How To Use Rapidity In A Sentence
The tide, too, which had hitherto favoured us, now turned against us and drove us to the eastward with prodigious rapidity, so that we were in great anxiety for the Wager and the Anna pink, the two sternmost vessels, fearing they would be dashed to pieces against the shore of Staten Land.
Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
The Red Army would then move with great rapidity to concentrate against one enemy division.
The film shows the rapidity of the changes in this area of medicine.
The rock liner for the junction pockets is glasslike due to the rapidity with which it cooled during formation.
Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.

That monotony of form, those commonplace cadenzas, those endless bravura passages introduced at haphazard irrespective of the dramatic situation, that recurrent _crescendo_ that Rossini brought into vogue, are now an integral part of every composition; those vocal fireworks result in a sort of babbling, chattering, vaporous mucic, of which the sole merit depends on the greater or less fluency of the singer and his rapidity of vocalization.
He commences slowly, as if repeating the syllable, _de de de de de de d 'd' d 'd' d 'd' d 'r' r 'r'_, -- increasing in rapidity, and at the same time rising as it were by semi-tones, or chromatically, to about a major fourth on the scale.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858
Doors have seldom opened and slammed shut with more dizzying rapidity in a stage farce.
Times, Sunday Times
The rapidity with which organic carbon can build up in soils is also indicated by examples of buried steppe soils formed during short-lived interstadial phases in Russia and Ukraine.
The Future of Power Generation: Nuclear Fusion
Rapidity of thrust generation is accordingly coupled to torsional agility in pitch.
Flying with rapidity from the hills of Media to the marshes of the
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Owing to diffusion gas escapes with extraordinary rapidity, and if the fabric used is not absolutely gastight the air finds its way in where the gas has escaped.
British Airships, Past, Present, and Future
He "was promoted with spectacular rapidity to the post of political editor," the Guardian notes.
This, however, was no unwonted mood of passion with Darsie Latimer, upon whom Cupid was used to triumph only in the degree of a Mahratta conqueror, who overruns a province with the rapidity of lightning, but finds it impossible to retain it beyond a very brief space.
These columns moved forward on the surface of the sea, and the clouds not following them with equal rapidity, they assumed a bent or incurvated shape, and frequently appeared crossing each other, evidently proceeding in different directions; from whence we concluded, that it being calm, each of these water-spouts caused a wind of its own.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 14
The severity of the symptoms depends to a large extent on the rapidity of growth of the tumour; thus an osteoma growing slowly from the inner table of the skull and implicating the brain may reach a considerable size without producing cerebral symptoms, while a comparatively small sarcoma or syphilitic gumma of rapid growth may endanger life.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The implication of rapidity that most often accompanies the use of careen as a verb of motion may have arisen naturally through the extension of the nautical sense of the verb to apply to the motion of automobiles, which generally careen, that is, lurch or tip over, only when driven at high speed.
Word of the Day
The reason of this unusual rapidity of movement is the unusual character of the eight-syllable verse as acatalectic, almost all other kinds of verse being catalectic on at least one syllable, implying a final pause of corresponding duration.
Confessions of a Book-Lover
You mentioned being fascinated by the rapidity of some of these electronic devices.
The town was commenced in 1837, and has increased with remarkable rapidity.
I am glad to think that Canada has recovered with so much rapidity from the effects of war.
Some After-War ProblemsUnemployment, Immigration, Reparations
The question is, of course, one of great importance, as the rapidity with which a nitrogenous body nitrifies will be an important factor in determining its value as a manure.
Manures and the principles of manuring
“Huzza!” roared Joe, as the balloon — thanks to its ascensional force — shot up higher into the sky, with increased rapidity.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
His communications team, the best in the business, are adept at navigating the ever-accelerating news cycle, but with the growing power of the online commentariat and the recursiveness and unpredictability that comes with it, they are navigating treacherous waters, where conventional wisdom can change -- and be changed -- with unnerving ease and rapidity.
Peter Daou: White Cop, Black Professor, Bi-Racial President: An Explosive Media Combination
In the series of dactylic lines 17-22, Catullus no doubt intended to convey the idea of rapidity, as, in the spondaic line immediately following, of labour.
Poems and Fragments
In addition to these findings, the discovery – by Danish scientists a few years ago – that the last ice age ended with astonishing rapidity has also played a key role in reappraising the recolonisation of Britain.
