tubes emerged and elongated rapidly, then burst, with the cytoplasm streaming out of the burst tip.
  • But his stock rose rapidly as he remained in yellow for a remarkable 11 days, even matching some of the world's best climbers in the mountains.
  • The horsemen were rapidly gaining on their enemy.
  • By working constantly to forge strong links to a number of local industries, it is hoped that the Institute's innovations can be rapidly commercialised.
  • Then as he walked rapidly down the lane, Anthony saw to his left, in a f ield, an astonishing sight. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • This line of thought takes us rapidly to the idea that I can be happy doing any old thing.
  • K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite Word of the Day
  • Although the industry is rapidly introducing advanced digital communication technologies, the telephone network continues to be dependent on analog transmission.
  • The big attraction is lower or, at least, less rapidly-escalating electricity bills.
  • Sloughing phagedena rapidly ensued, but under medical treatment he eventually recovered. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Yanare took a deep breath secretly hoping that she could meet someone in this party that would make her heart beat rapidly instead of making her cringe in disgust.
  • These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.
  • Eureka! by chaining patients to a eyebolt set in a concrete wall in a dark, cold setting, by denying them food, they lose weight rapidly! Archive 2007-04-01
  • I left them hastily somewhere in the area of the mucous membrane of the small intestine ( "including that of the plicae circulares") and reverting to my rapidly proliferating list, journeyed back more than 1,360 tempting pages to chorion, only to find myself and it deeply involved with the fetus of mammals. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • They have been kitted out for work with awful fawn aertex shirts, grey slacks and green pullovers but they wear silk stockings and lipstick when off duty, and have rapidly acquired a reputation for being ‘fast’, which has all the young men buzzing round like wasps at a honey pot. Presumption of Death
  • Credible resolution would seem to require at least some form of separability, and arguably there is a case for some form of ex ante separation so that bank operations whose continuous provision is truly critical to the functioning of the economy can clearly be easily and rapidly carved out in the event of calamity," Mr. Vickers said. Splitting Up U.K. Banks May Make System Safer, Panel Says
  • The transition process has to happen rapidly. Times, Sunday Times
  • As W.J.T. Mitchell once aphoristically put it, ‘When the tigers break into the temple and profane the altar too regularly, their appearance rapidly becomes part of the sacred ritual.’
  • The problem with that, unfortunately, is that in my dotage I have rapidly fading memories, and rapidly fading images in my brain of who I did, and how what and when I did what I did, never mind why.
  • Jim's juvenilia, in general, are lacking in distinction, but they do chart a rapidly maturing interest in poetry.
  • But then his condition must have rapidly worsened. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said that the number of bears was growing rapidly in the area because of restrictions on hunting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The explosive growth of IT infrastructures has resulted in complex distributed systems and applications whose timely management is rapidly exceeding human ability. Computing
  • More broadly, it can allow firms in mature markets to grow their revenues far more rapidly than they could by hewing to their existing lines of business.
  • Furthermore, none of the considerations I have adduced suggest that political violence will rapidly diminish, still less disappear.
  • On the travelator, a tattooed Dutchman speaks rapidly to a girlfriend via his mobile phone whilst walking at full speed against the direction of the belt - perhaps some bizarre form of exercise for exhibitionists.
  • No two adjacent doors are ever opened at the same time and the whole building is a clangour of keys and doors, enough to rapidly induce headaches and rampant claustrophobia.
  • The wildlife management practices that favor deer also support pigs; indeed, under favorable conditions, the free-ranging porkers can breed several times a year and rapidly overpopulate a given range.
  • Security and privacy technologies such as encryption, digital signatures, and biometric identification systems are evolving rapidly.
  • This entails matching your life-style to that of the new time zone as fully and rapidly as convenient.
  • He slipped over the ragged mat which formed the eaves, and the next moment, _crack, crack, crack_, he was hanging feet downwards, and then fell heavily in a cloud of dust bump upon the trampled earth, in company with a snake about six feet long, which began to glide rapidly away. Trapped by Malays A Tale of Bayonet and Kris
  • The South, the West Country and the Midlands bore the brunt of the weather, but the rain - driven by gale-force south-westerly winds - caused river levels in Yorkshire to rise rapidly.
  • Chirk, chirk, chirk, it went, the sound of a spoon being rapidly whisked round a basin. The Invisible Man
  • The whole incident deteriorated rapidly as the conflicting claims snowballed into a near-crisis.
  • This makes the sperm, like all rapidly developing cells, especially vulnerable to damage from chemicals or radiation.
  • Among lots of regionally flavor restaurants in Beijing, the Xiangcai restaurant also expand rapidly.
  • The three guards selected exited rapidly to carry out their monarch's wishes, and the four left huddled together like a bewildered flock of sheep.
  • Unlike there would be a with a car driving over a road, there was no suspension involved, no torque from the engine, and no bouncy inflatable tire — but even so, the ripples formed, rapidly, after just a few passes of the wheel. The washboard effect
  • This mechanisation helped the skilled workers to increase production rapidly and to produce the cloth more cheaply.
  • Though we call prussic acid the agent of a person’s death, the whole of the vital and organic properties of the patient are as actively instrumental as the poison, in the chain of effects which so rapidly terminates his sentient existence. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • The odyle, as has been already stated, rapidly responds to surrounding magnetic conditions, and to the vibrations of surrounding Bodies, and to none more powerfully than the etheric perturbation caused by combustion -- indeed, to light of any kind. How to Read the Crystal or, Crystal and Seer
  • Mumps is highly infectious and spreads rapidly in susceptible people living in close proximity.
  • The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe.
  • Whether the fever is sthenic or asthenic at the period of its announcement, as the disease progresses the signs of depression become marked, and the patient rapidly sinks into a typhoid condition.
  • But this Dutch was very rapidly developing away from the standard form of the language emerging at the time in Holland.
  • Too little skill, or inappropriate system, or CEO indifference, leads rapidly to cynicism.

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