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How To Use Raphia In A Sentence

  • Methods Chinese agraphia battery (CAB), and the Xn and AgQ scores were used to identify agraphia in 35 patients with Wilson's disease.
  • Methods Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC) and Chinese Agraphia Battery (CAB) were used to examine the ability of oral language and writing.
  • Hong Kong's sky-high home prices are the highest among those surveyed in a report by research firm Demographia. Hong Kong Homes Rank Last in Affordability
  • Students with writing disorders such as dysgraphia, the inability to form letters or numbers, or those with dyslexia can have difficulty spelling and making logical transitions in their writing assignments. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • Dozens of refinements on standard descriptions hold meaning for ut pictura poesis but the matter is complicated since many medi - eval and Renaissance rhetoricians are in conflict over both definitions and examples for descriptio, charac - terismus, effictio, mimesis, notatio, informatio, diatypo - sis, prosopographia, prosopopoeia, and many other categories that demand varying amounts of formed concrete detail. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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  • ‘In seventh grade, I got a teacher who has an LD called dysgraphia, which messes with handwriting and also how you organize your thoughts,’ says Ann.
  • Irlen Syndrome can be found in combination with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysphasia, or hyperactivity.
  • Biokhraphia, a one-woman Lebanese theatre piece, and one of the Royal Bank Lates aimed at new audiences.
  • The Davis methods report a 97\% success rate correcting (not curing) dyslexia and related conditions such as dysgraphia, dyscalculia, attention difficulties and dyspraxia. Press Release
  • I believe both my children are mildly ADD, and my son has been diagnosed with dysgraphia pretty severe when he was just starting to wield a pencil. The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing to Get More Time on Exams
  • The pure syndrome of alexia without agraphia is best viewed as a ‘linguistic blindfold’.
  • I have dermatographia, a condition in which one’s immune system releases excessive amounts of histamine, causing capillaries to dilate and welts to appear lasting about thirty minutes when the hypersensitive skin’s surface is lightly scratched. Ariana Page Russell
  • Finding lowercase L's used incorrectly amidst all uppercase letters may be a fun pastime, but in some cases the lowercase L may be a symptom of a neurological disorder called dysgraphia, "a neurological disorder characterized by writing disabilities. Lowercase L
  • Mikhtam (12533a15. gif; Septuagint, stelographia or eis stelographian; Vulg., tituli inscriptio or in tituli inscriptionem), an obscure term in the title of six psalms, xvi, lvi-lx (xv, lv-lix), always to "of David". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • [8] Head injuries that harm the parietal lobe can also impair the ability to focus on one object at a time, write words (agraphia), and name objects (anomia). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Cosmographia provided an introduction to astronomy, geography, cartography, surveying, navigation, weather and climate, the shape of the earth, map projections, and mathematical instruments.
  • Of course, the criticism at Blographia Literaria remains stiff with jargon “Realistic scene-dressing is the provision of quotidian details which, because of their superfluity or excessiveness, demonstrate at least the authorial intention of anchoring the action in reality”, but at least Seal has given up moral preening for a bit. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The endogen in general use is the elai’s, which is considered to supply a better and more delicate liquor than the raphia. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Adamnan, after Columba himself the brightest ornament of the School of Iona, in his "Life" of the founder, makes explicit references to the tabulae, waxen tablets for writing; to the pens and styles, graphia and calami, and to the ink-horn, cornicula atramenti, to be found in the scriptorium. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The first researcher to note and catalog the abnormal experiences associated with TLE was neurologist Norman Geschwind, who noted a constellation of symptoms, including hypergraphia, hyperreligiosity, fainting spells, mutism and pedantism, often collectively ascribed to a condition known as Geschwind syndrome. Eight Diseases that Give You Super Human Powers | Impact Lab
  • Gerstmann's syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by four primary symptoms: a writing disability (agraphia or dysgraphia), a lack of understanding of the rules for calculation or arithmetic (acalculia or dyscalculia), an inability to distinguish right from left, and an inability to identify fingers (finger agnosia).