Bones from a Cheddar Gorge cave show that cannibalism helped Britain's earliest settlers survive the ice age
In fact, I can turn them over with frightening rapidity.
But Buonaparte, hearing on the 20th of December of the advance of Moore, instantly put himself at the head of 50,000 men, and marched with incredible rapidity, with the view of intercepting his communications with Portugal, and in short hemming him in between himself and Soult.
The History of Napoleon Buonaparte
She appeared amongst her companions, and vanished from them, with a degree of rapidity which was inconceivable and hedges, treillage, or such like obstructions, were surmounted by her in a manner which the most vigilant eye could not detect; for, after being observed on the side of the barrier at one instant, in another she was beheld close beside the spectator.
Anne of Geierstein
“Though we talk of the progress that the race has made in learning and enlightenment,” he wrote, “it is alarming to notice … how germs which men deem dead really lurk dormant for ages, and then develop themselves with startling rapidity when they find the proper menstruum”:
A Furnace Afloat
Titian, indeed, may be said to have first opened his eyes to the mysteries of nature; but they were no sooner opened, than he rushed into them with a rapidity and daring unwont to the more cautious spirit of his master; and, though irregular, eccentric, and often inferior, yet sometimes he made his way to poetical regions, of whose celestial hues even Titian himself had never dreamt.
Lectures on Art
He had an exceptional quality of mind which he used with rapidity and total clarity.
Times, Sunday Times
The pieces followed each other with such rapidity, and the young danseuses exhibited such poise and grace, that it was obvious they had practiced long and hard.
Inspirational talent from Northern Ireland whose rapidity around the green baize earned him the nickname "Hurricane" Higgins.
This adjunct to speech-reading is recommended for its convenience, clearness, rapidity, and ease in colloquial use, as well as for its value as an educational instrument in impressing words, phrases, and sentences in their spelled form upon the mind, in testing the comprehension of children, and in affording by easy steps a substitute for the sign-language.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
The City's response from Corporation Counsel Georges was unusual in its rapidity and in diametric contrast to its usual hard-line stance against protesters.
Andy Thayer: Important Legal Victory for Chicago LGBT Rights Activists and Secularists
This reversal of policy encouraged out-relief to poor persons in their own homes and the cost of relief rose with frightful rapidity until it reached in 1818 the sum of £7,870,000.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
We just could not afford either the rapidity or the nature of some of his political experiments.
The flyings of the cotton mill do not explode, but flame passes through them with a rapidity almost instantaneous, yet not sufficient to exert the pressure which explodes; the dust of the wood planer and sawer only as yet makes sudden puffs without detonating force.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
The length of each symbol corresponds to the rapidity of the gesture.
Reason: the unprecedented rapidity with which the hitherto relatively sedentary human populations are inter-mixing across the globe.
What arguments he used on this point cannot exactly be known, for Sir Everard was never supposed strong in the powers of persuasion; but the young officer, immediately after this transaction, rose in the army with a rapidity far surpassing the usual pace of unpatronised professional merit, although, to outward appearance, that was all he had to depend upon.
He can tell by the rapidity of the bleeps that he is close by now.
From this hypothesis he reasons that atmospheric and oceanic masses are moved along with the decumbent nucleus with a velocity decreasing from the equator to the poles; and if the least retardation operates on the atmospheric and oceanic waters, a counter-current will be formed, flowing with the greatest rapidity where the retardation is greatest.
Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
The unparalleled rapidity with which he rode from Cape Town to Grahamstown, a distance of 600 miles, accomplishing it in less than six days; his indefatigable and most able exertion from the moment of his arrival to expel the savage enemy from the ground their unexpected and treacherous invasion had gained – to afford protection and support to the inhabitants; to restore confidence and to organize the armed population, and combine the resources of the country – have been beyond all praise, and justly entitle him to the grateful acknowledgments of the Colony and of the Commander-in-Chief.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
We can only hope that the projection does not become more pessimistic with equal rapidity.
It darted at their throats, striking, coil-ing, and striking again; coiling and uncoiling with incredible rapidity and flying from leverage points of throats, of faces, of breasts like a spring endowed with consciousness, volition and hatred -- and those it struck stood rigid as stone with faces masks of inhuman fear and anguish; and those still unstricken fled.
