/ˈɹeɪfiəɫ, ˌɹɑfˈjɛɫ, ˌɹɑfaɪˈɛɫ/
- Italian painter whose many paintings exemplify the ideals of the High Renaissance (1483-1520)
- an archangel of the Hebrew tradition
How To Use Raphael In A Sentence
- Hunt was also to write that he and Millais used to stand in front of the Raphael cartoons (then at Hampton Court) and judge them fearlessly, also that they condemned Raphael's Transfiguration (which they had never seen) 'for its grandiose disregard of the simplicity of truth, the pompous posturing of the Apostles, and the unspiritual attitudinising of the Saviour.' Cosa Nostra
- The program started off ascetically with "Six Studies in English Folksong" which the program warned us were "very melancholic," continued with a song cycle for violin and tenor called "Along the Field" to poems by A.E. Houseman, and finished off the first half with insanely Pre-Raphaelite lushness to a song cycle set to Dante Gabriel Rosetti poems called "The House of Life. Thomas Glenn Sings Vaughan Williams
- Raphaël Zarka believes that the world is inhabited by phantoms, reoccurring forms and remanence. We make money not art
- Tehke via Craxi, nimetage Raphael Piazza Navonal ka Craxiks, siis on kõigile näha, mis laadi poliitika teie eesmärk on. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
- In 1512-13 Raphael painted above the entrance arch of the Chigi chapel in S. Maria del Popolo a fresco with sibyls and prophets.
- ‘This time, I miked the drums a little more closely and a little more carefully,’ Raphael says.
- The tapestry from Raphael's cartoon of "The Miraculous Draught of Fishes" is a very remarkable work of art, and one which stands alone in modern needlework. Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
- Pouring out a remarkably viscous mixture of irrelevance and self-gratulatory dimestore rhetoric, the racist National Post blogger "Raphael Alexander" (not his real name) takes a poke at me for my remarks about Michael Coren yesterday. Archive 2009-04-01
- Rosetti, the founder of the Pre-Raphaelite painting movement shared the tenancy.
- She had little formal education but travelled widely in Europe where her somewhat dramatic taste led to an interest in Italian Mannerism, German Romanticism, Pre-Raphaelitism, and the decadents.