  • In 1774 Dr. Johnson, in a letter, wished that “what is undeservedly forgotten of our antiquated literature might be re - vived” and John Berkenhout in 1777 subtitled his Biog - raphia Literaria, A Biographical History of Literature, in which he proposed to give a “concise view of the rise and progress of literature.” LITERATURE AND ITS COGNATES
  • Adamnan, after Columba himself the brightest ornament of the School of Iona, in his "Life" of the founder, makes explicit references to the tabulae, waxen tablets for writing; to the pens and styles, graphia and calami, and to the ink-horn, cornicula atramenti, to be found in the scriptorium. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • If the patient is enable to write, the condition is known as agraphia. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The most abundant species of palms are Astrocaryum murumuru, Raphia taedigera, Euterpe oleracea, Maximiliana regia, Oenocarpus bacaba, Jessenia bataua, Mauritia flexuosa, Manicaria saccifera, Socratea exorrhiza, and various species of Geonoma. Marajó varzea
  • Oils from the larvae of raphia palm beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) recorded the highest level of non-saturation of 65. 61percent while the winged termite had the least level non-saturation of 50.02 percent. Nigerian Scientists Discover Pharmaceutical Potential Of Insects
  • Cosmographia provided a layman's introduction to such subjects as astronomy, geography, cartography, surveying, navigation and mathematical instruments.
  • Miss Russell, who lives in New York, said she did not even realise she had dermatographia until a doctor diagnosed the condition five years ago, but she had already become interested in using skin as art. Ariana Page Russell: Artist Has Turned Her Body Into A Canvas | Impact Lab
  • The wetlands of the Atrato floodplain are of special interest, and Polygonum acuminatum, Montrichardia arborescens, Raphia taedigera and cativo Prioria copaifera are typical species. Los Katíos National Park, Colombia
  • Of these losses, the most important was the Battle of Raphia in 217 BC, where the dissolute Pharaoh Ptolemy IV managed to beat the forces of Antiochus III, who called himself "the Great. Eric Lurio: The Spirit of Chanukah
  • She uses a blunt knitting needle to trace her art works and the condition, dermatographia, means her skin swells up in five minutes. Ariana Page Russell: Artist Has Turned Her Body Into A Canvas | Impact Lab
  • Woolfian greatness of, 157; as Rushdie fan, 157; as disappointing husband, 158-159; as slogger, 158; hypergraphia of, 158 Who's Who
  • We reported a case of an 86-year old woman with pure agraphia due to the left parietal lobe infarction.
  • (I can quite understand that the reader will rub his eyes at these words and suspect the printer of some sort of agraphia.) The Shape of Things to Come
  • It is characterized by an expressionless face, slow initiation of motor activity, loss of secondary movements (such as arm swing, which gives the patient a stiff, frozen appearance), and micrographia (handwriting becomes small and choppy). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Orthographia purior eft, habet alias ro in vaph arma, aa & Oft pro 4. Jus ecclesiasticum novum sive Arnaeum constitutum anno Domini MCCLXXV.: Kristinnrettr in nyi edr ...
  • She has rare condition dermatographia, meaning light pressure lifts her skin in a painless welt for a few hours. The Sun
  • In the Fourth Syrian War (221–217) he at first lost much of the Syrian coast to Antiochus III, but the victory of Raphia (217) brought the recovery of all, save the port of Seleucia. G. Ptolemaic Egypt to the Roman Conquest
  • A clinical diagnosis of alexia without agraphia was made and the patient was subjected to routine investigations.
  • Attention deficit disorder, dyspraxia, dysgraphia… Lots of girls have these, but too many girls don't know it.
  • You find here enormous acacias, monkey-bread trees, raphia palms and baobabs; less gloom, and fewer creeping and hanging plants. The Pools of Silence
  • Alex asked, her eyes on the strings of raphia and an unfinished basket that lay on the table. The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
  • Prostate cancer treatment invitingly to the girlishly sensing pop logagraphia and you voider tinnitus a annular percoidean in the steering. Rational Review
  • With this road-metal are mingled short strips of raphia, or palm-fibre, flexible ribbons, easily bent. The Life of the Spider
  • Language disturbance may be evident, as in dysnomia or dysgraphia and perceptual disturbances are common.
  • The exclusionary policy changed in Egypt after the Battle of Raphia (217), where Ptolemy IV employed 20,000 Egyptians in his victory over Antiochus III. 5. The Hellenistic World, to 30 B.C.E
  • In 1833 he published Poems, Songs and Sonnets (the sonnets of which were much praised), and in the same year his unfinished Biographia Borealis, retitled Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire in 1836.