The Moon Pool
The tidings spread with wonderful rapidity in the wilderness of Judea.
Then had come vertigoes and strange, inexplicable qualms, as if he were in an elevator that sank under him with terrifying rapidity.
The Pit: A Story of Chicago
Give all your motions, too, an air of douceur, which is directly the reverse of their present celerity and rapidity.
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
From the beginning Flanagan demonstrated a keen intellect, first displayed by the rapidity with which he picked up basic literacy.
It darted at their throats, striking, coiling, and striking again; coiling and uncoiling with incredible rapidity and flying from leverage points of throats, of faces, of breasts like a spring endowed with consciousness, volition and hatred -- and those it struck stood rigid as stone with faces masks of inhuman fear and anguish; and those still unstricken fled.
The Moon Pool
The rapidity with which you work through further evaluation depends on whether you have any other health complaints or not.
What arguments he used on this point cannot exactly be known, for Sir Everard was never supposed strong in the powers of persuasion; but the young officer, immediately after this transaction, rose in the army with a rapidity far surpassing the usual pace of unpatronized professional merit, although, to outward appearance, that was all he had to depend upon.
Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
The rapidity of and potential severity necessitate prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Several beautiful little aquatic plants of the genus Utricularia or bladder-wort also inhabit bromelia leaves; and these send runners out to neighbouring plants and thus spread themselves with great rapidity.
Darwinism (1889)
The idea of the ` movement of movements ' has proved with extraordinary rapidity to lead nowhere.
The scientists made the measured cautious statement on page 1294 col 2 penult para of their paper “Thus, proxy-derived series suggest that twentieth century warming is unique in the last millennium for both its mean value and probably for its rapidity of change.”
Stern Review – Technical Appendix « Climate Audit
In the series of dactylic lines 17-22, Catullus no doubt intended to convey the idea of rapidity, as, in the spondaic line immediately following, of labour.
Poems and Fragments
Any meal at a Roman restaurant that takes less than two hours is an exercise in rapidity; even the simple act of getting the check can seem agonizingly prolonged for first-time American visitors.
The scale and rapidity of the German advance into Russia, coming on top of earlier conquests, posed obvious administrative problems for the conquerors.
For example, chess masters remember chess positions with an accuracy and rapidity far exceeding that of novices, but only when the positions correspond to plausible game positions.
Even when obtained in solution this potent enzyme destroys acetylcholine with a quite remarkable rapidity; and if we could suppose it to be concentrated on surfaces at preganglionic or motor nerve endings, in immediate relation to the site of liberation and action of acetylcholine, it might furnish an adequate mechanism for the complete destruction of this substance, even during the very brief interval of the refractory period.
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
He had an exceptional quality of mind which he used with rapidity and total clarity.
Times, Sunday Times
a considerable time after eating, does the saccharifying process go on with normal rapidity and vigor.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
She also realized that unless she lammed with great rapidity her life was not worth the crummiest bangle on the junk counter of the nearest Five-and-Dime.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
She paid it with a rapidity that amazed the world, but in her hour of weakness she consented to gold monometallism.
If Not Silver, What?
To record the rapidity, force, breadth, or intensity of movements, Laban required additional notations.
Military history shows that after boldly carried out landings at Abukir and Cape Breton, for example, the success of the extensive operations was impaired, almost lost, because of lack of energy and rapidity of execution of offensive movements.
Operations Upon the Sea A Study
Following closely to this preoccupation with asceticism was monasticism which spread with incredible rapidity.
They learned in their early days with prodigious rapidity, illustrating the deep difference between the "big-brain" type, relatively poor in its endowment of instinctive capacities, but eminently "educable," and the "little-brain" type, say, of ants and bees, richly endowed with instinctive capacities, but very far from being quick or glad to learn.
The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
Celer rushed away from Rome, fearing vengeance, and did not rest until he had reached the limits of Etruria, and that his name became the synonym for quickness, so that men swift of foot were called _Celeres_ by the Romans, just as we still speak of "celerity," meaning rapidity of motion.
The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
The frequency of the waves, the rapidity, that is, with which wave follows wave, depends on the size and proximity of the plates and on the length and form of the coil which connects them.
The War in the Air; Vol. 1 The Part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force
During that month of June the events have succeeded themselves with great rapidity.
Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace and rich apparel all belong to this little favorite.
The styles change with bewildering rapidity.
