How To Use Rapacity In A Sentence
But don't think for a second that the Fed has some kind of monopoly on a situation where rapacity pervades honest reason.
While some have embraced democratic principles, others continue to rule through rapacity, despotism, and corruption.
Some would argue we had no choice considering the rapacity and oppressiveness of our foe.
How the End Begins
State, will strive to keep the Indians as far as possible from its own borders; while powerful combinations of speculators will make their fight for the last acre of Indian lands with just as much rapacity as if they had not already, in Western phrase, "gobbled" a hundred thousand square miles of it.
The Indian Question (1874)
Maxwell land grant case, which he characterizes as a wanton and shameful surrender to the rapacity of monopolists of 1,662,764 acres of the public domain, on which hundreds of poor men had settled in good faith and made valuable improvements.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 Volume 1, Number 9

It is not an effective instrument for protecting our people from the greed and rapacity of outsiders.
Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.
The reputation of private equity and hedge fund groups for short-termism and rapacity can make it difficult for stakeholders to swallow the idea of their taking larger positions in US energy infrastructure ownership.
Peter Gardett: Shadow Banks Go Long Energy Projects
It shows a society that, white or red, encourages rapacity, self-deception and slavish respect for authority.
It's been brewing for more than a year, this public resentment of the rapacity of police ticketing for traffic offences.
The State University is exposed to the rapacity of the party spoilsman.
I prize highly the advantages of civilization, and the blessings of civil and religious liberty; but never shall a vote of mine be given to encourage unjust invasion and conquest on the pretext of pushing civilization, or to carry the Bible with the sword, so that rapacity may call its crimes the diffusion of Christianity.
On the Zulu War
Eight credits per week went to the company, in advance, for room and board; the rest he spent over the fat man's bar or gambled away at the fat man's crooked games-for Bominger, although engaged in vaster commerce far, nevertheless allowed no scruple to interfere with his esurient rapacity.
Gray Lensman
No situation, however obscure, or however sacred, escaped the rapacity of the enemy.
This puts a limit on the rapacity of a patent holder.
They clung to it amid sufferings too shocking to dwell on; [9] they clung to it under such a serfhood as made the rapacity of their conquerors interested in retaining them on the soil.
Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry
The sacrilegious man is he who perjures himself on the gospel, who extends his rapacity to sacred things, who imbrues his hands in the blood of priests.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Rapacity may stand behind extravagance to keep the supply inexhausted.
Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
He argued that the overcrowded cities were the product of a system based on "selfishness" and "rapacity".
The thing we are dehorted from, covetousness, 293. by which is not meant a prudent forecast and parsimony, 294. but an anxious care about worldly things, attended with a distrust of Providence, 295. a rapacity in getting, 298. by all illegal ways, 301. a tenaciousness in keeping,
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
Indeed, the prime impulse behind the campaign to save nature, and expressly to husband wilderness, was aghast awareness of its imminent disappearance, in tandem with conscience-stricken guilt at their forebears' rapacity and greed.
wolfish rapacity
Accident, by throwing into my hands this last letter to the uncle whose goodness you have most unwarrantably and unfeelingly abused, has given birth to an investigation, by which I have arrived at the discovery of the long course of rapacity by which you have pillaged from the same source.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
It's precisely that rapacity, that appetite, that makes them who they are, that allows them to recognize themselves.
Critics who decry regulatory costs are dismissed as deluded apologists for corporate rapacity.
And it appalls me that people who claim for their views the authority of science routinely and arbitrarily insist on a brutally reductionist notion of what a human being is, what the human mind is, that justifies as inevitable every sort of meagerness and rapacity.
Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture.
Harper's Magazine