  • - – As of current, hypergraphia is understood to be triggered by changes in brainwave activity in the temporal lobe. Eight Diseases that Give You Super Human Powers | Impact Lab
  • Now, as they resumed their way, the trees altered and drew farther apart, the ground was solid under foot, and through the foliage of the euphorbia and raphia palm came stray glimmers of sunshine, bits of blue sky, birds, voices, and the whisper of a breeze. The Pools of Silence
  • Like others here, I only recently got around to having myself diagnosed for the ADHD, mild dyslexia and moderate dysgraphia I was always aware of. The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing to Get More Time on Exams
  • Kellett noted that early instars of Graphiadactyllis are ornamented with ‘small reticulations or punctae’ that become linear, and the walls coalesce to form ridges in adult specimens.
  • Chronographia et Leonis grammatici Vitae "(Paris, 1655). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Miss Carpenter, as she separated long strands of raphia and initiated her pupils into the art of twisting and stitching, was almost as merry as Miss Pennington, whose infectious laugh, as she related James Mandeville's latest speeches, kept them all in a gale. The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
  • The endogen in general use is the elai's, which is considered to supply a better and more delicate liquor than the raphia. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • This is the work of Johann Beringer, professor in the University of Wurzburg and private physician to the Prince-Bishop -- the treatise bearing the title Lithographiae Wirceburgensis Specimen Primum, "illustrated with the marvellous likenesses of two hundred figured or rather insectiform stones. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • Head injuries that harm the parietal lobe can also impair the ability to focus on one object at a time, write words (agraphia), and name objects CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The work of this course will consist of freehand paper cutting, paper folding, cardboard construction leading toward book-making, weaving, work in raphia, and clay modelling. University of Virginia Record
  • Irlen Syndrome can be found in combination with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysphasia, or hyperactivity.
  • To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.
  • They sacrificed and took her to Atlanta Speech where she was tested for two days and viola -- learning disability with spatial processing, dysgraphia , and a few other issues. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Ranging from antiquities and ethnographia through medieval manuscripts and quattrocento panel paintings to Bacon and Polke, it is of course the European Fine Art Fair at Maastricht.
  • The work of this course will consist of freehand paper cutting, paper folding, cardboard construction leading toward book-making, weaving, work in raphia, and clay modeling. University of Virginia Record
  • This sumptuous book provided a cosmographical introduction similar to that in the Cosmographia but in a more elaborate and elegant way.
  • Head injuries that harm the parietal lobe can also impair the ability to focus on one object at a time, write words ( '' agraphia ''), and name objects ( '' anomia ''). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Eight patients with acquired agraphia were studied using the same writing tests and were compared with normal and brain-damaged controls.
  • I’m pretty sure I have always been mildly ADD and had what is know called dysgraphia when young — maybe still do. The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing to Get More Time on Exams
  • This reported acalculia, specifically anarithmetria, is a feature atypical for the pure syndrome of alexia without agraphia.
  • By the Baconian term experimentum crucis — a phrase he borrowed from Hooke's Micro - graphia (1665) — Newton means an experiment de - signed to decide between two alternative outcomes, in other words an experiment designed (like Hooke's Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • He was born with dysgraphia, a condition that affects his hands.
  • Orthographia, laun-fsnvenny - dhixth; Argraf adeiladaeth xuedi i thynny kynn adeilad. Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: : from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, B
  • My fifteen year old son has sensory integration disorder, ADHD and dysgraphia. Teenagers...
  • Their writing condition was examined with the Chinese agraphia examination (CAB) including automatic writing, transcription, dictation, picture copying and initiative writing.
  • Prostate cancer treatment invitingly to the girlishly sensing pop logagraphia and you voider tinnitus a annular percoidean in the steering. Rational Review
  • Patient # 23 presented with the acute onset of a right superior quadrantanopsia and alexia without agraphia.
  • Raffia, a native of the South Sea Islands and of Madagascar, is the inner bark of the raphia palm, pulled off, torn into narrow strips, dried in the sun, and bound into bunches, which are plaited together and stored ready for use or shipping. Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools
  • In 717–716, Sargon took and annexed Carchemish and defeated the Egyptians at Raphia, the farthest west the Assyrians had yet penetrated. F. The Neo-Assyrians and the Neo-Babylonians
  • To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.

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