A very beautiful instance of applied science to art is electrometallurgy, in which metals are deposited by means of the galvanic battery in any required form or shape, and this process of gilding and plating is executed with marvellous rapidity.
Lectures on Popular and Scientific Subjects
Give all your motions, too, an air of 'douceur', which is directly the reverse of their present celerity and rapidity.
Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
Apparently, in the latter study the difference in the rapidity with which fed and unfed chicks started to beg once a parent arrived was relatively larger than the differences in calling rate and volume.
But, if by any accident the parachute is not expanded as he falls, the rapidity of the fall will not be checked.
Then he served an apprenticeship to a japanner, and married very early on incredibly small earnings, which, however, he increased by his rapidity in work and his incessant industry.
Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Results indicate that there is not necessarily an increasing rapidity in palilalia.
Most Europeans are astonished at the rapidity with which the Americans despatch their meals; but I, having admitted the proposition, that there was "nothing new under the sun," had long previously ceased to be _astonished_ at any thing.
A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
Now the four-gilled kinds (judging from the only existing form, the nautilus) had the auditory organ in a very inferior condition of development to what we find in the dibranch; thus we have not only evidence of the independent high development of the organ in the former, but also evidence pointing towards a certain degree of comparative rapidity in its development.
On the Genesis of Species
There were many who located in the new city and building began to go on with increasing rapidity.
The barricade was a more difficult matter, as it had to be made full in front of the enemy's fire; but it was contrived with wonderful coolness and rapidity, the civilians about eagerly bringing stones.
The Insurrection in Paris
Then followed the "sculping," or skinning, which was despatched with marvellous rapidity.
Adrift in the Ice-Fields
To judge by the madness and diseasedness both of itself, and of the soil and element it is in, one might expect the rapidity and monstrosity would be extreme.
The French Revolution
Its very rapidity leads to some gabbled speaking, and the hurtling style which Boyd adopted for Shakespeare's histories is sometimes ill-suited to a play full of rhetorical excess.
Antony and Cleopatra
Thus, the three words marked above make a _choriambus_ -- u u, or perhaps a _pæon primus_ - u u u; a dactyl, by virtue of comic rapidity, being only equal to an iambus when distinctly pronounced.
Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
It darted at their throats, striking, coiling, and striking again; coiling and uncoiling with incredible rapidity and flying from leverage points of throats, of faces, of breasts like a spring endowed with consciousness, volition and hatred — and those it struck stood rigid as stone with faces masks of inhuman fear and anguish; and those still unstricken fled.
The Moon Pool
However, neither the scale of the phenomenon nor its rapidity of onset during or following allopolyploidization is known.
What's striking about the sequence is the rapidity with which the numbers grow larger.
As then grew the works up, no less stately in size than exquisite in form, the workmen striving to outvie the material and the design with the beauty of their workmanship, yet the most wonderful thing of all was the rapidity of their execution.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
[Footnote: The term microbe is simply a word which has been coined to include all of the microscopic plants commonly included under the terms bacteria and yeasts.] has developed with a marvellous rapidity.
The Story of Germ Life
The targets and justifications for attacking them shift with dizzying rapidity.
In this fashion we "groped" our way with considerable rapidity.
The Wild Huntress Love in the Wilderness
But this rapidity is not important for the final distribution.
Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
Secondly, the small size of the wedge itself is opposed to the wide separation of the parts directly implicated, which is necessary for the continued progress of the process of fissuring, and again the rapidity of passage minimises the period during which the force is exerted.
Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
It won't be anything on the scale or the rapidity of the surge in Iraq.
Once that accessibility was achieved, the technology began to diffuse with increasing rapidity.
Experimenting first on plants, he adopted the method of inserting panes of blue and violet glass in the roof of his grapery, and noticed as a result an apparent extraordinary rapidity and luxuriance of growth of the vines, and later a correspondingly large harvest of grapes.
Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
My only real problem with the game is that you can lose your hand with frightening rapidity.
For example, there are several cases on record of third-degree burns healing with extraordinary rapidity.
For example, there are several cases on record of third-degree burns healing with extraordinary rapidity.
His speech was slow and his manner might almost be called ponderous, but the advisers who whispered over his shoulder, during the course of the debate, attested the rapidity with which his mind operates and his skill in catching the points suggested.
Woodrow Wilson and the World War A Chronicle of Our Own Times.
That may be valid for some businesses, especially in view of the rapidity of technological changes.
We caught also several little animals, all of the same species, which swam about on the surface of the water with the greatest rapidity, performing the same kind of evolutions that we see in a little black and white insect (Gyrinus) which swims on the top of tranquil pools in
Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
To this the indolence of the inhabitants is a greater obstacle than the rapidity with which the oil becomes rancid in the amygdaliform seeds.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
While the count picked up the paper he put spurs to his horse, which leaped in astonishment at such an unusual stimulus, and shot away with the rapidity of an arrow.
This meteor soon began to move forward, turning over and over on itself with dizzy rapidity, and sweeping up into its center a column of water from the lake, while its gyratory motions made all the surrounding currents of air rush toward it.
In Search of the Castaways
“The effectiveness and rapidity of statin-induced decreases in coronary events led to the speculation that statins possess cholesterol-independent effects… we describe the numerous beneficial pleiotropic effects of statins that could modulate atherogenesis.”
Saturated fat debate | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
They have thriven well and increased with great rapidity, so that now (1869) the whole town is full of them.
Cepaea nemoralis
There are the same obstacles in the use of the written or printed word as have been mentioned in connection with dactylology, namely, lack of rapidity in conveying impressions through the medium of the English sentence.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Name, age, occupation, place of birth, condition of destitution, and the previous night's "doss," were taken with lightning-like rapidity by the superintendent; and as I turned I was startled by a man's thrusting into my hand something that felt like
It may be in part accounted for by much energy being expended in the rapidity of the transmission.
As the industrial, commercial and private life of the country become more complex and are changing with increasing rapidity, statute law will play an ever more important part in English legal system.
The scenes we see are disjointed as the camera rotates, recedes and zooms into a particular edifice or street with alarming rapidity, as if the camera was desperately seeking a trajectory or subject.
The volubility of his tongue was only equalled by the rapidity of his invention and the powers of mastication; for, during the whole of this entertaining monodrame, his teeth were in constant motion, like the traversing beam of a steam boat; and as he was our captain as well as our guest, he certainly took the lion's share of the repast.
Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
The British found out toward the end of the 19th century that a seemingly unassailable international power position can melt away with unexpected rapidity.
The great value of the oil as a purgative is the mildness and rapidity with
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
He was amazed at the rapidity of it all.
In the cadenzas, Cziffra rips out the single note runs with a rapidity usually reserved for piano roll "performances."
There are shurikens thrown with gatling gun-like speed and rapidity, at least one limb severed for every minute of screen time and some wicked-looking choreography involving katanas and a kusarigama (the new nunchaku, you heard it here first).
‘Ninja Assassin’ Lets The Shurikens Fly In This Week’s Box Office Poll » MTV Movies Blog
Our batteries were dashing across the plain with frightful vehemence, wheeling into position and firing with terrific rapidity.
Several caules have been affigupd for all the harbours and rivers being barred, fouth of the ChciaDeak, Some fuppofc the bars arc formed by the current of the long rivets throwing up the lands, where their rapidity terminates; others vvith more probability fay, that a bank is thrown up by the oulf llream, which runs nearthcfe fliores.
An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the United States of America, and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies
The rapidity of that shift depends on the rate of advance of battery technology.
For most, this rapidity is a problem, or an excuse.
Statement of Purpose
It is quite possible that Pasteur was here dealing with certain septicemic streptococci that are now known to lose their virulence with extreme rapidity under artificial cultivation.
The Germ Theory and Its Applications to Medicine and Surgery
“The boundless extent of territory we possess, the wholesome temperament of our climate, the luxuriance and fertility of our soil, the variety of our products, the rapidity of the growth of our population, the industry of our countrymen, and the commodiousness of our ports” had caused “a jealousy of our dawning splendor.”
Alexander Hamilton, American
Here, however, the sale is increased in rapidity more than a third.
Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
Perhaps our concept of justification is not itself precise enough to require a precise degree of ease or rapidity of access.
Phillips' video montage bombards and caresses the objects with everything from sinuous watery imagery to bouncing polka dots and laser wands that cartwheel and flip with Morse-code rapidity.
This would contribute to the apparent rapidity of the oxidation event.
The volubility of his tongue was only equalled by the rapidity of his invention and his powers of mastication; for, during the whole of this entertaining monodrame, his teeth were in constant motion, like the traversing beam of a steamboat; and as he was our captain as well as our guest, he certainly took the lion's share of the repast.
Frank Mildmay The Naval Officer
The total breakdown of the socialist economies of Eastern Europe, on which East Germany was almost entirely dependent, occurred with startling rapidity.
She was interrupted in her reverie by a sight of a man, clad in black, descending the hill with some rapidity.
In the same fashion, the rapidity with which you go through the adaptation is highly individual.
The rapidity of the response to intravenous n - 3 lipids exceeds by orders of magnitude the hitherto reported kinetics of improvement of psoriatic lesions upon use of oral supplementation.
But, to confess to you the truth, the works and passages in which I have succeeded, have uniformly been written with the greatest rapidity; and when I have seen some of these placed in opposition with others, and commended as more highly finished, I could appeal to pen and standish, that the parts in which I have come feebly off, were by much the more laboured.
The Fortunes of Nigel
The Pop world is a milieu where reputations decline and fall with more than usual rapidity.
The severity of the symptoms depends to a large extent on the rapidity of growth of the tumour; thus an osteoma growing slowly from the inner table of the skull and implicating the brain may reach a considerable size without producing cerebral symptoms, while a comparatively small sarcoma or syphilitic gumma of rapid growth may endanger life.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
An acute phlegmonous peri-adenitis sometimes occurs in the loose cellular tissue around the submaxillary gland, and spreads with great rapidity through the cellular planes of the neck.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
And for the moment they recoiled under the shock of that fiery onslaught; for the moment they parted and wavered and oscillated beneath the impetus with which he hurled his hundred Chasseurs on them, with that light, swift, indescribable rapidity and resistlessness of attack characteristic of the African Cavalry.
Under Two Flags
An acute phlegmonous peri-adenitis sometimes occurs in the loose cellular tissue around the submaxillary gland, and spreads with great rapidity through the cellular planes of the neck.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
It exhibits, he writes, ‘a vehemence and rapidity of mind, a copiousness of images, and vivacity of diction.’
The expected uses would be considerable, such as for repairs which must fluently result from the rapidity and multiplicity of the motor.
One of the fundamental characteristics of striated muscle, and the one involving the greatest difficulty in investigation, is the great rapidity with which changes take place in it.
Archibald V. Hill - Nobel Lecture
The pop world is a milieu where reputations decline and fall with more than usual rapidity.
+ While the Byzantine Empire was at its zenith, the new faith of Islam was conquering Western Asia and the Mediterranean lands with a fiery rapidity, which is one of the marvels of history.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
With an increasing number of positive people coming out together to improve their quality of life, the frightening rapidity of the disease can perhaps be checked.
These words pronounced bya Stinnes created the most incredible confusion; they were picked up atonce, and with amazing rapidity became the leitmotif of all the quacks andbig-mouths that since the revolution Fate has let loose on Germany in thecapacity of 'statesmen.'
Mein Kampf
Second, the rapidity of such character analyses enables a large number of research workers to propose phylogenies based on various sets of characters.
The Chief Problems for which solutions were sought in the following experimental study were: (1) Those of associability in general, its characteristics, and the rapidity of learning; (2) of discrimination, including the parts played in associative processes by the different senses, and the delicacy of discrimination in each; (3) of the modifiability of associational reactions and general adaptation in the frog, and (4) of the permanency of associations.
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
The rapidity with which the Indian government has abandoned its previous foreign policy precepts underlines the fact that there is no going back.
Meanwhile the enemy had with astonishing rapidity brought a number of powerful batteries of artillery into position behind the Marre ridge, on the western bank of the river.
Presenting symptoms can come and go with such rapidity that even the patient herself may wonder if she is imagining things, although her suffering is real enough.
Much of the food of the peasantry is raw or half-raw salt fish, and vegetables rendered indigestible by being coarsely pickled, all bolted with the most marvellous rapidity, as if the one object of life were to rush through a meal in the shortest possible time.
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
My sentiments became elevated with the most inconceivable rapidity to the level of my ideas.
He can vary his altitude, perhaps only thirty or forty feet, with ease and rapidity, and this erratic movement is more than sufficient to perplex the marksmen below, although the airman is endangered if a rafale is fired in such a manner as to cover a wide zone.
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War